March 12, 2024


In this context of counter development setback and chronic underdevelopment owing to perilous years of social debt encroachment avalanche,we should be rational enough to interrogate the quality of social arts in terms of the basic parameter in the measurement of human and social reflections.These are verified barricades or verifiable barriers to impinge the mutual frontier of social perception to avers that politics of social prejudice has taken over the place of reliable human and social rationalism let alone comprehend basic nomenclature of social politics as evidence of social intelligence use.Everything ends and dies at the level of uncoordinated human reaction and not a dose of human interaction not even at the level of human relations let alone evaluate the rationalisation of human responsibility.The natural reaction exceeds human reaction and collective human reaction and natural interaction exceeds human interaction the latter at zero degrees some sort of natural resistance to development trade often stabilises and grows social malaise against the probable success of human interaction and human rationalism, human intelligence and human relations,a long way to go to endorse the verity of human responsibility and human freedom.

We examine further other stages and cultural cycles laying foundation to standard golden transition of development cycle.

In the social enterprise of existence the law of routine so to say the law of recyclical renewal applies using the computer I time was contrived with the emergence of cultural age not formless age of matter comprising of silence age and age of mother nature.The birth of cultural age introduced material or definite substance to the matters of nature and the laws of mothernature and computerized by time in the general law of routine.We briefly exposes the martial arts of nature for instance the moon emerges at night or evening a routine that follows suspension of the day and the sun.The rainy period and the sunny period,the harvest period and sowing period,the stars give glorious lights at night and the revolution of the planets and stars in this galaxy around the sun as evidence in the social enterprise of natural existence follows this grand law of routine,not just the laws of mothernature such as gravity and resistance etc.These entourage of natural arts use the concept of natural reaction, for instance as evidence in the day and night where sun and moon trade their natural arts and in reaction to the market duration,the sun often takes over from the moon to trade the day as the moon also often takes over from the sun to trade with night .This concept of natural reaction flags off evolves through inherent motion accelerate with natural interaction and exit with natural relations as remedies to actualise their natural responsibility and each attain natural freedom in their respective landscapes of natural ecosystem.This natural arts in the prevailing ecosystem of natural system using the law of routine metamorphoses through the six stages to churn out natural forces and achieve natural stability.Moreover in the context of human freedom,the volatile growth of human intelligence defy routinization of this public duty and lack of coordinate jurisdiction in bereft of this applicable routine acts as catalyst to the unpremeditated balloon of social debt . Invariably the routine terminates at the level of human reaction and often meet or experience natural resistance quashing growth between the routinised point of human reaction and human interaction and this i called the natural death of human society.The theoretical clarity in this context is like a stitch that saves nine and saves nine at the eleventh hour.The capacity of the collective human enterprise to be able to succeed the public routine would allow the critical progress of development trade and golden transition of the development cycle.We examine ordinarily how the climate should go and so much necessity of public routine endorse for socioeconomic progress.


Invariably unknown to many the power of social arts collective spiral from the leverage of human arts often drives the concept of natural and human reactions to initiate systemic transition across all the subsequent subsidiary systems.

We have reviewed the concept of development cycle less of development trade, hence we cursorily review stages of systemic growth and must be preceded by cultural cycle that should come before the concept of human reaction , concept of human interaction and concept of human relations, concept of human responsibility, concept of human development and concept of human freedom.The commencement of cultural cycle backed by cultural values attain or snow ball into the concept of capacity building that open up development cycle transition.The composite cultural components that form cultural cycle with cultural values open up the concept of human reaction.The first in the cultural cycle is art system comprises of arts and tradition and the growth of arts corresponding with the growth of human rationalism and subsequently human intelligence can launch a lasting human change as vital resources for human freedom most powerful of human freedom are.With sufficient human intelligence and mature human rationalism,the human system could respond or positively react to their immediate social challenges.Undertaking the complex role of the concept of human reaction with sufficient human intelligence and evidence of human intelligence the rise in the belief system and corresponding rise in human tradition effectively nurtures equivalent reaction.The veracious inadequacy of human intelligence not to positively demand for strategic Change in the growing nature of social debt often dissipate the quality of human reactions or human responses vital to initiate radical human change to feed into general socioeconomic change.

As a result of this moral inadequacy,the inherent moral setback feeds into rising phenomenon of natural, human and social debt due to lack of clarity of the quality not just quantity of fading human reaction in the waning but extant social system.The natural consequences are the basic natural reactions that defies quality human oriented causal forces prone remedies to arrest the mountainous growth of social debt in the unsecuretised social spaces. The proliferation of social malaise in this context barely knows no bounds.We can surmount this unruly natural appointment of appaling oddities by perusal of development trade and specifically this basic evolutionary trends of time sequences and standard modules in development production, procurement, management and basic controls in the cyclical production of development and mass development in general.


Social system as an existential enterprise so to say as a social enterprise of human and natural existence be it natural or artificial or man made comprises of fifteen subsidiary systems that defines the social enterprise of nature and mankind.They comprises as noted above in their organic and inorganic evolutionary sequences of existential charts cultural system,spiritual system, natural system, human system, intellectual system, ideological system, political system, Religious system, technological system, psychological system, economic system, social system and socioeconomic should we silence age system and mothernature system we observe fifteen components in the larger social system incorporation ecosystem.They undergo golden transition,as stages of growth in the development cycle for each system to build up their six stages of development from the concept of natural reaction to the concept of socioeconomic reaction to achieve their goal of socioeconomic freedom or attain great charters.We observe about 11 or 12 of these existentialist systems relevant to the strategic course of socioeconomic progress and affordable social life.

All systems must undergo development cycle transition as evidence of general growth same way as the general economic growth of the state and its stages to be able to grow through the six stages of systemic evolution successfully and must be tied to the vision of great charters which unveils how different types of freedom peculiar to the 12 systems under great charters evolves or are attain from the concept of human reaction to the concept of socioeconomic reaction adinfinitum in a recyclical renewal orbit proper.In this context every generation must undertake its own social responsibility to pay off their social debt and social debt outstandings in their own time not leaving unpaid social debt to future generations.The exponential growth of mordern technology affords every generation capacity to pay off their social debt without leaving burden for unborn generations.


THE EVOLUTIONARY SEQUENCES OF SOCIAL SYSTEM.In the summary charts of social system we observe the subordinate systems that make up the social system at large often regarded as social relation web.In the inorganic charts of the web analysis spiritual system opens up the fundamental base of existence preceded much earlier by the treaty of mothernature, origin of mothernature in the atavistic era still remains in doubt and the morthernature itself superceded itself by the treaty of silence age that birth silence and silence influence over all existence.Thereafter after the emergence of cultural system when the computer of time was invented by mothernature,the cyclical evolution of nature from the silence environment of mothernature was begun and after the birth of this spiritual system,came the emergence of natural system,then nature birth the human system,then self oriented motif of mankind was begun to develop himself evolved with its own intellectual system,later ideologiçal and educational system,refined periodically its own technological system and political system.It later also evolved its own cultural system and later pioneered religious system,grew environmental system and economic system and finally got a standard socioeconomic system after its own cultural system had evolved over time.In the evolutionary sequences of social system we observe the elaborate charts of the social system including the social architecture,great charters of liberty, development trade including development cycle transition stages, cultural components and the formation of golden transition

In the organic Evolutionary sequences of natural system we reiterate a cursory review of the evolution of natural system ranging from silence age,down to age of mothernature,the rise of cultural system, religious system, intellectual system and ideological system and finally birth of natural system.This natural evolution opens up the strategic template for the emergence of natural forces over which man has no control and by learning from this natural system and its ageless spiral of climate change imbibing natural knowledge,institute its own social system using its own social forces to indirectly govern natural forces and created a meaningful existence for mankind.So,in the Evolutionary sequences of social system we noticed a gradual ages and evolutionary stages of natural knowledge absorption imbibing core cultural values of natural intelligence to educate and motivate social intelligence through commensurate growth In social rationalism and evolve social intelligence vital to initiate reform and civilise the social system.Man thereafter finding it difficult to govern natural forces decided to institute its own natural forces often known as social forces to pioneer social system its sole abode on planet earth.The evolution of man made meaningful existence in the planet earth evolved from natural system unconsciously and later subconsciously in the atmosphere of spiritual and natural responses and consciously to a larger extent,as human reaction in the institutional and civilisation of social system using deployment of social forces at periodical intervals.Hence social system by elaborate charts depict social architecture in general and general social interaction with mothernature and natural system at large to successfully chart social evolution and it begins unknowingly to man with spiritual system of mankind subconsciously evolving into natural system and then human system after gaining consistent moral awareness consciously took control of its fate and grew its intellectual system later ideologiçal system and religious system institute political system and nurtured environmental system prior to growth of technological system and economic system and finally social system and socioeconomic system respectively for a meaningful existence under sun.The formation of the social system is conceptually derived and influenced by both natural response or natural reaction and human reaction to the mystery of natural system and its awesome influence over social existence and not necessarily due to subconscious mode of spiritual reaction to mystery of its spiritual nature and given that in the strategic law of development construction of consideration not often extended to spiritual and religious system matters .It begins however with the concept of natural reaction and subsequently ignited by concept of human reaction or response to development gap between natural system and social system respectively.


We read through the fórays of historical texts to examine the mysterious nature of the unfolding times and exhume or re-exhume the ever changing fundamental scorecard of nature that mortals have written and rewritten in various investments of lifetimes and untiring annals of historical identities .Within this unfolding perimeter of vain historical growth,we could measure the growth of rising historical assets such as the entombed historical events to form the bulk of social knowledge.It measures the growth of social consciousness from age to age growth of curiosity of mankind and the ratio of social interaction and social relation to their immediate environment to write their various books of history.We measure growth in the nature of cultural components as the true historical assets bestowed from generation to generation and we measure the ratio of social responsibility of one nationality to the others.Learning from this hub of contradictions stimulates some sort of social perception that come in form of social prejudice boost social politics for further mining of historical assets and grow quality of affordable life from generation to generation and it is by this operating benchmark that we know a responsible society or irresponsible society.It is by the potentials of the social system but what people achieves with that system that allows successive generations to pass verdict and where there are no formidable template to measure this growth velocity that is readily available in the economic sphere of thought to guanrantee the word"economic development" the sphere of social thought lacking social development may drag backward the cumulative gains of economic development.Most developing societies are suffering from those viruses uncleared in those social space.The advanced societies had successfully utilised strategic imperialism to humiliate social space all over the world like the colonial times cajole causal forces to their own gains to submission with the power triangle phenomenon using technological growth to bridge the shortfall and without the application of development cycle transition they even managed to ensure and endure socioeconomic growth without even knowing what development cycle stability means nor even applied it but subconsciously they grow the social sphere with the same remarkable velocity as it were spurned out in the economic sphere and they did encroach on the changing nature of social relation web.Regardless of the critique of bad social space growth measurement indices like gross domestic product, inflation,unemployment,output growth and a host of growth measurement templates provided by the renowned economists in the field of economics to ensure economic development sometimes doubling its use as the same template in economics used also to measure general growth for instance Thomas Malthus theory of population used in measurement of population growth popular in sociology, philosophy, statistical and other social sciences the thesis on development cycle and development trade is evidently universal as well in this aspect is not unbundled from its primary goal of poverty eradication and universal prosperity.The lack or dearth of broadbased socioeconomic measures inspire of the academic attempt at ranking politics and economy together they fail woefully even worse in the advanced countries to eradicate world poverty and at least ten percent poverty rate still found in the advanced countries.We bridge this operating lacuna in record times and guarantee universal prosperity.

Social relations web captures how historical assets interact in the larger ecosphere of social architecture and we boldly in the summary and elaborate charts unveil the nature of social system and the evolutionary sequences of social system at a particular period.


However for a large swathe of mortal history,the nature of social relations in the corresponding growth of social relationship and social responsibility axis tends to change in the same walenght as grant of great charters evolve in the social engineering context either drive n by evolution or revolution .This change is often catapulted by power triangle phenomenon like class revolt to cite revolutionary mode for instance with peasant rise into being entrepreneurs armed with economic power and feudal lord becoming influential with political power and humanists or reformers gaining social power.We do not denounce the complex role of social relation of production termed as the golden transition as repetitively refer to.The social interaction of social architecture especially social relation web with power triangle phenomenon invariably accelerate this mode of phenomenon.
Economic development, political development, social development and a host of variegated types emerge from the social interaction of the superstructure and substructure of the social system in the development cycle transition using the humanistic mode of often imperial power triangle phenomenon. Understanding this concept of social responsibility allows strategic thinking for strategic planning for the purpose of planned development not as it were in the ancient but more as it in the mordern era.True development we agreed was economic development and infact economic development in parlance of market neoliberalism was begun at the beginning of the mordern era.This was strikingly discretionary a distinction compared to prior era before the reformation of 16th century.Hence from the period the word economic development had been a domineering influence on the sanctity of development trade.With the emergence of physiocrats,bullionists,mercentilists, classical and neoclassical economists and keynesianism like Thomas mum,J.B.Says,Richard Cantillon,David Hume,Adam Smith,David Ricardo, Thomas Malthus,Alfred Marshall,Maynard Keynes, Million Friedman, Fredrick Von Hayek and Simon Kutznets and a host of other top grade economists provided evergreen economic measurement template that was instrumental to unprecedented growth of mordern economy during the period.The dominant influence had come to alienate other forms of development, downplay the notion to unveil the hidden facts behind power triangle phenomenal abuse of power in the social relation of production manipulation of factors of production to the detrimental naivety of the bottom percentiles or at their extent to the boon of the upper echelon of the triangle.Social development also requires a virile framework to rebirth its strategic sphere of social relation stay relevance and maintain relevance boost equalitarian ownership of production, redistribute ways and means of production, including affordable access to diverse production technology and available production relations to achieve the essence of historical growth.

This incorrigible concept of social and historical dimensions of development allows no recognition for pristine form of golden transition to be alienated from the true development concept.The unsung unsustainability nature of economic growth is not extremely detached from the decrepit propensities of derivative theoretical economics that alienate equal distribution of wealth and consider full employment and poverty eradication a ridiculous anathema to mordern age of market neoliberalism.


If human needs requires a social consensus then the use might have been heavily underated where there is no human needs.If the human history is nothing but records of human achievement and monumental advances then it requires nothing more than the critical essence of relentless but positive historical growth.With a refined ideology the growth of growth and development is tantamount to successive generation of positive historical growth.Prior to social consciousness by mankind and thereafter,the appropriate interplay of causal forces to unleash monumental advances in equal capacity with development cycle ,happens with the time investment maturity in the organization of social relation web.Economic concept such as specialisation of labor, division of labor,mass production, comparative advantage and absolute advantage evolve as economic intelligence advances though not in the context of social architectural comprehension and most specifically stunted view of information market inflation.

Sometimes could be counterproductive where economic concept such as specialisation of labor and division of labor also partly contributes to rise in the inequality of wealth in mordern society.This feverishly depresses the animal spirit of social consciousness a spiral of social consensus and social relation web.The superstructure of the society in the context of social architecture does work in isolation of allied causal forces,not excluding mothernature, great charters and development cycles under the plethora of development management principles seemingly with effrontery manufacture the factory of social existence otherwise also known as social system

The tireless traverse of fundamental historical trajectory provides the sancrosanct framework for historical growth excluding marsolism abinitio does apply though with the usual porous nature however to still thrive in nonlinear fashion at a cost of rising social debt that comes in different dimensions when we evaluate and audit the web analysis of social architecture.The critical timely unreliability of historical growth even if it grows at all ordinarily necessitates the periodical revamping of the ideological undertones in a nation under yoke of rising social debt items.In the advanced settings with virile of evidence of startling adventure a social system in forecast of expected social security benefits that is to say social progress often dig trenches to reorientate a Social system whose substructure is driven by natural forces into a model driven by its own self prejudiced mode of social forces to be easily manipulated for productive forces generate social arts including social outputs and advance social progress.This is simply admitting the fact every society must be reborn at birth which can be called social rebirth and if there is such fiasco it has to be reengineered either by evolution or revolution that may come in different possible garb.The social groups who might be golden pioneers of social consensus must be driven by great charters that usurped the position of mothernature from being the medulla of the social system and as development cycle grows the history of that society recorded astounding growth subject to the prior formation of the social relation that is measured by the control of natural forces and is based on the extent of social system fundamental ideology.This unveils the truth of social recreation,the first item in the bill of social interaction or social reaction and such progress accumulated over concrete epoch stretch over considerable period of time strictly relates to increase in capacity both in terms of theories and practice . Invariably application of triar and error in the midst of weary twist and turns of history often authors a social system and sometimes to the worst when the most ideal element of the human leadership resources fail to swing into power.A social system may begin with the fundamental tools of aggression without even knowing it and justify the moral weights irrespective of the excruciating pang of such social and historical growth.Organically it may require social engineering in the nearest future when it redresses erroneous impression of this item with the furniture of rational perspective.If development is the institutional arts of development cycle so to say evolution of social arts ideally in the larger sphere of social system from the crude mode into civilised model ranging from the individualistic, environmentalistic,politicistic,economistic and socialistic realm.A sort of golden testimony to the voluminous references witnessing massive growth in the sphere of subordinates such as the political system economic system and social system acting as stimulus to the growing nightmare of social responsibility.This concept of social responsibility pioneered by social relationship was responsible catalyst for moving mankind from living at the mercy of nature unfair toga of natural responsibility gatherer of fruits into the civilised perimeter of social responsibility.It was evidence by growth of communalism into socialism or capitalism and the movement was architected by innovation the first evidence of golden transition such as moving from subsistence into subsidy then Into free market.The quantity and quality of this transition is known as social administration driven by social politics and it is a social process catalysed by causal forces.Dutifully socioeconomic bases change over time as the superstructure and the substructure interacts in the maturity of time investment.In the same way water can absorb heat a sort of natural forces,the mode of change of natural relations can be absorbed by social relation in the most ideal texture of political, economic , family and environmental relations tends to boost the operating welfare of relationship and allied sanity.We should identify the fact the movement from communalism into slavery and later feudalism and then socialism to communism or capitalism or movement from colonialism into neocolonialism.Obviously this is social relation web degeneration.A new epoch of braindrain from developing region with immigrants moving in droves and seeking greener pastures.A degeneration of such magnitude can be nipped in the mud by ideologiçally inclined social engineering.This was catapulted by golden transition of social relation web sometimes to the worse to the bad or sometimes to the good.Currently it is backward socio-cide resumption from developing region.To be frank society exist for the strategic course of social responsibility the failure of which it does not deserve to be allowed to exist anymore.


We embellished the fundamental fabric of our existence with the objective state of social system at a particular period and once we sustain this causal forces of development trade in the cyclical development demand of historical growth,the proper definition of development and development management by practices unveiled the watershed bias that broke down the fallow ground.We see such development as a moral duress and if u re part and party someone opportuned tell the huge difference 

Social relations by the nature and garb of its structural fabric that requires group formation,bonding and relationship management in the critical attempt to ensure social responsibility is somehow imperial from the court of first instance indicating that leadership privileges rather than leadership and followership principles seemingly often been abused.This however grows beyond measure as the tools, logistics, wealth and influence of the group under a given leadership enormously grows in the complex role to guarantee the freedom of a given social group.Given the fact that social groups in the various social grouping to itemize top priority of social relationship unfolds the first evidence of social relation and justify that there is empirical evidence for the support of productive forces by nonproductive forces or causal forces.Through the revolution of the development cycle the myriad of social groups that institute development in equal and unequal terms of social reaction with social relation web composes growing capacity that surmount both internal and external balance.Subscribing to the docility of social consensus being the art of social bonding quantifies the quality of development that social relation web could get in the development trade of development cycle.The age of development does not matter as long as they can manage and appreciate terms of social consensus in the contract of development trade.The growth of social consensus indicates rise in development demand due to rising momentum in the quantity and quality of social politics and such growth happens as a result of equal growth in social intelligence.Development comes when people agrees to work and live together in commensurate envisage of better capacity and unleash the mutuality of social consensus.Prior to revolution various length and breadth of great charters of liberty under take as the head of social system giving the requisite vision to the various dimensions of development trade in the evolution of development cycle so to say in the golden transition.

When they come into contract of social consensus and exchange contact with each other social relation is born where extant social groups influenced by great charters swears to defend the intergrity of social system unleash their enormous faith in the revolution of development cycle and flags off development trade to achieve the critical essence of positive historical growth.Arresting the decadence of abused leadership seemingly forbid the encroaching momentum, desertification of quality leadership and this should go beyond much of mankind's history fighting for survival instead of this loss of quantitative essence.In historical terms the quantity of social rationalism in this context a snowball from the golden race of collective human rationalism is determine by raging phenomenon of social products and outputs.The organization of labor in partnership with factors of production, nonproduction and production forces ways and means of production, production technology in reaction to golden transition undertakes the critical workmanship of development trade.The omission of porous social consensus indicates abuse of power by power triangle and we pay it clearly. Without social character no social consensus and consequences of bad leadership forbidden in the face of pure social politics and social intelligence respectively.


It is becoming an established fact that the dearth of operating capacity muses to be able to conveniently manipulate the contours of historical growth is central determinant of human and social destiny and curing as well as preventing all crucifixes and social malaises.Social sciences like the field of economics pay too much attention to unsustainable economic growth and forget the most critical items in terms of undue influence that non productive forces has on the bushwhack of production forces and barely could be apprehensive of the social system producing at a time when social relation web is in golden transition where these alibis and parameters of growth procurement avoided for improbable historical growth.The unfathomable influence of natural forces, social forces, political forces, cultural forces and spiritual forces in their sum total using the psychology of social architecture to manipulate economic forces as front line frontiers in the social relation web to generate forecast historical growth continues to be an emotional uphill task for passing times.The main productive forces in a social system remains unshakeably apprehensively the immaculate spectre of population time bomb.However it doesn't have to take into consideration a palate of the theoretical inadequacy bedevilling mordern age where spiritual relations of the egalitarian element is quite unbelievable to command the type of change we seek.The power of this causal forces streamlines the fortitude of the State from the rank and file of social prejudice and deny us positive historical growth.

To be frank the word development is the revolution of development cycle or the art of development trade and the evolution of social architectural psychology inclusive of evolution of social relation web's perimeter at point in time Organically development commerce begins when history trades social relationship web analysis and commercialises charter in the treaties of social architecture .The strategic evolution however of this critical ensembles laid the foundation for the writing and rewriting the velocity of history albeit a guarantee of social stability is not quite negotiable.We could afford to doubt paying homage or tribute to this venerable sages in our historical economics of growth and development to the beautiful dawn that we yet to see.


A responsible society controlling the natural forces seems to get a desired goal achieves in record time when this standard framework of affordable social life is observed to the golden letters and to defy this framework the affordability of social life appears to be in doubt.The spectre of social architectural psychology also matter and to control objectively proper edifice of social system then mankind ought to manipulate the information market to a desired ends.We must know the growing size of information market at a given period and the ever inflation of that market.Society exist in a vacuum where its social psyche barely exist given its operating incapability to control information market and arresting the deflationary forces of this market.Otherwise the essence of social rationalism is defective and defeated.Hence social rationalism thrive where social psyche gains ample control of the volatile information market.Hence there is no social psychology where the system fails and dearth of social intelligence and social politics in the use of social strata interaction with social relation web.The true art of social relationship and the nature of golden transition converge on the preeminence of social architecture.In the periodical conference of social relation web analysis irrespective of inherent social prejudice drawing muses from its empirical transition,the length of social interaction speak volume about the growth of affordable social life and positive historical growth.

In the social relation web analysis in transition every component of the social relation ought to relate together to boost fast evolving social mechanism of course they do in pragmatic terms but do they often go unnoticed by power triangle phenomenon?Of course such callous drift driven by social prejudice detached from social intelligence that depressed information market could provide enhances the drain on the quality of social psychology and prompted the growth of social impairment politics and demise of social stability.A good study on the golden transition of social relation web restores sanity and a disparaging attempt often found wanton in the underdeveloping climes.The contextual web of social relation invariably detached from the garage of great charters of liberty appears to be bone of contention plus the general template of development cycle repurpose the nature of growth and development ochestrated by objective citizenry and acclimatised to the most ideal direction of positive historical growth.


Consumer credit corporations licensed in the credit economy forced to take microfinancial intermediation to the bottom percentiles of the society should be eligible with two thirds of credit deposits and share capital banked with Federal Credit Reserve a similar approach almost like the mainstream financial system.

To a larger extent this mode of money credit money if lost or suffer impairment by bad debtors should be written off as long as the insulated portion of the credit gold is not impaired in the several types when not repaid allows faster velocity of credit money though on probation review sometimes but if the impact was quite massive in the credit economy,such debtor is eligible for suspension of probation review.These are some of the guidelines for running a robust Consumer credit corporations licensed for for microfinancial price stability and social stability respectively


The existence of 45million poor people in America today regardless of over _300trillion worth of wealth created is a foolproof of failure of beggar than thou financial system that cut off almost half of the population.

With one percent of Americans re-echoing Jeffrey Sachs control 99percent of American wealth and I barely doubted him due to the fact Federal Reserve was privately owned as I wrote in my other piece which was nothing new and only two families owned Federal Reserve and proposed Federal Credit Reserve now to be owned by bottom social triangle tied to the appendage of hedgebond society.The society is another method of insulation against the probable loss of borrowed loan and specified reserves .If the first seed half was lost d second should not be impaired at the same time but if both were impaired at the same time it means hedgebond society should be the last lender insulator to the credit economy.Infact the second seed credit tied to credit gold is also insulated at the society.There is need for further component texture of the debtor creditor phenomenon wisely invested in the golden triangle's sovereign bond system and every mode of investment well insured and the capital allotted micro-insured prior to investment .

Consumer credit corporations licensed in the credit economy forced to take microfinancial intermediation to the bottom percentiles of the society should be eligible with two thirds of credit deposits and share capital banked with Federal Credit Reserve a similar approach almost like the mainstream financial system.


Since the credit economy is often been tied at a given period to credit sheet of central bank for microfinance or Federal Credit Reserve to avoid failure of the borrowed loan after distribution and redistribution of credit notes from disbursement of national or Federal credit reserves,every federal credit reserve notes should be tied to national or Federal Credit Reserve gold that is to say every credit notes is tied to credit gold that at every given time the proportion of credit notes is often disbursed fifty percent of what the borrower demanded at a given time.This indicates that for everyone of credit note distributed about two credit dollar notes for which one is leased to the debtor and the last half tied to credit gold so that in the event of probable failure of the first seed half of the credit notes the other half traded in credit gold can be used to recover the dual notes when its gold are sold can be used to liquidate the entire double barrel loan extended not just the failed seed half.This is vital so that in due time debtor could be creditor immediately without delay and we remove the stigma around the borrower as demonised animal spirit by arrogant creators .This I refer it as the concept of debtor creditor or debtor/creditor

It can also be linked to credit money to digital gold money wealth notes like USDT .

of recoof credit money supply proven before and after great depression and actively enforced and white supremacists butchered out of existence about 45million people in America ought not to have existed.The concept of creditor debtor is based on the technology of consumer credit fractional reserve banking taking microfinancial intermediation to the bottom percentiles of the broad economy.This is something unthinkable in the mainstream banks and formal sector financial system under the intellectual serfdom of power triangle phenomenon .




Contrary to the composition of money in 1867 division of the stock of money between currency and deposit whereas the classification in the marsolism ,the stock of credit money include credit demand deposits, credit time deposit , credit currency and credit deposit obtains largely due to the fact a specified or specialist economy is created for credit trade as distinct to mainstream economy .The credit economy is governed by its own distinct microfinancial system and the stock of credit money composed seek to fulfill the purpose of the system attainment of microeconomics egalitarian price stability

The truth is that the elitist model of mainstream banks for the upteempth time does not tell volume to address the orientation of the bottom percentiles in the society.

I believe without this mode of structural reforms there is no force under heaven in this planet earth whatsoever that could strangulate power triangle nor its unbelievable menace unless we introduce golden triangle worldwide it would be an exercise in futility.


In the quantity theory of credit money we xray in the school of marsolism the how economic cycle operates and general impact on broad economy.

The quantity supply of credit money in the credit economy at a given period should exceed the required quantity of money supply in the standard economy to avers that in the general broad economy the quantity of credit money supply in domestic credit reserve should exceed the quantity of money supply in the domestic reserves not just in the circulation.The mandatory provision in the theory stipulates that due to the fact that in the normal circumstances of business cycle gyration economy of Market neoliberalism is often going back into recession and price instability,inflation and unemployment,mass poverty and inequality of wealth invariably at the same time requires a preempted prop up operation and techno cession to maintain a stable debtflationary environment to counter the oliflationary climate of the power triangle.The strategic interaction between monetary cycle and business cycle in the competitive atmosphere of monetary egalitarianism of broad economy to maintain consumer credit stability above all Macroeconomic egalitarian price stability.To exploit the use of this rising quantity supply of credit money the quantity supply of labor should rise in tandem with rise in quantity supply of output as admixture of factors of production to envisage the transfer of wealth through the quantity supply of credit money iñcome vis a vis the extant size or inherent quantity of population operating the socioeconomic system at a time in equal size to the deficit minded credit debtors productive population forces and those perpetual drives in manipulation of productive forces and ways and means of production, production pattern to generate universal prosperity.In the composition of credit money the composition of money must not betrayed it's mandatory components.


According to him "Taken together the two changes make 1914 a major watershed in American monetary history "Methinks gambling on luck could be said in the golden words of marsolism was simply life after death and what survived that economy was nothing more than fortune of luck that greeted its doorstep in the epoch of 1914 when it benefited immensely and profiteered from the war vicissitudes and also the weakening of the international gold standard that gave wider power and global influence to the Federal Reserve more than any other central banks worldwide and the way it exercised the power determined the fate of the gold standard .How come western pundits lend credence to the folly of monetarism that the inflationary financing of the system during the period when there was rapid rise in the stock of money in the Wilsonian and Hooverian era not catalyst to the impediment of great contraction that came later?He accepted the fact and that it persisted 18months after the war but my grouse here was the strategic impetus of golden triangle and allied powers if patronized would have done to prevent or avert the liquidity crisis in the 1930s.Infact it would have prevented the large bank failures in late 30s given the fact credit money acts as insulator to the liquidity crisis redistribute wealth capital as envisaged in the forecast trends of credit cycle unlike the growth in the normal money supply prone to inflation . The evidence of Britain's departure from gold standard in 1931 and the successive reaction by the Federal Reserve indicates that the Fed was clueless about monetary matters Freidman's conclusion also admitted that this clueless reaction intensified the banking collapse of the unprecedented proportion.The crisis when it terminated in the banking Holliday had led to the fact the stock of money was fallen by one third as well as one third of bank crashes ochestrated.I think such inevitable crashes of the hapless banks under a bad regulatory environment could have been prevented by golden triangle.The stock of money that was fallen by a third could have been restored by two third rise in the stock of credit money and quickly restore banking confidence too as well as averting banking panic without waiting for emergence of federal deposit insurance scheme and treasury intervention.The truth is that the Reserve system acted too late and when it did the impact was counterproductive.This to a larger extent undermined the relevance not just the potency of the system and why on earth did they establish a malfunctioning entity? Little wonder it was made to adopt a passive role as the treasury maintain its major role and domineering influence of the fiscal responsibility.It was very clear the failure of monetarism inordinately led to the adoption of fiscal monetarism in the 30s . Unfortunately the monetarist could not identify what was adopted was partial or fiscal monetarism not keynesianism as was fondly and widely accepted critiqued himself unnecessarily without a proper organization of wit to unravel his own Macroeconomic identity unknowingly adopted by his nation.I do not blame him either for distrusting central bankers until the emergence of Alan Greenspan.Ben Bernanke did not shirk the critical responsibility that Fed. was responsible for a host of American economic crisis including the loan and saving crisis of later period.


Two central banks ought to have been established Federal Reserve for mainstream economy to manage proper money supply and second Federal Credit Reserve to manage the new structure of proper credit money in the newly proposed credit economy catering for the countryside or to say informal sector and passively inactive members of the population like one for the poor and one for the rich .This kickstarts the monetary cycle and business cycle movement phenomenon a revolution in the cyclical and countercyclical direction termed as Macroeconomic cycle or flat-flation as component of economic cycle therapy in the long run.It would have prevented the emergence of great contraction or great depression and closure or crash of over 11,000banks averted.America's reliance on the one pony trickster system failed woefully and did reliance on federal deposit insurance act of 1934 contrary to Freidman did not save them and couldn't prevent occurrence of new fatal crashes of latter banks invariably caused by the unpredictable volatile curves of business cycle that often defied Monetary policy response with shortlive lax and had no movement technology like monetary cycle to hedge the volatility risk of business cycle even in the short run because by the long run if not hedged we are dead.
This appears to be the largest Macroeconomic shift in Macroeconomic history and the biggest Macroeconomic missing link in living history and the best way to make Monetary Macroeconomics dominant on the economy in this context now broad economy with two wings connected together by Macroeconomic cycle phenomenon as monetary Macroeconomic egalitarianism instead of the application of fiscal monetarism being under his critique .

The American treasury then ought to float to form the golden triangle to cater and avert the abuse of power triangle by social oligarchy or development pirates grinding the peasant or bottom percentiles eliminate social debt items as top priority and promote universal prosperity.To be frank credit money is the best wealth indicator and best store of wealth best distributor and redistributor of money and money wealth ever contrived in living history .This automatically reduces the nonlinear risk antecedence of historical and economic growth .


Using the consumer monetary credit history of the united states .

The emergence of Aldrich Vreeland act in 1908 as temporary enactment measure by the congress kickstarted a congressional research by national monetary commission in 1910 published brilliant academic works that was adopted by the congress and led to the formation of Federal Reserve bank in 1914.Had the Federal Reserve system been established with dual monetary Macroeconomic model (a component structure of the marsolist theory metaeconomy )as dual Federal Reserve system in 1914 the menace of nonlinear growth in the organic realm of economic history could also have been a thing of history and volatile movement hedged by development cycle proper.


Accordingly we position the consumer credit monetary history of the united states to highlight the the consequences of nonlinear historical growth .

In the meantime we critically examine the implications of not discovering the proper use of credit money, appropriate credit money supply,not just money supply accelerated by comprehensive appraisal of the following theories of metaeconomy such as credit cycle theory of money subdivided into countercyclical theory of credit cycle and equalitarian cycle of credit money.These are subordinate theorems in the quantity theory of credit money.The base metal is the development cycle and is subdivided into development trade trio cycle including economic cycle , political cycle and social cycle respectively.However economic cycle subdivided into two phases monetary cycle and business cycle including volatile curves and then credit cycle the latter as noted with its own subdivision noted above. Understanding the use and the theory of metaeconomy as shown in the different ramification cleanses the broad economy of the volatility of business cycle applicable only to market egalitarianism not market neoliberalism .The use or so to be precise the productive use of factors of production ,ways and means of production,causal forces of production and most pragmatic theories of production noted above in the social and economic enterprise of market neoliberalism is quite impossible.We cited trends and cycles of credit money


Accordingly we position the consumer credit monetary history of the united states to highlight the the consequences of nonlinear historical growth .

In the meantime we critically examine the implications of not discovering the proper use of credit money, appropriate credit money supply,not just money supply accelerated by comprehensive appraisal of the following theories of metaeconomy such as credit cycle theory of money subdivided into countercyclical theory of credit cycle and equalitarian cycle of credit money.These are subordinate theorems in the quantity theory of credit money.The base metal is the development cycle and is subdivided into development trade trio cycle including economic cycle , political cycle and social cycle respectively.However economic cycle subdivided into two phases monetary cycle and business cycle including volatile curves and then credit cycle the latter as noted with its own subdivision noted above. Understanding the use and the theory of metaeconomy as shown in the different ramification cleanses the broad economy of the volatility of business cycle applicable only to market egalitarianism not market neoliberalism .The use or so to be precise the productive use of factors of production ,ways and means of production,causal forces of production and most pragmatic theories of production noted above in the social and economic enterprise of market neoliberalism is quite impossible.We cited trends and cycles of credit money



What was the level of mass poverty and inequality of wealth in term of general distribution and redistribution of wealth during the period?
Only reliable data a host of century empirical data is reserved preeminence to judge and confidently passes the open verdict.

To be candid for the umpteenth time the nonlinear growth of the economy as empirically proven by business cycle gyration in the market neoliberalism in contrast to the marsolist school of market egalitarianism as thought possible was absolutely deemed a zero growth and until the economy grows in linear fashion there is no growth to be celebrated.Until this form of growth is endorsed on a linear framework of Monetary egalitarianism corresponding to equalitarian monetary cycle movement and development cycle transition and not undermined by irregularities of business cycle arrogation there shall be no end to modern inflationary challenges, inequality of wealth and mass poverty as core social debt items of modern age.


The book traces the movement in the stock of money immediately after the civil war between the reconstructionist era of 1867 to Jim Crow and civil right era of 1960 .


The estimate of the stock of money takes into consideration to a greater extent during the period greenbacks that was used to finance the American civil war including subsidiary coinage and national bank notes beginning from the 1867 period in the upward trend about $585m worth of green backs currency.and $729m of commercial banking deposits a total 1,314b. that maybe by one definition be called money.It is very clear that the changing faces of the American economy and the financial system based on the historical growth of finances in the esoteric fugacity of time was saddle with the exclusive preserve to determine the nature of money in that giant economy .Obviously to be candid was left to the fringes of time to determine the proper definition of money as new emergent theories sewer in their palate always either to the worst or to the best all things being equal.Hear him the great Iconic Friedman himself ,he says ,"In addition the public held $ deposits at the mutual savings banks or a total of $1,590m. of what by a broader definition may about as reasonably be called money."Even in the American economy up till date the barbarian- Americans including their giant thinkers could not tell nor solve the riddle what actually was money nor ever for once comprehensively digested to determine the true nature of money.How much worse for the western pundits and beyond. This classification however excludes the commercial banking deposits at this early time lacks any relevance whatsoever in the mould of either demand and time deposits had little meaning to banking parlance during the period."Reserve requirements for banks were leveled against deposit without distinction between demand and time." Both category of money paid interest and transferable by checks and was a major distinction to banks with evidence of reliable data after 1914 when federal reserve came into being.The federal Reserve act during the period created differential requirements for both categories and there was no estimate consequently for the third and narrower possible definition of money in the extreme category basically the currency plus demand deposit. ( page 4 of the book introduction).Infact with the discovery of new innovations over time they seem to worsen this porous intergrity in the basic grasp of this most mysterious item in social and economic life embellished with vague definition and warped direction of nature of the sacred item that could enabled universal prosperity with artless ease.Little wonder they claim inflation is the fundamental economic problem.They use the term money to include currency plus all deposits in commercial banks and reasons was debated in" Trend and cycles''.Now fastfowarded to the mid60s almost a century later change had barely come to this Macroeconomic erratic shore.Whence cometh the change when there was none? Practically none a full century later! The public held......$29billion of currency(consisting of mostly Federal Reserve notes but with appreciate residue of silver certificates and subsidiary coinage as well as a number of other relics of earlier monetary history ),$110billion of demand deposits and $67billion of time deposits in commercial banks or a total of $206b. of money by the terminology ."Moreover about$36billion were also held in other financial institutions like mutual savings banks making a total of $242billion of money plus s uch deposits.As he surveyed in the chart 1 that" the public held 50 times as many dollars of currency at the end of 93 years spanned by our figures as at the beginning ; 243 times as many dollars of commercial bank deposits. ; and 127 times as many dollars of mutual savings deposits. American monetary movement cycled 157 times for almost a century .


The emergence of marsolism was begun unknowingly by those league of unborn and unsung egalitarianists among us given their role in the champion for the defense of societal justice we take a new dimensions in the scholarstic transition of text book economic studies.

In the book The monetary history of United States Prof.Milton Friedman the best economist over the last half of 20th century and infact for the whole century the exponent of monetarism unleashed incisive analysis about the nature of stock of money and business cycle in the united states for almost a century precisely a golden stretch of nine decades.

He took time for erudite historical analytical evidence of business cycle theory propounded by Joseph Schumpeter in action and how money stock move in cycle.This however justify the golden necessity of my theorem of linear economic growth and the strategic need of the quantity theory of credit money and market egalitarianism as allied theorems in the school of marsolism.

In the evaluation of thoroughbred evolution of money we treated and introduced a new form of money known as credit money not ignoring the fact it's huge omission and undiscovered hiatus accelerated the plethora of huge loss recorded by economies due to dearth or bereft propensity recorded in supply of credit money eradicate mass poverty and inequality of wealth among us and still widening in the present age.


The biggest missing link for a larger swathe of Macroeconomic history was market egalitarianism .However this fundamental distortion was not without its credible age of history albeit undermined by dominant market neoliberal forces of the period into the obscurity of history as if it has no life of its own relegated to the brink of historical fringes for which history itself has no life and barely recorded a growth for which over a full half millennium was wasted since the school of Salamanca dusted the ignorance of prior history and gavethr world the quantity theory of money.Surprisingly the same theory have been reworded several centuries later by prominent economists ranging from Irvin Fisher to the golden pen of Milton Friedman and yet still mordern man barely comprehended the mystery behind the concept of money and it's variegated allied theories and wealth producing technology.They have not gone beyond the petty sense or vulgar orientation of basic functions of money beyond the notion of legal tender currency and a means of exchange.Mordern man with stone age mentality in mordern age!God forbid but that's what it is.


However for a large swathe of mortal history,the nature of social relations in the corresponding growth of social relationship and social responsibility axis tends to change in the same walenght as grant of great charters evolve in the social engineering context either drive n by evolution or revolution .This change is often catapulted by power triangle phenomenon like class revolt to cite revolutionary mode for instance with peasant rise into being entrepreneurs armed with economic power and feudal lord becoming influential with political power and humanists or reformers gaining social power.We do not denounce the complex role of social relation of production termed as the golden transition as repetitively refer to.The social interaction of social architecture especially social relation web with power triangle phenomenon invariably accelerate this mode of phenomenon.

Economic development, political development, social development and a host of variegated types emerge from the social interaction of the superstructure and substructure of the social system in the development cycle transition using the humanistic mode of often imperial power triangle phenomenon. Understanding this concept of social responsibility allows strategic thinking for strategic planning for the purpose of planned development not as it were in the ancient but more as it in the mordern era.True development we agreed was economic development and infact economic development in parlance of market neoliberalism was begun at the beginning of the mordern era.This was strikingly discretionary a distinction compared to prior era before the reformation of 16th century.Hence from the period the word economic development had been a domineering influence on the sanctity of development trade.With the emergence of physiocrats,bullionists,mercentilists, classical and neoclassical economists and keynesianism like Thomas mum,J.B.Says,Richard Cantillon,David Hume,Adam Smith,David Ricardo, Thomas Malthus,Alfred Marshall,Maynard Keynes, Million Friedman, Fredrick Von Hayek and Simon Kutznets and a host of other top grade economists provided evergreen economic measurement template that was instrumental to unprecedented growth of mordern economy during the period.The dominant influence had come to alienate other forms of development, downplay the notion to unveil the hidden facts behind power triangle phenomenal abuse of power in the social relation of production manipulation of factors of production to the detrimental naivety of the bottom percentiles or at their extent to the boon of the upper echelon of the triangle.Social development also requires a virile framework to rebirth its strategic sphere of social relation stay relevance and maintain relevance boost equalitarian ownership of production, redistribute ways and means of production, including affordable access to diverse production technology and available production relations to achieve the essence of historical growth.

This incorrigible concept of social and historical dimensions of development allows no recognition for pristine form of golden transition to be alienated from the true development concept.The unsung unsustainability nature of economic growth is not extremely detached from the decrepit propensities of derivative theoretical economics that alienate equal distribution of wealth and consider full employment and poverty eradication a ridiculous anathema to mordern age of market neoliberalism.


The tireless traverse of fundamental historical trajectory provides the sancrosanct framework for historical growth excluding marsolism abinitio does apply though with the usual porous nature however to still thrive in nonlinear fashion at a cost of rising social debt that comes in different dimensions when we evaluate and audit the web analysis of social architecture.The critical timely unreliability of historical growth even if it grows at all ordinarily necessitates the periodical revamping of the ideological undertones in a nation under yoke of rising social debt items.In the advanced settings with virile of evidence of startling adventure a social system in forecast of expected social security benefits that is to say social progress often dig trenches to reorientate a Social system whose substructure is driven by natural forces into a model driven by its own self prejudiced mode of social forces to be easily manipulated for productive forces generate social arts including social outputs and advance social progress.This is simply admitting the fact every society must be reborn at birth which can be called social rebirth and if there is such fiasco it has to be reengineered either by evolution or revolution that may come in different possible garb.The social groups who might be golden pioneers of social consensus must be driven by great charters that usurped the position of mothernature from being the medulla of the social system and as development cycle grows the history of that society recorded astounding growth subject to the prior formation of the social relation that is measured by the control of natural forces and is based on the extent of social system fundamental ideology.This unveils the truth of social recreation,the first item in the bill of social interaction or social reaction and such progress accumulated over concrete epoch stretch over considerable period of time strictly relates to increase in capacity both in terms of theories and practice . Invariably application of triar and error in the midst of weary twist and turns of history often authors a social system and sometimes to the worst when the most ideal element of the human leadership resources fail to swing into power.A social system may begin with the fundamental tools of aggression without even knowing it and justify the moral weights irrespective of the excruciating pang of such social and historical growth.Organically it may require social engineering in the nearest future when it redresses erroneous impression of this item with the furniture of rational perspective.If development is the institutional arts of development cycle so to say evolution of social arts ideally in the larger sphere of social system from the crude mode into civilised model ranging from the individualistic, environmentalistic,politicistic,economistic and socialistic realm.A sort of golden testimony to the voluminous references witnessing massive growth in the sphere of subordinates such as the political system economic system and social system acting as stimulus to the growing nightmare of social responsibility.This concept of social responsibility pioneered by social relationship was responsible catalyst for moving mankind from living at the mercy of nature unfair toga of natural responsibility gatherer of fruits into the civilised perimeter of social responsibility.It was evidence by growth of communalism into socialism or capitalism and the movement was architected by innovation the first evidence of golden transition such as moving from subsistence into subsidy then Into free market.The quantity and quality of this transition is known as social administration driven by social politics and it is a social process catalysed by causal forces.Dutifully socioeconomic bases change over time as the superstructure and the substructure interacts in the maturity of time investment.In the same way water can absorb heat a sort of natural forces,the mode of change of natural relations can be absorbed by social relation in the most ideal texture of political, economic , family and environmental relations tends to boost the operating welfare of relationship and allied sanity.We should identify the fact the movement from communalism into slavery and later feudalism and then socialism to communism or capitalism or movement from colonialism into neocolonialism.Obviously this is social relation web degeneration.A new epoch of braindrain from developing region with immigrants moving in droves and seeking greener pastures.A degeneration of such magnitude can be nipped in the mud by ideologiçally inclined social engineering.This was catapulted by golden transition of social relation web sometimes to the worse to the bad or sometimes to the good.Currently it is backward socio-cide resumption from developing region.To be frank society exist for the strategic course of social responsibility the failure of which it does not deserve to be allowed to exist anymore.