January 8, 2025

The Battle Of Dreams.part 68

The battle Of dreams in the great battlefield of freedom is extremely complex and inexplicable the kind of exorbitant influence it has on the immaculate nature of social change.I find it hard to unravel them and how the author envisages or visualises the future preference of the earth in a recent vision today. I woke up and yet to recover from vision's nuances and still marvel at the possibility of earthly sciences invading the court of heavens challenging the seven top angels metatrons and angel Michael in the fight with earthly created robotic flying angels which the author sees in the trance could attack the heaven's court and fight a succesful battle to overthrow the heavens.What an egregious cudgel from the pits of hell!Uhmmm!Shock!The author would soon convert the dreams into science fiction perhaps the world greatest book ever written.The work has commenced in earnest.This is strange quite unprecedented and for a mortal to think that in the work of art a super human and a super contradictory science fiction coud be concocted quite a landmark for an African child in the continent in which religion has ravaged the soul of the average african child.I marveled at the possibility of such vision especially the scary work of art in the marketplace. It is possible to envisage earth shaking revelation with possibility of how the earth through the inventions and sciences could influence jaw dropping space program.This program has been in limbo since the crash of old Soviet and I wanted to fall into tears the moment I read in the news that Trump administration would be destroying the international space station and awarded the contract to Tesla's sister company SpaceX to execute this over a billion dollars project.I cringed in my broken navel; just because it was built by the Russians though collaboration with some other nations.Just because of the invasion of Ukraine in a war that wasn't caused by the Russians but by Americans.Imagine the destruction of the world greatest invention of all time the size of full football field (that could have been elevated to a full football pitch carrying payers to play Champion league Fina's there could be the most exciting thing in the history of the world not just soccer) being plunged beneath the earth surface not because its duration or tenure is expiring soon but because it was built by vikings -the Russians the most aggressive race of human folks ever created the founding fathers of world civilisation.It sound silly the latter Caucasian like the Americans contending superiority against their grandmasters.Sound grotesques and insulting to me!I saw it clearly the Americans and Elon musk's spaceX would not be able to find a replacement even if they try.I say it again:"Even if they try ".I don't think the Americans could equal the Russian feat in space technology and missiles and nuclear bomb technology, let alone dream of exceeding it.Did they even go to moon 🌘 in the first place?The so called moon hoax theories not yet dead and western propanganda barely remorse.
I still marvel in the world where some breathtaking visions and dreams were contrived in the past like this and hate from new world led to their destruction.Why?I continue to ask myself and it was nothing more than envy or jealousy.Space technology and the rest of world civilisation would not have happened if not for the vikings .
The author had lamented the inadequacy of valiant dreams and the need to breed mighty minds of uncommon dreams yet ,it sounds disgusting or loathsome to find rising threat of buccaneers destroying beautiful dreams that contribute to make the world a better place.It is a pity we destroy great dreamers in our midst and if we could not support them why destroying them?

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