June 26, 2024

Managing Human Problem In Mordern Society:A Guide To Personal Development.



Chapter 1 Live by What You know 
Chapter 2 .Moved by What Your don't know 
Chapter 3.The Law of Sight 1.
Chapter 4. The Law of Sight 2
Chapter 5.The Law of Sight 3
Chapter 6.Crowd Followers
Chapter 7.Within You
Chapter 8.The Power of The human mind.1
Chapter 9.The power of The human mind 2
Chapter 10.Relationship investment 1
Chapter 11.Relationship investment.2.
Chapter 12.Relationship Investment 3


Mordern society is heavily too complicated permit me if I may use the word 'over complex' to indicate the availability of insensitive leadership awashed in human society that bewildered themselves with the simple task of environmental and economic control and organic growth of economic freedom.This failure however places the onus on the hapless citizens to move into the pragmatic approach of managing themselves and the mirage of voluminous human problems they have at their disposal.They can still survive by creating opportunity for themselves within the social space that many hitherto consider inaccessible and discouraging.
In this book you shall learn the basic truth of managing a deluge of your own self bequeathed human problems and discover the magical impulse of such problem resolution from the human angle for optimal ease of relationship management and success in every human personal engagement.
When you do what you know,moving deeply by exploring the power of your mind,delving deeper within you,to explore the deep, to learn what you don't know master the power behind application of the law of sight,cease and desist from following the crowd and hence gain mastery over yourself especially in relationship management to get to your promiseland.You need to achieve those golden dreams you unveil from within you.

Chapter 1.Live by what you know.

We live in a highly competitive world and every man is gifted in one way or the other and we re beclouded sometimes by what to do to be who we really think we are.There s no doubt there are people better than us or you that may take you in your thousands of after life returns to beat them in this pernicious game of superiority complexes and competitive rivalry.There are those who use voodoo to traverse and outwit those better than them;those who pray using religious powers;those who get ahead using powers of being highly connected to the strange powers with big  influence in the land;Those who pick a trade and make hays there and an eccletics of all the above.What can you do when you re not opportuned to belong the cabals that are favored by the perimeters of social power, economical power and political power respectively?The best option or only option left is to use to what you know.Hence you have to grow it also .Those who turn to their instinct find a trade and learn and the rest of the five clubs live on the same menu of doing what they know too.Infact when they find it inadequate they might turn to the last club.These groups of people utilised the knowledge they ve acquired over the years and not necessarily when they remain redundant too to some extent they tend to consider the last club due to stiff competition in the market place for skilled labor and most importantly innovative power.The birth of misfortune in mordern job market places often belong to these sloths of cabals and to live by what you know and generation of impact accordingly is a fortune of a lifetime.The circumstances surrounding the environment of modern society does bestow us the luxury of time to afford the organic use of the most ideal club that differentiates the poor and the pool of rich people as well as the poor nations and the rich nations in general.Since there are no market for it unconventionally appreciates with the critically plausible artwork rendition to the boom of its bearer or artist.At certain times pragmatic approach is needed where it leverages on mass innovation with the acquired expertise to produce wonderful innovation and technology especially at affordable times. .The poor requires mentorship must learn a trade and the artisanal club would be tied to their fortune . Apparently Initial challenges besides we create a new solution, execute the program at no cost to us and utilisation of the power of our magical mind in resolving today's environmental and economic challenges.The fundamental task of economic development to guarantee uncharted frontiers and possible attainment of economic freedom begins with the club of technology and blessed with human resources in this part of the world it should be the primary goal of the citizenry and government respectively.Mankind in the normal survival of human administration often thrives in the pool of knowledge it posses and hardly any activity ever undertaken either in the planet earth or in the Cosmos or by nature with a specifiable degree and consumable pool of knowledge running the motion.Infact the base metals of the human mind runs ceaselessly the spigot of its ado from the metric tons of impression and expression consumed in the mode of observation and obsessed grid of senses application formed from these two ledger(impressions and expressions) system of knowledge and knowledge administration.The four corners of the earth same as the four corners of the human world or human entity being the immediate environment for the reproduction of knowledge creates the moral platform for the ledging processing and the factory of the knowledge system that stamp ever recyclical generation of knowledge from produced either by human mind or the nature's minds.Man or nature dead or alive involved keep creating knowledge forever as a critical means of natural or the human survival within the humidity of the natural or human environment.The relationship between the individual person and nature is regulated by the form of mutual respect between these pairs and subsequently form the bulk of general existential structures.Frankly speaking knowledge flows to mankind generally as it were with nature and we mean literally and not pejoratively in the most subservient computation of subconscious context.Hence mankind either willingly or unwillingly is brazenly subjected to the accomplishment of knowledge spiral acquired or not and accomodative of the use of arts in the same potency at which it is run by current disposal of knowledge.Whether we like it or not the livelihood of human entity is the spirit of knowledge basically divided into the spirit of live and spirit of death.Knowledge comes to man naturally because it is the first law of existence not human existence and indisputable a fact beyond a marginal fact given that it is epistemology of general existence.Strategically active knowledge belong to the living people and inactive knowledge belong to the dead first operates with the spirit of life and the second with the spirit of the dead and the difference between them is measured by Generally mankind is an activity entrepreneur and to infer that the business of activity is the business of existence and to evaluate and depict the nature of activity at a time is to make reference to consciousness of the arts to engender custom of the acts or activity.Knowledge comes so easily without learning in the business of the existence and man is forced to live by what he knows I call it hardware knowledge and same hardware can redefine the asparagus of human existence.We begin by solving human problems by what we know and to strengthen his based metals man moved closed to bridge the lacuna in this consumable pool of marginal knowledge.

Chapter 2.Moved by what you don't know 

In the introduction and first chapter we say encourage the myriad of human problems can be managed by beginning in what you know depressing as it is you move forward by learning from what you know and along the line you identify your inactive inadequacy spotted creatively or by straying to orthodoxy especially for the club of educated people.Then moved by such growing texture of holy curiosity you moved onto the level of intensive thirst for more knowledge adding in the immediate those banal of knowledge to construct your creative process especially the the aggressiveness of material aggrandizement for personal empowerment.I think is clear for every growth of knowledge acquisition purposely positioned for wealth increment the artist advances equally to live a more satisfied life.We seek education when we are moved by what we don't know and we move from state of enlightenment and enlightened ignorance to a new state of enlightenment and enlightened ignorance.The forms of education vary not only in the orthodoxy type like formal education and informal education but also we mean social education arises from picking information and intelligence from media mass media social media and internet or self creativity like the club of what you know not what you acquired which is psychological education.Traditional form of education also extremely matters and all these forms tends to motivate the cannons and cannonball of social education.We form our set inspired items of intellectual and psychological education comprising of problem identification,visual analysis and solution recommendation,ideology, dreams, visions, programs, theories and institutions from the deluge of social education, environmental education,formal education,informal education, traditional education, economic education, political education, spiritual education etcetera.Mankind on the surface of the earth is stationed appropriately to expand the relevant frontiers of this 7 web architecture of Human education system within the entrepreneurial entrenched ethos and organic confines of competitive knowledge management.The perpetual strategizing value and strategic interaction of the atavistic era snowballs of the human mind's intellectual input and output metamorphosis first into informal education,down to formal education and traditional education,then environmental education economic education and political education attests to the tireless spirit ọf the human mind to profit immensely from time investment and relationship investment to come this far.The golden transition of knowledge management over the ages to incorporate change management and trade conversion of iron age,bronze age into neolithic period,then ancient times metamorphosised into medieval by medievalists and castrated medievalists for onward trajectory into mordern age.There can be no doubt the eternal melange of this golden transition fully explains systemically the transition from the ancient civilization down to middle age civilization onward to current mordern and post mordern civilization and with the relentless forays the human civilization is poised to exit post mordernity into golden age where misery and penury and human societies thrive with the same perfection.The secret is man moved by he does not know break the jinx as iconoclastic framebreaker attains perpetually new frontiers in knowledge development.Human advancement that produces this pyrhic victory as the main philosophy must be the main priority of human progress.I think we need to move infinitely between those stages clockwise and counter clockwise.

Chapter 3.The Law of sight.1

The essence of time investment under sun is knowledge investment and what ties mankind together with nature also being an integral part of its ecosystem is time investment and relationship investment respectively.Apparently to mean that relationship management indicates how man relate to nature and time and it requires investment to boost it's welfare and communal benefits.Man and nature relate together to survive and to grow together using computer of existence which is time and with the power of time invest them with knowledge.How does knowledge flows?Is it not by the simple law of observation a pragmatic pregnancy in the use term of the law of sight?What do you do with sight?Of course to see perceive judge pass discretion visualise seeing imagining etcetera.The best economics of the human sight and the use potential asset of the human sight is observation from mere sighting to critical evaluation and in the process of sight procession and objective progression the adventure of human thought advances and essentially captures the inflow of impression first external and then internal creates knowledge from abstraction source to generate experience.Hence human society is polluted as well as being purged by the law of sight creating nightmares, ludicrous landmines as well as  
recommendations and solution .A variety of human problems begin and end with perilous use of the law and the true law condensate is observation.Do we observe properly ? Of course not and we re the very problem of our existence in most cases optimally destroying the golden essence of time investment under sun for every wrong observation diminishes the strategic quality of time investment and overall human development declines. Hence given that human problems is invariably social problem in the long run for humankind to manage this problem it must be tackled and taxed at the level of human responsibility and human being.Quite manageable before they spiral into environmental and social problems with proliferated social debt.Be that as it may this splash of degeneration is left uncontrolled as critical source of societal problem.When the growth of human nuisances accelerates social predicament it is often necessary to remind ourselves the need to creates operational measures to prevent human problems which arises when we fail to observe properly.It is funny thing to adopt good deeds and not seen mutual benefits 

Chapter 4.<The Law of Sight.2

Chapter 5.The Law of Sight.3
Chapter 6.Crowd Followers

Chapter 7.Within You

Chapter 8.The power of the human mind.1

The Power Of the human mind cannot be ascertained too quickly until the friction of cause and effect is applied to the tangible intangible, palatable unpalatable, scrupulous unscrupulous,tangled untangled phenomenon of vicissitudes and by then same human logics applied in the problem identification, impact analysis and solution procurement abetted and afforded in the affirmative of human prejudice would be responsible to unveil the magical powers and the inherent mystique embedded in the deposited potential of human mind endowed with the purpose to create,execute,manage, maintain and transform same environment that supplanted its transitory species of homosapien.With same cognitiveness of procedural cognition of the same human mind it can be destroyed in the twinkling of an eye and peculiar environmental ethics and ideology often vital perpetually installed to stabilize life and matter in this volatile terrain of earthbound creatures.
Strategically beyond any proven animae of matter the mind as powerful resource of body asset available in every species of matter not just mankind tangible or intangible 

Chapter 9.The power of the human mind.2

Chapter 10.Relationship Investment.1
Love is complex work of art and I think the generation of today fails to consider this unpopular work of arts even though the theme of the subject called love is the most popular word in the universe .Indeed is the most popular and most beautiful word either by the very first sheer appearance or by its etymology but it's works of art is so complex that its artistry both by muse and articulation of thorough custom does not belong to every tom Dick and Harry.The ones we love may not be the ones for us and those we do not love maybe the right one for us sometimes.Hence it is interesting to be informed of the difference between love and infatuation and emotion and passion.Infatuation is emotion and love is passion and you have to be actively involved and not play a game with it and passionate people don't joke with what object of arts catalyses their passion.The test of love is laid bare in the wilderness of trials and errors and to get to know your partners in that kind of condition to fake love and not true love it might be too late and you can not go back to redress your past mistakes .This kind of unpalatable scenario might hunt the bearer unfortunate artist for the rest of his or her life and either shortens life or makes a miserable lot despite its longevity.Whether you find true love or not it is always vital to realise every relationship in life be it in a marriage or business relationships or any category requires the platform that catapulted that type of relationship to be totally invested in otherwise parties might be overwhelmed with its challenges and trials and failures.They should be ready to persist and strengthen the framework for relationship investment and trust and intergrity should form the operating basis of this relationship.The strength of this framework could be a primordial asset for problem discovery, problem identification, problem analysis, problem solution and impact review and some impact or benefits might have outlive their usefulness and you require a new experience to unbundle the prior benefits that now becomes a burden.Patners in every category requires massive investment and we re talking of not just money but like I said the best investment in the most ideal direction is trust and intergrity is a mere strategic extension of it but the point is trust must be reciprocal and it takes two to tango.In the enterprise economy of trust incorporation a partner often invest more in the trust wallet more before others reciprocate and in that operating wallet of trust the patner sows intergrity,being strategically the apex formation of character.When he fails others also fail or fall behind and not ready to be responsible and make amends and help him bridge the wide gap that has sustained intergrity investment in the operating wallet of trust . Sometimes when money is in that wallet the partner's might decided to betray the leading patner once they get access to that wallet and it means oṅly money catapult the moral endorsement of the leading patner.If he builds them from scratch with nothing investing trust and intergrity in the operating wallet it doesn't guarantee in the posterity he will insure that trust and maintain that intergrity.It is very true time has an undue influence in evaluating the true strength of human character not just when overwhelmed in their critical times of wilderness trials even in the promiseland the test of character charge continues.Patners could liquidated their trust by signing agreement when forecast  benefits have been recovered and parties move on in difference direction.Given that we cannot see the true love people and societies, nations and nationalities should decipher what kind of framework can sustain the mode of engagement the moment we discover we married or dated or cooperate or collaborate in this context driven by infatuation and then we re strategiese if we think we might not interested in breaking the bond that started as infatuation later surprisingly grows into love.Hence it is possible for infatuation to grow into full blown love and the glow of emotion moves from infatuation into passion for true love.We say this because most common form of relationship engagement in this jet age or internet age is infatuation if properly harnessed the use of same human prejudice could grow true love provided in the transition of wallet investment the strength of intergrity in both parties solidifies beyond the pull of monetary affection .
Although infatuation as an emotional lie defined as foolish love temporal,absurd, immature and childish in the sudden rush of emotion that overwhelms the bearer.This does not always apply to business relationships given that no rational investors beyond family and friends would invest with such infatuated platform unless figures are categorically clear enough of the inherent mutual benefits of such engagement.So it is coming in marital relationship nowadays and provided patners secret are kept indoor it may stand the test of times to mean that infatuated platform too can mature or growth to the point of strengthening the contents of wallet investment for optimal relationship investment returns.The moral dividends like childbirth and insulated welfare in the case of marital relationship or monetary compensation also generally applies etcetera.
Chapter 11.Relationship Investment.2
 There is nothing like fake relationship and the moment partner's find out they were engaged in fake relationship they either still stay or leave in most cases .Why?It is because there is no trust or found out they hardly love each other but if they forgive themselves they stay back to make amends but they part there is no sufficient guarantee the next relationship might be better than the prior trials that have extensive blessings and benefits of invested years of mistakes and vanishing virtues that you can learn on to make corrections.The former had the benefits of experience which they say is a good teacher.Apparently unknown to many,getting a new partner is not the problem but long run cost of re- learning what's previously learn believing you could avoid pitfalls of same experience could be biggest undoings of that post adventurer someone relearning his or her mistakes all over again.Kind of the theatre of the absurd relearning what you have learnt for decades hoping you could avoid that set of mistakes that pulled you back from prior ridiculous times.In most cases I pity divorcees and people involved in unplanned investment or those involved even in planned investment with the sole interest of monetary compensation.Whst if it fails finally with no benefit of returns the immense frustration involved if not lead to indepth or productivity infertility could destroy human psychology that might not recover once again.Invariably relationship investment base on the purpose of the investment but on the purpose of the success of wallet investment and framework returns.Life is an unpredictable spirit of human volatility and rebound of successful and unsuccessful purposes thrived on the unsustainable pitches of success and failure.The extreme skills to identify the kind of relationship investment that pay off in the long run depends on the strength of this framework and wallet investment.It is becoming increasingly evident and embarrassingly obvious that this volatile mode of investment is getting endangered in the undiluted word and antiseptic term of endangered species and mankind in this part of the world atones to their need based on the immersion of human prejudice rather by the politics of purpose and the catalyst for the rise of infatuated marriages .Moreso as there can be no remedy to remediate this spiral of nemesis where the root of the problem is not identified.Even when you do the the internet age generation won't accept less than what the age suggested for adoption-immorality.The greatest thing in life and the most successful thing in life anybody could do is to invest in yourself and then invest in good relationship.Although I might not be able to identify bad marriages too easily depending of the choice of candidates which anybody can do easily prone to love of money but I can easily identify good relationship investment and which we know as bad relationship.Even at the average level of artisanal bias most artisans follow their masters and the strategic course of their masters gild say he learns mechanic given his objectified purpose is to be one.Then he identifies a mechanic and learns and get freedom and become one.It saves him the cost of squandered life and at the top etchelon of success or rich people same thing applies and I think we can identify good and bad relationship investment.For instance you desire to be rich, follow rich man in your identified industry or in general and you have to study and it can be overwhelming task to do and simple to some people.It depends on the readership capacity of the human genius and the nature of human grace allocated to each homosapien.If you identify a fake relationship too quickly recognizing perhaps due to change in the ministry of purpose you can decide to quit and the vital volition for critical choices and choice and decision making is at the beck and call of human defense to take . Difficult as it is decision has to be made based on this spectrum of established scenarios otherwise to quit a relationship and a relationship investment embarked upon for decades to start again might be the greatest failure of life.In the case of marital relationship with untold hardship of unbroken woes yet with unbroken bonds wives sometimes or even husband might not be skeptical at to kill themselves recklessly taking vengeance unnecessarily for wasting their love.
Chapter 12.Relationship Investment.3

Men and women, societies and nationalities, nations and international community are agents of relationship investment and in the reciprocality of all form of relationship investment bad and good still they hardly reflect in the most ideal direction.However this indicates that relationship investment too can thrive on prejudice of infatuated platform or related context subject to periodical evaluation and audit of forecast propensity and the proposed properties of the inherent relationship framework and the form of obtainable truth the primordial grade of wallet investment can generate even in the gulag of wilderness investment .I simply do not blame the poor people and those who fail in their catalogue of failures for having bad environment,bad mentors or no mentor, volatile intuition and bad association.Those who simply discourage you not to do those valiant things do it because they're lazy and they simply could not do it and so it is better to discourage you and makes you not greater than them.Evil people are everywhere and even worse in the continent of Africa where you have swarm of aimless folks roaming the streets aimlessly due to the fact not because of only bad environment but because of the proliferation of bad association around them.Even where they could crest good association their long term interest is how outsmart the other patners and don't care to destroy their years of labour and toil stressing their energy for the boom of trust wallet investment.
Like I said there is no fake relationship it all depends on what patners desires to achieve and that it could start on an infatuated inflatable pool or platform subject to subsequent review.However it could commence as love at first sight like you have in the case of marital relationship and I believe as long as man can use their brain to contrive a thing they could also use their brain to rectify it and we know man's action is a determinant factor and extremely matters in the existentialist world how much more when driven by ideology character and purpose.Hence love at first sight fully driven by infatuation or inflatable infatuated platform could.We do not however discontent nor disconnect the missing fact there could be bruises in the aftermath of this discovery of fake relationship which does not spare good relationship too of its own fair share of challenges and trials every encounter of relationship investment is tedious venture of learning tradition both for adventurers and post adventurers respectively.We do not omit the fact that standard norms apply and there should be mindset tentative package for the internet age of civilised climes that defy the logic of standard norms.The world is full of hypocrites and dismembered by hypocrisy and heretic doctrines both the pious and impious are immoral reprobates of biblical and religious ethics.Men and women in the tangible collective terms are attracted to physical appearance and women invariably go a notch higher making critical assessment of their selected men and financial power when they move closer and men loose faster with women blessed with fast discerment and objective personal analysis.Infact where the substance exist they could exhume a gold digger status to extort wealth dissipate male energy towards their personal aggrandizement and quickly retreat.We fail because people don't invest their relationship and not because lack of knowledge and other critical ethical and societal issues and you know ethics is about uneasy issues but because relationship investment is close to zero in most cases.It is worse in Africa and it results in bad time use,if ever identified it generates bad time investment and badd time investment returns.A cursory survey of 100 Nigerian working men only one ends up a multi millionaire or beyond and the rest either dies due to this chronic lark or those who discover it say ten percent majority recorded bad time investment and bad time investment return and hardly know the objective benefits of their own wallet investment even after identifying the right mass of association.So it is not for nothing when they say bad association corrupts good deeds and some are lucky to experience good association ignorantly flout and squander the beautiful environment.I quite aggree that it is better to look before you leap but in cases you know you fauxpass can't be corrected or Change the best thing is to refer to this book in chapter 11 that treats how to treats relationship that began with infatuation and politics of prejudice.It is interesting to know that once he or she enters into such pitfall the best thing to do is that partner's should begin to build intimacy I mean strategic interaction of intimacy not as it were in their days of ignorance .And they move from mental intimacy into spiritual, psychological coming down to material intimacy often the main cause of rebellious quarrel in marriages and sexual intimacy.Note it has be infused with outdoor experience and many unconventional methods that previously did not exist in their past infatuated Sometimes it precedes marriage like the dating period conscious or subconscious.I think intimate can intimidate the problem of infatuation to promote true love that is never possible from the infatuated perspectives infact it was the secret behind the prevalence of infatuated marriages rather than true loved marriage.Wallet investment succeeds easily where intimacy thrive and people are scared by intimate people although you can only be hurt by those close too you tends to defeat the notion at times that true love exist in most pristine norm of the word "true love".But intergrity is deceived and deprived from the wallet investment which means no wallet investment there is no need for you to be hurt by those who are close to you.A superficial lover self-centered lover would soon be relieved and disgraced from the union and the breakdown often results when intimacy with intergrity or character breaks down.Surprises occur when you know little about your partners and you cannot just trust people you don't even know and you risk your practically on the stampede and infatuated marriages can handle that perfectly.Dont forget the pattern of behavior in a true marriage is fixed like established routine not and the rituals unassailable you must pay it like death and taxes but not so in infatuated infant marriages where the volatile patners keep springing surprises to indicate there is no trust in the marriage a secretive evidence that only intimacy intelligence can provide conveniently.To entrust your patners with your dreams, money and assets,the intelligence from intimacy provides the hard data in subject of evaluated character.If you don't have this information you cannot afford to do be it in a true marriage or infatuated pool of marriage.If trust is eroded due bad intelligence gathered and disclosed to partners,partners can decide to quit or forgive one another and move one and it is in their best interest to forgive themselves and avoid avoidable embarrassing continuous frivolous silly embarrassment of post adventurers.It does not matter for shameless.If you have no mind quit the relationship and avoid emotional triggers that is associated with unfixed pattern of behavior in infatuated platform.It is necessary for those who could hardly forgive and forget forgive but not forget to get over the emotional turmoil terrible mode and horrible waste of mental state and emotional and physical energy thinking incessantly over trauma they can not change.When they think of past bad events fear muddled their thinking and you can bet your life is a pure luck to survive that if your patner could do something of this magnitude to you to scar your emotions he or she is capable of doing something worse and the best thing is to step aside.Strategically in addition to intimacy providing behavioural intelligent data the art of transparency communication and conflict resolution if handled well though risky can save relationship and boost input quality in the wallet investment.Transparency can be likened to intergrity and so much denial between parties and hardly you see any patner that is ready to accomodate the tussle of responsibility involved in undertaking the gigantic task of transparency or accountability or intergrity  in most relationship management endeavor.

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