May 21, 2023


Wisdom is a woman.Love her and keep her forever.

Does it not sound insane that you ascribe glory to whom such esteem does not belong?
About 85 essays were written that formed the bulk of the philosophy behind the Constitution.Would you not be amazed if you were to be told he wrote the most voluminous part of the great book?"
"And the great book?"
"The Constitution of course!Out of this lot,he wrote fifty out of these 85 essays while the remainder were written by John Jay and Madison."
"So Jefferson was an egghead."
"Did he write a single text of the declaration of Independence for which he was famed?"
"Of course he did not."
"Uhmm......They said he advocated weak central government and stronger states.Isn't it?"
"O boy you have been doing serious reading o oh my gosh.Anyway you have the use of good library.You re right but the intention was evil.He felt inferior compared to super star status of great Hamilton and that was why he suggested that."
"Come again""Yeah the truth is this;the intention of this cabal was to cut Hamilton to pieces because he was the second most popular man in America of the early republic after George Washington.Somebody who was secretary of state under Washington and Hamilton who was secretary of treasury still dominated his office a lacklustre celebrity and crass opportunist .He had no gift for policy making and a reprobate lackey.He was extremely petulant with how he controlled Washington government including his office before his every eyes gesticulating staff for command and orders and the whole country couldn't do a thing about the straitjacketed intelligence of Washington."
"Could not do a thing about it?"
"Of course there was no spare tyre in America.Jefferson got so infuriated , and exhausted with teleguided Washington that  he was later forced to resign."
"Secretary of state! forced to resign ?"
"Of course he did.Because he couldn't stand the world greatest superpolymath in action.To suggest weaker central government was becos he felt inferior  and couldn't succeed in cutting him to pieces. Jefferson believed the power of federal government should be  limited due to growing influence of Hamilton in America and beyond.The suggestion was to reduce their influence as well.But China knew the secret and that was why it succeeded.Same view that classical economics taught them and when it was clear that Washington supported his archenemy on the question of federal jurisdiction including the relations with France,he was forced to resign in envy.Why would anybody in his rational mind regarded him as the author of declaration of Independence?Does it make sense to aver so when in real term he only supervised and was chosen to head the committee that drafted the declaration?"
"While all the members of the revolutionary team and elites dreamt of American Paradise for which they were clueless;he was extensively researched and ransacked the British and the French opulent history for ideas and ideology.It is a question of 'if wishes were horses...'He paused for a while.
"What really created schism between Madison and Hamilton too
I think you ve narrated this conflict point of differences between him and the rest of the educated illeterates like Jefferson."
"The true difference came from critical debate on public debt.That was the climax.It was a report on public credit that tore them apart."
"How?But you said they both wrote the essays on Constitution,what could have caused the skirmishes again?"
"My son not skirmishes but world wars acatalectic life time brawl.A bitter feud.The debate on public credit was a report to be presented before the Senate following January.And such report if widely supported could make him the most influential figure in America.You know he already was.That would add a notch."
"He drew on eclectic sources to prepare the report of public credit.He qouted on thesis of David Hume's and other many hungry lions on political economy especially in political discourses that supported the fact public debt could strengthen business activity.He did not fail to do justice to the wisdom of Monstequieu that advised state should honor debt obligations.He pays homage to  Hobbesian wisdom in the sanctity of contacts, securities trading and Transfers and any voluntary acceptances of such offers, states or individuals must not shy away from its consequences."
"Dad what is Hobbesian?"
"Don't digress the discussion.Hobbesian refers to Thomas Hobbes.When you go back to library search Hobbes in Middle shelf or Shelf C , take the books written about him and read.In three weeks I task you to produce thesis of 50pages on Hobbesian theory of political evolution."
"50pages?And you think I can do that.Am only 16". Staggered on the sofa next to the kitchen door where dad was cooking evening light meals."Jesus, don't disgrace me Okay.You re going to be 18 this summer,Whereas Hamilton in St Croix newspaper in the spring of 1771 as the aspiring bard published his first poetry when he told the editor"Sir,I am a youth about 17."He was around 16 then.More than anything else the date of his birth baffled biographers  and some uncommon sources drew inspiration from Scottish chronicles and database to put the date correctly as January 11,1755 when he was born in Nevis and not the date 1757 year most popularly used by biographers.How can a teen of 17years not capable of astute intellectual capacity?From 1to 4 years we refer to toddlers,early age 5 or 6years dubbed middle childhood as opposed early childhood when you re capable of washing cloth, reading, taking decision and a host of other routines under guardian or parental guide,how much more for a child of 17 who might just have left college or a sophomore or collegiate or a Wrangler or graduate with first degree?At 18 to 21,out of teen ship a full grown youth taking control of his destiny.Drop your laziness,grow your aptitude and life is the best teacher.But for Hamilton a boy exposed to savagery of human treachery quite too early in life was inspired by these obscenities.As much as in Nevis where he grew up St.Croix was tainted with all pervasive slavery where blacks were trapped into serfdom for every white who rent them out for a fee.This human property trade was a source of daily bread and a quick income and wealth giver.Free blacks and mongrels ,were mixed in the neighborhood a racial melange exposed the octoroon too early human savages , inhumanity of man to man.Hobbes said the life of man outside the 'short, brutish and solitary'unknown to him even inside the  society with no account of arts no account of letters short,brutish and solitary'terminated by brutal death.Rachel his mother too also inherited five males adult slaves when her mother Mary faucetee died.She too hired them out for a fee.The slaves had four kids and one of them Ajax was assigned to Hamilton and another to his brother James."
"So he had older brother too"
"Yeah ."
"Surely I ll do a thesis on him not Hobbesian."
"You have to start gathering materials about him good or bad.Knowledge is good for the edification of the mind and intellectual quintessence.He had copious literature on every topic during early days of the republic.By the time he died at the popular age of 49 he had created masterpieces of twenty two thousand pages excluding lost materials like poetry etc."
"Yeah, essays,poems,letters , precedents , treatises,theories Strategies and a host of others in his kit.Little wonder  , Washington became a partial lackey or straijacketed element at his feet imbibed his philosophical thoughts hook line and sinker appended influential signature with artless ease to keep the American dream unimpeded .What an incredible work of art."They went into the wild early morning to pay homage to the beautiful songs of the chirping birds in the wild,strolling beyond The Meadows returned home with some fruits like cucumber to prepare salad for the afternoon now warming salad for the light evening meals.Ravished by morning breeze four hours away returned and took showers to cool their nerves and headed into the library for fifteen hours discussion.Thompson moved into the kitchen to prepare meals with occasional support from the lad , currently on holiday.
"I can't believe he could earn so much
accolades in an age without the internet."
"Yeah,you get the drill given the fact that technology has certainly improve writing capability of 21st century 's netpreneurs."
"Why was he always as the center of the storm?you haven't elaborate much source of Titanic feud beyond the public credit report?"
The boy sat down after his father returned back to sitting room and took more than an hour to devour his meal switched on the standing fan.He was tired for the day and gestured him into dining room to take his meal.Raptured with random sleep  and finally dozed off."Dad slept off "went back to the room and laid with siblings.

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