April 30, 2019


But prior to the conquest of Hellenistic world by Romans,Rome itself was a mere province of Greek culture.And so the already dominant Greek culture came to play a major force in the syncretic movement. There was fusion of religion,philosophy and science together with the borders and boundaries of the Persians,Greeks, Babylonians,Syrians,Romans, Egyptians completely erased.City squares replaced by world arena and also oriental gods were worshipped in the meditteranean countries.This gave birth to new religious formations and this is called fusion of creed or syncretism.It did not really matter that doubts,pessimism and cultural delusion set in that characterised late antiquity but the fusion of creeds had certainly achieved its goal of preparing the road to new global religions like christianity or mohamedanism that rose later. Also spiritual teaching about how to obtain salvation from death also spread like wildfire.Philosophic insight with its own rewards was thought to have its own of freing man from death.

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