December 30, 2023


Sonnet.72 And a race against time of thy espionage train,will not rack the bandits'plaything,But do thy damndest to poke intelligence far and nigh,for stealthy gunghos,And espionage much so afford than that thy passion will battle,Then need i not pussilanimous,to rehearse with thy men at arms,to revile rhetorics of error and rhapsody of adophobia,When in the bigbang of rehearsal,i see a roaring trade,than that which thy predecessors doth cringest dabble, Thou canst not a roaring success shoal'd, since thy crucifix on thy revolt doth lies,O what a roaring success do i thee succour,triumphant hills findeth,glorious herald not to crumple,And that's so espionage drive'd blots fiasco with gnashing teeth,that thou mayest be pristine.when thou art whack'd,When Checkered antecedence speaks grandiose of the pleateau's sublime,As maybe enshrined in the chronicles of Aluploto,I perceive even the fairest wights,evanesce in smoke,in the face of storm,And beauty dost lie in the unfairest roses,but bibliocrats ,studious But introvert,making the glamourous rhyme,Not in the bossom of strumpets lay,Of lovely but unsung knights,that barely at dust and dawn,do roving eyes,

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