May 7, 2023


Victory is  a beautiful damsel 
 a dancing fortune Madonna and a mermaid aloft wobbling valleys the quendom of Mt.everest.She is the land victoria and every earthling wishes to migrate there whereon their Dreamland softens her grotesque for itinerary.One sobriquet for her purblind son and primogeniture , exuberant John doe , now Cupid he that shot down disatration to get there.King Cupid loved to be crowned with victorian her ebulient shore.It is too rash not too believe him in the worship of the everest maddona.Victory is too coarse for you cannot get it if you defy Dreamland victorian hills.Victory is hoarse she does not speak aloud.No one hears her excerpt king Cupid.Else would I tear the conscience of the nebulous benign where dread abides .And make her nest of avarice for the Dreamland voyage,more gluttonous for the flight than the windy swerve of the eagles at flight.Hood thy unfeigned blood dearth darting cockatrice of king Cupid.He has all the tapestry and many a Victoria hath he bedded been there frolic.Unless Dreamland memoirs'recalls may the case suffocate atrophy.This Dawn I hold amuck a much cherished August feast over this nebulous valleys with king Cupid. And the colours of rainbows returns ere dusk.From the vile of vain sweet hocus-pocus beyond compare we smothered unfair art ostracize what hagard foxes and nefarious monsters keep  in swollen malediction,not here in dark shall we be his paramours to sloth so much as gays to forfeit the benediction of victoria .And for the dread of that overdose,will they be sloshed for far too long to loose her love? Never from this palace of nebula we shall depart for the quendom of Everest.To shake off the yoke of oxen and the lugubrious stars for the everlasting rest.Blood of guilt and revenge spares them not vile beginners who die ere the fray In the palace of dim .Kinsmen of servitude dread makes them false and hoarse.They will be deaf to munition of admonition and alert to excuses of false history.Nor guilt nor regret shall recoup sunny times . Therefore let them not quit in shallow earnest till the cloudy night ,exit the runaways of love performing songs . Amorous rites spring to beautiful Dawn and natural beauty of Queen Victoria.This queen should be crowned in grandiose heaven from the acolytes of Cupid princes .Hath the Cupid princes in bulge modicum slain themselves?If they be slain who saw the wound-laity or coroner's inquest ?If they be pale and resurrected from this piteous dusk ,what magic potion ?Let her flavor from the king Cupid's valley banish this nebula.To worship the king to get the comfort and take the gauntlet to the triumphant hills.Where is the queen ?No one knows here her whereabout and speaks only in silence when the sun shines.Bondage of failures hath banished her to the hills . Cupid princes tell not the  unaccustomed joyful tidings in the valleys.Victoria is banished and the world Knows nothing about her ;for the world no longer her oysters.The mightiest princes gain her love and make love at her pools , where they put to death weakest princes.

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