April 30, 2019


Below the Acropolis lay the oldest theater in Europe, Dionysos Theater,where the great tragedies of the antiquities were staged.They include the tragedies of Aeschylus,ill fated king Oedipus, Sophocles, Euripides,were performed during Socrates period especially Sophocles was first staged in his honour.They played comedies,featuring Aristophanes,who also wrote degrading comedy about Socrates as buffoon of Athens.Moving on to the foot of Acropolis,pacing up a small hill,pointed towards Athens,the hill is called Areopagos,where Athenian court of justice passed judgements on murder trials.It was mostly popularised by Apostle Paul who stood there and preached christ to the Athenians.Down to the left,the place called Agora,the remains of old city square in Athens lays its humbled posture.There was also the large temple devoted to Hephaestos god of smiths and metalworkers.The Old Agora in Athens was surrounded by magnificent temples,courts,concert hall,public offices,huge gymnastic complex and many more situated.

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