April 26, 2019


In a prose masterpiece " Worstward Ho",published six years before his death in 1983, Samuel Becket,the Nobel Laureate for Literature in 1969,concluded"No matter.Try again. Fail better" He was rated to be a master of deflation,fame dreaded,a contrast of self promoter,a self demoter that was intensely privacy satisfied,wielding cliches to withering blast. He was no equal in the capability to paint tragedies and images of human collapse,with poetic elan descriptively where the will to succeed and efforts at living were comically doomed and defied in an immanent hostile planet.A quintessential Irish man whose aggregate writings was rooted in Irish speech latent with rhythmic hoots and sonority.The finest Irish novelist of all time and the acclaimed father of mordern had considerable influence over him. He met Beckett way back in 1920s and 30s in Paris and had great impact on his writing thermometer and thinking distinction.Though he detested the clipped morose blandness of Irish playwright J. M. Synge the author

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