Together with friends he founded new york society library and it benefited hamilton's a whole lot.""which year?""in 1754 in a period when they opposed the foundation of kings college and they couldnt after the school received royal charter.He also opposed stamp act,oppressive taxes and was the first governor of independent new jeysey in 1776.Also a member of continental
congress and constitutional convention.The cordiality was so tense that he befriended his family and children.This included Livingston cerebral Brockholst,a friend of Aaron Burr subsequently a revered supreme court judge.As a ladies'man he befriended Livingston beautiful daughters had romantic affair with kitty and was awared of romance between john jay and sarah livinston.Sarah was mistaken for the queen of france during an opera event in paris.""john jay is a founding father too"he remarked sharply"oh that sounds too fraudulent to my hearing and that is what the historians tell you right?I beg to disagree"you mean what?"you must have read the profiles of the so called founding fathers and measure their impact to decide.just listen.""and kitty?"catherine Livingston.At that time,jay was young lawyer later became the first justice of the supreme court and 2nd governor of new york. william alexander another Livingston's brother in law,with claimed links to scottish earldom later became Lord Stirling a bad
and perenial debtor whacked by mountain of debt by the time they met.Building a thousand acre estate later at Basking Ridge adorned with green field,gardens,deer park in the same mode as the country houses of british nobility a decade after testified to the power of discretion and mental resilience a trademark of alexander hamilton.James moroe was his aide de camp""the future president?"yea,an historian decided not to trust the narrative of aaron burr that he was bibulous during the american revolution saved by monroe a faithful steward and changed his narratives or doubted the narrative of burr's.Lord stirling was renown for his victory in the battle of Brooklyn and a literate genius with eccletic interest in mathematic and astronomy.He owns orchards,grew wine and grapes,ranches bred cattle and horses,a cofounder of new york society library.""Did they marry ?""you mean lady kitt?she married hamilton's most notorious friend william duer""you mentioned elias boudinot and you spoke less about him.""elias boudinot a lawyer a scion of french huguenot was the third influence had also enduring tie with hamilton.He later became the president of the continental congress and had mines with rich deposit of sulphur and copper.Hamilton was a regular visitor at Boudinot's mansion Boxwood Hall a repertoire of sophisticated books ,political debate and avantgarde culture.They gather at evening to celebrate the bookish ,esoteric trends, biographies and elegant poetry.As they spoke the two young men joined the conversation in their boxers short in company of their ladies"
It was as if they came from the blue and bode turned attention to the new guys having patted femi on the back."i swear our fans are growing and loneliness over."bode noted in a brass voice to the exclamation of the funseekers."you seem to be quiet and reticent in your conversation"maxwell replied"i sat close to them and were not too attentive to rowdy environment and i was like them too.So i tried to eavesdrop an hour into their discussion.i was impressed because am currently taking lectures on the american history and you were versatile but courtesy demands we seek your permission not to intrude your camaraderrie."dave enquired"shall we join?"maxwell ecstatic intoned and exchanged greetings and now sat in parallelogramatic mode overlapping each other as scarlet ladies jumped back into the pool and one soon on a rafter splashing waters at each other as waterfight capsized the rafters."see your funny ladies"bode smiled."sure history is an open wound only truth can heal it"femi permitted the fellowship"
Let me perform this poetry:For the sweet babe,my doting heart,did all a mother's fondness feel;careful to act each tenderpart,and guard from everythreatening ill.'first stanza"heintoned'But what alas!availed my care?Theunrelenting hand of death,regardlessofa parent's prayerhas stopped my lovely infant's breath.'second stanza.who wrote the poem?""we dont know."bode in refrain querulous."hamilton of course."maxwell."good!when aana mariadiedin september1774moved by goldenempathy hamilton wrotethose lines of elegy."whois aana?"EliasBoudinot's daughter""i havethe inkling thattheelegywas responsible for the death of his two siblings in the later should know the mysterious power of the pen?"did he lost sibblings"bode quixotic."of course he did before and after his death in 1804."lamented"how many?"enthusiastic"lost two philip to dueling and later his daughter"i ve pulled the rope before garnered experience never to engage myself with elegy.i read same poem and rewrote those lines in thepraise of my
recently hospitalised eldest brother."can you perform the lines?""For the daring cosmopolitan,my patriarh's primogeniture,did all a matriarch's glamour endorse;Parsimonious to indulge tender loom astray,And guard from every parental loin's embrace.'second stanza' But what bravo!avaunt my glorious care?The grandiose oddysey of the minstrel's illustrious global tour,irregardless of the ailment's sickly bed,Has doured my industrious sibbling's royal conquest."uhhmm...interesting."they clapped for maxwell bode laughing hysterically."huh!"dave exclaimed"could you believe after that performance a week after my brother recuperated and released from hospital and went on global music tour being miraculously engaged by a record label in central London."hence there is so much power in written word as the spoken word."yea nothing in the universe,is more powerful and esoteric than the sacred power of the mysterious pen.he though he wrote the elegy for maria whereas he wrote his unborn kids into early grave."maxwell
noted."i could sense the story was about hamilton and contribution to american society.""sure but for you dave studying american history it would be of special interest.""you mean dave a doctorate studying american history?sound disgusting just pulling your legs!okay his son is studying that rather. Obviously his love for anything hamilton knows no bound.""really?"femi reacted"he was the one that called my attention""oh am flattered dave can you lead this conversation?"nope we re enjoying the flow"."Beggining from the prior stance hamilton did not spend a year at elizabethtown before he moved onto great things""absolutely right more than six months at that preparatory school."however this cameo appearance left an indellible footprint on his political career where he first met some of the best and wealthiest politicians and clergies in the early republic.Though they agitated for the economic,social and political change they still lived like the english nobility.They barely wanted national independence and
infact that intent was considered obscene and a rash option from a raving lunatics by these New Jeysey's patrons and hallowed prebysterians.They desired only reconcilliation and be invoked with their rights as english subjects and clueless about the beauty of freedom.Heavily dreaded the full separation from the british monarchy and desperate for fuller intergration.if there was any strong prejudice whatsoever that hamilton had towards the british monarchy,he caught bug at elizabethtown and pelucidly modeled his leanings towards monarchism.The prebysterian reformers apparently influenced hamilton's politics gave him that reform minded ideology being associated with whig critique of the british crown."you know the tories invariably anglicans danced unequivocally towards enforcement of british imperial policy in the colonies."exactly.the next step after leaving elizabethtown he considered nine colonial colleges and princeton where he seemed to have connect was topmost priority.It had a legion of west indians
do you know those colleges?"maxwell asked and femi turned to dave"dave!"femi gesticulated to provide answer"oh they call seven of them ivy leagues in that order beginning from havard founded by john havard,yale founded by elihu yale in 1701 and the first in america to award phd;then came princeton,columbia,university of pennyslvania,Brown and Dartmouth while other two universities like college of william and mary in virginia and Rutger university"."So after havard the second oldest is the princeton university which they formerly called the college of new jeysey"maxwell asked"nope i think it was college of william and was dated as far back as 1693 and the college had link to the university of henrico known as henricus in the virginia colony received a charter in 1618."dave noted"But only a small preparatory school of native americans was begun as far back as i disagree".why dont you agree?Why because university of pennyslvania started as secondary instruction school for boys at the academy of
Philadelphia was begun in 1751 and later became a university.In november1749 underground education for men started after charter was granted in 1755 as the college of philadelphia founded by benjamin franklin.The same with university of paris that started as medical school in salermo.In most cases varsities often evolve.infact the Penn's board of trustees in 1899 voted to reverse it to 1740 from 1749 to make it older than princeton chartered in 1746. ""now we move onto west indian students"exhausted femi"no let's finish this item.Havard was founded in 1630 but chartered in 1650.""other universities include delaware started in 1743;washington and lee in washington,virginia by 1749;columnia university came in 1754.These are the top ten oldest universities in america"femi stated"you know hamilton attended columbia university."and he study law but he didnt finish.He couldnt go to princeton founded as counterweight to the church of england's influence,an institution that was hotbed of whig and prebysterian
Prejudice with emphasis on religious freedom""mulligan notes that hamilton prefer princeton to king's college?"why?"bode broke silence"believes it had republican spirit a republican environment being a nursery of political radicalism under the tutelage of president john witherspoon an eminent theologian born in edinburgh.At interval massively advertised to take the west indian entries as collegiates.Hamilton was fond of the all consuming spirit of liberty that held bound princeton and hercules was opportune to introduce him to witherspoon."do you know how gary wills described witherspoon?"dave raise eyebrow."how?"bodecurious"he called him' probably the most influential teacher in the history of american education.""Gary was right.Apparently right and under his tutelage princeton produced a plethora of leadership bounties and alumni that include US President,vice president,twenty one senators,twenty nine congressmen plus twelve state governors.You know he alsosigned declaration of independence"femi inspired
And dave added"the first clergy and a minister to the continental congress"then he paused"Princeton send nine alumni to the congress.At first encounter with him could be very bewildering but when he met giant intellect in the personage of quentessential profile like hamilton he was startled inspite of stiff requirement stipulated at the time of hamilton's proposed entry over which unfortunately he had no control.Obviously,talks broke down in view of the compliance to the board of trustees's regulation that would decide student's eligibility.nevertheless assured he would be of tremendous asset to any institution that would admit him.He impressed with unconventionally ability and wished to be disposed as soon as possible;a desperation that was motivated by hatred for tardier conventions,his own acelerated impatience and beleated educational background strictly for the application of survivalist princinples and properly adapted into the newly chosen sophisticated society.Anyway mulligan blamed the trustees who
rebuffed hamilton's proposal against the fact witherspoon had just unbundled lax admission requirement few year earlier prior to his proposal."femi halted"see femo,the problem here was the age factor and he made a brash conquest""any proof?""aaron burr wasnt admitted to princeton at age eleven and was rejected for being too young,did two years of cramming,was admitted into junior class instead,at age thirteen.And Burr was admitted as a sophomore left in 1772 at sixteen.That was a precedent and now madison's experience was quite insightful too.""uhmm that young virginia scholar and hamilton's coauthor of the federalist paper.madison was admitted as sophomore in 1769 in the face of nervous exhaustion finished in two years not 3yr"femi added a notch"exactly you i taught my first child a lot about him but not this angle we are dissecting."we know hamilton and burr were not bonafide pals even during early college days where did he get the facts?""of course it could be mulligan,boudinot,Livingstons or Brockholst."
"Madison in the spring of 1772 had stressed himself to get the feat done emaciated by aggresive brown studies and fond of witherspoon haunted with travelling indifference stayed behind for intense research.The precedent may have dettered the acceptance of hamilton's proposal.This precedent might have influenced hamilton to reduce his age to 1755 to indicate eighteen years as the proposed age for application compared to standard minimum age of entrance at fourteen or fifteen.madison entered princeton at age eighteen considered abit old and considered a sophomore compared gov.morris who at age twelve was admitted into kings college.""let's move on he had so many sponsors and found solace at kings college""who could that be?"Lord stirlings,Myles coopers etc.""Cooper the president at king's college thrust hamilton into the most aggressive center of american politics torn between the exposure,intellectual contest and prejudice of the patriots and loyalists,the tories and the whigs and their vicious clash.
Uhmmm..........king's college "
You know a writer had stated clearly had he gone to princeton might have been so much rebellious sooner in resistance against the british though arguable but then wouldnt have had the passion to effectively study the british parliamentary from which he later derived empirical clue to model american society in the most ideal direction."femi gestured"exactly but arguable u say.Anyway show me your mentor and i will show you who you are giving that it is the environment that shape the child."bode replied."what a wonderful twist of fate that a nomadic boy the future treasury secretary and the father of america was immersed in the nation's hub of commerce,merchant,business,law and politics
A sleepy countrytown New Jeysey wouldnt have prepared him well and too impossible to model the kind of radical politician that conceptualised the very nature of american society.The rejection had been a monumental benediction for the effervescent young west indian stateless boy.He had come to sympathised with the conflicting feelings of both patriots and loyalists in the melodramatic clash between tories and whigs and being in new york gave him first hand information about american mushrooming political life and tremendous contacts to turn his life around."femi noted"you know the city had highly vocal tory population,most eloquent orators and outspoken newspapers"dave added"yea the tory population were the bastion of british colonial power and he stood like rock of gilbraltar in the thickness of revolutionary fermentation.""king's college stood on the northern fringe of the city on a vast tract of land that was donated by Queen Anne to trinity church."added dave again."about 3 story building way back
then right?"now maxwell chipped after a prior gaze at the ladies coming out of the pool and resting on the nearby wooden sofa who sometimes beckon to the engrossed silence paces away."yea,it had a cupola with a terrific commanding view of the hudson river and its low elevation of rambling meadow."dave said."the location of the elevated campus is well known by today's west broadway,murray,barclay and church streets.An erudite visitor had called the world best location for a was surrounded by big fence and cooper barely succeeded in shielding students from foreign influences"femi tickled their engrossed silence"
Why the shielding of the students?"bode inquired"it was close to the so called"holy ground"an infamous redlight districts and students promenaded in their academic caps and gowns in the enclosed environment modeled upon oxford's design."femi's voice wiggled"why the holy ground"dave interrogated"the holy ground's land was owned by st.paul's chapel hence the satirical allusion of the tag'holy land'.The obscene ladies of pleasure dutch and britons frequented the lewd and salacious districts at evening hours haunting vulnerable and novitiating scholars an elongated obscenity that tribulated town's seneschal folks.Little wonder ladies were banned from college grounds and college rules barred students from frequenting the illicit houses of whores.""they speculated he was a random client"dave intoned"there was no tangible proof.Nevertheless,in warding off army of seductresses the college had become revolutionary center of the british orthodoxy.""you mean during the revolution when the british army converted
churches to barracks and stables?"exactly.nobody paid concrete attention to whoremongers and whorehouses and was usurped by colonial revolution"maxwell and bode in the wholesome whoopees,gone wideyed and wideawake clung to the wickerwork,like a widgeon curious on freshwater lakes and pools as dave gesticulated and whopped."Didnt they fear the college was to become hotbed of british orthodoxy?""curious"they?which they?reference pls"bode abruptly remarked."william Livingstons and the prebysterian churches"dave noted"dave is loaded.A block west of common in the present day City hall park where radicals gather.At the very park where the 80foot poled tower of liberty's weather vane was located with the famous word liberty inscribed on it,during hamilton's stay at the college,he was to debut and deliver his famous speeches as a collegiate".femi paused in the encroaching sun."As a Nigerian sorry to digress Lagos or New york which one is older?"maxwell jabbed femi into an imponderable halt."Of course Lagosprobably older founded in 1380 whereas new york founded in 1623"he threw bombshell"that is to say almost 250yrs or 243 years older than new york.oh my god!oh my god!!"maxwell exploded."you see Lagos wealth like the rest of the west africa was diverted to build new york""sorry for that?'"you people are indebted to us Lagos in terms of reparation initiated by late MKO Abiola"Femi"uhmm...."maxwell muttered".New york was founded by dutch west india company,the city was already a busy commercial nerve with boisterous port that blended with massive cultures and religions."femi mused"it was a polyglot with fourteen languages when hamilton came and flooded with congested wharves replete of thousands of migrants""the british,scotch,irish etc"dave chipped in."infact he was impressed with external contributors and impact made on new york.New york was interesting with golden forays and mazes of narrow and clumsy streets enthralling westindian in a broadway pedestrian walk wooing ladies.""broadway the main gravity with pretty
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