March 12, 2024


Since the credit economy is often been tied at a given period to credit sheet of central bank for microfinance or Federal Credit Reserve to avoid failure of the borrowed loan after distribution and redistribution of credit notes from disbursement of national or Federal credit reserves,every federal credit reserve notes should be tied to national or Federal Credit Reserve gold that is to say every credit notes is tied to credit gold that at every given time the proportion of credit notes is often disbursed fifty percent of what the borrower demanded at a given time.This indicates that for everyone of credit note distributed about two credit dollar notes for which one is leased to the debtor and the last half tied to credit gold so that in the event of probable failure of the first seed half of the credit notes the other half traded in credit gold can be used to recover the dual notes when its gold are sold can be used to liquidate the entire double barrel loan extended not just the failed seed half.This is vital so that in due time debtor could be creditor immediately without delay and we remove the stigma around the borrower as demonised animal spirit by arrogant creators .This I refer it as the concept of debtor creditor or debtor/creditor

It can also be linked to credit money to digital gold money wealth notes like USDT .

of recoof credit money supply proven before and after great depression and actively enforced and white supremacists butchered out of existence about 45million people in America ought not to have existed.The concept of creditor debtor is based on the technology of consumer credit fractional reserve banking taking microfinancial intermediation to the bottom percentiles of the broad economy.This is something unthinkable in the mainstream banks and formal sector financial system under the intellectual serfdom of power triangle phenomenon .

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