April 17, 2019


She was curious to know why the fuss about the two weeks interval. And Ghandhi replied"Because i needed two weeks to stop eating sugar myself."Wonderful! So the lives of commoners are worth ample research by the mighty and certainly,they provide cover and tutelage to inspire the latter out of their weaknesses.Change is a reflection that transforms a notion from point A to point B,where the new motion trains transports new reflection into another horizon.There is no change elsewhere around the world the real change lies within us.The poor provides the fortitude base for the mighty and both leadership and followership shares the burden of communicating that be knowingly or subconsciously,voluntary or involuntarily,must belabour for the attainment of timely needed mandate to transform mankind. Change is constant by nature and in human society but the strategic demand that paradigm shift for a meaningful is in short supply and a symptom of lack of visionary leadership and ambitious artists.Indeed,it is a fact.

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