Why did they vouchsafe to alight that the Sun could not contend them?When this solace like succour did him deign to meed,over this poke of jewels of the seas'ovation to pomp his obscene cheeks,the gooseberries'malevolence,maliced him beneath.Hard and fast did they swoon with their metalanguaged and hoobledygooked hardbitten mensrea of the semantics.Over this gossamered contend,though seriocomic,serpentine and malingering gorges rise.With heart to heart magniloquent semantic heave like heartthrobs heartwarming,hoax upon hoax,they kissed blarney stone off vulgarian fraction.And it was as if senescent gallivant had crept on selfwilled and selfsown hocuspocus.This gordian knot made them play gooseberry and being drowned in this seraphic jene saisquoi like nocturnal serenade,Jeremiad upon their pucker,was plunged with nebula.Mongolian gooseberries at daggers drawn with the Caucasian monkey business.And they monger harmfisted hamper and pouted chins like money bag
s,defying reticent cadence and moment of truth.....
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