The failure to win a war,could be likened to vengeance or anger of the gods and that require appropriate sacrifices to pacify the gods.Common sickness could be ascribed a sign of divine intervention and the gods could make people well again with the right sacrifices.And so,it was the same thing with the Greeks and to debase the supernatural causes attributed to everything like sickness,led to the evolution of Greek medicine.A good knowledge of history,was needed to comprehend the fables and later debase them,an effort that was begun with Hesiod and Homer in the Illiad and Theogony and sustained by successive historians. Greek medicine arose and tried to find natural explanation to the the natural causes of sickness and health.Hippocrates born around 260 B.C.on the Island Of Cos,began this practice.According to him based on the Hippocractic medical condition,the best safeguard against sickness and to maintain good health was moderation and healthy lifestyle.Any illness means by nature has gone off course s

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