April 30, 2019


His world of reality is divided into categories or regions.In the sensory world,or physical world or material,all thing flows and nothing is permanent and then secondly the world of ideas or spirit world is eternal.With this submission he believed man is a dual creature and all natural phenomenal are merely illusion and shadows of the eternal forms of ideas.He popularised the myth of the caves and illustrates in the myth how philosophers'road evolved from shadowy images to the true form of ideas behind all natural phenomena.He might have been thinking about Socrates his masterthat the cave dwellers killeddue to the fact he disturbed them,given his popularity by trying to show people the true light,when he wrote this myth.He believed the human body is composed of three parts,mainly the head,that controls reason,the chest that controls the will and abdomen that controls appetite.That each of these soulful faculties has a virtue: reason aspires to wisdom; human will aspires to courage or faith;and last modesty.

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