April 29, 2019


That which comes before or after them must be boundless.The third philosopher Anaximander-570-526 B.C.thought the source of all things must be vapour or air.He must have been widely read about Thales'theory of water to make that conclusion.Now,philosophers begginning from the Hesiod times had debunked existence of deities and religion as myths and legends now begin to recreate their own world,in their own image,in the same way,Xenophanes 570 B.C.had lampooned mankind created gods in their own image.The Miletian philosophersbelong to the monist league wherethey entertain belief only one singlesubstance was catalyst to all natural processes.Then came the Eleatics League.In the Greek Colony of Elea,Southern Italy,at around 500 B.C.They nailed their poser.Parmenides-540-480 B.C.thought that nature has everlasting nature and there was no such thing as actual change,that nature is in a constant state of flux.He might have perceived with his senses that things change,but it sound ridiculous for his reason to agree.

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