January 27, 2025

Alien Enemies Acts of 1798

The blogger examines the relevance of the enemies act invoked by president trump to back up his immigration program.

President Trump relies on alien and sedition acts of 1798 to deport aliens now so called immigrants interpreting statues wrongly .When in 1798 United States stood on the brink of war with France the then dominant party federalist party which advocated a strong central government believed the unsavoury criticism of the federalist party's policy by democratic republican party formed by Jeffersonians and madisonians was disloyal and feared aliens or non citizens living in America might sympathize with French in the war with France .
This however led to the birth of the law that increased residency or citizens from five years to fourteen  years."It permitted the president to deport "aliens," and permit their arrest improvement and Deportation during wartime "Please read the last sentence and I quoted myself.
It doesn't make sense to invoke such a law when America is not in a war or the Ukraine Russia war is  it being directly fought by the Americans?Who are aliens here the so called illegal aliens that fought for America and truly built America?Who truly built America the white or the blacks?Of course the blacks and funny enough you might not hear it before the Yorubas in Nigeria were the true builders of new world and pioneered western industrial revolution.
Are they in the war time that you invoke aliens enemies acts?Are the blacks alien?Who own Americans?Are the white true owners of the new world?Were there folks before Red indians emerged in America?Of course meso Americans the so called blacks were ahead settled in the new world even before Columbus trip of 1492.
Who are the illegal aliens?The deportation program a racist anti migrant policy targets the people of colour mixed up with Asiatic folks to confuse unobservants of being anti blacks.
To be frank Trump to me is the most irrational politician in American history and he knew to succeed in American politics you have to be a pathological liar and in most irrational and a law breaker.He play it smart and got what he wanted.

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