January 12, 2025

Odu Ịfa: Yoruba Greatest Heritage.part one

Yoruba my people baffles me a lot"
"Odu Ịfa"
"You better give your life to Christ"
"Ịga is my heritage and am not a white man but a black man."
"Do you want to go to hell fire?"
"Forget all those myth.face your heritage."
"Uhmmmḿmmmm "
Do you know what professor wande abimbola says ?"
The first unilag graduate to get a PHD,the first professor to collect PHD in IFA and first professor to become vice chancellor of a university to study IFA.He says Yorubas in Brazil are more than 50million people with ten thousand IFA temples in the city of Salvadore dedicated to IFA gods alone.Go to Cuba with twenty million people more than half claim to originate from Yoruba at Ile ife.The fastest growing religion in the world is Yoruba religion .He published 16 great poems on IFA and says non literate people can retain and codify and retain everything about IFA in their memories.He says there are two hundred fifty six books on IFA and each has 800 stories and has the most extensive form of literature known to mankind.He argued IFA is not a folklore like they have in Nordic countries and may evanesce with time.Quite different in the case of IFA because like in the sample of Salvadore, Brazil where thousand of temples were see,there are a thousand babalawos in Oyo and two temples and Ibadan has the same number.Before he was initiated in 1971 he had started learning it at the she of four and none member of his family was ever converted into Christianity.He said during the period you would study IFA for twenty five years and must 16 stories in each of the 256 verses of odu IFA."
Uhmmmm.About five thousand stories of 256 books to be learnt for 25 years?Are you kidding me?"
"Yeah it's you that must be converted not me.Go to west Africa millions of Yoruba from Ghana to sierra Leone, Togo and Benin etc.Now world fastest growing religion."
"Uhmmmḿmmmm "

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