April 30, 2019


As the trends evolved,they were still using the supernatural causes so much deimphasised to back up their so called natural causes.For instance,Hermes in Greek mythology,the messenger of the gods,was also been used as the god of the seafarers.Infact at a time,upon consultation of the Oracles at Delphi,affirmed that Socrates was the wisest man in Greece,even against his dubiety.Now,the three greatest Greek Philosophers came onboard and put an end to presocractic era and instead of focusing on the cosmos or nature,man became the centre of their studies.He was the first of great philosophers to be born at Athens and all of them lived and worked there. Anaxagoras was hounded out of athens also,he said the sun was a redhot stone,but Socrates himself was treated shabbily fared worse and died of hemlock.Begginning from the time of Socrates,Athens became the center of Greek culture.I will like the Sophists first prior to Socrates and now let us back to around 450 B.C.when philosophy entirely took on a new dimension.

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