March 12, 2024


Every society devises the nature of their socioeconomic system at a time invariably not intandem with the alienated propensities of foreign aggression to cease the national path of rational choices in the management of centrifugal and centripetal forces of critical fathom of nation building.Awoistic period of the third social reforms was a trailblazer to be accorded a scholastic period of reform on itself a bridge builder that fabricated the new history of a people or culture making it about four generations of social reforms we ever had prior to the social engineering of the seventies a proven testament to imbibe the the empiricism of the wars as the most comprehensive erudition in the pragmatism of nation building knowing fully well almost all major human and technological inventions were a byeproducts of warfare.Nigeria was not an exception as the immanent civil war brought out the state system and we imbibed it hook line and sinker.The truth is that we may no longer cherish much longer the protracted debate about the contribution of successive states to the polity at large and whether they were excess garbages to the welfare of the nation might be another spectre of argumentative and disputative embellishment for donkey years to come .The prejudice for and against the crictical choices of nation building might be not an imprecation to moral service of social perception at large without which further expedition of social reform expediency not faded in vain nor possible.

The undignified insignificance of development generation and development management in the strictly due process etymological sense of the word 'Development'appears to embarrass the nigerian people and the landscape as a whole so much so that they hardly could not believe sordid eyes what they see around them nor condone the chronic level of intense underdevelopment grinding them nor convince themselves they merit the obscenity of banana republic status we were confronted with either as subjective followership or subjective leadership bequeath unto ourselves mired with inferior social senses underperforming human and social intelligence dearth of social politics to rescue themselves from this calumny of development arbitraging rather than development arbitration that social perception could give us in the most ideal web of equalitarianised social relation.Thus it cut off the critical link between growth and development,but first techniques and capacity

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