that scorns his malefic and mephitic meres and morrows.As if nescient muliebrity,nocuous and noisome,with perfervid perfidy,robed his johny joie de vivre.Sometimes negligent of his orgulous and philipic plangence,volleyed at plenteous bushwhack plumbless.There he goes into the astrayedpit at this sullen realm farawayandbeyond his rhadamantined thresh,his umbilical quidnunc,repined refulgency and rubescent roundelay,rutilant by chirping birds.Starcrossedships of desert steed unstunned over stygian groove across storied strand.Not chided by supernal surruration,whose temerarious evasion,thrice this tenebrous sky flown.Toilsometidings amiss,toped by welkin of virescent ingratitude.Wondrouswrath grimaces wreathe of younglingyonder yores whodefile and defy zephyr ofillustrousdreamyard fait accompli and white sepulchre,an elusive dreamland wayfarer.The deadwood of the mules creases the muleteer to cast a sentry adispose.A rambling that cannot be extricated from its coatings;a paranoiac.And lo
,medication,o selfcare.
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