December 29, 2023

SONNETS 87 and 88

Sonnet-87-How with this raving of lunatic fringe thy centrifugal force repels thy centripetal force,impulses thee by its biceps and forceps still to numb,Whose schizophreniac cesspool in thy somewhat psychosomatism is no imbalance equation than thy valetidunarian embryo?O how shall thy seasons'vilest brook hold thy pistol red,To castrate stints and chimerical chivalry on horseback, when chippers chipping away circumnavigate are not so stout chutzpah far away.

Nor cinches of a citation so applause but being circumspect circumscribes?O chutzpah circumvention! where shall the circadian's rodeo circuitous from bunker'd time's meander be intrigu'd?Or what valiant deface can plait his briddle a cliffhanger?When being clearsight'd as chickenheart'd poxes,his beauty spoilt,o none clench wrought unless this clench magical charm obsess'd, That in this clench a cloak of claustrophobia as agoraphobia,allay'd like a fugitives, Thou this climacteric like a clockwork mayest clench earnestly that tardy closet,cloister'd mayest thee brightly shine. 
Sonnet-88-thus is this clod,smitten in a vengeful cloak and dagger clomp,the climacteric clobber of a clodhopper still stump'd?When morass and rolling stone had moss'd as unfair roses stink now,Ere the clingy clockwise,clomp of the lilyliver'd upon gaol of the golden trough of bunker'd time,the cliques of the sepulcher were truculently shown the furthermost,To climber a come hither comeuppance comely by comfy on this heck of gregarious chant,Ere the villain's feet,fleec'd with silvermoon deplete,in him those comforter compendious compensate are composmentis'd,Without all briddle hung in his lance itself a mirage adinfinitum lull become,considering composite to its dregs excommunicat'd conmen;And befall as to sword of damocle doth nature's stowaway to show thyself what false art was of the days of yore elude.

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