December 10, 2017


why chaos is on the increase,in mordern time.I did some research lately and cudgeled over the population of world greatest original inventors,leaders and most influential theorists of all time,to my utter amazement,i was embarrassed,i still could not hundred solid men,that shaped the course of human history.That speaks volume the quality of use of our quite time,from time immemorial. That questions and challenges human thinking intergrity,what we do with our quiet time and how we use our quiet time collectively and the originality of its use and perpetual awakening of thoughful immersion. Isn't it despicable that the spate of violence,mass poverty,ailments and imperialism on the increase in mordern age shows its depletion? The use is deplorably abandon and we are thoughtless,reaping what we sow.In his book-As A Man Thinketh,James Allen says"All that a man achieves or fails to achieve is the direct result of his thoughts". We are limited by what we think and we are boundless by what we think.It is your stardom

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