April 30, 2019


Acropolis means'Citadel'or precisely the city on the hill'having been lived by people ever since the stone age. Its unique location was a vantage,an elevated plateau was easy to defend against marauders and also had an excellent view down to one of the best meditaranean harbours.Athens developed beneath this plateau and the Acropolis was used as garrison,fortress and a sacred shrine.The first half of the fifth century witnessed an acrimonious feud against the Persians and by 480,its king Xerxes plundered Athens and all old wooden buildings of this sacred fortress.When the Persians were mauled a year after,the golden age of Athens was begun,including the Acropolis that was rebuilt,prouder,more magnificent and glorious than ever be. Socrates passed through Athens during the period,and witness proud construction ,including those of the biggest temple'Parthenon'meaning'the Virgin's place'constructed in honor of Athene,the patron godess of Athens.He walked through the streets and squares,talking to the Athenians.

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