December 16, 2017


;for thou hast nailed the poser,triumphant hills beneath entrapped.All ados paraded,all purports' contrivance,confined to wits ends,And thou art consigned to them and refrain vilous solace at dusk,But when otherwise thou didst groove,no exorcism pacify be, Nor incantation booboos doused,wraith fled where forbearances fled,And thee by thy coagulated self,electrified like a positron,winces pounced,Nothing like sentinel beyond yonder hills,to salvage thee contraption of the gulf,a summerhouse yonder byzanthinous dusk,waow,a placebo in times of grief and despair,Naturewit May thou thy gracious graces groove mine sentry yonder hills uncharted,And court not bliss at the graveyard blushing sands! Sentinel's Soliloquy: Valedictory,i bade not thee away,kismet's spanking and soulsearching sinecure,to thee thy tendons,knows we shall meet at the neplus ulstra,i have no qualm and thraldom that my John Bull sees beyond yonder hills,triumphant hills pluck'd,that the sloths lay in ruins of desolate cities,and pathos not its

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