May 15, 2023


Prologue.Does it mean that golden words must be planted on Golden trees for them to be golden gemstones in the annals of golden antecedence?"Thomson threw animadversion as he sat disconsolate in the anguish ambience and ruminating tribulating memoirs of the jagged edges in the top gallant cosmopolitan American society fevered with nostalgia the ebonoid's angular angst not minding the irregular but hazy medula racketeering of nebulous memoirs ever since the republic cooled its atavistic being on the checkered earthly plane.
"You are causing a peculiar effect peradventure anticyclone of anticlimax to levitate itself in thin air" he chastised his soliloquy not evasive sibling.
"You drew comedy of your self-esteem smitten to the dogs when you make references to Golden antecedence in a republic a repertoire of educated derelicts and weakneeds.Those who cast aspersion against antecedence are not worthy of such golden memoirs.Behold to rid off golden words magic potion of golden action from golden  trees is to destroy golden gemstones of golden history even before they are born and we shall  lay bare and wreath to demise of golden history.And a nation that should have golden history maybe forced to have beautiful history." 
Uhhnn..."but golden history and beautiful history aren't the same?"he retorted speaking with memoirs."oh yeah what could mortal do?Manage it."Then he slept.
Early morning breeze and the sobs of triplets from the cradle,cot and carrycot at the adjoining room, spouse and toddlers on bunk bed still dosing,woke Thompson up at midnight.He switched on the bedside lamp,yawned and stretched arms,legs and return back his boodle to the headboard,lay on eiderdown,counterpane sat lamely on bedstead beneath.Fortywinks again till bedroom cries slapped him off the bed,woke up and stood pulled aside chest of drawers, for scribbling notes , pyjamas still bedraggled reached for the stool and hands on dressing table pulled off again tormented by momentary  torpedo of crass indecision.Eloped from the bedsitter into alcove to the shock of his nerves.His oldest son still reading hardly go to sleep."Oh boy you re not on bed,so audacious like your dad,still belaboring in the middle of the night?"
"Dad,you drew me the whetstone.Am your wannabe.So sorry for that.I didn't mean to wake you up.It's in my blood too."
"Pls go to bed."
"What's is it again my boy?"
"Have you heard anything about Hamilton before?"
"Oh my gosh u re traveling very far infact gone too far to tread on landmine".
"Which landmine sorry Dad?"
"One day you'll get there.That's a sorry part of our beautiful history "
Did I you before do soliloquizing?I could recall vividly your reference to Golden antecedence."
"You heard me right?"
"Madisonian and Jeffersonian America is a sloth of the true America."
"And the true America?"
"HAMILTONIAN AMERICA.Jeffersonians the white supremacists are weird weirdies of dead weight tonage behemoth America."
"Uhmm........ compassionless.."
"Yeah,but that's pretty a bijou boy.Get the biosphere's ergonomics, adhesive brasstacks of the adjectives.Aptly to mean no clemency, clueless,no empathy,bessotted , Bewitched Dreamland besieged with besmeared dusk ,bigstick  bigotry of sewered asses , bigheaded  buccaneers of Justice thrives in the dungeon of Injustice.The plain isn't yet belted Earl.I'll be frank to tell you.We have a lot of work to do.Our bequest should be Hamiltonian America's and not the trenches of bespattered  Madisonian and Jeffersonian America a bespoke relics of white supremacists who sold the mischievious American dream to the dogs and mortgage it to the broken Earth."
"Should the bewail persist what are we gonna do?"
"You would solve the problem?"
"Me dad? How?You scare me"
"Some day i will make you the president of America."
"What?Lie from the pit of hell"
"You know what boy FDR was groomed for 35years and fully prepared to become American president and he did marvelous joy at the oval office.Still many landmines to trample.Now prior to any action identify  the problem first and then the solution."
"Uhmm ....FDR..Let me your bethink?"
Before the day dawns they went into the forest with nocturnal lamps to the shocking voices of terrible species in the wild.Ecstatic at the forest promenade at a later time boyhood wraith was  fond of his patriarch's tradition, clung deeply and passionately to his punditry especially in the wild.It became his pastime especially on vacation.

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