January 19, 2025


The word 'instinction ' ring a bell and many way of defining it.Instinction is simply the way people or animals naturally react or behave without having to think or learn about it',or 'natural reaction and abilities that are done without thinking.'For instance in several sentences 'it is instinct that tell birds when to begin their migration ','Bob seems to have an instinct for knowing which products to sell,'she was innocent at first but quick to develop instincts for exploiting her beauty for financial gain' ,'All his instincts told him to stay near the car and waits for help',etcetera 
It is very clear the middle brain is the most original brain segment and most authentic and it has nothing to do with learning or thinking often associated with the front part of the brain .Instinct sees more than average person could see and what tells the bird to migrate at certain times ? or the seller bob to choose certain products and still make sales with no fear of lack of demand?It could not be facts but prejudice that tells him to stay near the car and waits for help and what if help doesn't come what would he do ?Hence the growing proportion of human activities, movement,events, endeavours,trials and errors etcetera is driven by Instinction and we hardly use our intelligence in a lifetime and we place much less priority on every sense of responsibility bereft of Instinction.
Instinction is the most original politics of the brain organising human routine and human senses under it and often driven by spontaneous actions both voluntary and involuntary actions or prejudice that is unbuttoned by facts .
Spontaneous actions are the type not planned or arranged but are done because somebody suddenly wants them.It is the brain segment that handles politics of human prejudice that governs human activities before any thinking or learning whatsoever is ever endorsed.

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