December 10, 2017


Great inventions are done in silence and unsung and you have to be in prison and imprisoned to achieve them.The road into the city of dreams ,that beautiful jerusalem is a lonely journey and most unsung,so that it is the unsung that gets there.To be in that prison,you are sure of succesful exit.To write a novel,a timeless work of art,you would have to go to that school.Though,every one of us wanted to achieve great things still yet they are not ready to go jail.Make up your mind to vote for solitary confinement into your diet and be read to go to prison.The pragmatic outcome of such trial is better attested to by its action men and we can only share what experiences,we have to the dying souls.Each Man's strength lies in silence and confidence;so to be able to explore this realm,we require a little faith to be jailed possibly,not for failure but for triumph.Women are natural creators like god and babies are brewed for months,in the womb. Use your quiet time well for a productive routine,habbits and customs .

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