December 29, 2022


WE POSTED THIS ESSAY LATE THOUGH WAS WRITTEN WHEN THE NEW FIRST LORD OF THE TREASURY TOOK OFFICE New Prime minister recently took over power in Britain on Monday after he met endorsement of over 100members of parliament in accordance to rules of 1922 committee.Rishi Sunak,the first asian and firsthindu british prime minister and youngest prime minister in 200years at age 42.After he was approved by the Monarchy,the superrich banker and former chancellor who served Brexiteer Boris Johnson,the people's choice for two years took over no.10.Downing Street in a bigbang 44 days after Liz Truss the late Regina Windsor's last choice as PM resigned.I keep wondering still uncomfortable albeit my imponderables,what has come over Britain that they have 3 prime ministers,in two and a half years,4home secretaries and 3 chancellors during the same period?Is it that they also lack capable hands to handle purely economic matters as it were since 1832 when Robert Peel became first democratically elected prime minister after the great reform act of 1832 or ever since Walpole became the first prime minister and gallantly defended kingsland against spanish conquistadorsin the Genkins war ?I was forced to conclude that wrong people are joining politics all over the world.For Penny Mordaunt top three contestants who garnered support of 30MPs couldnt defend herself properly in a BBC interview with enfanterible Laura Klansternberg and failedonspecifics,from healthtodefencedodgedreplytovitalquestionto soilherbid.The British viewers saw her as a national disgrace and many switched off the interview.The worst case scenario was the interview of same mercurial Laura with the outgoing prime minister Trussmadea similarblunder.Infactanotherinterviewlastedeightminutesandcouldnt defendherself.That the minibudget and tax cut was the making of her chancellor and there was no communication before it was introduced.And to add insult to injury sacked kwasi kwarteng replaced first black chancellor with Jeremy hunt who contested earlier with boris.Rishi Sunak in an earlier debate with truss disagreed with her unfunded tax cut worth £150b.vehemently guaranteed her failure. It was as if the british people are quite satisfied with mediocrity,rescinded their fate in politics guaranteed by mediocres playing with their life.Imagine,a mother of civilisation became a laughing stock in europe,relegated to the backburners as France and Germany took over its once glorious continental prestige.Consequently,they've also guaranteed doldrum or tepid in british politics without ever knowingit where electorate notonly matters but pattern of political economy remains unchanged for decades.From Blair to Gordon Brown first blairite,to David Cameron,same pattern of borrow,tax,spend and regulate havent changed abit.It isthesame guiding principle of thenew prime minister who defeated erstwhile boss in their crunch talk calling him a man with good heart but with flawed view on taxes.When he was accused of betrayal stabbing his boss back,he promptly denied it cited instances of serving him for two years as chancellor.Sunak engineered his downfall after his resignation,over 60 ministers in cabinet also resigned.

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