December 10, 2017


The case of nineteen year old Liu Shih-Kun quickly comes to mind,who was an esteemed concert pianist,renown in China,until the emergence and wasting venom of cultural revolution,that banned all forms of western influence.But he refused to renounce his beloved music,and Liu was deemed or labelled enemy of the people,beaten to a pulp and then incarcerated.Then,he languished in a tiny cell,had no books,no paper,no script,no instrument and even worse not even close to his beloved piano.For propaganda reasons,six years later was called to play in Beijing with the Philadelphia Ochestra.Still,he performed brilliantly. What was the reason,because even eighteen month later,he still performed flawlessly?Certainly,he must have figured out,how to play an imaginary piano,how wonderful an imprisoned legs but not an imprisoned minds and hands that never ceased to play this balloon of imaginary thoughts!Learning must be constant even in the bitter climate of experience,be so even much more.Certainly,a new custom can beformed

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