Would a garrotter,a strangler,a choker ,a ruff or a dog collar often blaze the trail uncooked with dweeb to protect the statuquo? Sound appalling that he who chokes at chockabout should be choked by the brutes of his own self.Yet the choker in the choke point cannot be choked by his own choking pall.
Not the chrestomathy of reportage against them can change the maneuvers against this usury of the harrowing garrotter to funnel the chrism or chrisom rather being struck unfairly as cthonic cthonians stuck in the Davy Jones locker.
A churrigueresquely chock-full of kidnappers and vicious chutzpaniks with immodest nest ornamented like churregueresco clogged the highway of southwest Nigeria.
Where are the clerid beetles,Ciceros,cider presses and Julius Caesars of this world in the oscillating cycle to unclog these cirripedes of the cirripedia ,clamp down and void this growing pock of all encroaching cicatrices ?
O this cirripedia edgeways across the cirrus clouds, cirrostratus clouds and cirrocumulus clouds,floats like a streak of unbroken lightning .
To citify the citified and the uncitified burst the unsanctified stokes of the moribund claywares and claystones the class conscious class action lawsuits warrant not the clemency of the state.
To bolt open the clock dial of the hugger-mugger the cloak and dagger botherhood of the immodest nest in clock pendulum,bat and clobber the sleeper cells of gangsterhood in their trenchwarfare.
Slam it hard with clodhoppers of justice in the parody of liberty as clips of close shave clop in close quarters with the close support of close knit close hauled perjured not in close mindedness of the close order drill at dawn.
A first hand knowledge of the unpalatable kidnappings in the brushwood would suffice that with what breathing apparatuses and breathing machines would afford the vulnerable Citizens the breathing place in the amphitheatre of breathing room?
O what brutes for the Brutus and Brutus for the brutes days of reckoning and froward simpletons hid in the dangling clouds.
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