April 1, 2019


He continues".Malthus was right in predicting that the population would grow geometrically,but he didnt foresee our ability to make geometric improvements in agricultural technology.Even today with several countries in the world suffering massive famines"....over malthusian population theory still applies,"there is little doubt that a commitment to use more land and newer agricultural methods could vastly increase the amount of food produced on earth"You see that eroneous submission,forgeting there is a limit to the volume of agricultural production that technological application can bring.And that farmfields that currently generate output would later be inhabited by man. This is certainly inevitable,will surely happen,even if it takes a thousand or another ten thousand years to come,or more when trillion of people would inhabit the surface. The surface of the earth would later sink due to population intense pressure.The development gain they now experienced is shortlived.Moreso as they are using imperialism.

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