Swore not to be ducked.Now at the feet they plead so oft they plead maligned semantics to plead them clemency and doused metalanguages,with oleaginous currents of a polyglot.Now they woo them cammaraderrie,fettled above this pang sinewy of the direful goddess of war.Poked boyhood lampooned them,'Wallow, gooseberries,alien sloths at this realm umbilical cord hamstrung,washing royal robes in dirty linen.Sing not the liturgy of the longwinded,when at sedate moor,over this prostituted altars forsooth reckons low comedies,defying lowdowns,not for sportish dance their lullaby.'They keep the fastener where are none but lustrous cheeks of the obscurantism.The high pitched magniloquence of the cosmopolitans frets the sea,jewels of the Carribean,jewel of the seas,fairroses in their genetic bones junketing,winkled not with a squint and winnow with a spleen,splaying to spitfire,with splendiferous spit and polish to clean corpus augean stable,fairy moon,resilient stirups,splinted up
on the green fields of the earth.
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