March 12, 2024


We read through the fórays of historical texts to examine the mysterious nature of the unfolding times and exhume or re-exhume the ever changing fundamental scorecard of nature that mortals have written and rewritten in various investments of lifetimes and untiring annals of historical identities .Within this unfolding perimeter of vain historical growth,we could measure the growth of rising historical assets such as the entombed historical events to form the bulk of social knowledge.It measures the growth of social consciousness from age to age growth of curiosity of mankind and the ratio of social interaction and social relation to their immediate environment to write their various books of history.We measure growth in the nature of cultural components as the true historical assets bestowed from generation to generation and we measure the ratio of social responsibility of one nationality to the others.Learning from this hub of contradictions stimulates some sort of social perception that come in form of social prejudice boost social politics for further mining of historical assets and grow quality of affordable life from generation to generation and it is by this operating benchmark that we know a responsible society or irresponsible society.It is by the potentials of the social system but what people achieves with that system that allows successive generations to pass verdict and where there are no formidable template to measure this growth velocity that is readily available in the economic sphere of thought to guanrantee the word"economic development" the sphere of social thought lacking social development may drag backward the cumulative gains of economic development.Most developing societies are suffering from those viruses uncleared in those social space.The advanced societies had successfully utilised strategic imperialism to humiliate social space all over the world like the colonial times cajole causal forces to their own gains to submission with the power triangle phenomenon using technological growth to bridge the shortfall and without the application of development cycle transition they even managed to ensure and endure socioeconomic growth without even knowing what development cycle stability means nor even applied it but subconsciously they grow the social sphere with the same remarkable velocity as it were spurned out in the economic sphere and they did encroach on the changing nature of social relation web.Regardless of the critique of bad social space growth measurement indices like gross domestic product, inflation,unemployment,output growth and a host of growth measurement templates provided by the renowned economists in the field of economics to ensure economic development sometimes doubling its use as the same template in economics used also to measure general growth for instance Thomas Malthus theory of population used in measurement of population growth popular in sociology, philosophy, statistical and other social sciences the thesis on development cycle and development trade is evidently universal as well in this aspect is not unbundled from its primary goal of poverty eradication and universal prosperity.The lack or dearth of broadbased socioeconomic measures inspire of the academic attempt at ranking politics and economy together they fail woefully even worse in the advanced countries to eradicate world poverty and at least ten percent poverty rate still found in the advanced countries.We bridge this operating lacuna in record times and guarantee universal prosperity.

Social relations web captures how historical assets interact in the larger ecosphere of social architecture and we boldly in the summary and elaborate charts unveil the nature of social system and the evolutionary sequences of social system at a particular period.

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