The aggregate objective of the state of a nation is to enshrine economic development in the golden letters of this social values that takes mordern age innumerable eclipses of times to nurture.The quality of time investment and the nature of ideological leanings and threshold should tilt the fortitude of the framework often in favour of this superior objective.Such objectives in the discharge of public obligations rest largely on the moral benchmark of this strategic thinkers and objective folks.Times and space of seasons afford us the critical choices of taking the vision beyond the threshold to fight for the material properties of the stronghold .
January 29, 2025
The Battle Of Dreams.part 94
Frankly speaking it is becoming clear the standard model of human optimal values as narrated in this essay not yet discovered let alone applicable to the miasma of human oriented social malaise.Understanding the incorporation of such values for appropriate human movement unceasingly enables capacity building in the spectrum of human management embellished with appropriate resources for the material fulfilment functions through the art of human administration.It is like a miracle or so to say where the motive to deploy thorough information accessibility is harnessed the practical use and evidential display of optimal social values are fully enshrined or noticeable.I think with the proposition of the author it could concretise its framework and social stability musings .
January 28, 2025
Riennman hypothesis: Uncovering The Conundrum.part 2
Any one who has read the blogger 's essay "Brain ledger system" should understand my analysis of Instinct a little bit and how the brain functions .We shed light on the significance of nature's ledger system in guiding the brain ledger system and not very few understand how mortals and matters interact with the unknown and nature and mothernature for which they constitute as an intergral part.
How does nature evolves or is created ?If it was ever created it first of all evolves and the main priority evolution uncover the nature of design at a subsequent stage for who is a creator were it to exist was first and foremost an atheist specialised later in the science of creation.
Nature or existence originates from the unconscious age and return back to unconscious age through death or inaction.Therefore it moves from Instinction therefore later into extinction.The power of Instinction formulates a cause ,an arts,then embryo,that perpetuate a form or institution,then a tradition,a being, condition, a universe and then at maturity extinction and the return back to unconscious age of eternity.These seven existential assets of nature is procreated by forces of necessity and liabilities nature's ledger system,forces of gravity and resistance or so to say law of faith,forces of cause and effect and the law of mothernature.They can be regarded as the grand laws of mothernature that composed nature from mothernature or the environment of mothernature evolving from the unconscious age .When it is born it is delivered and supplanted in the three fields of knowledge of abstract field in which Instinction first conceived it ,of utilitarian field in which second generation of evolution commences and of empirical fields using the front brain and hindbrain to make design and commences third round of evolution in afterward of process design and this round of evolution and the first process design endow nature with autonomy as self autonomous operating but computerised entity. Nature moves therefore from the power of instinction in the seven stages and someday into extinction.
Therefore Mathematics of form is "1" nature indivisible element of 1 evolve from zero or "0" .Hence 1 is 0 or 0 =1 =( 2,3,4,5,6,7,8) = 0 ,where 1=(Gm)= c+e,r+g,l+m=(2,3,4,5,6,7)= 0.Preform is zero or "0" but dots constitutes its components.All life returns back to zero and indivisible at point 1.
There are three types of prime Numbers.First prime numbers constitute three types high prime numbers indivisible and eternal and second types low prime numbers allowed in complex solution.The third types low median prime numbers as maybe distributed or redistributed in the fraction of causal mathematics.
Riemann Hypothesis,uncovering The Conundrum..part one
Riemann Hypothesis still remains the most profound Mathematics principles or formula never solved as it has profound implications on prime numbers and understanding the pattern of prime numbers,a fundamental concept in mathematics.Rienman hypothesis the hardest mathematical principles never solved being a complex number theory problem that deals with the distribution of prime numbers and one of the most scathing riddles in complex mathematics.The blogger Ibikunle Laniyan simplify the hypothesis in a wonderful synthesis from words and analysis into mathematical formula put to rest the complex mystery of the conundrums.The blogger also proposes the Mathematics of eternal life.
Today's mathematical puzzles appear to be a child's play to the psychology of the blogger though not a mathematician find the concept of prime numbers as inconsequential if you fail to unravel the concept of forms,preform and post form and they re based on the concept of zeros and what exist before zero and after zero.
Today's mathematicians agree that Riemann Hypothesis is the most significant problem open to all mathematicians in all of mathematics for which a million dollars is to be awarded to supposed winners.
Many complex mathematical problems exist across all disciplines stated but not yet solved.These problems come from all areas of mathematics ranging from theoretical physics, computer science, algebra, analysis, combinatorics,algebraic,discrete, differentials and euclidean geometries, model theory, number theory, group theory,set theory.graph theory,dynamical systems,partial differential calculation etcetera.
Besides,we have heard the humiliating scenarios, the so called millennium prize problems .These are selected well known mathematical problems and it was selected by clay mathematical institute in 2000.The same institute pledged $1m.for the winner who could correctly provide solution to each of the problem.This is what the blogger has done.
The seven unsolved mathematical problems popularly known as the millennium problem include the following:
"Birch-Swinnerton -Dyer Conjecture,Hodge conjecture,Navier Stokes existence and smoothness,P versus NP problem ,Yan Mills existence and mass gap,Riennman hypothesis and Poin care conjecture.These millennium problems were declared at a millennium meeting held May 24,2000.Only one has been resolved that is Poin care conjecture and the monetary prize was awarded to Russian mathematician Grigore Perelman by the same clay institute in 2010.He declined the award not satisfied with the way his mentor was treated and so declined.
There other list of unsolved mathematical problems.They include Hilbert's problems(23),15 not solved, Landau's problem(4),Tanniyama's problems(36),Thurston's questions,(24),Smale's problems,(18)only 14 solved,Simon's problems,(15 but only 12 solved), unsolved mathematical problems for the 21st century about 22 thought ful outstandings.Erdoso's problem, a staggering 927 items with 615 resolved and DARPA 's mathematical puzzles about 23.Many more puzzles waiting to be resolved.
In the number theory as proved by Ben Green and Terence Tao in the Green Tao theorem,in 2004 that the sequence of prime numbers comprises of long arithmetic progressions.That is to say every natural number k there exist
arithmetic progression of primes with k terms.A theorem of 1977 linked to the inspiration or the proof is an extension of Szemeridi's theorem.
Over 14,000 research papers are published per annum and none despite of myriads of solution proffered still couldn't resolve the millennium problems.Are the millennium puzzles ever worth the struggle?What is prime numbers?
However in the Abraham 's theorem and conjecture the author states there are only two prime numbers operating at a given condition and they compose form and decompose form.At the beginning of a cause the word "1"is constantly born or reborn and the end of an effect turns I to zero that is to say 1=0=c+e=1-0=0.At every given period the allocation of prime numbers to the mode of cultural appropriation makes motion Infinite or finite possible.
I was disheartened prime numbers not yet been discovered and any other numbers that is beyond 1 and 0 is finite divisible by them and hardly allocate digit number to the mobilisation of motion from cause to effect.It doesn't make sense that prime numbers were defined as any numbers bigger than 1 that cannot be exactly divided by itself other than by itself and 1.There is no infinite numbers or prime numbers like 1 and 0 and the rest classified as finite or low numbers even if they comprises the multiples of 1.The universe of existence is designed in pairs of these two numbers that separates the unconscious ages and the conscious ages ,the three fields of knowledge and possibility of cultural appropriation accelerate stardom of threshold in the interaction with strong hold to communicate material fulfilment.
January 27, 2025
The Battle Of Dreams.part 93
The human institution I think attains a limelight of causes and effects when the most ideal settings of cultural appropriation is endorsed and workable apparatuses enlivened to perform the proper obligations of human management to achieve human administration.The quality of time investment and specifically lifetime investment extremely matters when the appropriation is endowed with articulate process architecture with efficient disposal of stronghold for the growth of material fulfilment.The proliferation of human administration with substantial impact over time terminates into befitting framework of historical identities to regard the aggregate appropriation as the human institution well invested with time and effect.The societies and individuals lack social articulation when the blanket for change management does not begin at the beneath of human change and human movement respectively and we are no strangers to the fact that social and economic development does not touch the grassroots at best anti people antihuman and anathema to the long run prospect of growth and development.
Moreover we struggle to build the human institution and the conduct of growth and development bereft of this inclusivity common to modern climes dosis volumes behind the failure of attainment of the goal of sustainability state them blankly in the face.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 92
However it does not necessarily denote the fortitude of human capacity is equiproportional to the aptitude of the threshold and stronghold capacity sacrosanct to the leverage of material fulfilment.Low visionary butts with adequate human capacity score much less where efforts are diverted much to equip volatile physical capacity in the stead of intellectual capacity.The lucid pattern of physical capacity squanders quality of time investment could also amortise time wasted if we harmonize threshold balance and adjust time reinvested in intellectual commerce and this operating gap better explains the ravaging difference between various agencies of human expertises in the porous and often bland human movement.
The material functions of the human essence streamlined towards aggrandizement of historical identities requires extreme coordination of the process architecture and various components of cultural appropriation to function for critical attainment without overheating the structural capacity of the stronghold .As noted elsewhere by the author,the essence of cultural appropriation is to attain unity of purpose between the base metal of threshold known as creative threshold and normal stronghold to achieve the essence of material fulfilment to differentiate checkered antecedence of historical identities . Cultural components such as as ideological leanings,belief system,arts and culture, tradition etcetera in the process of architecture of cultural appropriation formalises the institutions of threshold and stronghold.The appropriation is subject to the critical demand of nature's ledger system and not necessarily according to whims and caprices of the politics of human prejudice or so to say instinction alone
The Battle Of Dreams.part 91
The structural capacity of the threshold and threshold 's optimal value increases with the virulence of the extant circumstance provided the operative lacuna not condescending and requires redress exigencies.The visual capacity of the threshold ordinarily should balloon as well as structural capacity to preempt the envisaged growth in hurdles and therefore insulate the bespoke human arts from the constraints of the environment in the encroachment of the threshold.The strongholds cannot be truly freed where the threshold recedes the desirability of its luminous intent and those who see leap beyond the hurdles prior to their emergence and vulnerability threat are optimally fit as fiddles to defend the public goals of material fulfilment.The growth in social debt and resultant scale of indebtability affords the causal interest of those who desire to liquidate the ratio both from the source and at effect.To attain the universal freedom the groundwork and basinal clues of human freedom is tied to the glue of human movement whose unceasing rebuttals is freaking aligned to the quality and quantity of human change it could harness to rebuild social change from the confine of its root .The spectre of development is extremely complex and inexplicable fast receding where we fail to adorn the mysticism of development market with the oracle of human movement.The concept of human movement frets with management, administration, threshold technology and stronghold musings and process architecture and the structural design and strategic interaction of the dual ledgers to command and communicate into being material fulfilment in the most ideal direction.
Societies hibernate often in the suffocation of this retrogressive techniques clues being linked to the ignorance of this concept and the hilarious gap between threshold 's causes and stronghold 's effect.Human movement so to be precise the concept of human movement to unceasingly command its utmost interest and optimal value should be bunkered with active threshold in the interaction of resilient stronghold musings causes into effect of the stronghold.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 90
The glamorous exploit of human administration that is fuelled by the amalgamation of considerate human arts,relative threshold supplanted in the constructive ecosystem of stronghold must align vividly to its process architecture.We face less ominous times in which these strategic items such as support structure,process architecture and differences in the ecosystems of the brain ledgers and nature's ledger system must conform their operation and operative alibis to the glamorous exploit to guarrantee the accomplishment of the human administration.The essence of human persons in the divagated personality of human movement to nourish social change first through the quality and quantity of human change in the immediate environment feeds sustainably into the contextual confines of sustainable economic development of the larger society.
The operational task of strategic alignment takes considerable period of time to happen .This however cannot be disputed considering the tedious hurdles of obligations making the dual ledger systems adjust to correlation and imbibe the strategic input of sometimes retrogressive techniques of threshold at the initial stage.With essence, to promote buffers and progressive techniques of the stronghold and churn out the mechanical output of material fulfilment.The use of extremely gifted hands of human arts expect nothing less or nothing more than the actual potentials of the mechanistic devices embedded in it for the proper accountability of progress and engineered or reengineered for material fulfilment.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 89
Be that as it may the contribution of the prior generation that seemingly have absorbed the pangs of prior era sometimes not enough requires the continuity of the successive times in getting the most results or outcome from prior years of labour and suffocation by those weary nations before them.
Shakespeare once said:" Sweet are the uses of adversity,"and I was so elated when my dear wole Soyinka greatest black man ever made this quotation at a keynote speaker at a conference in the Asian continent.O I was fond of this quotation.Depending on the way you see life and the context of learnings and leanings or 'ideological leanings' as Kongi would say that it provides from the sweet uses,most formative muse of a lifetime.Indeed,adversity provided the richest mine of wilderness philosophy for every mortal and hardly a few got drowned in this wilderness.
I think those fallen in trenches are too complacent to re-innovate themselves and rebrand their mode of inspiration and ideological leanings.The richness of their threshold often conform to the process architecture of material fulfilment.The practical use of arts requires continuous improvement of human capacity and not to be detached from the process architecture of the threshold that gives life and meanings to the context of fulfilment and targets to get there.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 88
The challenges of accomplishment is sometimes overwhelmingly daunting that it takes the great effort of successive or preceding generation to succeed in the transition of prior and later effort .We break even more with concerted effort and quite complicated when we boldly treat the nightmare of raising the threshold to strengthen existing stronghold towards material fulfilment.
Fortunately it wouldn't have become the light of the day were it not for their great effort benefiting from the fringes and giant strides of prior generation surely enables most objective and strategic thinkers to break even and adding colourful vision to the meagre or substantial impact of the prior generation.It cannot be disputed the sources of most extraordinary pedigrees of unprecedented achievement might be linked to pivotal structure of parental and genealogical upriging .
The fall of history and fall of great culture stems largely from the discontinuity and monumental disconnect of the successive generation from prior great period.They quit due to climate change or something higher than their precautions to notice and I think is indolence.As long as forces of climate change could not weakens any mortal approach at longevity of policy and ambition there's no other force whatsoever under heaven again that could unsettle them.Those who are taken into slavery and regime of power of change could not have been possible without climate change.
Understanding the nuances of development tree is vital for tremendous reawakening where necessary to empower and eliven the power to succeed in the battle of dreams by those who quit to remorse and by those who win and loose and nothing is comparable to rebounded failure or enlightened failure.Frankly speaking enlightened failure is the overwhelming return of failure to success from previous impossible situation.
Alien Enemies Acts of 1798
The blogger examines the relevance of the enemies act invoked by president trump to back up his immigration program.
This however led to the birth of the law that increased residency or citizens from five years to fourteen years."It permitted the president to deport "aliens," and permit their arrest improvement and Deportation during wartime "Please read the last sentence and I quoted myself.
It doesn't make sense to invoke such a law when America is not in a war or the Ukraine Russia war is it being directly fought by the Americans?Who are aliens here the so called illegal aliens that fought for America and truly built America?Who truly built America the white or the blacks?Of course the blacks and funny enough you might not hear it before the Yorubas in Nigeria were the true builders of new world and pioneered western industrial revolution.
Are they in the war time that you invoke aliens enemies acts?Are the blacks alien?Who own Americans?Are the white true owners of the new world?Were there folks before Red indians emerged in America?Of course meso Americans the so called blacks were ahead settled in the new world even before Columbus trip of 1492.
Who are the illegal aliens?The deportation program a racist anti migrant policy targets the people of colour mixed up with Asiatic folks to confuse unobservants of being anti blacks.
To be frank Trump to me is the most irrational politician in American history and he knew to succeed in American politics you have to be a pathological liar and in most irrational and a law breaker.He play it smart and got what he wanted.
Tim Homan, America 's border Tsar
J.D.Vance the American vice president seemed to differ from prior policy and now supported hook line and sinker the debris from his master's table whether good or bad.I was just considering the immigration program of Mr Trump after a brother of mine came back home from a visit and he said'.There was a discussion about Mr Trump with my brother's friend his local lawyer and the lawyer said,'Mr Trump might be murdered at last 'and I agreed instantly my brother said.He had thought he was talking about tinubu but he listened properly to find out he was talking about trump.How can someone woke up in the morning and decided to deport more than ten million people? Isn't that insane?
The first vice president clashed with him and they parted way and the second vice president was not consistent with him and can't even defend him.This is a serious issue.
Nevertheless Tom Homan a former police officer and border patrol agent worked under six presidents over the last three decades on policy enforcement did not waste time to pour apology on trump as the best in border policing.Homan his former acting head of immigration and customs enforcement who was formerly in charge of ICE January 2017 to June 2018 .He appeared to be unfazed during the white house interview and heavily defended his arrest of undocumented immigrants and also calls for stronger enforcement. He calls for removal of shackles barring ICE to handle even bigger mode of arrests and was behind or one of the architects behind the controversial family separation policy in the first term in which over 5000 children were separated from their parent at the U.S.Mexico border in 2018 under the shortlived zero tolerance of the trump administration . Department of Homeland security says by April over 1,401 children still exist without confirmed reunification . Disgraceful Trump signed executive order stopping the program after much resistance from lawmakers and the public and Biden came into office in 2021 rescinded the whole mess.Now the Americans with short memory have forgotten too soon against free immigration program of Biden that they claim guarrantees porous border.Where are the law makers who opposed him today and what are they doing in their constituencies and offices? In 2018 Homan retired in frustration and disgraced and now returns with big bang to disgrace his family.Why did return distanced himself from Homan's project 2925 if he claims to love him?Little wonder he failed to receive senate confirmation.He first served under Obama and was in charge of Obama deportation program.He carried a record number of deportation.Trump says his border Czar appointment does not require Senate confirmation in charge of southern and northern borders as well as all maritime and aviation security.He put him in charge of the deportation of so called illegal aliens back to their country of origin and he said'there is nobody better at policing and controlling our borders '
Funny enough he can t even define his position beyond mere talking tough.His road is vague and ambiguous since the tedious task of managing immigration between several agencies under the department of Homeland security requires extreme coordination and internal and external balance.
January 26, 2025
3.7million Nigerians face Deportation In the U.S.
The new administration of president trump has swung into operation threatening to deport 3.7m.nigerians.Not only Nigerians several countries of the world were mentioned but majority were in Africa.Migrants to face Deportation stood at Brazil;America
I think trump is a pathological liar and in the first term he campaigned for the same deportation in 2017 and had nothing to show for it.Why should we believe the liar again?In 2018,the racist Mr president calls Haiti and El Salvador fucking assholes or "shitholes "nations Though he ended up removing about half of immigrants number Barack Obama did in four years.
Tom Hoffman the trump administration 's border Tsar is talking tough say it will race Chicago, headquarters of black people in America down to the ground and turn it into ground zero and not even announced the raid.Trump America's Adolf Hitler came up with the same doctrine of aryanism to achieve purification of blood separating pollutants like blacks and Asians from the American dream.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 87
The metaphor for human development and better still human administration sometimes quite ambiguous to suggest the clarity of thoughts could bring to modest returns the much vaunted pattern of threshold preservation in the growth trajectory of the bespoke custom of human arts.This tends to denote the essence of human movement often in favour of human change and social change once adjusted in the most ideal direction.We have a great challenge to obey the rules of the game understanding our place in history should afford us the confidence to streamline our threshold into the obeisance of critical measures for the attainment of material fulfilment.The custom of the rule of the thumb and tested pattern to follow is a sort of stress for the human arts involved in relationships to objective transaction of human expedition when the odds are apparently not in our favor.The battle of dreams is a priceless journey of the arts and must be tailored to our specific needs and objective ends terminated when nature opens the passage towards the accomplishment.We can do practically very little to change our destiny when we shirk responsibility to understand relevant acts of necessity and work towards it .The muster of material fulfilment is not a function of highly developed works of arts and capabilities and relative science beyond the accumulative powers of informed minds.Mindful of the fact every challenge understands vividly the use of threshold must grow in tandems with the frequency of the task at hand.
January 25, 2025
The Battle Of Dreams.part 86
The truth about who we are what we are which we are for what we are are never sacrosanct enough in the sanctity of the human art wisely time invested until the construction of time investment and considerable phenomenon of human change is harnessed at the point of enforceable and rein enforceable human administration.A tedious passage of human management is responsible catalyst for the transformation of the human persons into the threshold rich enough to command the gratuity of the threshold basically the stronghold of the competent and highly competitive human administration.It comprises mainly the interaction of both the threshold with the spectrum of same human arts that generates this threshold in the first place.When the stronghold is spilled and spin off from the fringes of the threshold the power of stronghold enhances willpower to communicate larger human and environmental change over the course of time.I think fundamental principles of macroeconomic choices were left behind yet undiscovered and without the proper inclusion of the human economics, family economics and macroeconomics yet to begin again.What is the population of the people who can meet this threshold and calculate and forecast how much you can do with little money or effort at fissure of environmental change?
The Battle Of Dreams.part 85
Societies and nations barely afford the concept of capacity building and sustainable capacity building for the pragmatic progress of sustainable economic development without understanding the game changer that is to say the change of capacity building at the elementary leverage of the human persons.Practically speaking no one can lift this threshold until the end justifies the means and critical means could afford it.Development we mean true development if the basic or fundamental economics of the human economics for the human administration and human change even prior to adoption of advanced family economics that lacks in most cases family education is not mastered and mattered the frustrating course of human movement including management and later administration vital to raise the human threshold to govern both man and environment might linger for far too long into unfortunate events and unforeseeable exigencies of times yet unknown.Those who wield the big sticks of penal censure on the logics of human movement were as prejudiced as those who follow them and believe them to believe the leadership is as holy as the heaven above to remark bitterly when resistance mounts that any derogatory remarks against piety could be deemed as sacrilegious tongue of the antichrist .We can not negate those ideals we stood for long ago when we first met the threshold and break apart the threshold and slam hard the table of transformation for the much sought after optimal growth.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 84
Everything happens in the appointed time and time often makes errands to correct the human error of the prior times, with the intimate backstabbing of another generation of human positives of a later time.It is willing of history in the battle of dreams to forgive prior error of the enshrined encapsulates of historical effects and not to forgo the positives of refined historical identities to be used as successive spiral in the race to exceed previous mark a constantly shifting unfinished commerce of historical management for which the competitive spirit of historical management has no affordable alternatives.The same prejudice is inherent in the classical texture of successive public goods that ideologically supplant the orientation of historical management to demand schematically the capacity of human arts to perpetually raise this classical truth of the unbroken threshold for a stronger stronghold in the artistic revolution of changing period.Man begins with what he knows to successfully in the later times fortifies his threshold if he could even without understanding it .A little confidence on the threshold keep him going until it is transmitted into the power base of human art mainly the stronghold of changing times and is subsequently tapped to supply mutual energy to the commerce of human transformations.We notice human transformations when a considerable level of human change is noticed with living standard and conspicuous material improvement of successive times.A leader changes himself prior to changing his environment and this is what I call human administration which requires extreme human management to gather effervescent effect for human administration to happen.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 83
We re oriented towards the neplus ultra and not to be yoked by the imperialism of the circumstances to loose the temperature of the stronghold ànd be discountenanced from the primacy of the threshold to process material fulfilment from the contraption of the precarious condition that seemingly vindicates every tiny infraction of arts and momentum of the threshold in which it operates.It is the environment of the arts' integrity much desired at controlling the human persons and the immediate environment that it adjudicates upon save a little friction of loss and frequency slow down the momentum.The stability of the threshold in the activity of bespoke tradition testifies why the consistency in the sense of purpose transmitted in the essence of gallantry allows permission of process communication and the effect of human transformations that is evidenced in how commitment and dedication to duty is managed.There is no difference between artistic stability and human tradition as allowed within the given task of operative routine.The long range view of fulfilment may shockingly be the short range view of fulfilment giving the hindsight of power in the miracle of pursuit that could throw surprises beyond the law of Physics.It rarely occurs and motive of stronghold ànd threshold is hard work and nothing less but smart work.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 82.
Absolute stake in the course of pursuit calls for caution,in the administration of competency by the reactionary human persons.Circumstsnces are just too powerful to entangle the psychology of an artist with thorns and thistles and recedes focus and erosion of this sense of purpose.This sometimes drains human ability to concentrate on the real deal when under pressure of competitive choices and stress the use of balanced arts to surmount doubt that periodically arises in the journey of material fulfilment.Quite possible to loose the magic wands of the human threshold and dissipate strongholds accordingly or too quickly to be looped away by the spirit of a quiter.The tacit use of arts affords the techniques of tactical upwards maneauver in response to the tedious prowls of circumstances.When the virulence of circumstances rises,a good artist should raise the quality of its threshold to further strengthen the stronghold ànd align the fortitude of pursuit to the stronghold of pursuit currency and maintain frequency at which actions and activity of actionabilities are streamlined towards the strategic ends being basically the farmfields of material fulfilment.We keep learning the hard way until the terms and conditions of the threshold are perpendicularly and vertically strenghthened to augment its process turpitude and be aligned to the standard of material development for the essence of material fulfilment.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 81
The pattern of human consumption of arts varies markedly across the patency of the human persons and the variation that allocates including the politics of prejudice that distributes and redistributes the inherent structure of that pattern and patency in accordance to the ideology and bespoke custom of that human persons.The most primordial arts thinks a lot about the inherent moral expenditure and the available resources it could get and not what the immediate environment could allocate to its threshold and stronghold.When the spasm of ideology is formed the threshold is reached in addition to visions,plans, strategy,expertise, competencies,action,routine,task etcetera mated to sense of purpose form the stronghold of artistic controls.We hardly control the environment without them and the capacity of the human persons to exert influence from the human change into environmental change is considered the moral expenditure of this stronghold.The social disorder of the environment or environmental disorder is tied to failure of this stronghold .The failure of the stronghold is an effect of the failure of the threshold and when the human persons loss the patency a chronic disconnect from the initial ideology and the sense of purpose the demise of the arts is possible.It should be taken over by slavery and no longer able to withstand the levers of the threshold let alone the buffers of the stronghold.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 80.
The biggest disappointment the society dissipate too quickly into this stupor of stampede throwing in the sponge with no hope of their survival and culprit involved I think include technology bad use of technology and the evil of the human self quite an insurmountable factor.What can we do? To curb them I think is all about creating awareness for the conduct of human and social change and creating sustainable platform to repair the growing spate of moral impairment in mordern society.Does it get any better?I think putting the right information into the hands of these information hungry youths is a starting point and often times bad information moves faster than streak of lightning with faster damage than you could imagine.Social reforms have not been found wanton in the face of new and daunting challenges and spiral of previously unknown offenses where shallow defenses lag behind for decades unmoored.Every lustre of new generation is blessed with the magic for turning the things around when they re blessed with appreciable ratio of visionary arts and competitive strategic thinkers to mine illustrious dreams and take vision to liberate mankind from the slavery of prior generation.When the lustre is rising the capabilities of art to identify and nurture a solution to produce wonderful outcome from the scenarios of previously abandoned solutions making wonderful suggestions and saving lives is considered too visionary for good lovers of history to ignore .The power of dreams quite unquenchable in climes in which social safety net is strong and vibrant and conversion rate is much higher. Consequently growing the strategic thinkers' population as the cardinal asset of objective citizens that is vital to demand for human change and social change respectively.Dreams are not the assets of the states but the pivotal assets of individual and the foundry of human destiny a launching pad to the civilisation of the state to which state policies are poised to specifically undermine.Until the family is protected the aspirations of the human persons is not feasible via concrete social development is impossible and inconsequential.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 79
We shall have no fulfilment to quit the mysticism of that beautiful journeys and the pang of a quieter -quiter is much painful much longer than it is to broker a start to the race and it would have been better not to start at all.Quiter barely knows why they quit but the years of later times absquatulated . Obviously they may survive everything but not the regret of that painful quit.They live with that torment in a lifetime claiming not to bother and realise until lifetime expires.Things that cause the human art to quit are innumerable using the unfavorable fate of the environment to influence trickish loop of the spirit to quit.It may be either stamped by violence or by vague choices of tactical withdrawal and many close confidants hardly knows except the ruse himself the quiter.Fate is funny.Infact it could be that right on the point and hour of that withdrawal,when a quiter submits to defeat a fellow competitor maybe winning laurel and carting away victory silently too with no noise whatsoever.Life is so funny and what if the quiter is the motivator of a generation of successful victors smiting him in the face when eventually hears about their success and yet they endure till the hours of fulfilment and the mentor is blessed with failure.It is true not everyone get to the promiseland and there's no need to regret too late in the grave .
The glue In the sense of purpose drops off when this happens.Does it mean evil vision should be abandoned?When that happens it means repentance and the question is:why allocate your precedent of precious time to the pursuit of evil in the first place to afford remorse when you think it is too late?I think evil doers should die with evil for they hardly value remorse and the time investment of human art.Remorse is fitting to those who are tricked and lured into the transaction of evil mongering and they should quit quietly should they find out.People who do these things are oblivious of the exorbitant value of time wasted and I hope a shameless season should die with that reason.They re a product of their environment with poor will power and inconclusive thought . Moreover you hardly mess with reformer and not development pyrates or unjust men who open their eyes widely yet they choose to pursue evils with no regret in their loin and louse.
The Battle Of Dreams part 78
Dreams and visions of the lost generation not too much a bickering lawn to keep mowed to the latch and the expectation of the unborn generation and the unbroken generation are not the same.We are awarded to the fact we are awared only one is lost to the vicissitudes of times and when we thought there is no hope arising they tend to spring surprises and wonderful surprises even in the transition where no one expect less or nothing from such withered generation of mankind.The paradox of life quite unbelievable goes the same way tangling to untangling the most impossible route to material fulfilment.The properties of fulfilment are diverse beginning from simple stuffs of what are your dreams ,what you know,your vision what you believe,your capabilities, including potentials and skills, now your ideology and sense of purpose that is what you hold onto and hardly lack .They change with time except with the sense of purpose nothing ever matter and the heart of that sense is what you believe.As a hagiology of gallantry I do not subscribe to anything Iess and nothing less fit you well and we are only as rocky as the ratio of what we believe.Sense of purpose is self fulfilling because of this identification of your moral identity the true price of your historical identity .I think is the best artistic expenditure of the human transformative process and best to communicate human change using the primordiality of immaculate but immediate human environment for which many complaints persevered,to have no resources.The budget of moral expenditure is fulfilling in every aspect once you have modify the pattern of that purpose to the mode of material fulfilment measures.The journey and the adventure hit harder when we ignore this fundamental basis of material existence.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 77
The nation is a choice of people 's wishes and the destiny of their proof of existence and not an entity bound up in common goal for which ideology of Commonwealth is not even affordable even though they claim otherwise.A portraiture that is evidenced in the morning of retribution and the nocturnal expedition of trials and test of the same ideology when bickering emerges and the divided segments take to long war.We swim in battle on a daily basis fighting for freedoms we desire and we sow and reap bountifully in the same context to which incapable mights are drowned and the capacity of capable might viciously growls to smite impossibility not alien against his own choices and avoid the notion to butcher himself until the feedback of material fulfilment is harnessed.Nothing so much matter to drowning minds pursuing his sebaceous drift In the loss of capacity and the case of dreams battled in the plausible recklessness of no return.The concert of the minds undiluted by volts of peculiar values sometimes optionalises the choice of rationalists minds into the pursuit of selected goal whereas the freshest energy there is and the gallantry of heavyweights smites the canker of this miasma of operative lacuna deeply that implores to divide us in the loop and battlefield of no return.
January 24, 2025
Time Sonnets.(S.3).
The bricky Sullivan had just eloped from the brick field,
Brickbat in his fury brickling in the forest promenade,
Their beauteous feet shall lend to the prime of thy youth,
Where services shall flush aboard and brouhaha flees in the swords of the angelicals,
Now is the trial time to face trash piles of junoesquely juntos and scrapheap of the horrorbiles at abesi,
As wobbly feet of adventures,grimace tottering motes of the espionage to trick wizardry at abesi,
To adduce to the curios of wasp and bees, As kept conundrum in their trenches to stampede pyrates to a standstill.
Let them loose bites in the defty winces of nocturnal ambush,
Forest escapades left him jaundiced,a wanderlust homeless of the egregious deadwood,
Sullivan rose to stardom in the face of the foremost expedition,
Whereon had stealthily mated wasp and bees stratagem,
And hid in derision of ambiguous delusions,the scorching bees beneath chevaux-de-frise unperturbed
Wow,what a trailblazer,a magic wands!
Medley hung at his little huts ,
where infantile trenches interred footsores of the acatalectic battalions tangled in demise and drowned,
And to his court the wizardry of Tumulus a dozen horses stampeded,to pay homage.
The horse hoofs adorned with cascabels had woke him up and bombarded him in the seas of standing ovation .
Not a Casanova like the two Wizards at abesi,
Unthrifty in lonely lust and thus saith him the homiletics to the medley:
"Beyond the contours of the woven bees of the trenches,
Shall lay the stunted gallows and scornful goofs of pointificates ,
Had I not lay her in oblivion the Cassandra of thy wizardry,
the knight of old this dusk shall not have blush,
That wars were never won in beautiful houses,
filibusters,palaces of gold , ovation and protocols of the unbroken jaws,
But in battered bars of broken dreams and vicissitudes,
closed beyond sangfroid's idiosyncrasies in much distant funnel of their illustrious fools.
January 23, 2025
Blogger 's SEO Guidelines.part one
We make a shift gradually to technological essays .The blogger Ibikunle Laniyan the place of SEO in the use of goggle blogger guidelines.
It is often said Google blogger platform isn't SEO friendly and this is a popular myth in as a highly uncompetitive blogging platform.If you don't implement Google blogger's SEO guidelines properly your blog may not be visible on Google.Infact I come across this warning often times visiting google search console and I faced this challenge a lot .Your blog or website be it on or Wordpress won't be served on search engines like Bing or Google etc .
As a popular platform Wordpress has powerful plug in resources and you get to use plug ins like yoast,Rankmath,SEOpress visible and quite available unlike if you follow the laid down rules of SEO guidelines you re getting traffic pretty fast.
I think to every webmaster or blogger understanding the significance of Search engine optimization or SEO and following the laid down guidelines is paramount to getting traffic fast for blogger or website owner either on or on WordPress.
SEO as the best method to connect your blog or website to the internet through search engines like Google requires ethical compliance to the SEO guidelines that enable your blog data or contents to be retrieved easily from the internet by the search engines once it is properly configured in the required settings.This also makes priority ranking based on the quality of your content.
There are two types of SEO mainly article SEO guidelines and blogger SEO guidelines and we examine the two parts a ccordingly.First in the blogger SEO settings,is a kind of settings that will make sure Google and other search engines find your blog or site or read your bog or site and enlist your contents.
Take a look at the certified standard format as applicable that you must set in your blogger's settings :
1.Make public and visible to search engines : From Settings ----->>>Privacy ,
Activate 'Visible to Search engines'.
Make public and visible to Search engines.
Also make sure ' Reader access' is set' to Public '.
2.Tite and description:Get your blog a title and description .Get a short description from settings ---->>>>Basic.
3.Meta description: Activate metatags and description from settings ------->>>>>>metatags.
This metatags enables search description.
4.Activate SSL:From Settings------->>>>>HTTPS , activate both option to install SSL and it will few minutes to update.Let me remind you you shouldn't panic to think that because your blog falls or stopped suddenly.At the little wait for a one hour later and will be updated automatically.
Activate SSL.
5.Lazy load and Web P images :To activate both go to blogger dashboard ------>>>>>Settings-------->>>>>Posts then activate lazy load images and web P images to be served or click the box in settings indicating both spots or two box indicating lazy load and Web P images in the blogger settings.Wait a few minutes to update automatically.
6.Robot text file updating.
Go to settings from blogger dashboard ------->>>>>>Crawlers and indexing,then enable custom robots.txt option and paste the following code.
Robot text file updating.
User-agent: media partners-- Google
Allow: /
Disallow : /search
Sitemap: https ://
Sitemap: https ://
Replace your domain with recently submitted my sitemap generated by through the same sitemap generator to Google search console.
7.Add your site to Google search console and submit your sitemap.
By following the above guidelines you can submit your site or blog to be connected to search engines and be served on Google.
Now Article SEO Guidelines.
The optimisation of articles also matters according to SEO Guidelines.All titles should not exceed 50 to 60 characters and using targeted keywords at the beginning of the title and must be related naturally to the content to attract traffic.
In the use of image optimisation,the featured image at the beginning of article or in the first paragraph vital with keyworded text added to the image title and alt text.
Working on the internal link building and external link building is vital aspect of optimisation techniques.The former links or connect your existing relevant essays to relevant keywords in the essay body.Whereas external link refers to link that give reference and authority to the article .
Using subheading matters and as an important section in this good practice aids digestion and help visitors understand every part of the essay body .It also boost your search rank higher in search engines and grow traffic.
I was not serious with subheading too and afford now to change.
A Loud Voice From Mt.Victorion part one
A Loud Voice spoke to me
A Loud Voice from Mt.Victorion
From the orbit of solar powered rocket
In central Mars,a staggering 140million away ,
He spoke with the voice of the alien angels
He says to me fly with your wings
and fly away into the imponderable Cosmos
And barely never return and move mankind into space ,
And thereafter live forever as the angels in the odoriferous trees and hilly mansions
With no guiles and mangled limb whatsoever
Where death and death canker alien to the fragrance of heavenly moisture.
A Loud Voice spoke to me had I not shown you
The opulent secrets of the space and the map of the space and bottom lands,
Only then would see and attach meanings with the skies,stars and voluminous heavenly bodies .
A Loud Voice spoke to me when thy rockets are ready
Your angelic children shall be the engineers,surveyors and architects, geophysicists
And all manners of sciences known and unknown,
A Loud Voice in the nocturnal hours of tranced expedition,
Angelic Children
The power of thoughts transcends distance mortals can trod and comprehend
The blessings of the deep belong to this power
Over its ferocious downpour,belong this power,
Beyond the grasp of earthlings, whose prejudice upon which they trample foresight
The calls for duty lovers of dreams calls for obey
From gnashing teeth to beehive of golden applause,
Yonder heights never seen surmount
Lays the the riverbed of the golden sparkles,
In the discourse with the golden patriarch of blessed memory,
Had I not him supplicates and implore:
Papa when you re young you go to bazaars yourself
But when you re old who takes your errand?
We thy seeds thy cloths from your bone shall cover you."
How times flies and lo black power grow with siblings
And lo forced himself to ask himself same questionnaire
He poses still the interrogate and practically none to reply
Shameful that there was no child to reply
And in the trance of the night,most high brokers him retorts to the interrogate
And to me provided he me the gentle retort like a cold water to thirsty soul
He says to him"I shall cover you with the children of angels
Your children shall be angels and shall knows no death in their bone marrow
Shall cure death from thy bonemarrow
And causes and siblings to live forever"
Blessings from heavenly moisture
Came with relentless downpour and the angelic kids
Smother him from bone marrow wasteful death itself
Wasted from his bonemarrow
How black power in the space with beautiful cities built by the angels live forever
With his afficionados and adherents and foe alike.
Hail and hark world greatest dreamer!
January 22, 2025
The Invasion Of Greenland .
The world was created for the rise and fall great powers from the individual to the nation states they doted the operating expanse of historical landscape and with the emergence of new presidency in America,weak nations and menaces to extinct?The blogger Ibikunle Laniyan examines the rise in her unbridled territorial aggression and there was no official caution in the united nations security council against.The operating control over Russia and America seriously broken .Enjoy the reading.
The New iron man entered oval office of the white house on January 20 in line with tradition.He came with a big bang already announced his intention before coming to office and even refused to be sworn with the bible and the first never to show respect to holy Bible .Though as the fourth,never to be sworn with the bible and worrisome that not even Theodore Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, etcetera had managed such defiance who were lucky to see first lady hold the bible to the face adamant yet overlooked it, challenging the traditions yet he claimed to harbour the love of God in the presence of several eminent clerics.Donald Trump is taking over another country's land either by economic power or political power.Why the need for consistent terrorial expansion?
How many times has the United States expanded her borders ? Probably 12 times or multiple times.
Before we get down to the brass tacks of 1800s we shall not undo the giant strides of successive imperial powers.This however begins from 1750 when we have Spain France Britain and later America.These imperial powers flexed muscle over Europe using her resources and wealth to drive boom ,trade and enterprising capacities.They also funded north American settlement growing powers of colonies which later sought for independence from the old world.Hence the ferocious demands for autonomous sometimes led to wars such as the American revolutionary war(1775-1783) and the Mexican war of independence (1810-1821). United kingdom as the last major colonial power on the continent,in 1867 granted Dominion status to Canada in 1867 slowly turn over the remaining land for the next century to that country for keep.The last land transfer was in 1949 the Dominion of Newfoundland leaving only Saint Pierre and Miquelon a small north American colony off the coast of the island of Newfoundland .
From the Louisiana purchase in 1803,which expanded borders west up to the rocky mountains,the monumental greed that doubled her landmass,the rising threat towards the extinction of nation states worldwide was begun in earnest.Any reason for the expansion?The world is her trade and nothing else.Louisiana was bought for $15million on April 30,1803 at approximately size of 828,000sq.miles or 2,144,520 a cost of less than three cent per acre and almost same size of this threatened Greenland.The spirit of manifest destiny of uncensored territorial expansion for European Americans based on the pride of conquest was fierce who saw them as act of God to take over territories even beyond their immediate frontiers.After it declared her independence in 1836 from Mexico United States had not only annexed Texas in 1845 but also kick-started war with mexico over southern border of Texas to get the decisive two years victory in 1848.The resultant peace treaty extended her borders up to the Pacific ocean.It similarly during the period when it also battled england over northern border of Oregon.
Subsequent treaties with great Britain and Spain brought further increase in her territorial expansion.The expansion to the north brought 49th parallel,south to the Florida and with further treaties with Britain and Spain up to the Gulf of Mexico renamed now by Trump Donaldson's as the Gulf of America,the insatiable appetite for territorial aggression certainly would not diminish.The Adam Onis treaty of 1819 Spain settled her border problem and a long dispute with United States over its southern border in return for Florida and gulf coast lands east of Mississippi river likewise foresworn all claims to land of Texas in the west.With perfection of this treaty the Mexican war of independence finally ended Spanish rule on the continent and Spain lost all rights to texas.
The newly independent Mexican republic rejected the American proposal to buy those lands in 1820s and 1830s we refer to purchase of Texas but instead offer huge tracts of inexpensive land on the condition of speaking Spanish language ,conversion to catholic Faith and take Mexican citizens.Consequently over 300 slaveholding families joined and settled in Texas in 1820s.They did join in the remarkable history thereafter.There was later tensions in the region over taxation slavery and settlement policy requirements.
Likewise in the 1840s In the South West and pacific coast she further acquired a vast expanse of land that could make weak and rich nations cringe to hell in their apparel .Yet allies consider it or the others a normal thing!It was driven by greed of rising political and economic power as encapsulated in the idea of manifest destiny in the global stage against her chief rival Russia .What is the security council of the united nations saying about this threat of unbridled agression?
See the big lie from the belief that providence preordained her to acquire as much land on the continent to now advance beyond the continent into Europe to threaten the vikings the original owner of western civilization.Lucrative opportunities existing in vast stretches of arable land and superb pacific coast ports and mineral resources in those lands especially the craze to expand across the continent before foreign nations could do so.These are suicidal paces of a behemoth assailed with the unbreakable psychology of expansionist yearnings that fuelled American settlement in Texas and Oregon that came in 1845.
When the Mexican government was not interested in public sale,with such refusal and compliance they barned Americans and suspended slavery there.The battle between Texas and Florida grew worse in 1835 with the so called Texan revolt.The siege of Alamo in 1836 gave the Texans decisive victory.And I repeat only a decade or nine years after ,Texas was taken over by the Americans.Oregon treaty of 1846 gave the Oregon territory to the Americans from the British.Mexican American war ceded much of the south west to the Americans in 1848.In 1853, additional tract of land was added from Mexico.It bought Alaska for seven million dollars from Russia in 1867.Several states joined beginning with California in 1850; Oregon joined in 1859;Nevada in 1864; Nebraska in 1867; Colorado in 1876;South and North Dakota, Montana and Washington in 1889, Wyoming and Idaho in 1890 and Utah in 1896.Denver and Phoenix sprang up among them as cities,towns, enterprises,industries skyrocketed in the railroad golden boom of the new world with all the blessings that westward expansion brought to it.
The vast expanse of south western united states'was under Spanish control between 1598 and 1821, and later under the republic of Mexico under 1821-1848 respectively.During these periods were used as land grants to promote settlement and protect remote part of the empire.The white settlers that settled in the west Iike fellow Asians and Spanish settlers came due to growth in economics advancement.
Why did united states' annexed the islands of Hawaii in 1898?It was for the purpose to support her trade in Asia with china looking for a substantial base of operation in the Pacific.This culminated in the acquisition of Philippines from Spain in 1898 as part of maritime expansion and the Spanish American war was begun over battle of Cuba.After a military victory over Spain America established government over the island.Now during the Phillipine American war in 1900 America established full colonial control.The American Pacific expansion changed the global influence of the united states.As advised by George Washington for the need to avoid entangling obligations and concentrate on trade,she was able to become world power in 1900.This happened during the same period they had maritime expansion that declared open door policy with China (1899-1900).
Today a world economy that may soon be outmatched by same china that opened her up as global power in 1900 reciprocated same in late 70s and early 80s of Chinese adoption of neoliberal trade and history the bitter verdict set to mock her to play second fiddle for a long long time and then third as India too climb up the rear.Never forget the ultimate power belong to Russia.Dont be surprised the blacks too might reap all the gains of expansion and unrivalled contribution of black people to global trade or world civilisation especially through the harrowing labour of slave trade era when Nigeria earned the power of sole mega super power economy.Only Nigeria could rival Russia and china when America looses the first position before 2030.I dare any one to prove me wrong because I have macroeconomic patent and unprecedented trade secrets for that to make Nigeria the first.So be it
Be that as it may Donald Trump not the first American president to attempt to take over Greenland and those donkey years stretches like eternity.As it did with Danish west indies in 1917,had made several attempt for this island of Denmark to no avail . Critical attempts were made in in 1867,1910,1946,1955,2019 and 2025.American secretaries like Williams H. Seward,James Byrnes,privately by vice president Nelson Rockefeller and publicly by Donald Trump.She offered to buy it secretly after second world war and infact there was public discussion for the purchase during Trump's first term in 2019 and 2024 after he won reelection as part of greater United States policy.
The united states' view Greenland as vital to national security and it included it as part of national treasure slated for invasion and acquisition.It invoked the Monroe doctrine and invaded Greenland to prevent German occupation of Denmark.It remained in Greenland after the war and danish government no longer persuade them to live .The two countries later became members of NATO military alliance.A 1951 treaty gave it stronger power in Greenland defense.The US space force still maintains Pituffik Space base in Greenland in 2025.Her allies due for either sale or final invasion.
What does the international law says about nations invading territories of other nations?It forbid invasion.Article 2(4) of the united nations charter prohibits the use of force and invasion and campaign for nation states to respect their sovereignties to the letter.
Time Sonnets.(S.2)
Tweedy Sullivan morning 🌞 bells to the rapture rings,
From his gentle dote, bellicose homestead steeds,
Pungent homeward bound,homicidal bone alien,
From his rickety shack, edible shaddock,pomelo , Saskatoon's,shadberry, Like shadblow fed himself in verdant foothills,swallowed with impure shandygraff,
When family paced away to their bazaars ,
And lo, forty winks repugnant to the disgusting eyes that arrest the charm to sleep it,
Decrepit swollen,the coxswain of arts:savest by time,indignance rebelled,
Quixotic to the folklore of his own tradition,shaft of light fallen upon his navel,
To the two Wizards of abesi, as if shadow boxing ,
Shaggy haired baron of sport,the adventures of his head,
O by naturewit ,traversed and tripped him,in the dances of murky clouds,
Shank's mare oh shank'spony fed him winces,
Over melange of bobby traps from sarabesa into abesi,a dozen of a kilometer in blissful espionage.
Time Sonnets by Ibikunle Laniyan (S.1)
From the most fabulous plows,arts in disdain,maketh time grows,
That the magniloquence of mortals might never in demise extinct,
But by the sloth evade should by burnish grows,
His tender plumes maketh her bone boils:
Skittish memoirs her daintiest swerve barely afford,
To thy own riveted sangfroid's eyes,contrast spangled thy sullen eyes,
To send Sullivan in sulky's fairy island trips,
Filial piety thy weary flame agonizing peril sultry pent up crimson submerge,
Cast over giddying canyon where redounds to amorous rites,
Dead to gorgeous playground of equalitarian folks ,
in glowing robes of unfettered supercalifragilisticexpialidocious moors,
Yet this tender loom of faintiest bough,
that meads in greedy plow dust the shallow buds,
As repugnant sunrise 🌞 whisks transition into cheek fallen sunset 🌇 ,
Pathetic Sullivan grouchily burns empathy the world is unfair with time ,whereon mean spirited vulgars encrust smothering alloys of its plains.
January 21, 2025
Two Wizards of Abesi.part one
Now let their homes take the forest away
At abesi they swear their flesh to defend the hinterland the villatic folks of ruse with the grits and grimdeath of iron and blood.
Frequent at Abesi they grew, feverish at Abesi they hobnobbed as siblings of yore though pole apart in adventure they dream of yonder heights and the eldest grew up to love farthest sea not clung to sibling's nostalgia of Abesi drowned in brouhaha that he was smitten by dream to save homelands and forest land from encroaching pyrates yet he had not felt at ease over his sibling's crave for the north country of the pyrates
Maximus and Tumulus before they were hijacked by the pyrates, grew up in the nebulous woods of Abesi,the rancorous enclave of the impenitent pyrates.
"The homes often the sole earthly treasure of the earthlings nothing more to be cherished than the sanctity of the abode."Tumulus quipped to the wild looking Maximus a scamp pulling his strings of quizical unease at his grits."How on earth do you mean the love of voyage at sea not drowned any libido for homesickness whatsoever or pleasure elsewhere ever seen?"
"You re fast becoming bastard to your own kinsmen.Four pyrates had seized eastern forest of Abesi and squirearchy had courted them to turn their village men and women and infants into serfdom.Here you bade to flee for greener pastures and willing to submit to slavery beyond the seas the ship wreck of aliens hearts you hardly know?Abesi is burning before it was sarebesa your mother's lineage and now is Abesi ,the grandeur of our father's heirloom."he pilloried his cousin.
Your nieces and nephews at the count of ten had gone beyond the seas and no grief did them girth.How dare you question my judgement?"
"Last week at the count of five they returned and sesterly,mark,Jude and Westmore failed to return "
"Ranting!go to Jude surviving cousin and inquire they came in fortnightly,you bastard!"a coup de main in the coup de theatre and sounded too disgraceful to him departed in a huff
"What!" dropped his cruse jeremiad filled with rage and jettisoned wine half a bottle stood up as he bade to go the forest of western Abesi where the returnees were camped"Inquire about the wreckages at sea inquire and you shall find what a mammoth of monumental loss.Bastard slave for your country and salvage her sinking shore mighty hands like you bastard!"
The new year is unfolding with lots of intrigues and power plays among the European powers.The blogger Ibikunle Laniyan examines the energy holocaust among the European economies against the behemoth supplier Russia and forecast how Russia in both energy and land border fight annex more than the entire Eastern Europe under her control as America takes over Greenland.The blogger forecast uncertainty to finally swift in favor of Russia.Enjoy the reading.What a harsh forecast and the gospel.
In the new year Europe is set to face the worst energy famine in millennials,if care is not taken as European governments deceived by the Americans trade security against cheaper energy .And so on the morning of January 1, Russia in the most righteous approach obeyed its contract to the letter as faithful servant of a civilised folks with no complaint as it pumped its last cubic meter of gas to European customers same morning and opened another epoch of political uncertainty and energy insecurity the like of which world has never seen before due to no fault if hers but probity. What next would the heated homes do to survive struggling through some of the coldest period and darkest Winters of the cold war to balloon into the 21st century?This was begun with the invasion of Ukraine after which the Russian gas tap was shut in 2022 in response to prior sanctions on Kremlin powers for the invasion,it was too late for the European governments to realised they were deceived by Americans to trade security over cheaper gas market.The Yamal Europe pipelines from Belarus to Poland also followed and closed .Infact later in the same year,the new sources of Nordstream 1 and Nordstream 2 under Baltic sea transport to Germany were sabotaged under still murky circumstances yet to be deciphered.The only pipeline left Druzhba passes through Ukraine .Due to the refusal to renew the transit deals with gazprom,by Ukraine the gas contract was terminated.
The gas export from Russia also passes through the Soviet era Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod pipeline reaching Sudzha a town in the Kursk region of Russia recently recovered from NATO led invaders and the pipeline stretches from Siberia.The gas pipeline moves via Ukraine into Slovakia and also split its branches that can take gas further into Czech Republic and Austria.Dont forget the blue stream pipeline that supplies turkey.
Nevetherless by the first of January that witnessed contract termination that affect countries like Austria, Moldova and Slovakia . Slovakian prime minister Robert Fico had stated getting gas from alternative routes could be costlier than previously thought at a cost of $188m exposed by Slovak economy ministry.
Particularly hit was Moldova whose pro Russian break away region Transnistria received per annum 2bcm from Russia via Ukraine since 2022 was equally affected.Transnistria which borders Ukraine uses this supply to generate electricity and often sells this electricity to other parts of government controlled Moldova . Moldova due to chronic Shortage has declared state of emergency over this matter and Moldovan president Maia Sandu blamed Gazprom for not having contingency or alternative plan for this mess not considering alternative routes .Now Russia has accused Moldova of threatening Transnistria and if that happens might take Moldova too.The plan to erase Ukraine from global map is already guarranteed in 2025.
Russia still uses Turk stream pipeline on the bed of black sea with two lines one for domestic use that supports Turkiye and second for foreign export to central Europe in countries such as Hungary and Serbia.The capacity of the pipeline stands at 31.5bcm for both lines.To the North during the Soviet union era,80% of Russian gas passed through so called brotherhood pipelines completed by Soyuz that passes through Ukraine.After USSR crashed in 1991 the pipeline survived amidst frequent tensions between the two sides and it motivated alternative routes to the north and south.
This led to the birth of 4,000km Yamal and later Nordstream 1 a 1,230km pipeline which started in 2005 between Russia and Germany and inaugurated in 2011.Nordstream 2,much bigger was completed but later suspended in 2022 due to Ukraine Russia war .South stream over the black sea .South Caucasus pipeline towards the Caspian sea runs from Azerbaijan to Turkey and also link Georgia.Why did Nabucco pipeline with the intention to reduce dependency on Russian gas fail?Now replaced by southern gas corridor with three pipelines. Trans Anatolia natural gas pipeline (TANAP), transport gas from Caspian sea to turkey and Europe.Trans adriatic pipeline was opened in 2020,878 km to complete southern gas corridor that runs from Bulgaria,Greece,Albania and the adriatic sea, before it reaches Southern Italy.
Most of these pipelines were investment by Russia and she accounts for over 45% of Europe gas imports followed by Norway at 24%, Algeria,11% and rest UK,USA and Qatar.Russia exerts dominant influence over Europe gas network of 200,000 of transmission pipelines and 2million of distribution networks with over 20,000 compressor and pressure reduction stations.
Why is US destabilizing gullible Europe for selfish reason?Pretty simple: To undermine Russia and steal her territories break her into pieces and usurp many part of the world restart colonisation and steal target countries and their borders.She doesn't defend wisdom or freedom and see her how he roped Russia into the war it knew nothing about.Thank Goodness Russia is ahead of America in nuclear warheads, missiles,bombers, military aircrafts,submarines especially nuclear submarines, nuclear bomb technology especially Tsar bomb deadliest bomb ever created .
The truth is:Is there any alternative route or routes?As it is not I say practically none.LNG sources from Qatar and the U.S not tenable and other sources from hungary, Austria and Czech republic to support for instance also received their life saving supply from same Russia.Azerbaijan, Turkey,India which might provide alternative routes also received their supplies from gazprom world largest gas multinational from Russia.So why is America deceiving this folks and making their people pay dearly for it?Can she compare herself with the world largest country blessed with 30% of world total natural resources, 24percent of world total natural gas and over of landmass? Little wonder same inferiority complex causes her to dream of annexing Greenland?If that happens Russia in her unquenchable spirit of competitive rivalry could take not just old 15 Soviet states even Finland and Poland that was formerly parts of Russia and taken over lands and borders as central Asia.The two could fight but Russia with her defense technology and growing landmass bound to take dominion Russia under Putin not happy about fall of old Soviet and has stated several times the lost territories belong to Russia.
January 20: Donald Trump,The World Greatest liar.part 2
I think trump had no originality whatsoever criticised Biden for his record breaking 2,500 presidential pardons yet he had granted 1,500 pardons to his supporters on the attack on capitol hill after inauguration.Why critizing in the first place?Before we move into the analysis of the inaugural speech in the first term in office how many jobs did he create?We should be fair with history and how many did every American president in four years or eight years in office ?How many did former president Biden create in four years as the most unrewarded president in American history? Infact in the first 12 months he created almost 7million jobs but he was hated so deeply perhaps because of Ukraine Russia war?Yeah that was the greatest undoing of Biden but that's not how to pay the highest creator of jobs in American history who would have gone ahead to create fifty million jobs had it gone for a second time in office. Still record of four years job creation quite alarmingly unprecedented scary to my shocked navel that I cringed at those terrifying proportion of jobs bidenomics unleashed on the American economy yet they wanted him out as far as they could ejecting his furniture even before inauguration.
In the first term of Donald Trump,2 million unreliable jobs created in the first 12 months not enough to making come third and Bill Clinton with in one year came third behind jimmy Carter who created in 12 months and not to make it look like a tiring 12 years.Obama had flat job growth who took over oval office when the economy was flat and great recession ever seen great depression.
Several economists had debated the fact Biden deserve some credit for epochal job creation not boisterous speeches that adorned capitol hill like Rosary.Pandemic relief package of 1.8tr.signed in march of the period had brought in a lot of gain and responded with surplus 3.7million jobs by the Americans.Yet they barely gave him even little credit for the improvements in the labour market in America.Still yet he pulled this up at a term he had highest st disapproval rating for the first year with only 42 percent for his job jobs creation.At a time period of 39 year high inflation though not as worse during Carter's era of high inflation and which was why he never get reelected in 1980.
However we should be considerate with former president Biden for record breaking 15.7million jobs in four years compared to two term president bill Clinton of compared to Ronald Reagan 's record 16.7m and Jimmy Carter 's previous best record of in just one term.Franklin Roosevelt did 9.5m.for 4 terms in office and was already into the second month of his fourth term when he died of polio at the exit of world war 2.Richard Nixon did 9.4m,inspite been strongest statesmen in the white house since Roosevelt a record Reagan came to break .Barack Obama and Lyndon Johnson at 8.9m.and 8.6m.respectively.6.9m and 5.8m.for Harry Truman and George Bush.Unike Dwight Eisenhower and Donald Trump at 4.8m and 4.7m,Biden was the best all time. Biden is the greatest job creator.You mean only one term?Quite incredible and gorgeously supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
I still have fears about this figure at least that's what they give us at US bureau of labor statistics what can you do?But the opposition to the record breaking numbers have rational alternative.Now listen to the budget committee's fumbling numbers.
In the report" Fact Check : Biden Misleads on job "creation "Statistics, on June 2,2023,the house committee lampooned Biden's claim for creating more jobs than any president in a single term and I was unease when you look at the statistics put forward in defence of their position.You could not but laugh at the American goofs.
They claim with fumbling statistics Trump created 6.7m jobs but still not up to Biden created in a single term.
The May report on jobs according to the commitee about 440,000job loss testifies to the overheating labour market worsened by high interest rate and with high inflation .
Then they concluded the claims were misleading and gave reason : first differentiating between recovery and creation of jobs; labour force participation was strong under trump;wages not keeping up with Biden's inflation crisis; Unending inflation crisis.
These are bogus defense that barely hold waters knowing fully well historic timeline guides macroeconomic performance and the theory of business cycle also applies to political cycle.Barack Obama's tenure was squandered by tedious stress of fixing the rot republican left behind.The rate of job growth was flat in the first 12 months in office and succeeded in returning Amerika back to boom before he left office.He did a lot with Obama care and racist Trump took over oval and destroyed and scrapped Obama care that guarranteed over 49 million American with no health care insurance and their hope went up in smoke.Trump just destroyed that economy in addition to COVID-19 epidemics beyond his control.Did a racist trump not responsible for mass murders of black in the COVID-19 ? Or why did more blacks die during the period than any of other races?Go and find out the president whose role model was racist Richard Nixon.
Now we re back with back to the inaugural speech.Let me always begin with the last to show his bitterness against Islamic world . Despite heeding advice to tone down the aggression in the original speech in favor of unity his true intention however did not leave him.He says"
We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones and unite civilised world against radical islamic terrorism which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth "A rebel to the wishes of vice president and first lady who wanted unity not segregation fighting religious wars in the claim of spreading civilisation.You mean 4 years to eradicate middle east terrorism;quite an outlandish and infantile claim.
The course of infrastructural development at home and seeking of friendship and goodwill overseas quite a good gesture to any loving person I must say .This is not to say he doesn't have good aim and I bet to disagree the wars in Ukraine and Russia would ever end with a meeting between the two most powerful world leaders .It is now global war against Russia masterminded by Victoria Nuland during Obama administration when Yanukovic was removed from power by American sponsored rebels and the entire NATO had waded in.Nato though fighting Russia secretly no claiming it was Ukraine soldiers now entered Kursk region in Russia to fight Russia.They were rounded up in their drones,artillery, missiles by Russian military which also launched over 100 missiles in the happy new year 1st day of celebration in retaliation for prior crimea attack in last December of 2024 .The assured increase of energy cost could worsen inflation and cost of living ten times just because of the envy of Russian land.Russia did not rule out Ukraine will cease to exist in 2025 and could soon reclaim Finland and even Poland for these are Former Russian territories stolen by western democracy.What right did America has to purchase or seize Greenland from Denmark? if it s possible use force fueling crisis over landing grabbing every where and create false terror to motivate allies to snatch land of another superpower.
The whole of Europe no longer have a critical asses to cheaper gas and energy resources to make life affordable to their people as Kremlin powers has shut up access to cheaper Russian gas .They terminated the contract or which expired in 2024 from 1991 and forced them to pay ten times the cost of their new deals and negotiations with India and turkey.
It indicates that life or the cost of living is going to rise in Europe and Europe might even into depression and you think German premier came to Nigeria for nothing?2025 though a bliss for me but in the international politics it is going to be marred by intrigues and ferocious power play.Four years begins to account.
January 20, 2025
January 20:Donald Trump The World Greatest Liar.part one
The President elect Donald took over office today and I was just petulant about the braggadocio of the incoming president to believe himself as the best messiah America ever had .Infact to think of claiming the vision of taking America to the golden age methinks quite asinine to me.Anyway just like the issue of immigration which he claims should resonate more with voters which went well then I rest my case and that is to say we know this just about propanganda.
Anybody who has read that speech could view it as the most fraudulent speech in American history in the sense that it was not intentional.Trump says JD Vance and first lady told him the initial draft was more aggresive and that the speech should focus more on unity.So his intention was not to deliver that speech and he acted against his own will.They told him to tone down his speech and that did not go down with democrats.Why would anyone then rely on such a speech playing to the gallery when indeed it was barely intentional and not the real mensrea?I doubt the motherfuckers to think otherwise about this world greatest liar.
Now let me start by thorough dissection of the gaseous and vociferous speech at least in practical term.He mentioned about twelve to fifteen volatile issues to be resolved as focal point of the administration in the next four years?Four years is too short to achieve a voluminous lot as stated in the speech .We pick the 15 major highlights of the speech in the second part of this essay.
Let me treat a little at least from the last:Taking the planet Mars by storm planting the American stripes and stars there; Taking the panama canal from Panama; Building the strongest military ever etcetera.
Fortunately after the speech courted several furores and opposition from critics if playing a critical self constructive bias is concerned and perhaps facts based.
Former house speaker Nancy Pelosi knew Trump was a liar when he did nothing for the poor.She said according to ABC 24/7 live and I quote "In the president's first term,his only accomplishment was enacting tax cut that gave 83% of the benefits to the top one percent while increasing national debt by $2trillion."she said in the statement who was critical about the inaugural speech as an extension of tax cuts of the first term and didn't mention cut taxes on the wealthy class.Of course as capitalist one should expect this prejudice to be and the blogger actually did not mince words when he calls him world greatest liar.He had no achievement in the first term beyond tax cut and elitist policy.
Pelosi concluded"while he didn't say it in his speech the president campaigned on extension of those tax cuts being his first priority in the new congress.""The American people wants us to build an economy from the middle out not from the top down."and
In reply to the attack by his so called enemies Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney he labelled Pelosi "guilty as hell "over her response to the attack on capitol hill and "a crying lunatic and crying.........".It wasn't polite at all.How can you call fellow politician a lunatic even though you were bigger but not rationally better than them all!
The Brain 🧠 Ledger System.part 14
The unconscious world of Instinction with all omnipotency guides conscious world of Instinction over which mortals find no muse to think or learn or get basic education.Should we deduct the former 's influence one is not shortsighted to say it is driven by plain prejudice.
Nevertheless in the interactive nerve center of the brain where the three segments interact they become wiser and shall more profound information and intelligence and such motive is often suggested by the hind brain.They handle complex task through this process which I call objective metering or objective and metering that is objectometer .I also called it brain coordination .When you see people folks handling downright impossible dream and highly complex functions and successful in them .
However it is appalling choice in the use of the brain not to realize too quickly the significance of what a sense of purpose means to commitment and dedication to complex functions or in a sense of duty that get many scared .In this context of moral impairment, inauspiciously tolerating the mess of Insensitivity is more or less an asinine method of eroding the capacity of what the brain can do at a particular period.The muses of trials and empiricism open the resilient frontiers for objective use of the brain launching controls from office of Instinction to redress outstandings or emergent task .
The Brain 🧠 Ledger System.part 15
Human body is computerised by higher primate and the main program with which it is written is instinctometer or so to be scientific.It is billed to inspire and expire within a certain life span and someday when the gadgets are up for expiration Instinction turns extinction and the brains return back into unconscious world eternities yet unknown.The relics left overs are simply images buried in words written or spoken,buried in memories of the living and in the nutshell the history left behind or education as the best legacy left behind for the future generations.The commanding influence of some historical identities even posthumously still in the revel of their memoirs speak volume the great works of art they left behind.It is clear instinctometer ordains death and life within certain parameters as ordained by higher primate which hardly interferes in the obligation of the computerised robots the corpus of the human person.It is quite possible for humans or strategic thinkers to stop death should they understand how to program humans into usage of batteries same mordern robotic battery is used to power robot.Frankly speaking the instinctometeric batteries should last at least 20years or maintenance on random cases unlike 2 to 3 years of battery life of robotic machines .For instance nickel- metal hydride(NiMH), Lithium ion (Li-Ion, Lithium polymer (Li-Poly) and lead acid batteries.We know that robots need these form of batteries to power their motors,sensors and brain same way with humans though with few modification in the distinctive elements of instinctometeric batteries.Now we know what to do and that is exactly how to make man live forever like the angels and is quite shudderingly absurd and a sacrilegious thing to say in a world torn apart by religious fanatics.I think the best panacea is not just allow the most intelligent folks live forever but also the every Tom Dick and Harry driven by Instinction that is all mankind.
January 19, 2025
The Brain 🧠 Ledger System.part 13
In my medical Spiritological survey,it is becoming embarrassingly clear and overwhelmingly true the middle brain is the omnipotent, omniscience, omnipresent deity of the brain and no other segment comes close not even the frontal part even with all its wisdom of king Solomon does not come close.The spirit behind Instinction must have been before an average child is born from the unconscious world into the conscious world and well aware or conversant with complex map of each human world to enable them navigate their movement unceasingly without having to think or learn a thing.This is strange and still couldn't get over this complex mystery and in the course of complex task enables mortal to deliver seamlessly.Take a look at spontaneous actions both voluntary and involuntary how mortals often deliver quite industriously .One is beginning to reconsider those complex actions are not driven by prejudice but the specific influence of the all knowing omnipresent deity functioning through the same spirit that facilitates the transaction of the child's holy transition from the fringes of the unconscious or unknown world into the conscious but finite world.The brain satelite system under control of instinctive spirit must have been involved I suppose.
The word 'instinction ' ring a bell and many way of defining it.Instinction is simply the way people or animals naturally react or behave without having to think or learn about it',or 'natural reaction and abilities that are done without thinking.'For instance in several sentences 'it is instinct that tell birds when to begin their migration ','Bob seems to have an instinct for knowing which products to sell,'she was innocent at first but quick to develop instincts for exploiting her beauty for financial gain' ,'All his instincts told him to stay near the car and waits for help',etcetera
It is very clear the middle brain is the most original brain segment and most authentic and it has nothing to do with learning or thinking often associated with the front part of the brain .Instinct sees more than average person could see and what tells the bird to migrate at certain times ? or the seller bob to choose certain products and still make sales with no fear of lack of demand?It could not be facts but prejudice that tells him to stay near the car and waits for help and what if help doesn't come what would he do ?Hence the growing proportion of human activities, movement,events, endeavours,trials and errors etcetera is driven by Instinction and we hardly use our intelligence in a lifetime and we place much less priority on every sense of responsibility bereft of Instinction.
Instinction is the most original politics of the brain organising human routine and human senses under it and often driven by spontaneous actions both voluntary and involuntary actions or prejudice that is unbuttoned by facts .
Spontaneous actions are the type not planned or arranged but are done because somebody suddenly wants them.It is the brain segment that handles politics of human prejudice that governs human activities before any thinking or learning whatsoever is ever endorsed.
January 18, 2025
The faịlụre of Human Reaction.part 8
The conduct of family relation insulated by the artistic leverage of family education quite a befitting choice and sometimes objectified norms in disarray when rational objectivity is betrayed by human prejudice.It could make a critical mess of family education and quite self evident in the advanced societies with higher proportion of family education.Nevertheless a good starting point for mordern society and there are techniques to afford objective denial of human prejudice.
However in the objective frontiers of family education,it treats juvenile delinquency, artistic leverage and micro capacity building, peerage pressure, human relations, human economics and communication strategies, intelligence use and management to afford competitive learning at managing the spectrum of human reaction with the environmental and social relation.The changing horizon of human movement in the conceptual and contractual leverage of this family education can change almost everything in the way we manage human reaction with the immediate environment.The good folks in the growing population of objective citizens decelerate mechanical hurdles and rework strategic human reaction with available resources to demand the insularity of social change.We cannot throw away this glues of moral expenditure at ensuring development frontiers are legally protected even before they begin.The affordability of this Operating techniques at hedging against declining spiral must be structurally aligned to the child's determination to avoid the clueless venture.
The Faịlụre Of Human Reaction .part 7
At the grassroot and communities,human relations is next to nothing where the quality of family education decelerate on the platter of gold where the cordial connect between the human relations, environmental relation and social relation is broken even before it monumentally begins.It doesn't matter whether we endorse the fact and leeway of environmental transfers changing the environment for better performance based environment.The quality of family education in the current phenomenal trajectory and it's success or failure is determined by the quality and quantity of family education at a former clarity.The curriculum should often be positioned to the endorse welfarism of family education.It boost the quality and quantity of positive human reaction at the table of elements and effects.A strategic exposition of social obligations enables capacity of human reflection and welfarist state of family education and social obligations.It depicts vividly quality of family relation is tied to the sensitivity analysis of human relations when a child breaks out at a particular period to influence environmental and social relation.We agree the relationship transaction of family relation with environmental and social relations in the various actionable budgets of human and environmental relation to quantify magnitude of the electrifying and phenomenal trajectory unleashes the critical responsibility of the state towards equalitarian mobilisation of social obligations.The strategic interaction of socioeconomic relationship in the transaction of equalitarian mobilisation of social change oscillates much beleaguered impact bereft of social change.There is an increasing ratio of social obligatory neglect provided this enormity of social malaise hopefully ignores the optimistic context for social change and social equity.
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