July 17, 2023
Set Forth At Dawn
ibikunle laniyan
Mon, Apr 10, 11:16 AM
to laniyankunle
The beauty of vision is interred in the strategic feat of accomplished reality or so to say fait accompli.We attain the outcome not because the intention or the vision is an abracadabra as some seem when they behold successful people and accommodate them with overwhelmed ego of awe and status embarrassment in contrariwise to their pontificating goofs of sallowhood.Those who set forth at dawn perhaps are opportune to make faster overture than the late comers though that is not the recipe to adjudge potential success often make a huge impact.The use of time and reaping the best of time investment calls for references to human reflection to bouy or influence quality of outcome desired.We do not deride the fact of late comers thriving in saturated industry given both are defined by induction of sustainable moral commitment to strategic compass of the blazing vision they desire or set forth at dawn.Early adventure affords the ample opportunity to produce traffic lot of triar and error, unfolds monumental discoveries,reap overwhelming profits amidst relentless affliction and extended family of failures nurturing awesome population of proteges and disciples.We do not discountenance that overtaken is allowed in terms of scope of achievement but not definitely with the grandmaster in terms of value and volumes of achievement recorded and that is why we call it'checkered antecedence,'be it for a nation,entity or individual.It takes monumental proportion of time and avalanche of time investment to achieve such feat.The on us affords the time tested artists to spread creativity,uncovers new yield of innovation, science and technology as time investment and time Creator's Intelligence permits.The problem case studies and problem solving time intent of the artists often times create platform for this context of experimentation, experience hunting and innovation and unleash new values and ways of life.No matter what you do the the blessings of current strategic impact must exceed prior antecedence.Anything to the contrary is a fabulous fable and a mere aggrandized hotchpotch of negative reflection and negative reflection galore.We are judged by the outcome of what we do and not what we do.The art of becoming or it's science does not favour anyone and much less elsewhere around the world, where development or the practice of development is receding,when juxtaposed in the same mode at which negative reflection growls.It does not follow which religion or race they follow but the fair object of positive reflection and if possible egalitarian impact in the world at large.To the early comers in the golden enterprise of time investment,there is need for implicit and explicit juxtaposition that takes huge milestone of time investment to attain.To acquire much confidence to break the frontiers of much prior feat certainly defy the spate of such shorttermism when it defiles the status quo to break the stalemate and pay off liability by the orgy of repressive canyons and cumulative responsibility of time investment.
Reflections.chapter 2.pg.4
ibikunle laniyan
Fri, Mar 24, 7:42 AM
to laniyankunle
The generic approach to problem study permits easy policy apparent analysis and solution to make social life affordable.The exigencies for rapid comprehension of social problem,enables customized solution for specific problem identification.Frankly speaking,it all depends on getting appropriate structured scrutiny right depending on the politics of positive reflection devoid of poignant prejudice.We broadly approach metaphysical realm of social work with levity when we ignobly ignore the strategic use of impression literature overwhelmed by prejudice and it leads to moral impairment and ensure gross underdevelopment.Ideally,once we take informed decision or not,we re liable and responsible to our various social actions.The spiral of social instability is therefore not a natural impairment but man-made causes that requires the use of impression literature to take informed decision and flag off meaningful transition of average tradition.This avoids trial and error and relentless spate of conditional threats associated with general impact management.
Re: Reflections.chapter 3,pg.1
ibikunle laniyan
Apr 1, 2023, 2:50 PM
to laniyankunle
Effective hate management and Public Good system.
The unfair politics of positive reflection in most climes is quite alarming and a sole causative factor and much responsible as impairment custody for the evolution of hate tradition.We are not unaware as humanity the fact that men of positive reflection are infinitely also catalysts behind the obscenes,relentless spate and immodest traverse of the hate tradition.Plebeans in most cases are not spared either of their behavioral debris and insensitive followership attributes crusading their ignorance in the ever ballooning nightmare of unbridled negative reflection.They maybe diverse in values and commodious population wise,their prejudice of moral impairment politics and causal impact pale into obscurity the gravity of monumental damage that men of positive reflection could unleash at a given period.Should they not act out of discord, there could exert enormous impact on the welfare of public good in general.Contextually we cannot disagreed with the superior influence of such consensus reflection the fundamental basis of mordern democractic society.We do not dispute the fact the objective nature of followership and leadership in the strategic management of positive reflection is a winding catapult that is determined by volatile nature of the environment they found themselves.Apparently,this unfair politics butchers the welfare and mortgage the potential operating platform of the public good system.Behold where the unfair politics persist contemporary public good evanishes alongside its likely cultural incentives to unleash new values and uncommon custom of equity and fairness.The rise in the growth of demeaning hate tradition is a bespoke investment of this unfair politics and the religion of insensitive leadership and ignorant followership.Although we share consensus reflection,hate tradition cannot be completely eradicated in mordern society,however it should be noted that public good system doesn't exist where the effective hate management system hibernates in gross obscurity.The general conduct of unfair
On Mar 28, 2023 2:59 PM, "ibikunle laniyan" wrote:
The endowment and the art of problem identification,problem recommendation and solution procurement with lightning speed,amidst the myriad of social problem is not common to all asundry and climes. I have no doubt were it to be so, extinction of social debt would have been guaranteed long ago.To come to terms with the new mode of solution analysis and solution procurement,the best alibi is to quarantine the sparsely blokes with superior tact for positive reflection.A responsible response that unveils the fortune of human and social preparedness when commercialised could subconsciously nip in the bud,the protruberances and outstandings of social problem.The characters of positive reflection are blessed with the sole panacea to curb immodesty of social debt.Social problems when not resolved in the long run,as moral outstandings otherwise also known as social debt,are barely resolved in the nightmare of prejudice.Frankly speaking,where the problem and such challenges still lingers, it is certain evidence politics of positive reflection either hasn't yet begin or barely take root.Regardless of the nature of dastardly operating environment,the system of problem management begining with case study such as identification, recommendation, analysis and procurement including policy study, prescription,analysis, approach and resolution subject to evaluation of impression literature,must be thoroughly instituted in the meantime for the success of problem case studies,in a given policy approach and concerned environment.The environment of human reflection and the explorative resources to get aid
are not far fetched albeit restricted alteration and resources import must be located in the same environment where the extant problem case study begins.Often times larger spectrum of arts invariably observe a given problem but it takes a professional to thrive in the objective references and problem case study identification for the right solution .Behold the fact that it is hardly found to be such a universal arts and the rarity of human curio speaks volumes why you never get to see expertise with such monumental prestige,for many generic generations long after they are gone.To take a political approach to problem solving is a wonderful worst case scenario in problem management and problem case studies respectively.A time wasting venom that is not common or distinctive or unique to the developing countries alone but also advanced climes tainted with superior coloration for racial profiling worst than ethnic profiling of the former.Social problem often takes a universal policy approach and effective problem management to thrive better in sensitive climes with the benediction of proper hate management culture and public good irrespective of races and climes,we are found,the public good system and proper hate management culture ensures faster disposal of problem case studies even before they become standard orthodoxies. To become standard orthodoxies, social problem must have empirical evidence of gross underdevelopment, institutional Injustice, social instability, widespread poverty,with destructive impact.Although may not be isolated to a particular region but strategic solution to strategic locations enhances the concept of problem case studies.Extensive investment in the impression literature smoothens and accelerate problem process management, resolution and review.
Nigerian Girls,Future Fake Mothers
ibikunle laniyan
Mon, Apr 10, 11:16 AM
to laniyankunle
Wonder shall never end.Recently i switched to wasobia fm and on the 7th of the April I was listening to Chiboy on Wasobia as he lamented the fraudulent attitude of Nigerian Girls our so called future mothers.He berated the fake lives of Nigerian Girls and their shenanigans at extorting money and duping their so called boyfriends of their hard-earned properties.Extorting not only money ,but clothes, sandals, phones,food, recharge cards,data,.Girlfriends every where are too demanding and not for once showing gratitude to their patners for their philanthropic gesture.Drawing from personal experience,in the last edition of Chiboy and the Calabar girls,he went into narrative of possible scenarios a boyfriend could experience with visiting girl friend.Callers and text messages were in most cases male dominated and did not for once debunk the gory tales of these elements of ingratitude.He was fond of lampooning fake lives of Nigerian Girls epitomized in the celibate personality of Itoro.A delight of comedy and tragicomedy for their fake lives.
Your guess is as good as mine the personal experience we share on a daily basis and onerous cost of having girl friend especially for the poor folks on the street.A girl on a visit to his guy throws caution to the wind, extorting the guy to the last Kobo.They tend to share passion for uncommon programs led by General Badman, otherwise also known as James Expensive into the s,into the P and Solid AC,then Solid AC and Uzor toasting themselves like Chiboy and Itoro.Chiboy makes a satire and a parody of this fabled girls and unleash the paradox that society or the media barely talks about.
Nigerian Girls epitomized by lust for money and greed for wealth.The challenge of nation building begins with welfare of the family and stunted economic growth and the plight of peculiar values undermine the posterity of sustainable development.True human development unarguably begins with family and future mothers are today's girls.Like the male folks,their greed and deception with fake lives a foolproof of family failure to demystify the quality of future motherhood.We shouldn't expect a distinct outcome from a nation with parlous family foundation.
Writing is a wonderful profession and quite interesting to behold wonderful hands of earthlings archiving the present and the past into the unknown future even before it's birth.However I make bold to say that from the time hesiod and home started to write so fast as they could go down to the least of mordern writers,the best of writers in terms of volume and speed wouldn't have written 3.2pages if he had lived a hundred years.Infact not even a 1.2m.or 1m.pages should he so much tried.I don't think the best effort of mortal writer couldn't have gone beyond 200,000pages at most or better still slight above 100,000pages.I infinitely doubt human ability to pen at least 1,000books at most.And I set 1m.pages for myself and at least a thousand books.
The energy from the sun sustains the universe and keep it alive.There is a belief that the universe cannot exist without this energy and the very solid fuel that gives it light or power to drive home eternal motion and enables the systemic functionality of the nature.Unarguably,this energy replenishes the four components of the Earth mainly water,air,Earth and fire and nothing ever exist without it.It is constant, reliable and dependable and the true reason behind the survival of nature.We agree everything changes,life changes,time changes including the four components of the Earth through which nature was created and evolved along the same path.Condition changes,order changes, mankind changes and custom changes but not so with the energy that maintains universe.The technology of eternal energy though renews itself every second,it still remains an Immortal mystery beyond the grasp of mortals. Natural science indicates that the four components are catalysts for the growth of animals, plants,species and nature in general.However, science has not been able to identify this energy though numerous thesis were churned out in this context which I believe is a conjecture at large.In one of my research,I uncovered the energy as mother nature and the theocentre of this energy system or intangible light is faith.Fortunately faith is a common etymology to mankind in general with the evidence that butresses the preeminence of religion in human society.A staggering six thousand religions world wide and still yet we undermine the rational use of the mother nature is the spirit of nature and existence though have explained differently and largely misconstrued by avant-garde in general.Energy or power is everything and everywhere at every time and everything you see is a conglomerate of this power. Given that it is omnipotent, omnipresence and omniscience,it has the capability to supply all material and no material needs in the same way it has the earned the mysterious feat for being involved in the creation and evolution of nature.To conform into the operating module of this energy,is to unleash the infinite powers and infinite Intelligence to make things happen and impossibility possible.However,in order to key into this supernatural power,faith in the part of mankind is allowed and badly needed to unleash any accomplishment whatsoever.When we are unperturbed with this mode of action we can be sure of successful undertakings.Faith that cannot shaken is only possible with the realization of this esoteric power.Great men of the world were able to use the power of subconscious mind the true hidden universal mind to rake astounding achievement.
July 16, 2023
Plateau state in Nigeria is now killing field with average killing of 345 people per day and about 18,000persons in the internal displaced camps in about 14 local governments.what do you make of this brouhaha?The speculation was rife their land was sold and formerly cool and calm state with serene weather now hotbed of killings.Citizen Jones lamented on 90.3 fm a local radio about these killings, a metaphor for failed nigerian state.He reiterated,are we down?This was his concern after debate on the function and effectiveness of EFCC.With a group of lawyers they debated the viable existence of nigeria.
And lo,the medley out of foofarawed and flimflamed futz,at gambit in gadzooks,barely their doppelganger could stigmatise the cornucopia of bailiwick to traduce the open cryptozoology that ran amok in the alfresco, festooned by triumphant hills.And the wagging tongues of lackadaisical kvetchers and dreamland's noctambulists,lollygagging in their maelstrom of dreamland's noyade and metro operoses ceased the pantagrualian otalgia.This spaghettificated peterman's pilgrimage of pilgarlic quibbles, scalawags,rumpus ruffians, scatterbrained, schmoozing scofflaws,slapdash skullduggery and scrofulous ragamuffins in their skedaddling sausade still on the pother and pollex,to previse rollover of the razzle dazzling razzia.Oh,superfluous snollygosters and the taniwha,the fifth columnists on the slipshod in reprisal, spellbound telekinesis in spurrier usurped by vagabonds,untill the velleity of switcherooed spitchcock, impudent verve
July 15, 2023
ibikunle laniyan
Mon, Apr 17, 10:28 PM
to laniyankunle
From the vilest lounge lizards, metropolitans earnestly crave nirvana.
And making a sloth of wishes,treasure of lofty heights deep shrinking thoughts'neglect persuades shall apprise my wit of unthrifty simpletons,vamoosed in garrison of unspoken dreams.Then let it not defile their freaking dread,trivial homage pays o melange of the ridiculous dilletantes,not too darling blunt,to blunt the lion's paws,faintest sweet brood upon devouring time and shallow Earth in disdain of macrocephalous stormy petrel.Sorry seasons of anomy,to carve shallow Earth with the unfairest brows,glazing perchance by cunning eyes gone berserk to refrain from the Portmanteau of weary toils,unleashed by the petrel's travelogue.So oft have they faintest invoked the gods and goddesses of sorcery and loomed with sorcerers;heart inflaming torch to court his festoons and wreath of garlands.His legion not disarmed by noctambulism in perpetual duress of tripping expedition,to pay the theft and quash the season of anomie.Shall we compare to the lounge lizards o let fiddle be fiddle,metropolitans of backward violets.
Re:Human Reflection And Environmental Management.chapter 4
ibikunle laniyan
Mon, Apr 17, 10:26 PM
to laniyankunle
We cannot jettison the fact that the environment of human reflection and the resources it badly needed to grow in an ideal setting,grows in the same proportion as the physical environment,it operates.The velocity of both ratio is expected to grow at the same rate at least or at best the former should supercede it by generations yet unknown and avoid shortfall and setback.This is what is called planning and preparedness.A lag behind by the former creates incompatible barrier that ordinarily automates the floodgate of social debts.What could have accounted for this mismatch?The clarity is adjudged convincing enough with credible evidence in this context,we refer to miniature or infinitesimal ratio of objective followership and objective leadership respectively.What an uncensored horizon! The size of politics of prejudice in an uncensored environment tends to accelerate negative reflection compared to censored environment.Nevertheless human reflection in the budget of preparedness invariably outgrows the environment that supplants its operating muse.As long as the operating muse keeps growing with selfreflection,it is bound to outgrow the environment either by content or impact leveraging.Note that operating or usable intelligence or so to say a combination of reflection,and dormant Intelligence and forecast impact management.This in real terms aptly refers to upgraded use of intelligence,preparedness and with evidence of Investment return,it is tagged operating Intelligence.This untapped high level of objectivity if commercialised and guaranteed could ensure the sustainability and maintenance of operating Intelligence either by manual use or automated bot through the treaty of great charter of liberty at advanced stage but initially through the statistical manual monitoring, physical surveillance or and the supervision. Depending on the perspective,we affirm that based on the growing size of brain morally or immorally, negative or positive,the reflection often outgrow the environment that nurtures as tradition or habbit formation grows uncontrollably.To control movement from environment into alien land either the reflection or environment is impaired or growth is impaired leading moral or physical damage to the artist or environment involved.The natural consequences could be moral impairment, perspective and personal impairment,medical impairment,unfulfillment,maniac depression, frustration, mental health irresponsibilty and a host of traffic causes in tradition transition hazards (TTH)of becoming.Sometimes short lived life and unfulfilled destiny of the concerned artists.
It is trite to enthuse that the quality and quantity of human reflection multiplies by locations in a given environment and when moral exhaustion sets in,nexpedient (necessary -expediency)necessity warrants growth of arts beyond known horizon to other environment as ordained by forces beyond the individual powers.In this censored environment,the human artist is opportune to escape the process ordeals of TTH a movement that could catapult rapid growth of average to median and top tradition transition.In most cases quality of reflection dies in an uncensored environment.
On Mar 24, 2023 7:20 AM, "ibikunle laniyan" wrote:
July 14, 2023
A Travelogue s Festoon.part 1
A cromulent coddiwompler,axiculous,kenspeckle,lamprophoniac,quixotic pauciloquent out of mephitic dysani,defenestrated by eleutheromania insomuch to pluck ado from limerence and meraki of apricated ferhweh,in repugnant of resilient hiraeth.Not a numinous dint of pernicious schwellenangst and egregious mudita to ingratiate himself with the papilionaceous querencia and peripatetic retrouvailles,a sondered sollivagant on the attic shore of abesi.From the Ubuntu of aching ados,his vellichor in sychronicity of novaturient eudaimonia.Adrift from the mixtymaty,spizzerinctum and matutolypea of the beachcombers,beastof preys macerated by beast of burdens,baragouins,beetlebrowed beefcakes,fafflers,fimblefamblers,forjeskits in feriation and quake buttocks smothered with kakorrhaphiophobia,lallation and haunted with oneirodynia, gourmands with pozzywallah,ombibulous raving with scuttlebutts,beaujolais, Burgundies,limburgers,verjuices,beafsteaks,demitasses,companages,scrumdiddlyumptious mulligatawnies,smorgasbords,confectioneries,coffeepotters,bisques,borschts,bouillabaisses,rechauffes,slobberchops,alamodes,alacartes,rummers,tapsters,bistros and alehouses'afficionados and hogos,the tiffin lover,almondeyed,makebating jigamaree and ambiential but ambidextrous ampere,loofed himself,with drawn sword from forel,in whister-twister, with quenched derechos, coast home pyrhic victory.Waow, what a brutish anecdote of funerary urns'gourmets,egregious cognoscentis,opulent bouquets,forest cauldrons and brinny deep brinkmanship!Scarebabies,clinomaniac,atingled bafflegabs,still on the recubation,where composmentis freak out concertina,till the standing ovation was dished out to the obeliscolychny.Did he not traduce them the betweenity of breedbating clinchpoops with contempt and cachinnation ?The xertz of agastopiac eulogy pours dyspeptic and fractious he in gusto,the asportation and backberend of dreams suspended.The arcadian,ulotrichous globetrotter whose silvery of elfinlike forays dances in the moonlight,not yet over with the epilogue,drew fortitude from imperious martinet of insouciant n'est-ce pas.Orotund but noisome interlocutors,dribbled with weltschmerz.Hurled himself like a vagabond,sapient spirited Zorro, willynilly in the teepees and wigwams of the obstreperous deadwood, nocturnal hunting, not the scintillating treehoppers,to outwit the tempestuous typhoons.
A Travelogue s Festoon PART 3
The macrocephalous stormy petrel,a replica of the golden boy,swerved in locupletative euphoria and balustrade of magnanimous ovation,swooned aplomb by demured petrichor,obstrigillate the contemptuous folks.Sometimes miffed beyond compare to micturate,some mutandum by suicide,nonsequiturs for the manque of milquetoast,even as sepulchral forenensts and bombastic vitriolics,gobsmacked.A vertiginious palimpsest and corpulent catechism of ascetic jeu d'espirit in the season of anomie supplanted amidst the gallows,sanguine,blanch, caesura and elegiac stones and bricks of egregious epater la bourgeois.What litotes thaned upon the earls of this fiendish Wyrd to smash the virtuoso of nirvana?Not too didactic a convivial to denigrate and cringe in this peregrinatory blandishments of anomied season,hunked,in disparate lethargy.A travelogue's oddysey, rampaging from everest skywards and Himalayan travelocity, nonetheless,met the festoon at dawn.
The kaleidoscopic experience of light is apparently quite distinguished from that of darkness and the brightness of the day cannot be comprehended by the darkness in the night.Hence,what is real not the same with fake or fabled entity and where ignorance rules knowledge does not dare rule nor attempt to comprehend it without chart bursting exceptional outcome.Moreover,people and nationalities tend to obtain their tradition from prior influence and in most cases, long forgotten history.In most cases,spectra of human reflection often emanates from the prism of this historical gesture, positive or negative as long as it guarantees them manageable outcome or satisfactory results.They don't even care whether the result or the traffic of tradition is palatable or not.A good reason behind human lethargy's critical inability to leave the comfortability of their comfortable zones.Being indifference to venture beyond the seas of uncharted coast,testifies to the bullying bugbears of dread itself, tainted the adventure of aspiring elements.The tangled knot of rigidity,often threatens the posterity of the state or such beleaguered society where in most cases the social norms of positive attitude and mental health under moral siege is relentlessly involved.Whereas it is extremely arduous task to leave tradition behind for the so called positivity when indeed it is the spring board or Commonwealth of innovation or technology incubators for the brightest posterity that such positivism may not guarantee.Mordern society as it were over the ages,is perennially torn between this Scylla and charybdis and to get the right adaptation, adjustment between this indecision for a soft landing seems to torn apart polities in the various entanglement,they found themselves.The adoption of social measures must come with predictable forecast,whose outcome can be accelerated by extant social forces and enhanceable moral adustment.In most cases,moral impairment has persisted where such adjustment could not be procured.This does not go down well with the welfare of positive attitude which when invariably we refer to time Investment factors or positive value items like honesty, transparency,justice integrity,etc.Does it implies that the mental health of the rudderless state or volatile society is affected when such adjustment at a given period, fails like failure?There is need to juxtapose the euphonious and cacophonous ensembles of aggregate historical identities to unveil what the adjustment can do or better still yet maintains that fairly persistence of the statusquo.Which one does rational historicism as oppose to empirical historicism prefer ?Do we need positive leadership or negative leadership or positive followership or negative followership or ablutionism? It is apt to say the score card of empirical historicism ordinarily provides ingenuous but optimal outcome for the verdict of rational historicism.The former is live and the latter dead upon arrival unless it is substantiated by time Investment to spin off new historical trends and engineer new vista of yet unknown history.We do not pluck history in a vacuum but raked on the evidential trees of empirical historicism.To do otherwise is to evict the spectre of true culture in place of fabricated rational historicism.
The blogger for the first time in scientific history unfolds the world of medical spiritology and in this spiritological survey and you maybe shocked with simple findings.
ibikunle laniyan
Sat, Apr 29, 12:59 PM
to laniyankunle
The universe unarguably is very inconceivably huge to comprehend and the sprawling but esoteric distances traversing,its spatial plane,amidst the peeping light sky and gentle waves of the orbit and Newtonian elliptical oval is mind blogging.Quite a nebula,indeed,that the scientists measure these distances in light minutes and light years.
However,we are bound to ask questions like the scientists do.What is light minutes or light years?A distance through which light travels in one minute is light minute and that's a long but tortuous road,given the fact that light travels its traffic through space at 300,000 km.per second.Therefore a light minute is 60 times 300,000 or 18m.km.The former a light years is close to ten trillion kilometers away.That is to say how far away is the sun?Just a little over 8 light minutes away.On a hot June day with rays of sunlight warming mortal faces, must have travelled the universe,that eight minutes to reach us.Pluto next planet is five light hours away from earthlings and that is to say an astronomer through telescope is gazing back five light hours in time.The closest star in the milky way or winter street to our planet is just four light years and the whole nebula is 90,000light years wide.That is the distance it takes light to travel from one end of galaxy to other.A sheer look at a star in the winter street,is 50,000 years back in time.The most distant galaxies are certainly ten billion light years away from us.And to get signals from them is about traveling same ten billion years back in an ephemeral lifetime and that of the universe.Twice as the existence of our solar system of some fifteen billion years back to the atavistic period.This tremendous feeling could the sensitive dizzy,considering the fact our sun is one of over 400billion other stars,in our own Galaxy.
Moreover,a spiritological surveys through dreams and trances indicate that the human brain is a sort of universe on its own.And to borrow the rationalists viewpoint,the universe thinks the way human mind or brain thinks.I make bold to say the universe is the brain of mothernature with 14trillion cells or stars as the same fourteen trillion cells composed in the human brain.The same cells that form the mental bigbang are the same stars that migrate into formation of the universe.Sigmund Freud,in his book Interpretation of Dreams wrote a lot about dreams and how the subconscious mind communicate with the conscious mind through the dreams.Although Freud may not have admitted this part of dream's but certainly evident before us.Every dream within a dreamyard or dreammile is unarguably fifty thousand psychocentric light travels,back in time.The movement of particles including blood in the simple anatomical survey,the
We celebrate Soyinka as he clocks 89 and we wish the obscurantist manay more years in advance
I think I love Soyinka
ibikunle laniyan
Mon, Apr 17, 10:28 PM
to laniyankunle
I think I love Soyinka.
And I Know it rains
When I love him
It is the identity of my root
The identity my father
Gave me upon crossing to art class
Unveiling my potential
Prior to clocking sweet little sixteen
He had said to me
'Son you're Soyinka'.
The Genesis of my destiny
In the path to the becoming
Still yet,the adoration for science
Does not wane
My father had made the mark
And the magic wand
'Soyinka was my first love
Soyinka was my first identity'
In the path towards obscurantism.
I think I love Soyinka
I think it rains
When I love Soyinka
As the heir apparent
To the throne of kongi
I think it rains
I think it rains.
I saw its rains
I see it rains
I see it rains
And yeah the rainstorm was fierce
When I wrote those beautiful lines
Dedicated to the king of sharons
Soyinka,the father of African literature
I think it rains when I take my pen
To write out of hazy clouds
The imponderables of the beautiful minds
Who can change the incitement?
The beautiful weather
O that my father instills in me
Long after him posthumously
The sparkling loner of the cringing voice
Like clicketyclank rings adinfinitum
In cruise of cruel baptism
I behold the beautiful dreams
With hallowed feet upon hallowed shore.
Let my father's wishes be
I think Soyinka was my first love
Soyinka was my first identity.
The true identity of my history
Soyinka was my folksongs
I think it rains
I think it rains.
Within blandishment of casuistry
And phenomenal spirit of freedom
I came to face the consequences
The consequences of choices.
Of painful choices,of the politics of choices.
I think it rains
When you follow your love
Well wishers on the great battlefield
Of freedom,
Of the freedom of the mind,
Of the freedom of passion
Of the freedom of first love
Of the freedom of first identity.
The identity of the root
Is the true love
The finest arts of the mind
I think it rains when I write
I think it rains when you return
To the roots.
The hands of the first love is heavy
Like the heavens and hell
Like grave and life.
Like day and night
Upon the freedom of expression.
I think it taxes my personality
And earns me my personage.
I think it rains when I write
I think it rains
Because I love Soyinka
June 26, 2023
Sarah came home dehydrated with a grimace ignoring the music around her in the sitting room and went straigh
t to sleep to relieve her off the hangover in the fat day's boredom.
"Where were you Miss Bell?"Jonathan inquired knocked the door opened to the warm embrace of little boy who showed up "You want to see my mum?"raised up his hands and clapping."Where is she?"Mr bedluck retorted."She is sleeping.If you wait you will see her".Then they moved out quiet glancing abroad.
Boredom was all over her healing stress mangled tendon beyond control with sleep,the best therapy she could freely find.Normally she barely slept off immediately on getting home and never was tempted to go to bed straight away before this hassle on her door.
"All right we re happy we discovered her location at the cul-de-sac.We ll wait until she's through."The elderly white man with baritone voice tapped his son watching his grown up boy playing outside bade to cool down and take it easy.As the little boy played around in the beautiful surrounding their patience was set like a flint,occasionally playing with the boy their eyes fully set as the August visitors for the drowsy mother banging the hell of boredom out of her freaking sleep rather unwittingly.
It was so cool for both of them to discover their personal and family concern was over the moment they discovered her location.Mr Bedlock in Company of his son Jonathan was amazed with himself that apparently the protracted argument that had dug deeper in the family's psychology than they had realized was finally over.It was the same mother luck they had persevered to find over the years and still wonder,why couldn't their relationship take a roller coaster step forward?He wanted to find out from Sarah.Why couldn't she move into her husband Villa?
Jonathan acrid hesitant heavily hesitated the nature of answer she'd given him on several occasions when they've met and not capable of refrain from the earlier recalcitrant stance to think like his father :she wasn't capable of making a decision of that magnitude again at this critical juncture of their love life.Jonathan couldn't think straight and was too doubtful to hear and witness her submission the way her father had hoped to woo her into Villa.Maybe slowly after she got over angst of earlier disappointment and embarrassment of previous years.
But Mr Bedluck had kept pressure alive until they finally for a decade located the new apartment she moved recently into in the vicinities.He gave the matter serious thought to hunt her back to the gaming table and take a definite decision in feverish defense of love life.When the weekend came they struck with a big bang.
In their last date in the farm,he could still recall how she got him out of the door and scampering outside like raving lunatic and under fallen rain in the unproven speculation he was also dating her sister but hadn't been able to prove it to her in the meantime. And that was before he travelled and joined the army for a decade in service.Instead of lazying herself round with him she'd curled up in the wing chair ,in her father's lonely farm by recalling golden memoirs they had share choked with guilt in her burning fireplace, sometimes wrapped up herself with heat of shrinking firewood she had gathered at the farm. A tradition that was transferred to the family by late mother finished crotchety a year before her mother's death.And for a good decade after she returned back to the farm,wondered she couldn't afford to live in modesty with her guy she was fond of but rather satisfied with living years of guilt that taking warm at her empty fireplace couldn't restore.Why would she not supposedly loved a simple affirmative answer and avert the untold injury that blanket bland spirit of egregious feminism had caused womenfolk in general?
Sarah tensed on the bedstead as the relentless awaited her appearance outside as if judgement day had beckoned.This time her ignorance was badly flawed and had no tribulation understanding jony's love,patience and veteran approach.
A return back free to the warm embrace would be nice to spend time and holiday season together.
Sarah's mother's death probably marked a turning point and couldn't help but feeling rushed, perplexed and resentful no longer with a sense of guilt emboldened to meet her guy once again.And no way would that be possible without moving into the city and the mother's death afforded her such privilege.She took a job at the Winchester corporation and at the customer care desk made ton of friends even stumbled on some of Jonathan's relatives another tired turning point in her life and that job meant every thing to her.
They waited with such remarkable euphoria,subconsciously outside adorned with such reckless impunity and immunity of sensuous guilt that no one could fault.The emotional healing in the farm in the face of constant bruises and irregular source of farm income could drain her mental energy accompanied by persistent cry of little lady freaking drove her a top notch anxiety at the cost of her lonely life.To hear that close neighborhood in the farm with grown ups were relocating back to the cities unlike the older generation.She was never happy with single parent status as she was there.
Jonathan hardly care giving the aggressive instincts of warlike folks softened by elderly presence of caring father who wanted reunion, cited failed escapades of his first son elsewhere.Jonathan knew it too but refused to admit.
The owner of the Winchester corporation stayed out of City and left the manager living in Mr Belman's Villa who was ordered to approach the lady taking charge of running the old farm.Sarah tired of rural life relinquished the management of the farm to his big uncles and left on hearing he was offered the job.
The manager of the corporation Israel Smith organised the linkage on hearing Jony was coming home during holidays.Smith had been at the helm of affairs at the corporation for a dozen years .Since her employment,Sarah had been workhacolic and served on more committees with better remuneration than she had ever bargained for or imagined.Not necessarily with the right resume but had come to accept the admonition of the manager that learning on the job could make her grow at her own pace and gain expertise beyond her wildest dreams.She knew the board of directors like the back of her arms but had struggled to unveil the true identity of the owner and was not comfortable to abide by the rumour that owner stayed out of town.
She was promised the role of manager in Brooklyn NY a convincingly but strange conviction for a female manager just six months into the job .There was no claim the proposition was perverse reasoning among the board of directors.Manager's assistant initially quashed her deepest fears and not to bother and the triumphant letter assured her of the plum job.Her suspense faded with the reception of the triumphant notes.It came when the mother died an orphan later smiled awoken from her grief two months after.
A shiver raced down her spine, when the despatch rider glanced at her and Invoked compliments as she stepped forward to collect the beautiful notes accompanied with complementary flowers.She went numb and her deep guilt profusely nosedived .The best relief she could get was the triumphant notes and she moved into the city causing her to wonder if certain actors were not behind the intrigues at the backstage freakingly ochestrated and dangled the unmerited favour.
Sarah woke up two hours after and saw her lad slept on the sofa,doors flung open had employed nanny to take care of the boy but now on leave.Then she lifted her hazy gaze, somewhat scary, barely breathing a visceral-like sensation and noticed brown leather boots broken in and out the back of elderly man with long legs and faded denim jeans gazing the surrounding.Her heart pounded and exclaimed
"Compassionate Johnny,what do you fucking want in my house?"she breathed,panted as if she heaved a sigh of relief.She must have noticed the occasional movements who played intermittently with the lad before he went in and sleep.
"Jony!jony!He apparently didn't reply.
"How are you young lady"as he was turned shockingly to greet her"Mr bedluck retorted as she cooled to reply"Am okay"."Why did you abandoned your spouse of fifteen years and traveled overseas?"the old man threw down the gauntlet."Jony was a poor man.i didnt even travel.He had great regret for dating him and not worthy to take his entreaty much serious."The old man sighed Inspired of assault on human self-esteem."Jony,what ?Did you hear what she just said?poor rat?"gripping his arms tight to his face to control chaotic trembling .She adjusted in a minute"Me Sarah?"
Jony was not a man to be caught in suspense whose better defined force of nature can be explained with one adjective'unpredictable or indecisive'.When the moment of Truth dawns in a lifetime you barely know and she must have taken the wrong course in life until the new career afforded her uncommon critical assessment brought her close to repentance perhaps shed a toga of feminist apparition.He had sworn never to return to the man whose kid he had mothered for close to twelve years until the death of her mother.It was not shameful she returned back to the city after a rethink .The knight at arm had thought it was a journey they would never make again and Sarah too had begun to believe after she moved to farm was a journey they'd never meet again.But there she was absolutely bumfuzzled and felt the revival of broken thread and return of oddest sensation.Destined to eat up her own words and the man she had considered real bad boy who hadn't expected would be returning so soon to somehow unwilling love.Walking around the spacious compound in the velvety synthetic grassy plain,was barely bombarded with interrogation and cross accusation .Love is a spirit and no distractions of distance as barrier had been erected to erase the unbreakable spirit.
"Jon didn't care for me,a perennial heartbreaker."
"My first strenght in my presence?Right from very young age,he was ladies man.Women flock to him at the least provocation.You haven't changed abit carrying the same mindset you've expressed for donkey years.Am not very sure was he well aware of retinue of cars and luxury ride from Rich girls sort of entourage I mean those Shepherded horses of salacityy and flock of peabrained girls and college bimbos panting and hunting after him down the college corridors parading their wares to get attention of the most intelligent student in the college.I had to tell him after school to look for humble girl and stick to her.What do you want him to do?"
Once again she took a devious look at him who hadn't paid much attention to such overture till the little boy woke and ran up to him."Master are you going?"playful boy with playful wits swarm around him like bees."o Junior we re coming back okay very shortly."held him tight and Pat his head gently."See,mama is quite restless woman and she complains a lot"the boy revealed "Oh is okay junior we ll be back in a jiffy"pleaded gently." Stay away from prejudices it spoils marriage too quickly and cases of dispute must be settled never allow in laws outsiders to intervene are likely going to influence spouses wrongly.i ve been married for sixty years.Is that okay?What do you do now?"he deviously inquired."I work at Winchester"unable to briddle her curiousity peered jony once again to get a better preying look.Exhausted to look at the handsome face he had cursed with reckless abandon for a full decade could drive her crazy as if he had never met him before.Jony outshone the environment in his unusual haircut, broader in masculine shoulders,thighs'thicker,disturbingly adult transformation of terrifyingly bully presence with bigger biceps yet with compassionate empathy.That could make any lady faint emaciated in the underskirt,darker ferocious looks and jarred by inquitude of unsettling and impatient reality before her.Jony spoke not a word in the father's presence for full five hours beside presence keeping of the playful little boy."How did you find this place?"One nanny called our attention when she saw your photo in Jony 's photo albums then narrated your vicinage.""Who?""MaryAllegro.You know her?"no""Any chance ?we invite you for the house party."Jony moved closer to give her and extend the invitation."You guys must settle your differences.Jony just clocked 35 years yet no issue.When will he give me a child?What is wrong with my son ?I don't know""You mean Jony?"burst into hysterical laughter."Why re laughing?Was that a fauxpas or something?These are strictly serious matters of the heart"as she adjusted herself not ready to reveal he impregnated her and ran away at age seventeen and didn't Know it himself.
Natural Species And Body System: Origin of Death.part one
Life is full of wonders and the blogger was A wonderful creature
baffled to uncover the origin of fucking death that states us in the face in the vision of the night on June 22nd.He marveled that the body components that we inherited from our race was made of bacterias and viruses old demons cast out of biblical heaven in which Satan fought the old God and when they settled on earth were formed into the body structure of all natural Species including human body.i use to wonder after death of a person the carcass remains after feverish departure of the heavenly spirit or what the Christians called'Spirit of God".
Hence the remains viruses and bacteria eats up to the body they help devise.You hear odor and you re surprised decomposition starts at maximum 48hours or 24hours.Scientist say the body is full of matter and are formed by bacteria and viruses.Knowing the origin of death probably we can equally know the origin of life and invent life and play God with science."If God had not existed it would be possible to invent him"Voltaire requoted.
Before we proceed:What are natural Species?How do they get formed including these demons?If we do a thorough finding we could revolutionise mordern science and overturn theory of germs by Koch that misled Western scientists and ushernin a new dawn.
HAMILTONIAN AMERICA.Chapter 4.Hamilton In America.page 7,8,9,10
Thompson rose up before dawn made several phone calls and dictated several letters in the same context and closed deals with several coffee cups.David hurriedly dressed up in the morning and cuddled his bag and moved out.He had wanted to stay home with his scintillating father whom he trusted would often make his day until he recalled principal's memoirs and the agreed.Dad had insisted on punctuality and moved out too quickly with no bicycle, spotted to the school's bus with no alternative plan,boarded was quite interesting to reach the school in recorded time and mere 45minutes drive.
A group of students hissed at him unable to respond to them sat in the third a group of three.
"Nicholas you remember him?"
"Do you know him,why do you hiss?
You re stubborn,disturbing privacy."
"So you ve forgotten too quickly?You re a por brainer"
What ?"
"You mean u don't know that boy that heavily narrated almost all the trees in the school farm and we worshipped him like a deity? Jesus,were you not there?Oh are you blind".
"You mean the late comer- guy whose struggle with Gregory on a bicycle was halted by teacher Mark after a big slap ?"
"That wasn't his face I could recall."
"That's him you sound hilarious."they both hissed and beckoned at him until he was patted."Junior Pat him he wouldn't budge .What a rude boy?"
"He's quiet and stubborn the son of a Forester."the little lady headed his brother and stood up paced to the front row and patted him.
"Who are you?"he looked back and frowned.
"Gregory's friend the guy who struggled with you in the school farm".he kept quiet.
He went back to the seat."He snobbed you?"grin at him"That's the characteristics of forester's son.He would never forgive u."
"But such a wonderful lady and extremely intelligent.The teacher Mark gave him a big invitation."settled on his sit."What?"struggled to sit shifted gaze to Junior."You don't pay attention to events absentmindedly.He will be seeing him today." stopped gesticulating."Your punishment is not over yet you have to finish it and I was told to supervise you."I stayed late 6hours and finished my Gregory, Samuel and Johnson barely started yet.If you reconcile with this boy,you might get influence in the school.""we re coming down now"".Oh see he stood alighting at the principal's lounge." "Principal?What has the lounge got to do with teacher Mark?"looking startled."I be said it times without number,pay attention."they watched in amazement as he crossed to the front badminton court overlooking the lounge."meaning?"still groping his face in the dark."Don't you mark your teacher is the principal's first child eldest son?"shocked the absenteeism."Oh my gost.i ve'nt been to mark and I snobbed him too a lot.""uhmm..."What do we now?" "I don't know but he's going to see the principal and the son.They re after Intelligent boys and grant them scholarship.My parents were excited when I narrated the event of yesterday to them.They couldn't believe it .They told me to make friend with him and surround myself with lad like that.You have to be serious with our studies. To you and Gregory stop bullying students."as they unboarded the bus at the students park where senior student classrooms was located.
Several paces away from the principal's lounge, David overwhelmed with fear when at a distance of fifty meters away,his succumbed to eavesdropping.It was the American history that they were discussing in ignorance of vital facts.
"How many of the founding fathers do you know Mark?You know you re great teacher in the school and you teaches history too,a compulsory subject in American school."Mr Chapman the Principal lowered his spectacle as they discussed the history of the early republic and came out into the front porch faced each other.They hadn't noticed Thompson who stopped behind handball court and hid for a while to hear them.
Sir Dad,I ve read about Benjamin Franklin,George Washington and am still searching for more."his voice was fallen and looked up from his puzzle and grinned at his father"You re still a non starter in the history of your country.Anyway I didn't take you up more quickly as a lad much longer before teenage strenght eluded.""Dad Washington built America fought war with Britain and ratified the Constitution of 1789. "his gesture took a dip when his father retorted"how many are they the so called founding fathers?"
"I ll do more search."Your mum's library how about that ?Is it not currently open on Thursday and Saturday?""You re right I was told you gave orders fortnightly, although I don't live there but have been going there in mother's court neaeby
far from your office .I saw she stucked the library after I returned home from the University and ever since I ve been sleeping and reading to prepare classroom lessions.i ve baked my intelligence with her books and aided few students who showed vicious interest"
"How do you mean'vicious interest'?"he balked.Dad students are lovers of entertainment and scaling back on their studies.A handful that showed interest I called it vicious interest that is they re not interested and volatile.I saw a boy mesmerized his mates in the school farm yesterday and I invited him to meet you today.""and the name?""David,he identified the names and block location of each trees to the embarrassment of colleagues."Just like that? how old was he ?""I don't know but I guess around 16years."uhmmmmm"" By the time he finished presentation,rest of the farm was speechless and farmkeeper's sloth departed him.Come and see little children embarrassment galore sprouted up their cheeks like a thermometer's Mercury.He didn't make a mistake until he finished identifying the family of the trees and never for once, accurate until the melodrama ended and for Samuel, Gregory and his brothers they couldn't look up. I'll be grooming the isolated best against the worst case scenario.""Oh what did you call his name?""David Thompson""Oh i see,you mean you don't know the old soldier one of the world war two veterans whose grandfather and great grandfather settled in the forest?His father lives in the wild.Why wouldn't he know it the son of a Forester?""He made Same remarks in the world.i told him to come today.How could the school have been so stupid to ignore bright students?""We have scholarship for them and now two decades after, teachers still refer them often two or three in every class.Since you re just two years in your teaching career, your mother ought to have told you."heypresto he no longer cast a tipsy-ruined pathetic look."See him coming out on time"as he raised his head to David moved out on time before principal's visit commenced to the private University nearby."David come over here quickly"his voice rapturously rose in ecstacy and poured gusto on young lad.He ran towards his adorable teacher into a warm embrace."Are you sure u haven't been deviously hiding elsewhere?""How is Grandpa ,I hope is fine?" "You mean my dad's dad?Yeah passed on five years ago when my sister was born.My dad he fought during the second world war and was such a great soldier like you sir." "I thought as much,what a long weary journey we've trodded.Am leaving on grace and getting to vendor's newstand early morning to buy and read papers and the obligation of running my schools had kept me.My friends are gone and here raised some of their son including you. Am not surprised about your brilliance and you emulated both of them.""Dad I saw him from the window coming direct and probably his himself to eavesdrop our discussion about the early republic?""He might probably have a better answer."not a dint of dubiety was dubbed in his baritoned voice."You hear him?Who are the founding fathers?"he raised his curious head."I think you were referring to the true founding fathers like George Washington,John Adams,Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson,James Madison,John Jay and the last man?""Mark did I not tell you? They were seven he mentioned it.Who was the last man?"Mark was speechless"I didnt want to quickly mention the most holy historical name before I finish my little explosion.aThey said 49men ratified the Constitution of 1789 are regarded as founding fathers.To summarise it the true founding fathers are seven but the fact that American historicists and histories are great liers but nothing matters And the last man Alexander hamilton was the sole founder of America "
Dad you hear him?""I saw him there and never knew would blow me off like this?""The parents started much earlier with him and ask him:where did he get his idea from?let me help you:do you have a library?"holding his shoulder and readjusted his glasses."My father stays in the library and often times in the forest promenade we discussed history and science."Mark jaw's tapered into apparent schock."So you don't believe in the notion of founding fathers?"they spun round to face him,with Mark who stood in the handball's court hallway staring at him."yeah because they did nothing for America.""My father may grant you a scholarship "Mr Chapman readjusted his once again to prove him wrong."Can you defend that axiom?You should be able to defend yourself .if you don't the white supremacists may take you down in a dueling?"ignited his passion""principal's funny Mr Mark and that was the same dueling that led to his death in 1804 when he was shot by Aaron Burr then vice president.
Again principal I can defend it.Almost every good thing today in America was initiated by the evil genius of American politics."he was undaunted.
"Like what seriously?" two hands adjustment sunglasses against the sun's rising blinding blare, glanced down on the rising star now they re in the middle of handball court and proving his explosive turn of defensive mettle.Mr Chaman's black cardilac stood in the principal's lounge's park,with ostentatious retine of luxury cars.Students noises splattered some frieaking distances away.Within minutes,had begun the defense.
There is this insinuation and prejudice Tha Lagos is no man's land,a popular phrase mostly common among the IGBOs in Lagos.Recently Lagos house of assembly speaker Obasa after he was reelected as the new speaker in the 10th assembly vowed to correct the bad impression.
There is no doubt that the awori and the ilajes were the first to settle in Lagos prior to 16th century when Benin people came led by prince Ido settled land quarrel with the awori.The first ruler in Lagos was Ashipa probably had links with ogbomoso where the Ashipa title came from but the king was prince Ido.
The aworis had major land ownership in Lagos.For instance,Oniru family owns victoria island,olumegbon owns ajah,da Rocha owns onikan.The father of aworis olofin and aworis in general came from osun state.
The economic development of Lagos State occupies a complex place in the larger Nigerian economy but unfortunately the state lacks both urban and regional plan as well as infrastructural and robust entrepreneurial policies.The blogger Ibikunle Laniyan examines this difficult challenges and proffers solution once for all after critical assessment of the commercial Capital potential in nigeria.Enjoy the reading.
Lagos State is a frontline state ,a sole megacity in Africa and a leading economic frontier in the country .In 2016 , African Business reported Lagos is a $150billion economy with a population of 26millon people most populous African state, third world wide after new York and Bombay with four times and six times that of Tanzania and Cameroun respectively.
The city share same size as cote'd'voire and twice that of Rwanda.
Lagos is a beautiful place,a mega commercial hub of seaports,rivers, airports,banks, world class brands, multinationals, media Companies, natural resources, World class hotels,fastfood, restaurants,waterways,powerful estates new urban development projects and a classical model for African economic powerhouse.
However, behind the appreciable level of economic progress,is a squalor and 95percent slums, badly planned and infact there was no urban and regional plan.Successive government efforts worsened this plight where no concrete plan was made by government even though the bureaucrats claim otherwise.
They empower as well as discourage imobative business models with no clear entrepreneurial know how to resolve this matter.Major challenges like power,housing and transport as subordinate priorities of poor infrastructural development, decimated the beauty of the city.With scanty and smallest landmass,in the country 3,557 square km, requires enormously grand land conservation plan for optimal infrastructural development.
Been akabueze former commissioner for budget and economic planning estimated one million housing deficit. Rio de janeiro's favelas and Johannesburg's Diepsloot township both similar plans were suggested for her at a time.It is absurd to suggest any foreign model for unique city that barely sleeps like Las Vegas and Hong Kong where we should have uninterrupted power supply.Medium term initiative for housing plan too unsustainable.Whether government was involved or not any plan must be sustainable and sustainability adopted in the most ideal way.I think no plan ever contrived since Lagos master plan of 1980 to eradicate 42slums and beyond till date was nothing to write home about.Yet in the period 2050 and 2100,10%\20% of nigerian population would be residing in Lagos .This to infer that about 50million to 100m.and 100m.to 200m.respectively may residing in Lagos.Infact current Lagos population could be not less than 35 to 40m.This is calamity .Still yet landmass does not increase.
Hence,the best plan ever for this commercial city is my great mountains of nigeria- GEMON plan where massive construction of skycrappers in thousands is vital to conserve land would make the city survive forever.There is no alternative (TINA). The major identified challenges above could be quite easily resolved.The commercial city according to former governor akinwumi ambode , Lagos accounts for over 60%of Industrial and commercial hub in nigeria.
To solve the monumental decay GEMON in Lagos shall create 12countesses and each country estate (countess),shall have 20skyscrappers each housing 100,000-150,000tenants or people that is 1m to 1.5m people per countess or 10m.or 15m. for ten towers or 20.1m.or 30.2m.for the 12countesses.
By 2050 and 2100 we shall have survived the coming calamity of population time bomb.About 440skyscrappers and towers at 250storeys tall per unit will cost $440b.and including aggregate infrastructure about $2trillion should be spent in turning Lagos State into the most beautiful state comprising of the most beautiful cities in the world.It is advisable to build a thousand skyscrapers at a cost of a trillion dollars in the state with 600residential towers and rest for offices and various institutional purposes.
It requires renewable energy to avoid the likelihood of common Environmental Concerns.
I did propose same masterpieces for the nigerian geographical entity .We should have no environmental risk and danger of overpopulation would be resolved once and for all over the next tercentenary.It may cost not less $50trillion.
June 20, 2023
It's brand new day.We re at critical crossroads of nigerian renaissance. In this well researched paper,
Ibikunle Laniyan Abraham the blogger takes an elaborate world view of the midstream oil and gas and then domestic outlook at the prospect and the impact of Dangote Refinery towards nigeria's belated economic renaissance. Enjoy the reading.
1.0.Market Segmentation.
Obviously the Petroleum Industry is subdivided into three segments.This includes the upstream involving exploration and Production, midstream segment controlling refinery business and petrochemical Production and downstream segment comprises of Marketing and marketing activities.In this context we focus on the midstream category and we briefly review the origin of world Refineries ,structural formation, technology, evolution and transition in mordern times.
2.0.The Complex nature Of World Refineries.
Refinery by mode is an extremely complex scientific work of art and with the visionary debut of Dangote Refinery,in nigeria,we now know better.
An industrial process plant where crude oil is refined into byeproducts like Diesel fuel, gasoline,fuel Oils, asphalt base,heating oil, liquefied Petroleum gas , kerosene and a host of other products, as derivatives in the Refining process is often known as Refinery in mordern parlance.The refining feedstocks for Petrochemicals like propylene and ethylene,can be broken down by crude oil cracking to produce lighter products.Facilities such as oil Depot is located or close to Refinery for incoming crude oil storage feedstock including bulk liquid products .The total capacity of global Refineries grew to 101.2million bpd in 2020.
As sprawling industrial complexes, Refineries are wonderful mordern industrial petrochemical masterpieces in the midstream sector often bulk large grand processors transporting and pipping streams between giant chemical processing units towards end users.
Surprisingly to me the historical growth of Refinery business and Strategic capacity building still evolving in mordern society .
.3.0.The Origin of world Refineries.
Frankly speaking it takes thousands of years to build industry and empower them with appropriate technology.Between 512-518BC in the Northern Wei Dynasty,in China a geographer , politician and Chinese writer Li Daoyoun invented crude oil refining process into diverse lubricants .In his famous work,"Commentary on the Water Classic"he unveils the secret.The cognoscentis in the Asian region have made immense contribution in this context.Like Li,the Arab Chemists were much famed for oil distillation much explained in the Arabic handbooks.Some of the methodology belonging to Muhammed Ibn Zakariya Razi (c.865-965) extremely adopted and with this methodology Baghdad streets were tarred or paved with tar accessible to natural fields in the region.In modern Baku , Azerbaijan , Oilfields were exploited .Hasan Ali Al-Masindi in the 10th century wrote about the same like Marco Polo later did in the 13th century described hundreds of shiploads as well as distilled outputs.This included inflammable products for military purposes.The Arab and the Persians perhaps through channels of Islamic Spain circulated the technology throughout Western Europe in the 12th century.
In the Northern Song dynasty (960-1127),the production of refined oil was also used as weapon by the dynasty for Song military .It was catalysed and inspired from a workshop dubbed"Fierce Oil Workshop".It led to the origin of Molotov cocktails that was begun with device like iron cans, filled with refined and inflammable products to torment the enemy territory.The resultant fire explosion was infact dubbed World's first fire bomb a prelude to mordern ammunition, missiles, hydrogen bomb and the nuclear fission in mordern times.
3.1Workshop And Production commencement
The first workshop employed thousands of people and one of the world's earliest refining oil facilities.And that was quite similar to later Manhattan project which uncovered atomic bomb from Oppenheimer lab in the second world war.
Prior to findesiecle oil and oil use was known as far back as ancient Egypt, Babylon, Azerbaijan,Rome, Philippines, China.The mordern history of world oil refining was commenced in 1846 when Abraham Gessner of Nova Scotia, Canada, initiated kerosene Production process from coal.Likewise in 1854,in Prosno, Poland, kerosene Production was evacuated from hand dug well by Ignacy Lukasiewicz .
3.2.North American Exploits And Rockefeller
Indigenous Indians in America utilised oil in different ways in terms of seepages Inclusive of lighting.Suggestions that oil could be found on the ground by specialists probably led to Drake's discovery.Immediately John D.Rockefeller small boy accountant built several Refineries to exploit the new situation.He produced basically kerosene and took monopoly of refining business and marketing activity in America.He founded Standard oil manufacturing standard kerosene with topmost quality of diverse features from different crude oil.He had several corporation and company in every state in America untill 1911 when it was broken down into smaller pieces accused of monopoly under the Sherman act .The corporation was broken down into 34units including standard oil of new Jersey now Exxon part of ExxonMobil , standard oil of California now Chevron, standard oil of new York now Mobil and a host of others.
However the world for Petroleum Industrial Refinery was founded in 1856 in Ploiesti ,Romania .In the North America, the first oil well was drilled by James Williams Miller in 1858.This occurred in the Oil Springs, Ontario Canada.The pioneer of Petroleum industry in America Edwin Drake in 1859started his exploits in Pennsylvania.From a technical view point refining Industry took off in 1863 when in Boston ,USA,the first distillation unit was constructed.
The industry gained little pace in the 19th century with the Oil lamp's kerosene Production .The emergence of internal combustion engine including use in automobiles also created gasoline Market.The Arab experience, Ontario initiative and Pennsylvanian innovation,were soon dusted by large oil finds and phenomenal booms in Oklahoma,Texas and California.Surprisingly, before Drake's finds,Samuel Kier had established American first oil Refinery in 1853 on Seventh Avenue,near Grant Street in Pittsburgh.The following year,Polish pharmacist Ignacy attempted the first large Refinery in Ploiesti, Romania established between 1856-57.In the operation tidal wave it was bombed by the Allies during the second world war long after it was taken over by Nazi Germany.Another claim to the world largest Refinery title was located in Salzbergen ,in Lower Saxony, Germany.It was opened in 1860 a decade prior to formation of Germany by Otto Von Bismarck.
4.0.Mordern Evolution
Most Petroleum Refineries were begun as crude distillation units.Some composed of thermal cracking and vacuum distillation units like viscosity breakers or visbreakers lowering viscosity.Ancillary processes evolved during the second world war and afterwards were at best commercially viable in a decade say maximum by 1955-60s.
Shortly after the war industry experienced phenomenal growth in terms of structural and technological advancement. There was colossal growth in the size of Refineries Worldwide, ferociously driven by growing demand for automotive fuel and gasoline products.
The was a decline in the 1980s driven by various Political and economic reasons.However,most Refineries in U.S. revamped their units'technology and added new models improving Refinery tonnage and capacity.This led to increase in crude oil processing including gasoline prodeucts'octane ratings, reduced diesel fuel's sulfur contents and fuels for home heating .It complied also with improvement in Environmental regulation including air and water pollution requirements.
Refineries in the U.S. processed oil mainly to recover kerosene in the 19th century.There was no Market for volatile fraction components like gasoline a waste often dumped into nearby Rivers.The stardom of automobile invention ended this spectre of ignorance and skyrocketed gasoline and diesel demand.It became the game changer and still remains primary refine products till date.The stringent environment standard,that emerged made obtaining permit for Refinery construction much more tedious.Consequently there was no new Refinery construction between 1976-2014.The small Dakota Prairie Refinery that took off in the same 1976 was the last Refinery in the interregnum.
Infact over half of Refineries found operating in 1980 were closed down either by mergers or obsolescence or low use.It precipitated gross decline in total Refinery capacity between 1981-1995.The United States operates a staggering 301refineries in 1982 with refining capacity of 17.9million bpd declined to 140 in 2014 still with increased tonnage of 18.02million bpd.Both demand and profitability fell between 2009-2010 when Refineries were sold or closed down by oil companies.
4.1.Mordern Technology And Petrochemical Process.
Unprocessed crude oil, barely useful in Industrial application, although light , sweet,or low sulfur or low viscosity in terms of crude oil was used directly as burner fuels.The use was directed to produce seagoing propulsion steam.The fuel tanks'explosive are byeproducts of ligher elements,toxic in warships.Crude oil 's hydrocarbon molecules in their hundreds during refining are separated.Several components byeproducts include fuels, lubricants and feedstocks in the very Petrochemical processes for production of plastics,detergents,elastomers , solvents,fibers like nylon, polyesters.
Internal combustion engines use fossil fuels for power production such as in ships, automobiles, aircraft engines,bikes, rockets,jets.
4.2.Hydrocarbons: Separation.
Hydrocarbons are separated at different boiling points in distillation units.Due to high demand for lighter liquid products for combustion engines'use , Refineries in mordern times tend to convert both heavy hydrocarbons and ligher gaseous elements into higher value products.
Oil is composed of hydrocarbons with variety of molecules and molecular gasses including the forms and lenghts.It includes Parraffin, aromatics,naphthenes,or cycloalkenes ,alkenes, dienes,alkynes.
Crude oil molecules involve various atoms like sulfur, nitrogen are most visible forms of molecules with varying length and complex composition of hydrogen,some oxygen atoms and carbon atoms.Their varying physical and chemical properties linked to the molecules'structural differences.A form of variety that makes oil utility in varied ways.
The separation of contaminants and impurities after purification ordinarily leads to lubricants sales with no further processing needs.Smaller molecules like Isobutane, propylene or butylene once certain octane requirements are met can be recombined by processes such alkylation or commonly finished by dimerization.
Through catalytic reforming gasoline octane grade can be improved .This involves hydrogen removal from hydrocarbons towards compound production with higher octane ratings like aromatics,gasoils or intermediate products .It maybe reprocessed for further cracking,long chained context into shorter light chained or lighter oil.This can be achieved by many forms of cracking like fluid catalytic cracking ,thermal cracking and hydro carbon cracking.And for gasoline to reach final step production requires fuels blending composed of various gradings , vapor pressures and a host of other properties to meet product specification.Devolatilisation process as another reprocesing method for intermediate products or residual oils ,used to separate from waste asphaltene material usable Oil.
4.3.Refining And Chemical Process.
Refineries are giant chemical plants processing thousands of barrels per day barely process in batches at steady state.Most units persistently operate the desirability of process optimisation and advanced process control also makes the high possible capacity.
Crude oil through fractional distillation is separated into fractions and top fractions on fractioning column records lowers boiling points than bottom fractions . Heavy bottom fractions get cracked into lighter useful products and fractions are processed into other units.Petroleum products are crude oil derivatives as processed output from Refineries.
Besides these outputs ,Petroleum products and several classes of fuels Refineries also produce intermediate products like hydrogen, light hydrocarbons , reformate and pyrolysis , gasoline often subject of further processing a main reason behind the location of chemical plants inside the Refineries.
Light hydrocarbons for instance in an ethylene plants are steam cracked and produce polymerised ethylene to generate polyethylene polyethene.The vitality of low sulfur a reality except for heaviest products that ensure adequate Environmental protection.Ordinarily what is transformed into hydrogen sulfide via catalytic hydro desulfurization and extracted from product stream through amine gas treating is crude sulfur contaminant.It uses Claus process and the Sulfide is sold to the chemical industry after being transformed from elementary sulfur.
A large amount of heat generated is freed by this process used in other parts of the Refinery.Electrical power plant invariably takes up excess heat combined in the full refining process.Refineries can produce diverse shade of Petroleum products based on nature of Refineries'complex composition.The biggest share of the products is used by energy carriers in various grades of gasoline and fuel Oils.Such blendable fuels generate gasoline,jet fuel, diesel fuel, heating oil and heavier fuel oils.Nonvolatile heavier fractions as utility generate Parraffins ,plastics and other useful materials.Elementary sulfur another petroleum product few percent sulfur containing molecules and carbon a Petroleum Coke form and hydrogen are intermediate products.
The Refinery outputs as Petroleum products are grouped into 4 categories mainly LPG, Gasoline, naphtha's as Light distillates; middle distillates include kerosene,jet fuel, diesel and heavy distillates as residuum include heavy fuel oil ,lubricating oils,wax , asphalt.The blending of various feedstocks as required, mixture of appropriate additives , provision of short-term storage,bulkloading preparation to trucks,barges , product ships and rail cars are essentials.
4.4.Crude Distillation And Classification
Based on the way Crude is distilled we classify below accordingly: Gaseous fuel like liquefied Petroleum gas LPG, propane being stored and in liquid form under pressure shipped lubricants like light machine oils ,motor oils , greases, as required as viscosity stabilizers .They are often shipped in bulk into off-site packaging plant; Parraffin is utilised in candle industry and beyond shipped as packaged block.It is also in wax emulsions, candles, matches ,rust protection, frozen foods packaging, construction boards,and vapour barriers.Sulfur or sulfuric acid as sulfur removal byeproducts, with several percent of sulfur as organic sulfur containing compounds.They are useful industrial plants prepared and shipped as acid precursor Oleum ;Bulk tar shipping for use in tar and gravel roofing is for off-site unit packaging.Asphalt is a gravel binder,for formation of asphalt concrete utilise for road pavings and lots; Petroleum Coke:Often used in specialty carbon products like electrodes or solid fuel ; Petrochemicals as organic compounds are chemical industry's elements from polymer and pharmaceuticals like ethylene, benzene-toluene -xylenes (BTX).They are subject to further processing in the Petrochemical plants and maybe Olefins if precursors or various types of aromatics Petrochemicals . About 6,000items churn out from Petroleum waste byeproducts .They include fertilizer,floor coverings, perfume, insecticide,petrolem jelly ,soap, Vitamins capsules.We examine chemical processes ;Desalter unit washes salt away from Crude oil prior to entry into atmospheric distillation unit ; Crude oil distillation unit:It distills incoming crude oil into diverse fractions and needs further processing into other units; Vacuum distillation unit :It distills further residue oil from Crude oil distillation unit bottom and performed at pressure well below atmospheric pressure;Naphtha hydro treater unit:To desulfurise Naphtha from atmospheric distillation it uses hydrogen.Before sending it into catalytic reformer unit,Naphtha must be desulfurise.Then catalytic reformerncomverts into higher octane molecules from desulfurized naptha molecules.It produces reformate products.To add the reformate often with higher contents of aromatics and cyclic hydro carbons ,endproduct Gasoline product .As well as the hydrogen , another byeproducts produced during catalyst reaction and used either in the hydro treaters or hydro crackers ; Distillates hydro treater after atmospheric distillation desulfurizes Distillates like Diesel . Hydrogen is used to desulfurize Naphtha fractions from Crude oil distillation of other units ; Fluid catalytic cracker (FCC),from the Crude oil distillation FCC upgrades products ;Hydrocracking :To upgrade heavy Residual oil from Vacuum distillation unit.It uses hydrogen by thermally cracking them into ligher but more valuable products with retarded viscousity Products; While Merox desulfurizes LPG , jetfuel ,or kerosene through oxidisation of mercaptans into organic disulfides known alternative processes for mercaptans removal like doctor sweetening process also endorses caustic washing; Cooking units (delayed coker ,fluid Coker,flex Coker):It processes into Gasoline and diesel fuel from very heavy oil leaving Petroleum Coke a residual product .
Alkylation unit:It uses hydrochloric or sulfuric acid to generate high octane into. Gasoline components blending,converts light end Isobutane and butylene from FCC process into alkylate.Alkylate is a high octane components from endproduct Gasoline or petrol .Others include Dimerization unit that converts into high octane Gasoline , Olefins Dimerisable butenes can be transformed isooctene subsequently hydrogenated to form isooctane.Dimerisation is also used to produce highly unsaturated and reactive hydrogen and sporadically form guns .In this Context, Dimerization effluents require more blending into finished Gasoline Products pool or somewhat hydrogenated.
In the case of Isomerisation it converts linear molecules like Normal pentane to higher octane molecules for blended Gasoline or feed to alkylation units.
The conversion of normal butane into Isobutane also uses the same for alkylation unit's utility.In the case of steam reforming it uses its unit to convert natural gas into Hydrogen for use in the hydrotreater or Hydrocracker . Propane and similar Gaseous fuels are stored in the liquefied gas storage vessels at sufficient pressure for liquids maintenance invariably spherical vessels or bullets like horizontal vessels with rounded end.
In the amine gas treater ,Claus unit ,tail gas treatment converts hydrodesulfization , hydrogen sulfide into elementary sulfur.About 64,000metric tons of sulfur produced in 2005,in most cases Worldwide was byeproducts of Petroleum Refinery and natural gas processing plants.
Sour water stripper :To remove Hydrogen,it uses sulfide gas from diverse waste water streams for later conversion into end product, sulfur in Claus unit. To circulate cooling Water is the responsibility of cooling towers as boiler plants generates steam for steam generators . Pneumatically,operated control valves and electrical substation composes the instrumental air systems.
API separators , dissolved air flotation (DAF)units make up waste water selection and treating system,with further treatment units like activated sludge biotreaters to make water for reuse application and disposal;To remove heavy waxy constituents like petrolatum from Vacuum distillation Products .It is the functions of solvent dewaxing ;in terms of storing crude oil and finished products.It is the obligation of storage tanks often vertical cylinderical vessels with some sorts of control for vapor emissions enclosed by an earthen berm to contain spillages.
5/Standard and Schematic nature of consists different configurations from Crude oil distillation unit to vacuum distillation unit and a host of other units examine below:
Crude oil distillation unit (CDU):In virtually all the Refineries CDU is the first unit you use and see that distills flowing incoming Crude into various fractions of diverse boiling ranges and processes into other units of the Refinery.The atmospheric distillation unit is based on the fact it functions slightly above the atmospheric pressure.The incoming Crude must be preheated by heat exchanges with some hot distilled fractions and streams later Desalted to eschew inorganic salts primarily sodium chloride.Crude oil is further heated by heat exchanger following desalter with hot distilled fractions.Thereafter heated in a fuel fired furnace or fired heater to 398°c as standard temperature later routed into distillation bottom unit.
The partial provision of heat exchange with incoming Crude oil is responsible for cooling and condensing of distillation tower overhead and partially by air-cooled or water-cooled condenser.By pumping around system additional heat removed from the distillation unit column.
Naphtha is the distillation column's overhead distillate fractions.Fractions removed from distillation column side at various points between the top and bottom columns known as sidecuts.Sidecuts like kerosene ,light gas oil , heavy gas oil,are cooled by heat exchanger with the incoming Crude oil.Those that are not sent to intermediate storage tanks prior to being processed are fractions like overhead naptha.
5.0.The Standard Criteria for Refinery Location.
Now we examine standard criteria for location of Refineries.The location of Refinery must follow laid down standard prior to its localisation.
--The potential site must be far from residential and urbane like the poultry business.
--Availability of infrastructure,raw materials supply and shipment to other Markets.
--Availability of energy for plant use and operation
--Availability of waste disposal facilities.
Site selection factors for Refinery:Land
availability ; traffic and transport availability; Labour and resources availability ; Provision of utilities like Water supply and power supply.
The entity invariably uses large amount of heat surrounded with abundance sources of water resources and cooling Water.Refineries are often located close to navigable rivers or port or coast.This kind of environment gives quick access to efficient transportation either by road , Rivers,or sea with crude oil pipeline transportation as the best and cheapest not excluded.Therefore it is profitable to transport large volume of crude oil by pipeline enroute terminals instead of small outputs by road, rail and badges.
Fine fractionating including Petroleum plants and solvent Production oil plants requires spaces for large volume of refinery Products processing or admixture of chemical additives with source's products as opposed to terminals' blendings.
6.0.Pollutants And Environmental Degradation
The process of refining produces and releases into atmosphere a host of chemicals and contaminants endangering surrounding environment including natural species.In the "4.0.Mordern evolution" cited above pollution is a threat to any economy.Apparently, we repeated it twice gave it two columns in this incendiary piece as note of warning and precaution to regulators,policy makers and captains of industry to avoid ecological recklessness given its grievous implications to our people and Environment as we chart a new dawn with the tremendous debut of Dangote refinery opening a new chapter in our nation's checkered antecedence of envirnmental economic management.Niger Delta the world second largest Delta and the world largest industrial complex contributing to global warming or green house gasses is a living witness and first hand knowledge of Environmental Degradation history in Nigeria.
According to AP42 compilation of air pollutant emission factors ,a report by U.S.environmental protection agency (EPA)'s Emission factor information on air pollution, pollutant was a major social threat.It was first published in 1968 and fifth edition came out in 2018.Air pollution,waste water concerns, industrial risks and allied accident s like fire, explosion,noise, health effect like Industrial noise were identified.Worker health is very important.
6.1.Social, Environmental threat: Worker's health.
In the book by Al Gore 'Earth In The Balance' which I critiqued unveils empirical evidence of environmental degradation and global warming world wide.Since Refineries release contaminants governments world wide have placed a cap and restrictions on the ratio of this release to protect the environment.
Most Refineries unarguably have installed standard equipment in reaction to this Environmental restrictions ordered by pertinent Environmental protect agencies.Subsequently ,it precipitated a drastic decline like the case in America.Consequently in view of this threat ,it might have influenced the location of the facilities far away from Urban region and residential areas.Take a close look at the necklace shoreline of refineries in California's Contra costa county and Solano county constructed in the 20th century prior to recent population explosion.Chemical plants upsurge and detrimental explosion Close to Urban areas in places like Richmond, Martinez, Pacheco, Concord, Pittsburgh,Vallejo Benicia .Some Refineries located in Sherwood Park at Alberta,close to City of Edmonton with over a million people.
The precarious nature of the industry due to volatile friction embedded in interrelated interhazardous operative routine of chemical plants does not affords legal and institutional sustainability for the phenomenal industry to transact in the atrophy of teething regulation.They require precise temperature ,pressure parameters and effective monitoring apparatus to ensure the standard compliance to thrive the quite Complex nature of the process progression.It is subject to proper evolution ongoing and witnessed in the scientific advancement in the field of Petroleum engineering .The large proportion of chemical addittives and the contaminants release enormous volume of potential health hazards into the environment jeopardize the health of Refinery workers.
Infact occupational hazards is quite common in the U.S.even when reported were not properly treated.Health impact Reports on workers were prevalent as far as back as 1800 in the U.S.In 1890 for instance an explosion killed 20workers in a Chicago Refinery.Even in Nigeria so many workers had died as casuals and in tank farm cleaning unreported.Such implications resonate round the and barely stop in the 21st century.This could be proven with evidence of recurrent explosion in Refineries across the world and places like Wisconsin in U.S.and Germany in 2018 for instance.A proof of potential hazards that could endanger Refinery workers.
In terms of chemical exposures we xray or highlight heavily automated and technically advanced context of mordern Refineries in line in which almost standard and processes are embedded in engineering controls .This nevertheless exhibit a substantial exposure reduced risk in comparison to earlier times However specific task or certain work in Refinery establishment may lax exposure to chemical reaction and subvert on the fringes these process of safety mechanism honed by empirical stress over centuries.
We paint the scenarios to include: System failures like leaks, explosion etc; standard modules for inspection,product sampling , process turnaround or equipment maintenance, cleaning routine.Refineries are known to produce Carcinogens, explosive chemicals, Cancer rates' literature on oil Refinery workers is mixed.For instance there is a relationship between Benzene and Cancer like Leukemia even though conclude Studies suggest otherwise.The case of Asbestos related Mesothelioma,a cancer linked relationship with Carcinogens was investigated in this context of oil workers This research work unveils quite a marginal link between Mesothelioma and Refinery employment.A metaanalysis in a data of 350,000 Refinery workers found a marginal but peculiar growth link in Melanoma deaths.A half a century of U.S.based study of 17,000 workers found similar evidence and bereft of excess mortality.
A group of common volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in oil refinery environment serves as in depth - exposition in the paradigm of occupational injury limit and forces revamped safety mechanism to curiously acts as surveillance among Refinery workers is the issue of BTX- Benzene, Toluene and xylene. The most channel for BTX exposure is the inhalation arising from chemical low boiling points.
BTX gaseous Production in most cases occurs in tank cleaning and fuel transfer.It causes chemical offgassing in the air . Ingestion via contaminated waters perhaps unlikely in occupational setting and dermal exposure and absorption possible.Perhaps less likely to occur where adequate personal protective equipment put in place in ideal setting.In a 2018 U.S Bureau of Labour statistics report pelucidly refinery workers boasts of significantly lower rate of occupational injury .At 0.4 OSHA -recordable cases per 100 full time work force 3.1 cases than all industries,oil and gas extraction at 0.8 cases and 1.3cases. in general in petrolem manufacturing .This doesn't mean we should undermine the significance of health risks and occupational hazards that exist.
6.2.Standards And Restriction .
A couple of regulation must be complied with in line with standard practices.The Occupational safety and health administration (OSHA),National institute for occupational safety and health (NIOSH) and American conference of Governmental industrial hygienists (ACGIH) provided clinical regulatory template for management of occupational exposure limit in America.
Physical hazards,like heat ,noise requires hazards controls using the theory of hierarchy of controls to guide Refinery workers towards safety.Engineering controls Includes like fire detection and extinguisher system , pressure chemical ical sensors to detect structural integrity loss and adequate maintenance against structural failure.They have easily predictable navigable controls.
7.0.Growth In Size And Proliferation.
The largest and the most functional and malfunctional refineries around the world which in most cases former ones are located in Asia.For instance Jamnagar refinery owned by reliance industries located in Jamnagar , Gujarat,India is the world largest refinery producing about 1.240,000bpd. Jamnagar was commissioned in July 1999, started with a capacity of 668,000bpd.It was built at a powerful speed with unprecedented construction methods and totally transformed the future mode for Refinery construction.It made India net exporter of Petroleum products from net purchaser and guaranteed energy safety. Paraguana refinery complex (PDVSA)in Punto fijo, Falcon, Venezuela produces 971,000 bpd.It comprises of three Refineries including carbon and amuay Refineries in the paraguana peninsula and Bajo Grande Refinery in Zulia state of Venezuela.Both Refineries posses 955,000 and the one in Bajo produces 16,000bpd at a total of 971,000bpd opened in 1976 owned by state oil company ,Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA).
In 1964 SK Energy owned Ulsan refinery at Ulsan South Korea produces 850,000bpd.It is the first oil Refinery in korea and largest .While Ruwais refinery owned by Abu Dhabi national oil company was launched in 1982, located in Ruwais,UAE on the coast of the Arabian gulf west of Abu Dhabi city produces 837,000bpd ,Yeosu refinery owned by GS Caltex in Yeosu,South Jeollanam ,South Korea,Onsan refinery produces 800,000bpd located in Ulsan,South Korea.It is the second largest in South Korea and third largest in Asia.
The next seventh largest owned by Aliko Dangote himself located in Lekki free Trade zone at 650,000bpd hits Market by August bigger than port arthur.The ExxonMobil owned refinery Jurrong Island refinery based in Jurrong Island, Singapore churn out 605,000bpd.Garyille refinery owned by marathon Petroleum , located in Garyville,Lousiana, United States operates at 585,000bpd.Exxon Mobil owns another refinery, Baytown refinery located in Baytown,Texas,USA churning out 560,500bpd.Port Arthur refinery located in Port Arthur ,Texas the motiva refinery also produces 630,000bpd more than Jurrong.This was followed by these two refineries:Ras Tanura refinery formerly world largest owned by Saudi Aramco world largest Company by revenue, located in Saudi Arabia and the one in Baton Rouge,in Louisiana,U.S owned by same ExxonMobil.It churns out 540,000bpd as some of the largest refineries in the world.India has the some of the world largest refineries.For instance,India's Pandip refinery, Bina refinery, Mangalore refinery, Mumbai refinery and Jamnagar refinery at 1.2m.bpd are jawdroping dimensions to behold.Obviously and unarguably India and China no doubt considering their status behemoths have the largest population of refineries in Asia like Russia.China has more than 30refineries churning out millions of hydrocarbon outputs including petrochemicals sold across the world.Sinopec Zhenhai Refinery at 345,000bpd;Urumai petrochemical owned by China national Petroleum Company produces 101,000bpd.Dushanzi refinery at 120,000bpd;Sinopec Tianjin Company refinery at 100,000bpd ; Shanghai Gaoqiao oil refinery churns out 220,000bpd; Sinopec oil company refinery at 195,000bpd;linan Company refinery at 21,000bpd;Wepec Dalain refinery,200,000bpd;Jinzhou petrochemical refinery,112,000bpd;Jinxi refinery 112,000bpd;Petrochina owned Fushun Petrochemical refinery at 186,000 bpd;Dalian Petrochemical refinery at 144,000bpd;Jilin chemical refinery,265,000bpd,115,000bpd; Sinopec Jiujiang Company refinery churns out 98,000bpd.
Others include Jinlin Company refinery,265,000bpd; Sinopec Wuhan Company refinery at 80,000bpd; Sinopec CPCC Changling Company refinery,100,000bpd;Jingmen Company refinery produces 100,000bpd and Luoyang Company refinery at 100,000bpd.Petrochina ,Daqing Petrochemical refinery produces 122,000bpd and Sinopec Beihai Company refinery,12,000bpd;Maoming Company refinery refinery ,265,000bpd.While CPCC Guangzhou branch refinery opeates at 150,000bpd,LanZhou refinery ,Sinopec Anqing Company refinery Fushun Petrochemical refinery churns out 112,000bpd ,110,000 bpd and 165,000bpd respectively.
7.1.Medium sized and small Refineries In Africa.
When one appraises data outside these behemoths then Asia refinery business though trails behind but cannot be truly said to be a non starter like the deplorable experience in subsaharan Africa.For in stance in Afghanistan,Ghazanfar oil refinery owned by Ghazanfar Group churns out 11,874bpd ;Kam oil refinery 11,874bpd ;Ansar oil refinery,Herat at 200,000bpd.Bahrain's Petroleum Company Bapco refines 267,000bpd and not like Bangladesh's Eastern refinery,33,000bpd; petromart refinery at 2,500bpd;superpetrochemical,3,000bpd;Bashundhana oil and gas,40,000bpd;
The setback in terms of economic growth in Africa can be linked to the nature of poorly constructed refineries and malfunctional Petrochemical complexes found in the region.This in turn was adversely affected by bad planning and pandemic legacy of monumental legacy of unbridled corruption gripping the region.Besides the marghreb region and South Africa the refineries both in terms structural inadequacy and low expertise dented the integrity of subsaharan Africa.For instance refineries in Algeria predominant in Petrochemical Production.Skikda refinery owned by Sonatrach churns out 350,000bpd compared to Cabinda refinery at 16,000bpd owned by Chevron corporation in Angola including Luanda refinery owned by Sonangol produces 56,000bpd.Limbe refinery in Cameroun produces 42,000bpd or you compare that with Chad's Djarmaya refinery at 20,000bpd and Congo democratic republic at 15,000bpd.Take a look at Egypt's Alexandra America refinery, Alexandria MIDOR and Alexandria Elmex producing 81,000bpd,100,000 bpd and 117,000bpd respectively.In Sudan , Khartoum refinery operates at 100,000bpd and El Obeid less than 150,000bpd ;Port Sudan refinery at 21,700bpd .Dar es Salam refinery at 17,000bpd in Tanzania and Tunisia 's Bizerte refinery at 34,000bpd .In Uganda,Proposed 60,000bpd yet to be financed in contrast to Indeni Petroleum refinery at 25,000bpd in Zambia.Egypt also boast of smaller and minirefineries such as tanta refinery at 35,000bpd;Asyut refinery,47,000bpdd ;Niestorod ,80,000bpd; Wedi feran,8,550bpd;El Nasir refinery,132,000bpd.Mombasa refinery in Kenya,70,000bpd slightly above 68,000bpd in Abidjan,Cote d'voire .In Libya total refinery less than 400,000bpd from five refineries.They include'Ra's Lanif refinery,220,000bpd;Zaniya refinery ,120,000bpd ,El breya ,10,000 bpd and Sarir refinery ,10,000bpd and Tob Ruk refinery,20,000bpd.In Morocco, refineries are closed down both Mohammedia refinery (samir)127,000bpd and Sidi kazam refinery,50,000bpd .
In South Africa, Capetown Refinery,100bpd;Engen Refinery,135,000bpd;Sapref Refinery,a joint venture p of Royal Deutsche Shell and BPl-180,bpd;Sasol Refinery (Secunda CTL)(Sasol)/,150,000bpd;Natre Refinery a joint venture between Sasol and total South Africa at 108,000bpd;Mossel Bay GTL refinery like(Petrosa)/45,000bpd.About 6refineries in South Africa,producing 700,000bpd as total capacity excluding Petrochemicals.
7.2.Nigerian Refineries.
In Nigeria, Kaduna refinery,110,000bpd ; Port Harcourt refinery,210,000;Warri refinery,125,000bpd;Waltersmith refining and Petrochemical Company,5,000bpd;Azikel Refinery owned by Azikel Petroleum,12,000bpd still under construction to be completed in summer 2023;Ogbele Refinery owned by niger delta Petroleum resources,11,000bpd.
Inspire of giant strides in the midstream revolution worldwide,United States maintained his historical feat as the world largest refiner and refining country and no nation barely came close.The top five refiners beginning with India in 4th position,at a total Refinery capacity of five million bpd.Russia took third at 6.86million bpd in terms of total Refinery capacity below China in the second position,with total Refinery capacity of 16.99million. America is an interesting story maintains her lead at 17.94million bpd.U.S.accounts for 20% of World total refining capacity.What were the main secrets of the American dream and success in Refinery leadership?Pretty simple.As far back as 1982, United States had 250refineries contributed meaningfully to sustainable economic growth.In 2019 the Refinery capacity declined to 132refineries but today it grew to 147refineries with almost 20m.bpd.
Now Nigeria is setting pace once again with the emergence of Dangote Refinery.She should emulate america and expand Refinery capacity inside and outside across west Africa.Methinks Refinery and Petrochemical city should be established to comprise of a thousand refineries earning trillions of dollars around from West Africa,to east, Central and southern African regions.We should have at least over 200refineries both Cottage and modular Refineries.The dearth of Refinery capacity in subsaharan Africa warrants this exploitation .
And you begin to wonder why the multinational oil companies operating in the country and milking dry our commonwealth never for once deem it fit to build a good refinery.This is quite appaling considering the fact shell built the first in 1965 portharcourt refinery 1 about 30,000bpd and since barely made another attempt.
Most South African Refineries are closed down .This includes proven cases such as Engery Mosel Bay,Sapref and refining in Southern Africa region remains heavily uncertain.Angola by 2025 could overtake South Africa as the biggest refiner in the region as Nigeria takes over the continent as biggest refiner during the period.The reopening of Astrong Energy owned 100,000bpd Caltex Refinery shut down in 2020 after deadly explosion was contemplated to ease the supply constraints in the region.Angola is discussing pipeline extension with neighbor countries like Zambia.
West African region houses the largest refining capacity on the subcontinent though only 23% of it is fully functional.
Dangote Refinery was recently opened alongside the ongoing rehabilitation of 445,000bpd government owned ailing Refineries . The attempt was expected to generate currency savings, fight Inflation, improve foreign exchange,grow standard of living and repairs the wobbling macroeconomic Outlook.Ghana is reviewing the 45,000bpd Tema Refinery alongside Chinese developer commissioning the 40,000bpd in the first phase of 100,000bpd project at a cost of $3billion to be completed by 2025.
Certainly but not riddled by prejudice for the umpteenth time, evidences abound,Refineries in subsaharan Africa are strangulated out of existence.However there are proofs these Refineries in most cases have closed down more or less recently .They are extremely depreciating increasingly finding it compete let alone survive against the imperial deluge of fierce competion from large Refineries located in the person Gulf or india.From Mauritania, Sierra Leone,Togo ,Liberia grinding on the west coast down into the east coast comprising of Mombasa,Dar es Salaam and Maputo,the story is the same : a disgruntled nonstarter.Inland Market Refineries in isolated a wonderful worst case scenario from Mali,Niger,Chad to Uganda and Rwanda inspire of beautiful resources, Production was next to nothing very insightfully insulting and worrisome to Indeed dark continent.Very difficult to supply them finished products from African coast. The profitability of 20,000bpd Refineries as local resources built by Chinese ,after 2010 Iucidly ignores mordern reality.Moreso as you can not live above your means.Aparently the continent's limited capacity was concentrated in four countries Algeria, Nigeria, Egypt and South Africa.They represent 60% of the Continental capacity.Gloomy! Central and South America from Brazil to Venezuela have the large Refineries World beaters.
Modular Refineries are extremely growing in popularity in terms of adoption on the continent.As foolproof of advanced Refinery technology, taking Africa by storm where the strategic incentives of recouping Investment in modular in 13months is well proven from inception to completion.As a quick Investment return platform, modular get back return Maximum of 2years empowering developers and boosting Investor confidence when Investment returns are recouped in record numbers.It mitigates the associated risk of pipeline sabotage inbuilt with desegregated pipeline model that makes Refineries as evacuation systems completely free or independent of pipelines.
Dangote Refinery was built on 2,500hectares or 6,180acres site located at the Lekki free Trade zone, Lekki, Lagos State.It is located in an ideal atmosphere close to the sea, seaport, airport and is supplied by crude oil from World largest Subsea pipeline infrastructure about 1,100km long.About 135,000 jobs will be created when fully functional and the Refinery is blessed with a Nelson complexity index more complex than most Refineries in U.S..The best at their average 9.5 in America or Europe average of 6.5. and though the Refinery 's Nelson index of 10.5 still pale into insignificance in comparison to with Jamnagar refinery index of 21,is commonly adjudged as a game changer.The index after distillation like hydrocracking ,NHT,CCR,RFCC, Polymerization and a host of technical nomenclatures basically grows with capacity and volume of chemical procedures.
The Investment is over $19b.or close to $20b.and was first announced in September 2013 when he declared about $3.3b.for project financing. During the period the total project cost stood at $9b.with $3b.invested from Dangote Group.and the remainder financed by creditors.It was expected to commence Production in 2016 .However,according to popular story location change to Lekki altered the commencement date till 2016.It started with excavation and preparation of infrastructure components and planned completion pushed back to 2018.Nevertheless in 2017, when major structural construction was begun, Dangote announced the mechanical completion would be ready and commissioned in 2020 .Some insider sources unveiled the views the construction was likely to take twice as long as was stated.The fact was not far-fetched that partial project refining capacity not likely to start until 2020 with associated project at the Refinery so called the Urea fertilizer factory was scheduled to commence operation in 2018 producing 3million tons of urea per annum.During same period was expected to cost $15b.with $10b.invested in the Refinery proper and fertilizer factory and pipeline infrastructure gulped the remainder at $2.5b.apiece.
Then new fund was borrowed in July 2022 about 184.8billion naira or $442million at $462 to Dollar, at 12.75% or 13.5% per annum to complete the project.The Refinery was post poned thrice in 4years and sort of Investor confidence nosedived exhibited perplexity over completion date.
8.1.Dangote Refinery components And Superlatives.
We already highlight the Refinery components nevertheless hereby also cursorily review some components in the Dangote Refinery.
The Refinery components include Crude distillation unit(CDU) , Residual fluid catalytic cracking unit(RFCC) etc.The first unit requires input auch as crude oil to churn output such as combustion gasses, naphtha both light and heavy ,jetfuel, residual fluid , heavy oil and diesel fuel, with purpose of crude oil components separation by molecules, fractionated with required boiling temperature.The purpose of RFCC is to break down molecules longer more than 70 carbon atoms into short ones.The required input being the residual fluids from CDU and air catalyst,to churn out output such as combustion gasses,flu gas, catalyst to be reused and reprocessed.
Let us fast forward to the superlatives,the landmark,the phenomenal Installation of world largest crude oil distillation column weighing a total of 2,350tonnes by specialist Dutch firm .The record breaker was also blessed with a heights of 112metres slightly taller than Saturn V rockets tha transported the first Americans to the moon at 110metres in July 20,1969 and also 16meters tall than Big Ben.It also comprises of world's heaviest Refinery regenerator astounding and stunning to being the heaviest ever item transported over Public road in Africa.At a Mammoth of stately 3,000metric tonnes combined with being the heaviest or clumsiest single piece of steel structure or movable scientific work of art in the world.
A regenerator like RFCC boils components like heavy oil until molecules break up and turn into lighter molecules like gasoline and kerosene etc.It creates more valuable products from Crude oil unlike insaturated gas plant's debutanizer is fifty metres high, diameters of 8metres and weighs 520tons.It handles cracking unit's streams which comprises of Olefins not saturated like butylene and propylene.The presence of a de-ethanizer ,a sponge absorber ,depropanizer and de-isobutanizer can be found in the unsaturated gas plant.
The 50metres high Penex stabilizer column comprises a diameter of 6 meters,520tons of weight.The light straight run naphtha's molecules,isomerised or rearranged in the Penex process into higher octane level's molecules using catalyst like aluminum chloride.
The Refinery is endowed with marine facilities for freight optimisation.They comprise of 2 crude SPM(Single Point mooring),for ships'unloading from Aframax into ULCC(ultra large crude carrier );2 Subsea crude pipeline with 48 diameter or 1.22meters with interconnection;3 products SPM for export of products to suezmax vessels;4 Subsea pipelines for imports and products , diameter of 24 or 0.61metres and ca.120km Subsea pipelines.
The installation of Single crude oil distillation unit earns the Refinery the status of 'world largest single train refinery'processing 650,000bpd .It is transported via pipelines from nigerdelta oilfields where natural gas is sourced for fertilizer factory supply. Later used for Refinery complex's electricity generation.It will meet entire domestic fuel demand in nigeria excluding government's ailing Refineries as well as export of refined products.About 50million litres or 13million gallons of Emo V, quality gasoline and 17million litres or 4.5m.gallons or diesel daily .It also includes aviation fuel and plastic products.
In the summary,oil Refineries transform crude oil into Petroleum products like petrol diesel oil asphalt foundation heating oil kerosene, Petroleum naphtha and liquified natural gas to name a few.They have three major steps : separation,conversion and treatment.The first step involves crude oil piping moving through hot furnaces and moving liquid and vapors into distillation units.In these units the liquids as well as vapors separated into fractions according to respective boiling points.Begining from the lighter fractions to vapourise and grow to the tower top, condense back to liquids;this includes liquefied Refinery gas and gasoline,to the medium weight liquids like kerosenee,distillates located in distillation tower's middle onwards to heavier fractions liquids like gas oils are in the distillation tower separated lower down . Conversion as the next step with heaviest fractions further processed into lighter higher value products like gasoline.This happens in the exclusive unit composed of thick Walled reactors furnaces network and heat exchangers among other vessels.
The benefits to an economy include Energy security,an economy selfdependence on her self has better energy security.Economic growth oil industry generates revenue and growth , increase job creation and forex revenue and foreign currency earnings by exporting oil to generate forex earnings.
Since mid 50s when oil has been beneficial to global economy plus functioning Refinery,is an immense benefit for a country to have excess refined products.
10.Recent Developments and the Future of refining.
They were forced to adapt to major changes over time.A switch for instance to unleaded petrol around 1990;sulfur dioxide emissions reduction from ships requires scrubbers Installation or switch to NLNG and general fall in the fuels sulfur contents.
Construction architectures have also changed currently capable of high octane numbered gasoline components like regenerative catalytic reforming, alkylation, isomerisation etc.To meet rising demand for unleaded petrol and remodeling instead of new desulfurization units' construction in an attempt to cope with products sulfur contents forecast reduction and specifically diesel fuel.
The growing steady consumption of Petroleum requires increased refining capacity.The industry witnesses the disappearance of the unprofitable small size gave way to less pollution hungry low sulfur content big sized Refineries witnessing the rise of modular Refineries.The Asia and African markets badly needed experienced Investors to make it happen.Ships currently also used low sulfur content fuels that was mandatory in 2020.Evident of growing stringent environmental specification for light Products. The emergence of lighter crude oil than the previous discoveries around the 2nd world war compared to previous times.The risk of shale oil or Light tight oil due to their density API degree between 40-45 very low.The reason for construction of new Refinery with demand to sag in the next thirty years is quite scanty.Although refining situation Today better than the last thirty years.Margins and profitability expected to decline as was the case in eighties, expected to shift Energy Market in favour of renewables.Although larger Refineries would continue to play a bigger role in subsaharan Africa where the industry is still a non starter.
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