November 10, 2024

Assymetry part 2

Who had the new fangled and strangled strand of mementos in gail
And when his to go lightning strike at dusk:for ere did it growl when the greyhound is gone
And only then did he fell with grunts and spittle 
When the battle is drawn and esteem faded
Where the goodwill is gone but not let your esteem the true price of integrity be interred
With thy kinsman how much worse for the foreign kits and kin
Bolaji:He is your sibling and my affection does make him false
To smother your integrity with the slain price of esteem
One tinge of affection does make a pearl to slaughter manifold scar of stigma 
That justice may not flee when integrity is endowed with mindful esteem,
White power slew integrity that justice you might return 
Black power : Not in my ordnance did that smother kinky froth that integrity must not die where the price of its goodwill for the liberty of justice doth owe?
Bolaji:He slew Integrity who will restore esteem 
Black power:Not my lineage that we be dead with that goodwill.He was companion and now he is dead we LL be bent to castrate the scar and restore esteem 
His sibling's fault to himself not forsaken and a debt he owes times to repay but what the debt should exit the return of justice.
Bolaji:And for your defense who would exit stigma?O I have interest that it be returned in earnest to save your blood the glory of liberty and priceless esteem.Practically none rude awakening whatsoever over this faux pass.Not that I LL be dead to pleading excuses 
And nature hardly deny your lineage the ways and means 
To repay the theft of times with broken jaws of esteem
Nor dread nor misery shall outwit thy household 
That you use none shall repay in earnest
You maketh the price of liberty where the great price of justice is repaid
Over this broken hour you slavish this self esteem to deny a rebirth.
Liberty but justice in the restitution of the missing theft
Scene 11 Black power's Vineyard
           Enter Black power

Black power chanting the hymns and weeds ferociously in the farm hours in furrows tis the octopus greetings spiral from the back of beyond.

Black power:(Shocked to see him again)You fiery footed steed here you come u bothered of indistinct times.
Octopus:Would you not whip sentiment aside to bring in cloudy tort?Spread thy dragnet, opulence wondrous deeds.
That my winking runaway eyes like fugitive might return and white power 
Leap to joy beyond the theft of bolaji's calumny .We leap to these arms of egalitarian spirit unseen nor heard of in the vicinage.Sacrifices excel by their own beauties where lovers'amorous rites had failed and if adeptly true sacrifice be blind it is by the sloth of indolence and girdle of indolence that it lays.Let morning comes with probity 
Thou sober suited patron of chastity in the vicinity summon the community to create this opulence from the rising reeds of thy back mantle till industrious sacrifice envelope the wings of persuasion.They may act in the sobriety of your simple modesty.
Gallant morning ride out in beautiful stars crossing the rubicon with the raven's back
You shall indeed maketh the sloths here of stainless neighborhood and white power shall slew no more the pride of your integrity to make the face of heaven shineth in their broken jaws of solitude.
That all the world will be in sacrifice before dusk and pay worship to the mission of the sun.So tedious is my day that i least enjoy it and to an imprudent night that had no beautiful morning the festival bringeth no gain to utter the garb of heavenly quintessence.
 Black power: Haven't I told you there's no liberty for the sloth neither any home nor relief for the avarice where there jaws of beautiful morning are broken?

Enter White power with grouch's

Now what have you gotten you into?What grouch's lately with Bolaji?Yarn me.That she nodded thee and me a ransom for the theft?
White power:Not much.I did repay half a quid.
Octopus:And the balance when?
White power:Well a week later
Black power:Am done with ladies but not with Bolaji.They re gone from my compassion.Murdered.Dead and dead for good.
Octopus:Dead for good!Really?
White power:Any reason whatsoever?
Black power:Heavens cannot forgive them the sloths in women'sfolks nor envious of nefarious swindlers among them.
Octopus:White power can not a misogynist like you.
Black power:Asking if any that wasn't smother decades ago.
White power: There's a better place in dismal hell than they re are in the zoo of disparagement.
Octopus:Has this folk slain themselves that we hardly bestow them esteem that we did to bolaji's camaraderie?
White power:Death darting eye of cockatrice bewails the folks sandbank that Dost torment their outlook in hell of no mean slavish duel.
Octopus: They re no Bolaji's if there be such indeed a grotesque faux pass of those snobbish eyes closed to misery of improvident machismo.
White power:O that dearth darting poisonous eyes determine their Commonwealth!
I saw my wound of fleecing folks and licked them with bittersweet truss saw it with mine naked eyes the piteous wamble of womanly beast in sheep's clothing.
I swore nothing but all but dead in sucking gore blood.
White power: Single parenthood my broken nightmare in deepest regret growls of pretty folks damndest drifted supplanted in crudest soil banished from dream homes.Is this oyster of a wonderful world the very anticlimax and shallow banal of its end? Bankrupt homes reproachable nation.
Octopus: Wail that these eyes in prison never look liberty well with the true eyes of justice; for been enslaved in the first place,their verdict are nothing but less insane.Vile lineage,vile family to vile earth they resign kismet.Where does the serpent hid the deflowering face and the sound of dreadful trumpet?Fiendish angelicals in humus soil of lettered villains,grandest tyrants and immortal viles .
Black power (exeunt the farms purging feet with detergent in the threesome converse.)
Black power:A beautiful fortress bolaji's model worthwhile emulate quite a beautiful betrothed.
White power: Your betroth or elsewhere estranged or something?Tread carefully.
Black power: Why you deceit exchanges her mobiles ?

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