December 25, 2017


That thou mayest ravest within and feedeth with wind aboard like a raven,that doth bucket and buckle to survive,those procrastinates i prior have wit,writ to quietus,doth frond,let me not to the barricade of bolshie,bolster my tacky chin,Betide a betternoire betook my girth and assemblage,bestiality beneath but bestir a lion's spirit not its den but farthest afield,Stress is not stress as tide is not tide as salvo is not salvo,when not fired,Which cajoles byzathine and its immanent aspersions,not abscond askance and aftermath,O no it is no affable wield,to countersink procrastinate, That gazes on tacky feet and is not pang groaned,Starlets in trenchwarfare,starlets in trenches sunk,in a wanderlust gripe,Whose worth of time ridicules eclat of effect,apriori to posteriori.

December 24, 2017


Selflessness is an uncommon virtue and history cannot be forgotten without memoirs about Madiba's contribution to live and breathe life,into this virtue.This is strange ethos in the continent where most leaders would have changed the constitution to enable them run for second and if possible unlimited terms.In lowliness and meekness,esteem others better than yourself and in the words of Lao Tzu,we must endeavour to erase our ignorance.He wrote:Be gentle and you can be bold;be frugal and you can be liberal;avoid putting yourself before others and you can become a leader among men'Can you see that?So,the act of selflessness is bred in the act of denial and sacrifice and requires empathy,compassion,humanism,selfdiscipline,self control and patience which take time to breed.Selfless encourages you to fight against greed and abuse of power,fight aggainst institutional injustice and brutal oppression.Little wonder,he was reported to have repeated many times that courage was not absence of fear but triumph over it.

December 23, 2017


of pressure on him to take the challenge.He said and i quote: My installation as the first democratically president of the Republic Of South Africa was imposed on me much against my own advice.' The book was compiled by Nelson Mandela Foundation from his personal letters,interviews etc,contains a foreword by Barack Obama. That is selflessness at its peak and can onlybe found in a selfless person like that. He said he would have prefered to serve in that govt.or ANC without taking any position and that was why he served one term five years.The question is;how can a man who served his people wholeheartedly and was imprisoned for 27yrs unjustly,some served at the Robben Island,could stoop so low to allow another man to share his own glory.Even God as they say,will not share his glory with any man,but mandela did that until he was forced to take his glory.What a ridiculous statement but it was true because,he said it himself.The world is full of evil and manifold atrocities today just because selflessness is dead


of pressure on him to take the challenge.He said and i quote: My installation as the first democratically president of the Republic Of South Africa was imposed on me much against my own advice.' The book was compiled by Nelson Mandela Foundation from his personal letters,interviews etc,contains a foreword by Barack Obama. That is selflessness at its peak and can onlybe found in a selfless person like that. He said he would have prefered to serve in that govt.or ANC without taking any position and that was why he served one term five years.The question is;how can a man who served his people wholeheartedly and was imprisoned for 27yrs unjustly,some served at the Robben Island,could stoop so low to allow another man to share his own glory.Even God as they say,will not share his glory with any man,but mandela did that until he was forced to take his glory.What a ridiculous statement but it was true because,he said it himself.The world is full of evil and manifold atrocities today just because selflessness is dead


Selflessness is an uncommon expertise of the heart,mind and spirit and it is beyond what the body language can speak.When selflessness is grossly lacking in a mordern society,it will be a hell of a place to live and compassion like love is dead where selfishness as a moral virtue is exalted.Life is unfair and unequal where compassion is dead and rather than pays the true price of freedom,man is enslaved by its own undoings of moral decadence.He who is determined to clean the augean stable,this excreta must he scavenge and then the path of freedom,he attained by sacrificing his life and energy for his freedom. In one of the books,published before his death,Nelson Mandela the great antiapartheid campaigner noted he never wanted to become the president of his country.But rather preffered a younger person to mount the saddle as the first postapartheid blackruler.In the book;'Conversations With Myself',that he wasforced to accept the mantle of leadership by African National Congress( A.N.C.) leaders who put a lot

December 19, 2017


The hollow space of the mind,the coefficient of the jungle,being its conscientious codex codified as the cockcrows,cockahooped regardless of its cockadoodledoo,from sunrise tis sunset,Will not solace dampsquib as howling wilderness in its coefficient ofexpansion nor warm the cocklesof the heart,at the cock of the walk,to trickle down purple passage,gilded trump of stardom nor this cockleshell onboard they paddle if not capsized to live in clover,that it may live like fighting cock,Does the centrifugal choplogic,ever touch the right cords,to chuckle with contemptuous contentment,out of chromatic cholera,choosypalms not a chorus girl sings?Simpleton's catharsis,burst out of this codswallop,cannot be browbeated of its jungle's coefficience,And when thrust its coldsteel,coldstorage stuck,this blemished carthasis shall speak,at the harvest of time.Conscience smitten and its impenitent clowns,a hollow psychotic connive,cannot the deep contratile burns and contrition unearth,Burning viccisitude of fortified calories

December 17, 2017


similar to electricity:it must be produced and discharged and used in order to exist"while Eric Hoffer said that " The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enbles us to count our blessings! " That is even before they are hatched! Once you are not driven by the dictionary of the fools,in which impossibility is boldly written,you'll be forced to explore your lifetime value and "he can,who thinks he can and he cant who thinkr he cant" Orison Marden.These items are value drivers and we should realise no man's success will ever reach beyond his own confidence and ratio of time investment.In life,there is a season for planting and another for harvest and in between them time flies,regardless of whether you loose or succeed.A human seeds takes 9months,takes 6months for rice to grow,takes a seed of rabbit,it grows and reaps in 31 days time and it takes an elephant seed 22months to germinate.The flight of time,the growing price and the escalating cost,it disposes cannot create a threat and a risk to any success


Dont waste on those things that barely add a notch to your lifetime value and stop unwarranted delays.If your past is full of delays,of painful memories,of endless sorrows and squandered times,dont worry,you should forget them and try as much as possible, to start again,and if your strives arent good enough,put in more nerves and assume bigger task. You needed more commitment to put more energy in the mission.So,theflight of time,is too trickish to detect and conscious of itssubconscious powers,a wise investment even by volatile time managers will avail much.The three enemies of personal peace and progress which include regrets over past mistakes,ingratitude over today's blessings and anxiety over tommorrow's unknown challenges and problems.They can slow down human artistic reflections and a clog in the wheel of progress.Let us realise according to George Coolman that"For each new day,praise the bridge that carried over"to the next stage,and"Gratitude"according to William Faulkner,"is a quality similar


Mark Batterson once noted" If you dont control your calendar,your calendar will control you" It is your networth,littlewonder Alan Kein said that"Time is life",and popular adage that says"Time is money,"could not have thought differently,that the truest money is in fact time and not the fiduciary artificial equivalent."Until you value yourself,you will not value your time.Until you value your time,you will not do anything with it". Those are the marbled utterrances and golden gems of Scott Peck. When you begin to value,the most important priority items on your calendar,then i can boldly say,you have begun to value your time. Your Family,your vision time,strategic planning,delegation method etc are must do priority items and also target you meet each day optimises optimal value of time.This truest lifestyle management is by apriori or posteriori,an indication of wise time management,with strategic intention to pluck plausible and favourable effect.Now let move onto discipline and discipline is basically the...


The cloud above is mourning,who will console her?What counterpoise?what countermeasure,rather for a countermarch,of an animal of the cosmos,standing berserk,like a lion counchant?The cloud is mourning who will give her breast,with which nature enroute the sky,is breastfed,even beyond her council chamber?The cloud is mourning,for being adrift and barren,who will impregnate her?No lords of dickesian plow and cimmerian darkness ever fathom her boon and so the ferment mourns;for her good samaritan,is far awayor at a stonethrow distance.Who is then is worthy to place her and open the floodgate of her grandiose treasure? O Kismet Thou art worthy to loose its seal and solely reserved the unspeakable honour to do this imponderables.What will you give her that like a child she might breastfeed from her mother's breast?"Oh I remember nothing but sea current,recycled and repackaged above.Plead thee,my pedagogue,what is that?I dare not say it but ponder!ponder! please what is it?""Oh I Can remember,rains,rains,distant

December 16, 2017


thought or linked as a portrait of Lisa Gherardini Known as the wife of an Italian wealthy silk merchant, Francesco del Giocondo.Based on popular story,this half length portrait or in French,a La Joconde painting is thought to be painting used to commission their new home and also celebrate birth of their second son,Andrea.It was painted between 1503 and 1506,although Davinci,may have continued work on it as late 1517,a good 14 years of labour.After It was acquired by king Francis 1 Of France,it Became the property of French Republic and in permanent display at the LOUVRE MUSEUM in Paris,since 1797.If the lips could take a dozen of years to complete,it means commitment,one good price of timing,fully endorsed at its peak af it takes discipline another price to be paid,for timing to be crowned with commitment.Assuming Davinci Was lazy,partying and womanising,he wouldnt have been able to do what perhaps was then unpredecented.When we are armed,with this noble fact,we are bound to think twice and caution self.


,so beware even though you already claim so.Hence,great achievements are time greatest investment by wise time managers and great achievements are not made by chance.So,going an extramile,requires extraordinary time investment and all achievers are by mandate committed to pay this timely driven price of freedom.The price of freedom is invested in the cost of time.How come Leonardo Davinci was a man who could write and draw with one hands and draw with the other.That madness of patience andartistry,needed time to hone its leverage.For goodness sake,how could a mortal man like us,spent twelve years painting Mona Lisa lips alone.Imagine,just the lips alone!Today,Mona Lisa,or better known as La Gioconda in Italian,has become or widely acclaimed as the most widely talked about painting,the best known,most visited,most written about,most sung about and most elaborate work of art and most parodied work of art in the whole world.This most popular painting though its source has been widely disputed is nevertheless


the gates to our eternal and that it flies withholding access to our glory and the greatest robber,robbing us of our eternal treasure being life,we will forever in a lifetime conscious of that fact'time our greatest enemy and greatest robber flies'without we noticing even though we claim otherwise.And for the few who are awared of this fact,it is better to make the most of our little sojourn in this volatile but mean earthly passage.The great Sir Waldo Emerson of blessed memory infront of businessmen, told them"Make the most of yourself for that for that is all there is of you".Thomas Edison,wizard of electricity,did not waste his time,sharpened his ability and timely apply his mental energy to what billions of humanities and thousands of years before him,mankind could not discover.Had he honed his holy curiousity,so late in life,would nt have been so fortunate to make that groundbreaking discoveries. Ideas flow with time and the frequencies and sometimes its qualityand quantity,declines with aging.Time flies


Man is like a wind and it is time that determines him lifetime value and total worth.The total worth of every man lies in the computation of time,both the poor and the rich,the good and the bad,the wise and the fool,the skilled and the unskilled,the high and lows,the humble and the proud at heart,the righteous and the wicked,all time invested patronage.The only difference that differentiates them,is how much of their time,are wisely invested in their artistic and ken development and the inherent opportunities that they stumble upon,to help them hone their artistic capabilities.It is profitable thing when we know this and equipped with this axiom,and we can be careful about time management. In one of my essays,i reveal how effective time management was instrumental to the success of western civilation and to apply that revolutionary instincts can make a difference in our daily unprofitable routines and unproductive activities.If you realise that time our greatest enemy who through death and death scare close


of yonder generations,o this magical winces,upon rabid plow across cantankerous vale,latter rain's harvest pluck'd, Oh sentinel eulogy i hurl,sentinel that racecourses of the fleetfooted hilly beans,with rabbit punches that pugilistic eagerbeavers,with my racehorse of sentinel yonder hills,racing against time with racemeetings held on an opprobrious racetracks,wherein,i in my racing stable my pensive mood,quontidian gallivants and prowls sentry beyond,racketeered on the rack,to glide above distant gales ,distant hills,upon this rabbidities like a raffish and ragged ragamuffin with ragbags,at radiative radius of howling wilderness,my sentry frequencies radiate,and robed with naturewit graces,my hat to thee o sentinel yonder hills,where quietus lays in ruins and flees,i doff.


hills not,lured by lucre and epicure,yet but in horror lay enshrouded,by its nauseating pantheon of froward rabidities and quarrying queasies,as they stench, At quixotic and tacky seasons,reasons are stale, Pathos,pathos,is it worth bathos like that,that i earnestly plunge to pull the trigger,in the desolate road none before ever travelled and barely fizzle out like streak of lightning and meteor,thrashed by bandwagon jump,envisoned by i a hermit,a recluse,hibernating in this numb of vitriolic plow?And rabidly played with my drudgery of dreamyard pluck'd,not mangled by wiles of gregarious chants in this betternoire of earthly shroud?And in this force majeure,my kiths and kinsman,sentinel sees yonder hills,As like the twinkling of an eye,barndoor hit,my neplus ulstra,to sigh me relief in this pessimic clone as a desperado,O sentinel methinks as my kinsman,my innate sibbling,a twain of innermost rumblings of my apparition,to thy heels,i succumb be,seeking out thy groove of eleemysynery,that the magical winces,


,who shall come down to hade to redeem me? The windy sail or kismet? None;for Naturewit thrust no man with apotheosis,Then there's a thraldom,minacious heels,pounding my he-man and treading at one's heels,shall i dreamyard holocaust fret by my sangfroid girth of heighhos? far be it,Shall i not be wright so sturdy,with sublime graffiti,to wriggle froth free this pugnacious furnace,to whose featherbrained dunces,no fiddlesticks poached,to strangle a clairvoyant orgy,and then die dreamyard intestate ere my sentinel lays?Or shall i live,is it not for barndoor hit?That sempiternal sanguinary bank of insolent hell,marshed with horror of oblivious memoirs of deplorable and departed souls,the sheol of no return,wherein all men onward bound,to which my mysticism placates,where eternities tis eternities,decrepit bones and quiscent bones lay,when quietened by quietus,at queer earth's querrulous loins and such cremated cannot be doused,this whole shebang greedily horrifies deep breath,where bloody dickens,salve yonder


I'll groove with thee,enchanted by thy placebo,to nurse my grief and my tendon comfort sought,What should i do i here solitary with you? My gaunt lustre cavorting floppily,must not precipitous be, Come oh come my solitude thrust in thy drunken solicitude engrooved,What if this farago barndoor no hit,then shall i retreat again?O yes,squeaky clean shall i retreat with thy gritty chin ensconced,What if be potion,in the cuisine and saddle salivated which the sloths sublimely pother hath speckled to have me windy sail,lest in this quavering thraldom,causal forces my avalanche refrain,because windy sail beneath slothful embankment,rudderless bank seeth not?Then shall i stratagem,in the suble plough,plows reworked and plough again;for kismet hath steam being relentless wrestle itself cannot wriggle off this humbug tis mountain above gazeth thee stuck,i will not my proud cheeks temerity bereft,how if when awkward am laid in the tomb,And my graveyard wishes'horses with my dreary dreamyard,with me six footstone laid,


;for thou hast nailed the poser,triumphant hills beneath entrapped.All ados paraded,all purports' contrivance,confined to wits ends,And thou art consigned to them and refrain vilous solace at dusk,But when otherwise thou didst groove,no exorcism pacify be, Nor incantation booboos doused,wraith fled where forbearances fled,And thee by thy coagulated self,electrified like a positron,winces pounced,Nothing like sentinel beyond yonder hills,to salvage thee contraption of the gulf,a summerhouse yonder byzanthinous dusk,waow,a placebo in times of grief and despair,Naturewit May thou thy gracious graces groove mine sentry yonder hills uncharted,And court not bliss at the graveyard blushing sands! Sentinel's Soliloquy: Valedictory,i bade not thee away,kismet's spanking and soulsearching sinecure,to thee thy tendons,knows we shall meet at the neplus ulstra,i have no qualm and thraldom that my John Bull sees beyond yonder hills,triumphant hills pluck'd,that the sloths lay in ruins of desolate cities,and pathos not its


A sentinel yonder hills, a sentinel yonder hills.Beyond the gropping sun,lies a seer who sees the yonder hills, Sentry no more beneath the heated moon, Nor the sentinel pastime's pasture blushes,that it might be bereft of forages, that thou thy indescribable cosmos salivate,hast renege not,Dissuade art thou gone not;and taken thy libido gritty; Platonic platitude and hilly beans must redound fret,as bandwagon jumpers come home to roost,in their vagabond esplanade of bandwagon jump,Thraldom no more frollic when yonder hills,he sees,thou art braggart,a windy tyrant stroke,fret solitude of solicitude to adorn this gospel,to thee rudderless banks wary no more enchant,that strangling spectre of dose of physic,a leeway from thraldom imprisoned,the throng plausible but come to dust, Graveyard plaudits,wreaths at the tombs,lightens not frittered vintage,circa by circa,Nor prior pleadings,for a relief at this epitaph's dialect,quirky pall a sigh to placate,thralldom tis thralldom;for he that sees beneath yonder hills,


Frenetic dicky bird,mired with dog-eat-dog politics,thy lustre dissonance falters,Of tendons'frollic bay,triumphant hills'doggone lay,those feckless bones are straitjacketed lackeys,that were his dunghill metaphors strucks,Nothing of this John Bull that doth forbearances forbear,But doth lie doggone pulverised his golden feet,smoulder forays of the appogee,strangulating hourly and diurnal,breezes a deathbed breeder. Dog eat dog politics! bathous rampage! that dark leap,not deadmarch frozen ,hark! now in surfeit,a streak like a streak of lightning,hardly a throng grooves.


O Kismet Who are you? o kismet tarry where are you longuer? O so callowed braid and briddle,your gallivant fusspot's vile callisthenics,that can mope my springtide and highspirit,trickle down no further calamitous calcifying,sojourn's transit in cacophonous grin,Every wight's windy sail,doth cadaverous callow, What is kismet?tis noferious windy sail hereafter,Goading girth hath borne bland captivate,what's to windy sail is still not capricious unfurl;in tardiness lies in sated surfeit,then windy sail kisseth them at wobbling feet,succullent and sullen but not castigated, Kismet apologetics' apologia so cautious grins,mammoth will not indure.


Perfidious shenannigans and shifty setpieces,in serried ranks,gregarious flocks;Sheen to sheen its briddle pluck,Insuburdination,a substantive verb,hardly submerged,sunken and superlative sloths,fly like smokes in the wind,Sloth is full of sport and vile's nimbly, its breath,a vivacious foams,Being wildest horses in the city square,do i abhor them? That my commerce none,oh my thraldom- survival! Do i really abhor them,like menatarms,in the success vicissitude,yearning towards neplusultra.O genteel bone marrow,pleadings i plead thee,my pulse rises,spare me this stigma and avail me not with a scar that might stain my wobbling feet towards the wits end.But all smashhits this excreta must eat. Therefore be not sequestrate, Otherwise,a lifelong pauper thy winces be.


All ladies are the same, deceived by lucreglots,one foot in lucre's craves and one foot in a man's heart.O that constant constant may never change. Let the bitches be, poor homes everywhere and the world a moribund place to live. Let them be, Let them be.


Who is Margaret that i am in love with her? Is she fair to look upon,that before a throng i might be bold to flatter her in my ensconce?Oh,grandeaur moderate! Is she honest that i may confide in her ? May she be benevolent to a fault,but still keep her pride as a woman? This i dare not attest. My roving eyes still dribbled back and forth,pays not homage,in lieu of her nonchallance and unsteady heart? Am i an epitome of ample bravery to confront her devils? Filthy lucre doth to her hawkeyed pious eyes,reproof on every ado to embellish her wiles of nonchallance,in contradistinction of a heart willing and subservient of a maiden love. Then not to Margaret to let me sing her praise,a moribund brisk whose craze to love money,desecrates a yearning heart of an itching lover.She is disgusting to approach,as is fitting frequency of womensfolk.This foible,hits speedily,like an alien force from outer space and thus have i resolved;i still yet findeth not a woman who could love me as i am. Then shall i love no more?

December 10, 2017


Great inventions are done in silence and unsung and you have to be in prison and imprisoned to achieve them.The road into the city of dreams ,that beautiful jerusalem is a lonely journey and most unsung,so that it is the unsung that gets there.To be in that prison,you are sure of succesful exit.To write a novel,a timeless work of art,you would have to go to that school.Though,every one of us wanted to achieve great things still yet they are not ready to go jail.Make up your mind to vote for solitary confinement into your diet and be read to go to prison.The pragmatic outcome of such trial is better attested to by its action men and we can only share what experiences,we have to the dying souls.Each Man's strength lies in silence and confidence;so to be able to explore this realm,we require a little faith to be jailed possibly,not for failure but for triumph.Women are natural creators like god and babies are brewed for months,in the womb. Use your quiet time well for a productive routine,habbits and customs .


why chaos is on the increase,in mordern time.I did some research lately and cudgeled over the population of world greatest original inventors,leaders and most influential theorists of all time,to my utter amazement,i was embarrassed,i still could not hundred solid men,that shaped the course of human history.That speaks volume the quality of use of our quite time,from time immemorial. That questions and challenges human thinking intergrity,what we do with our quiet time and how we use our quiet time collectively and the originality of its use and perpetual awakening of thoughful immersion. Isn't it despicable that the spate of violence,mass poverty,ailments and imperialism on the increase in mordern age shows its depletion? The use is deplorably abandon and we are thoughtless,reaping what we sow.In his book-As A Man Thinketh,James Allen says"All that a man achieves or fails to achieve is the direct result of his thoughts". We are limited by what we think and we are boundless by what we think.It is your stardom


An alternative title that i could have used instead of the above caption is-'When You Are Alone.' So,when you are alone,what do you do?What do you do with your quiet time?If you want to succeed in life,it is a common knowldge that you must be creative,you must be creator like God in your closet.It is absurd to drink yourself to a stupor,in a lifelong without a commensurate intellectual contribution or womanise at reckless proportion,not occupying your minds with productive thoughts of a creator god. Moreso,as creation is done in secret and all works of arts,both learning and teaching,expression,impression and reflection,including curios,artefacts being also promiscuous works of imagination are embosses bred in silence,when your solitude is confined.All great inventions and preparedness,situated in this realm.A man is not complete without perpetual thinking weeks and quiet time and quiet time as boon companion.There is no intergrity and the population of such despicable brutes in human society,explicably shows


The case of nineteen year old Liu Shih-Kun quickly comes to mind,who was an esteemed concert pianist,renown in China,until the emergence and wasting venom of cultural revolution,that banned all forms of western influence.But he refused to renounce his beloved music,and Liu was deemed or labelled enemy of the people,beaten to a pulp and then incarcerated.Then,he languished in a tiny cell,had no books,no paper,no script,no instrument and even worse not even close to his beloved piano.For propaganda reasons,six years later was called to play in Beijing with the Philadelphia Ochestra.Still,he performed brilliantly. What was the reason,because even eighteen month later,he still performed flawlessly?Certainly,he must have figured out,how to play an imaginary piano,how wonderful an imprisoned legs but not an imprisoned minds and hands that never ceased to play this balloon of imaginary thoughts!Learning must be constant even in the bitter climate of experience,be so even much more.Certainly,a new custom can beformed


even the smallest events or situations into breakthroughs in thinking and action.Look,at all life as a school and every experience as a lesson and your learning will always be greater than your experience.'In that school that is life,we are taught by fate,how to use our custom and routines through hardwork to gather experience,from which by way of eualuation and breakeven analysis,learning proceeds,when explored.We can do nothing,when they are bitter experience and when we are caught in its bitter climate and terrific waves,we manage to learn from that contraption whatsoever,and then move on.When Charles Schulz in an old peanuts cartoons,shows Charlie Brown at the Beach,building a splendid SandCastle,it is wonderful to admire what a magnificent work of art.As he stands back for its admiration,it is suddenly destroyed by fire.Then,he says,in the last frame,'There must be a lesson here,but for the life of me i dont know what it is.'Nothing is worse than not learning from our daily experience.Isn't it foolish?


Life is all about growth and that cannot be possible without essential learning and continuous learning to facilitate that continuous growth.So,growth is a continuum where learning is a continuum and a lifetime perpetual cycle of growth is muchmore than possible,where they are perpetrated as a necessity.Learning is vital,because the extent of human serfdom,at a given period,is highly unknown and cannot be ascertained too quickly. No one can tell,the extent to which we are enslaved to our daily routine,frosty and frigid traditions.Authors Dan Sullivan and Catherine Nomura were famous for their Book-The Laws Of Lifetime Growth.They contended'continual learning is essential for lifetime growth.You can have a great deal experience and be no smarter for all the things you'll done,seen and heard. Experience alone is no guarrantee of lifetime growth.But if you regularly transform your experiences,into new lessions,you'll make each day of your life a source of growth.The smartest people are those who can transform


chest,hideously long fingernails in grotesque yellow cockscrews.... Many of his teeth were black,rotting stumps.A tumour was beginning to emerge from the side of his head.....innumerable needlemarks.......".Howard Hughes indeed an insatiable human animal,and a pitiful soul with no contentment on his own limitations.


I was just laughing hysterically at our mortal follies,when i read about Michael Drosnin.Very funny indeed. Drosnin wrote a book about this gullibility and vanity of mortal craves,when he cited and sampled the story of a man who wanted more wealth,so he built the biggest financial empires of his day.Really! He desired more and more pleasure,so he lured with money the most glamourous women of his day.Really!When he craved for adventure,he set airspeed records,built and piloted world's brightest aircraft and also by acquiring political clouts,secured more political power and was envy of senators.Really!He also also owned exotic film studios and paraded stars,and this gave him more glamour,that he so much craved for.Anyway,that Is not our headache but just listen to excerpt below from Drosnin's book,what happened to the man,when he died."He was a figure of gothic power,ready for the grave. Emaciated,only 120pounds stretched over his sixfoot inch frame....thin scraggly beard that reached its way unto his sunken

December 9, 2017


Man is deceived by the vanities of life and i keep wondering why would man labours so much,so hard only to loose them to at the end to a simpleton and die like foul.It is the most horrible aspect of our mortality.We are not just gullible but much more more moronish and harebrained and still we being hallucinated by the epicure of this vanity like i pointed in 'Life- A Vanity Fair.'Ernest Becker in his book entitled"The Denial Of Death"published in 1974,lamented this horror of horrible lives and concluded we live our lives,ignoring,avoiding and repressing the truth that we are all human or clothed by mortal fabric and that sooner or later,we are all going to die.That ignoring this fact was the basis of our alcoholism,approval addiction,madness and obsession with money and security.That same year that he published his book and won pulitszer with great acclaims,that same year,was diagnosed with cancer that same year,he died.Can you imagine that to witness that life is a paradox? Ever since,still never repented