April 2, 2019


huge amounts of fertilizer and pesticides now routinely used in agriculture frequently drain off into the groundwater beneath the fields,contaminating them for many centuries to come."Can you see that intelligent submission? Certainly,Malthus is the greatest prophet in the history of capitalism,even far better than Adam Smith,his mentor and pioneer of the school of classical economics,to which they both belong.The future of the generation to come has been mortgaged even before their time. That Malthus worried about food supply and that the major worry is seed supply.What a barrel of contradiction?He sometimes skew facts,when it is known,are both oriented towards food production. The expansion of population to "a few wild refuges around the world,""fragile places that serve as the nurseries and reservoirs of genetic robustness,vitality and resillience but all of them are now in serious jeopardy",due to population explosion jeopardy.The intense and wild demand of the explosion is accountable to the phenomenal

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