March 12, 2024


Two central banks ought to have been established Federal Reserve for mainstream economy to manage proper money supply and second Federal Credit Reserve to manage the new structure of proper credit money in the newly proposed credit economy catering for the countryside or to say informal sector and passively inactive members of the population like one for the poor and one for the rich .This kickstarts the monetary cycle and business cycle movement phenomenon a revolution in the cyclical and countercyclical direction termed as Macroeconomic cycle or flat-flation as component of economic cycle therapy in the long run.It would have prevented the emergence of great contraction or great depression and closure or crash of over 11,000banks averted.America's reliance on the one pony trickster system failed woefully and did reliance on federal deposit insurance act of 1934 contrary to Freidman did not save them and couldn't prevent occurrence of new fatal crashes of latter banks invariably caused by the unpredictable volatile curves of business cycle that often defied Monetary policy response with shortlive lax and had no movement technology like monetary cycle to hedge the volatility risk of business cycle even in the short run because by the long run if not hedged we are dead.
This appears to be the largest Macroeconomic shift in Macroeconomic history and the biggest Macroeconomic missing link in living history and the best way to make Monetary Macroeconomics dominant on the economy in this context now broad economy with two wings connected together by Macroeconomic cycle phenomenon as monetary Macroeconomic egalitarianism instead of the application of fiscal monetarism being under his critique .

The American treasury then ought to float to form the golden triangle to cater and avert the abuse of power triangle by social oligarchy or development pirates grinding the peasant or bottom percentiles eliminate social debt items as top priority and promote universal prosperity.To be frank credit money is the best wealth indicator and best store of wealth best distributor and redistributor of money and money wealth ever contrived in living history .This automatically reduces the nonlinear risk antecedence of historical and economic growth .

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