January 20, 2025

January 20:Donald Trump The World Greatest Liar.part one

The President elect Donald took over office today and I was just petulant about the braggadocio of the incoming president to believe himself as the best messiah America ever had .Infact to think of claiming the vision of taking America to the golden age methinks quite asinine to me.Anyway just like the issue of immigration which he claims should resonate more with voters which went well then I rest my case and that is to say we know this just about propanganda.
Anybody who has read that speech could view it as the most fraudulent speech in American history in the sense that it was not intentional.Trump says JD Vance and first lady told him the initial draft was more aggresive and that the speech should focus more on unity.So his intention was not to deliver that speech and he acted against his own will.They told him to tone down his speech and that did not go down with democrats.Why would anyone then rely on such a speech playing to the gallery when indeed it was barely intentional and not the real mensrea?I doubt the motherfuckers to think otherwise about this world greatest liar.
Now let me start by thorough dissection of the gaseous and vociferous speech at least in practical term.He mentioned about twelve to fifteen volatile issues to be resolved as focal point of the administration in the next four years?Four years is too short to achieve a voluminous lot as stated in the speech .We pick the 15 major highlights of the speech in the second part of this essay.
Let me treat a little at least from the last:Taking the planet Mars by storm planting the American stripes and stars there; Taking the panama canal from Panama; Building the strongest military ever etcetera.
Fortunately after the speech courted several furores and opposition from critics if playing a critical self constructive bias is concerned and perhaps facts based.

Former house speaker Nancy Pelosi knew Trump was a liar when he did nothing for the poor.She said according to ABC 24/7 live and I quote "In the president's first term,his only accomplishment was enacting tax cut that gave 83% of the benefits to the top one percent while increasing national debt by $2trillion."she said in the statement who was critical about the inaugural speech as an extension of tax cuts of the first term and didn't mention cut taxes on the wealthy class.Of course as capitalist one should expect this prejudice to be and the blogger actually did not mince words when he calls him world greatest liar.He had no achievement in the first term beyond tax cut and elitist policy.
Pelosi concluded"while he didn't say it in his speech the president campaigned on extension of those tax cuts being his first priority in the new congress.""The American people wants us to build an economy from the middle out not from the top down."and 
In reply to the attack by his so called enemies Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney he labelled Pelosi "guilty as hell "over her response to the attack on capitol hill and "a crying lunatic and crying.........".It wasn't polite at all.How can you call fellow politician a lunatic even though you were  bigger but not rationally better than them all!

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