December 27, 2022


Defenses are solid architectonic offenses armoury of possibilities with which the insurance of human survival is guarranteed.We cannot be compelled to disagree categorically speaking,that the best defence is to offend and the best offence is to defend.The hidden primacy of defenses much interred in its offences bellyaching their much versatile threats,requires competition of conditional threats to threaten strategic transformation.And the two strategic colours of human character both defence and offence take precedence,sometime over pristine ethos of household routines.The art of offence,its spectral of conditional threats mobilises strategic competition and resistance cummulatives on the victim tend to automate defenses for negotiable softlanding.It is not out of ignorance to concede that systems are architected to conform to the adroit uniformity of its purpose of existence a robotic set up of its impecable phenomenon of totalitarian systemic perfection within the bolt¬s of its forms,formats&processes. PART 3 Primarily wisdom is the principal defence of human organisation and ways and means of administering them for the rewards of the human institution and survival.With it mankind secures expertise and technology,pedigree the very identity of the expertiseand subsequently,the human position,location,environment and the timing and formation of causes and the strategic effect or impact,it generates on the primacy of the knowledge invested.The institution of the causes and the effect,the social and economic interaction between them and when the outcome is harvested by the effect of the outlays,including the defect or likely dislocation,the turnovers as the effect provides for the beginning of a new dawn when the market for causes is repositioned.The growth of the market is better ploughed or reploughed in the primacy of the new defenses.Defenses are fruits of wisdom organically the experiences of previous dawn when facts are harvested to create defenses for the round ofnew information or knowledge investment.Mankind

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