October 18, 2019


Not to one's laurels,did he lax to rest these pinions,with writ and wits more libertarian than the eagles and falcons at flight are.Rope he the swindler,his volatile leading strings and like liegeman beneath servitude,almost a deconium had vamoosed.Fugacity in forsooth evaporated like the winds,yet the leecher's swindle linger still.What a purloin,a messy purler,a sale of the pup,punted in the midst of purple passage.Barely,did he hold the purse string,to loosen stranglehold,from the pawn of the seller who sells the pup with the pomp of the confidence game.The bard sometimes pussyfoot of inquisition,to brawl the mahomet.Quizzical sometimes the swindler,held him in quod of quixotic pall,pusillanimous to give leecher his quittance.Not truly on the quivive,to drop his quiver tagged as quitter,by rabbles of the rabblerousers.And lo,quotidian ragbag of raison d'et.red optimism rabbitpunched his navel,to grope the dark all the colours of a rainbow of a cimmerian darkness.What a raindrop of gaunchy clouds rampy!


Memorabilia's meanest strike,mementoes in their hodgepodge,back and forth flee like a force majeure,forthright from foredoom to foreboom,merchant of memoirs sometimes meretricious mendest swoon.Upon this humdinger of a miasma,earthlings hump sometimes in hungermarch and frozen in hungerstrike,hung obstinately in humbug,the idolatory of the immaculate illusion as if the prerogatives of the dreamt in the dreamyard,refrains not landscaped delusion.This dreamyard pretense,a gallery player,as if pressgang by grimdeath,Prithee i predilection as of what primafacie,not of primp and preen to adorn the primrose path,bedecked with prevarication.This field chief primadonn,gullible above compare of mole infested quientessential primus interpares,kidgloves charmed more than delusion,stinks to his personage much more passionate than a rap over the knuckles.Behold,over this lawn of a young punk and punitive expedition,pitch the bard his tent,laundered by swindle,of mooreish infraction of conJane Austinfidence game,radiated his feet

October 16, 2019


applicable to today's mounting economic challenges.They showed otherwise that keynesian model largely misrepresented by their relationship the nature of saving,investment and economic growth.While the fiscal multiplier was recognised by the keynesian school,the money multiplier that deals with money self replication process,roots is monetarist.Both are dominant broad multipliers in macroecomicmanagement,the latter results from a system of fractional reserve banking.keynesians argued economies do not stabilise themselves too quickly unless there is governmental massive intervention to grow shortterm demand.The same with wages and employment,and prices barely respond too quickly until the monetary policy intervention is leveraged or applied.Consequently,slowdown change in terms of growth in short term demand and boost employment.There is no doubt the pioneering influence of keynesian economics that towered extremely like a colosus over the spectre of macroeconomic scholarship could not be whisked awayin a jiffy

October 13, 2019


instrument speaks volume of this theory of fiscal stimulus.It says every injection of government spending will lead to more business activity and much more spending.The theory proposes spending by nature boosts agregate output and skyrockets income generation.That workers extraincome would balloon gross domestic product beyond its initial stimulus proportion.The marginal propensity to consume is a function of the magnitude of keynesian multiplier as one workers spending spiral income for the next worker and the cyclical tradition of the worker's income being perpetually spent refers to the multiplier.keynesians say individuals should spend less and spend more,growing marginal propensity to consume,generate full employment and ensure economic growth.The demand side model dominated academic circles for decades unchallenged until the emergence of new generation of neoliberal economists such Milton Friendman and Murray Rothbard challenged him.The famous 1936 book that responded to time exigency then would not be


Keynes himself was engrossed in his writing during the turbulent period,when the world economy was burning over his head.Though embarrasingly obvious by findings,he did not trust the intergrity of the solution,he profered or fully subscribed to the model and albeit the abject skepticism,not utter belief in the proposed state of equilibrium. This was particularly comical for a man who taught classical economics at cambridge for years,prior to his change to tore down the entire fabric of the profession that endowed with livelihood.Nevertheless was skeptical of the private sector guarranteeing robust economy and championed interventionism.So,it was not surprising when he heavily criticised his home government of the period and the bias to cut welfare spending and raise taxes to balance national account.This discouraged consumer spending and blocked the economy from recovery to equilibrium state.In the keynesian counter cyclical fiscal policy's multiplier effect being one of the chief component of the policy


the inherent fear and doom it exudes in the spiral among businesses and investors,leading to sustainable of economic depression and engender massive unemployment.The countercyclical fiscal policy stipulates that government should embark on deficit spending to restore investment decline and boost consumer spending to grow agregate demand.His utter criticism of excessive savings if not for specific purpose such education and retirement was regarded as peril in waiting.A peril in waiting,given the fact that the stagnant nature of the sedentary money,will further stagnate the economy at large with less money circulating in the economy.Frankly speaking,it courted the model massive contempt or public ridicule from the generation of classical economists and free market or neoliberal exponents.This partly contributed to prevent total crash during the depression.Still it appears debatable to argue that even till date the market itself is selfregulating and tends to return to equilibrium state or that market clears.


to admit that for every macroeconomic model,there is a chronic limit,to the operative capacity of the latent theory in question to guarantee a given level of economic growth to give impetus to the strategic emergence of neomarsolism and post marsolism respectively.The great depression countered notion by classical economics that output and prices would eventually reverse to a state of equilibrium.Hence,during the period,output was so low and unemployment massively,a staggering 25percent of U.S. Population was unemployed.And to respond according to the exigency of the period,keynes first motivated millions of economists worldwide to think differently and then the entire world economy.He initiated radical applications that transformed human society during the crisis period.Now,through the countercyclical approach,for fiscal policy management,he rejected the idea of economy stabilising at the equilibrium state.That economic downturn once its spiral sets in,operate in a selfreplicating cycle and specifically the


and restore economic growth was the possible condition induced by lower inflation and wages.In the heat of great depression,the hypothesis became glaringly convincing.Whereas,during the recessions,structural rigidities and specific traits of the market economy,according to keynes in his book like other works would agravate economic condition and thereby plunge agregate demand into the abyss.He not only challenged the notion that lower wages would restore economic growth and full employment through the thesis but also that the production of goods that could not be sold by employers would not motivate them to add more employees;that poor business condition being faced by companies,would retard their capital investment,rather than taking advantage of lower prices to grow investment in plant and equipment,consequently,reduce agregate expenditures and employment.Little wonder they call it depression economics,deployed during the period,to salvage the sinking ship of capitalism.We may not be far from the truth


It deals with short run economic transition using government interventionist policy to agregate demand in order to address and battle economic recession,to a standstill.To respond to the need of the period,against the outdated norms,he was highly critical of the classical tradition,which favoured that natural increasing economic forces and similar incentives guarantees or is adequate to midwive economic recovery.It uses fiscal activism and monetary policy as basic tools to manage economy and fight unemployment.To put it differently it represented a new way of economy's critical assesment,specifically in the area of public spending,output and inflation.Now contrary to classical economic thinking that cyclical swings in employment and output are morally selfadjusting.That the probability of agregate demand fall and the consequences of the weakness linked to production and jobs,ordinarily leads to decline of prices and wages.Moreover,that employers tend to make capital investment and sustainably grow employment,


We cannot dispute the fact that when the British economist evolved keynesian economics it was simply oriented and driven by the theoretical and institutional exigencies of the turbulent period.This was perpetrated and initiated in an attempt to understand the great depression of the period during the 30s.The turbulent period naturally influenced the keynesian tradition.the economic theory of total spending and it advocated increased government expenditures and lower taxes,with the purpose of stimulating demand and pull world economy out of depression of the period.Then subsequently,it was used to categorise and quantify the possibility and attainment of the optimal concept of economic performance.To prevent economic slumps and strictly by influencing agregate demand through both stabilisation policy and government interventionist programs.The economic model by its formula was classified as demand driven that is demandside economics as opposed to supply creates its own demand by J.B.Says and classical school.

September 14, 2019


Īf we agree with the labour market and envisaged that willing workers will be ready to work at prevailing wage, then we must have applied the J.B.Says Law.and classical economists often have problem in explaining involuntary employment and recession. Aggregate demand, the sum total of consumption and investment, in Keynes'model drive employment and output.Investment is driven by many factors, expectation, animal spirits and interest rates and given that consumption often remains stable ,most fluctuations in aggregate demand stem from it . According to him, fiscal policy could compensate for this volatility,  so during downturn, government could increase spending to buy excess goods and employ idle labour.Given the multiplier effect of this direct spending in which newly employed workers reciprocate by spending ther paid income to circulate in the economy,firms could only respond too growing investment, inspired by growth in demand. The notion for strong public investment  entertained by Keynes, had roots to his fears and interest  in uncertainty. In 'A Treatise On  Probability' published in 1921, Keynes, was first inspired by this major statistical inference and exerted strong influence even before his major works.He had strong belief that public investment and fiscal policy could counter negative impacts of economic fluctuations and likely uncertainty, can have on the economy. This certainly played a major role in the investment and liquidity preferences aspect of general theory. Though his successors paid little attention to the probabilistic part of the general theory, the appropriate meaning of the work had long been debated, including heavily debated policy prescription for employment.

September 13, 2019


There is no empirical iota of doubt that mordern macroeconomics was begun by John Maynard Keynes specifically with the publication of his book, The general theory of Employment, Interest  and Money in 1936,the most widely read economic book of the twentieth century where he expanded liquidity preferences concept and built  complete or general theory of how  entire economy worked for the first time.It was landmark or unprecedented and the world became his ovation. In this masterpiece, he brought together monetary and economic factors, explained how to achieve economic stability with the right policy . Building on previous achievement, from the classical andthen neoclassical, he became by virtue of antecedent, the father of macroeconomics in the much same that we credit, Adam Smith, with the honour, 'the father of modern economics. 'He contended beyond a reasonable doubt that economic output is positively correlated ith velocity of money and explained relationship through liquidity preferences. That during difficult economic times, people tend to increase their money holding and similarly  reduce their spending, in an attempt to survive thestorm . According to him, this paradox of thrift,to escape the downturn by individuals tends to worsen it . When money demand increases, money velocity declines and such slow down might mean market might not clear, wasting excess capacity, goods and idle labour left unused.He argued that market changes quantity not prices and replaced stable velocity assumption with one of fixed price level.He also argued that the crash of spending does not necessarily leads to crash of prices, leaving surplus of goods to reduce the need for workers and grow employment.

September 11, 2019


The Keynesians that came later were able to devise models that take into consideration, price level changes and inflation, even though Keynes himself barely treated the influence of money supply on inflation. Although some Keynesians opposed the synthesis method of combining Keynes theory with an equilibrium methods,adopted disequilibrium method instead, still they were able to adopt Philips curve to model for price level changes.The generation of economists that came after Keynes , the monetarists led by Milton Friedman, also noted the setback, though adopted some of Keynes ideas, and advocated the significance of money demand and the role of money supply in inflation. The generation of Robert Luca , the new classical economists did not spare criticism  either challenged Keynesian model that failed to work under rational expectation and empirical models with lack lustre micro economic foundations. The new classical school metamorphosed into real business cycles . Both assumed that markets clear  and that changes in business cycle are not by demand but driven by changes in technology and supply . The criticism leveled by Lucas and other new classical economists,were also addressed by new Keynesians and they adopted rational expectation and built  empirical models laden with microfoundation of robust prices, with the notion that suggested recession  could still be explained by demand factors given rigidities to stop prices from crashing to market clearing level with surplus of goods and labor.The new neoclassical synthesis combined elements of new classical and new Keynesian into the consensus and were noted for the new neoclassical synthesis. Those who avoided their debate had gone ahead to devise new growth theories of longterm economic growth. The blogger himself a lay economist of the school of marsolism sometimes with bias for the Austrian school proposed new models and debt macroeconomics, given his skepticism of the emergence and growing gravity of the heterodox economics which is bound to plunge western economies int
o new palavers of monumental economic crisis.

September 10, 2019


The evolution of macroeconomic thoughts and history though extremely complex are clearly interwoven with the protrusive fabric of mordern society.The blogger Ibikunle Laniyan peruses its brief history and the emergence of macroeconomic thoughts that shaped world economy.  The history of macroeconomic thoughts as well as the strategic ideology that underpins its explosive burst of the economic boom in mordern times, constitute the cradle of economic thoughts  and dynamic evolution . Macroeconomic theory invariably has its cradle in the study of business cycles and monetary theory.It is common among early theorists that monetary factors could not affect real factors such as  real outputs . When John Maynard Keynes came, he attacked some of this classical theories, then produced breathtaking general theory that described and capture the aggregate terms of the whole economy for the first time, rather than as an individual mic roeconomic parts. He debunked claims by classical economists that markets would always clear, without surplus of goods and zero idle labour left . He also attacked views by people and businesses to hoard cash and avoid investment during a recession.When the generation of cm economists that followed Keynes emerged they synthesized neoclassical microeconomics with his theory to form neoclassical synthesis. 

August 16, 2019


He says it is not the individuals that find it but the world spirit itself and becomes conscious of itself in the individual.It passes through three stages to become conscious of itself and this includes the first stage when it becomes conscious of itself in the individual.He calls this stage of world spirit subjective spirit and later reaches a higher mode of consciousness ranging from family,civil society and state.He classifies that as objective spirit,given that it shares interaction with people.Then the third stage being absolute spirit where the world soul attains the highest point of self realisation.The tripod of art,religion and philosophy composes the absolute spirit and through the world soul philosophy is able to mirror the world.                                                                                            We quite agree that Hegel successfully critiqued hiscontemporaries and succesfully publicized himself as the most influential Romanticist but the high point of the period and thereafter as we noted,was the  ascendancy of the existentialist era and philosophy took a new turn entirely. Inasmuch as I do not fully support ,Hegel and even Marx and Marxists in their critiques of Hegel, and the rest of philosophers including existentialists , I beg to disagree with most of the views highlighted in the  144 parts and series of Philosophers'Stone .                                                                                                                               They have nevertheless shaped our intellectual views down the millenia that we are hardly inspired to formulate better theories that could chart  new dawn entirely.Radical philosophers like Marx are sparsely seen or thrown by history.Let me throw a critique of both Marx and Hegel.In line with Hegelian dialectics , history cannot be betrayed given that in this context, it travels in linear distance.JOHN LOCKE BELOW
John Locke

August 12, 2019


Macroeconomic stability is a vital requirement for sutainable economic growth Ibikunle laniyan the blogger examines its strategic imperatives to sustainainble economic growth.   When an economy has minimised the vulnerabilities to external shocks and then increases its prospect for sustained growth,in economic parlance, we call it macroeconomic stability.Contextually,in the global market ,it acts as a buffer against currency and interest rate fluctuations, though a vital but inadequate requirement  for growth.The root of economic crisis and a crash in G.D.P. can easily be linked to exposure to currency fluctuations , high debt  burdens,despicable and unmanaged inflation.                                        Note, not just the I.M.F. and the E.U., the developing economies should place more emphasis on macroeconomic stability for sustainainble economic growth.Little wonder, the Maastricht Criteria measured stability by its five factor variables.They include low and stable inflation, low long term interest rates, low national debt relative to G.D.P.,low deficit and currency stability.                                                                                                                           While currency stability  allows exportimporters to evolve long term growth strategies, reduces investors 'needs to manage exchange rate risk  and also due to national account ing,reduces threat posed by debt issue in external currency, with 2.5% maximum permitted fluctuations; low deficits prevent growth in national debt, capped at 3percent according to Maastricht criteria.                                                                                                                                                       Unstable inflation threatens growth, with unhealthy demand at the market place.Ominous inflation  alters the value of longterm contract, increases risk premium and uncertainty in the market place.Given the adjusted nature of many tax rates, by average inflation, volatile inflation tends to decimate government revenues ad trigger individual liabilities. Maastricht criteria capped inflation maximum at 3%.However keeping inflation low implies the stability of the economy and Maastricht restricted long term interest to 9percent.                                   Using tax revenues in terms of low national debt  to G.D.P.to address domestic needs of the economy is determined by government flexibility or policy Ideology rather than my he pressure to pay external contract ors.The incentives of lenient fiscal policies during economic crisis period, are permitted by low national debt. Maastricht capped it at 60prcent of  G.D.P.

August 6, 2019


We are intimidated by everyday challenges that impatient life throws at our beck and call.I believe getting or setting your priority right is much more a cumbersome task  than can be imagined by a risk aversed human arts . This methinks appears to be a major burden and we should hardly worry about it rather than any other challenges. The point is how do we identify the rihght set o f priority  and then follow the lead?First, we require enormous amount of data to make decision to be worth while onough o r commands needed quality to follow the lead.

S o this causes us to think and moved to set up plans that we undertake as top priority .This requires enormous time investment and time investment products to make it work.. So get d o wn to the brass tacks to begin no think about them, those  you can  devise to improve your own living standards.

July 18, 2019


Neither the Einsteinian relativity,standard model and chaos theory,nor the Higgs Boson had any epistemological ballad to dumbfound the flotsam.Barmy bauble baulks not to brawl this oecumenical bathos on rampage,from the atavism to the medieval.And the bling bling meshed with bibliocractic hypothesis and innundated with the vicious circumference of the Hegelian dialectics.Thronged in comfied ballistics,comic strips exude,in clandestine horses strip and colts the coastguard and the octopus bard's cockscrow.And the coastline of sorcerDiogenes of Sinopeers'stone'pedigree coats '.DIOGENES OF SINOPE

July 17, 2019


Nature's enamour rises in the morning where it falls in the morning.A gallantry of gait,furls up in the ecosystem of mothernature.Thereon,she gads majestically and exuberantly in her galaxy of galimaufry,decked with the subtle gale with which eternities tremble.A gaggle,gamboled by climber and loam of aristomagnetism.Clamorous league of bibliophiac gabblers,gaffing immanent enigma.Still they blunderbuss,gaffes galore galumphing the gallows humour.And i the octopus bard plays the gambit and plead errily to dissuade being taken to the gibbet,the gamied gentlefolk,gabblers of the old yore.And the millenia growls beneath this gritstone with the thumbprint of the ecosystem.And where the sorcerers stone oozes airy-fairy on a mystic travel,inquisitorial alamode thumping of the ages,still transcendentalism limbers unfashionable.There knight of old as plain as a lotus of alabaster clogs deeply,with arms akimbo,heart thumping and altruism faraway.Does nature on a gavotte avers Newtonian world machine ever holds fort?

July 15, 2019


O how the milky way dost its crucifix bear,alight its pantheon and checkered by selfsame firmament of the aristomagnetic charm,Whereon the stars and galaxies in their spangled voyage,merry go round the eliptical oval and cohesively clump concatinates,dancing feverishly this pedigree at the cosmotic pedometer of its conjugal bliss pendent with mothernature to dress their ordnand from sunset into sunrise.Thy bossom o mothernature will not dismember the panaches of recyclical renewal nor its teleological boon frozen to set ontology,junketing the infinity of its evergreen melange,where bungled time decayed with steady decay and steady decay decayed with bungled time.To revile casuistry,of robotic intelligence.And within mainstream ordnances ordered to float the gravities.


Moorish pellagra,a blast at full pest,seething distance to recuperate could not avail on the high sea to capsize its rudderless boat.Like merrying osmosis and miasma clouds intravenous time and he forfeit to crossover,vantage shore.A pleading song not ossified at ostinato,flew mileages of cosmos symphony,obliged with the babbler's cheeks did him pieeyed hollow.This bachelor's sate of kismetic slingshot doth not belabour him to expel.Now,relishing his rash contentmentwith the nozzle of olympian shrewdness whose flattery that flatters himself with vainbut ramrodest pride.Waxes obloquythat beguiles him nemesis and he himself by bequest in his bellows,incarcerated.What ludicrous garb,sometimes that he a bellyache,bellyaching her berserk arcane and on the street not pennywise with samesluttish berserk.How hard is itto believe you quirky allegory?At forlorn path,where he did blagyet too incredulously reproachable.Obscenity at the alehouse,pieeyed reveling blabbermouth with bittersweet affiocionados blab him pity.


How come thou o parsimonious paranoiac not parched hors de combat beyond this hoo-has of hotpotato,a parallax snaps of parenthetic paralytics mowed with deciduous parkland of hullabalooed parabola,knowest not the rot pandered in this hothoused trade of siphoned charity?What a perimeter of paradoxes where peddlers and pedastal,flock to circumence and curry pelts at its baazar".Pellmell pelted."O,this barter....,....."blushing!" Yea,elsewhere why wouldnt a twain blush and impuisant?"her derisive eyes lent him aghast and elope bade in a huff.And rose impetuously to bid kismet compliment.Neither opulent nor misery,none either they dislike.A lover's burden not innured to inveigh and invoke perfidious irradiation hung in inverse proportion with the perfidious soul,that smote he by she the hooter with sloth of perfidy commensurate nothing more than the forest of perfidy,swept the twains'sloth into the farthest sea .

July 13, 2019


of unsettled penitence and to scorn the swarmy mush;Had i but too tardy to a corruscate,And to snub her ill mannered socks of solecism over her snooty ass,she had hewn nothingness.Peradventure,betaken too late and grilled not with grievances soldiered that windy hiss be sung and still be sung.Still drawls with that toga of solicitude's solitude and the flight of the birds,chirping dreary songs of the sibilant windy hiss.William Blake portrait Blake portrait


Bearest not i disown this crotchety that aptly cumbersomes a mammoth.Hisses that do by flight of the winds overrules,and what unruly sighs,parched by paragliding vertigos or its palavered parrots of parrot fashion,would i shuffle,that at this sigh the ordured silts of sickening sickos,but pleads to providence that similitude of windy hiss be no more bristled and muzzled to sigh.Hovelling,have i not simulated on this muttering sofa,mussily a silhouette's simulacrum? That silky silica of silks and satins on its miser,wrench hardly they though feasible,thuggish in their gangsteric musks of punchdrunk musketeering,musclebound with murky clouds,where speckled cat dancing dolorously to the songs of windy hiss.And if it be ill-mussy mensrea,where slut as slur slides beneath,how it shuffles the windy hiss,enrobed on its sleazy mantle,from the smirk of this irreverential smirch,wanderest this mussy noon.Ere she had reined and stalled tis smithereen like the archipelago of mustered ilks,to drum heels with her payola

June 21, 2019


dumbfounded.Genteel plucks,obstinate to keelhaul him dissuade whereon addiction she knows him too well wherein placidity he claims.Trembling vivacity beneath swing for a carteblanche of rollercoaster ride,kit with bloodlessdread cheers his catchet senses warm.And with ectasy karaokedanew,cackles to whom they cuddle beyond a kaput girth.With much vaulted chivalry their keystoned chiaroscuro was lo drawn hound he inoblivion of estranged spouse.And when he hath ceased this hullaballoo of apparition and prodigies,a tapestry kissogram of dreadful eyes,infused him to kit history with kilo-view of kindred spirit,knacked himto the recall.So was he irrascible as she stood streets,rollicking the grim promenade,for theillmannered twain.And his glossunshelved for the memoirs."if shebe coquette,does youan inkling?Cant you smell a rose or hell to recall?"he haggled and fled.And hatred's golden arrow manacled this feet."Dost the flirt she provokestthee to baulk at vantage?Why hast thou drown charity?"he pestered in refrain.


batting an eyelid whereo bravado hardly a gulf dig to persuade him dire,hastening fleeted heels towards nirvana,ahoyed for freedom,in stormy waters.What masonic upon tempest seas doth he gavel freedom?And plunge he plunges,shall it not him be blushed where every assay betook him martyrdom and lion bearded with nirvana.Buccaneers with timorous yelping,at this brook of houhaha forth with bated breath.Charmed into the blah-blah consorts of an alien,he with apalled bimbos neither his wraith nor machismo

June 13, 2019


Moisture humidifies,the Sun goes down and the moon returns at noon.The eliptical oval shall hang up the milky way,stuck as roisterer by teleology and determinism in the unflinching coefficient of expansion.Hung in my babel's tower,somnambulist reprobate,somnambulist renegade,shall be hung up in the perpendical holes of the assymetric galaxies.Naive somnambulist fortitude across pendulous girth rekindled brouhaha.And suspense warning soul fluttered to codswallop as cockcrows.Hercules pouts at mt.everest,at the comedy of manners warm they their cockleshell.Summerhouse,my abode,fraught with immaculate derelicts and somnambulists'comeupance.And everysloth fallen at the rendezvous of renegades,solicitude expunged as war danced and coats my musings abstrusive.Clandestine clouds of blue waves,clumped on hoitytoity.Dead in the seasmuddle,little did they now prowl bemused.Restless consonance of distant maws and somnambulist pleads succour where eyebrows and eyelids met.Nothing else but dreary eyes shut beneath titanic


Dough is gone into exile and back to the streets she plied her trade.Then at rumpus,she breaketh his etiolated chin.Sometimes,it is like a hoodwink until the glutton dies.And when quietus at the implosion of the menace the llth hour,brandishes ferocious matchet,of this fetor breaketh his fever.And now she breaks that chin and she comes to the fey,down from her fetish deportment.Fatuos receptacle,a fauxpas of public spectacle,exasperated by this exemplar exeunt this scorn to evanesce.Why then did she commence a wailing wall?Her folly a wiseacre that love maybe foolled?Wailing wall wails,for who hath she to dolour her dorky entwines that a night of karma be withered?Bardesquelly,the bard herein eulogises his lines:"Heypresto,he elopes,stumbles he thorns,pebbles his path.Some bruises by the feet,some crumples in boggy swamps,earless madmen,briggandage,raggamufins,runnest rowdy his thigh to make him refrain.Beat them hollow,breaketh their jar at the streams with the long drawn sword .Like the ambient's badger.


orbit,that he betwixt thee and the murky moon,then this apostasy the sun doth much steady alarm.What fie,what dejavus,cold and dry bun,thy image dunce,fermented statuettes in their neurosis,will derange you in your exiguous heels.Will thou not on thy pale,this karma bears?As enshrine hidden in the enshroud of mercilless grail,feelers on thee gazeth without compunction.What shall she forfeits?or should she forfeits him?With depredated depression,him mauled,her pretense goes dire.Both time's derelict,his intense to her wilful dinosaur.And from her twain hooks,hoodwink doth time stolen will alarm thee a domino effect"she alarms"some infecundity,some prodigals."Away to the reticence of the closet,where he hasteneth to her horse that as semantics might poke his eyes to legible plus.And to and fro they stampede,nag,snorts in this harrowing rascallion of double entendre,double dutched by her fairer sex,her unfurled doublecross.Now dosh is spent,her telepathy will oversway these emaciated dowels.And dough is amiss.


Conjoined twins are pearly gates,illustrious in the cosmos yet only footings seen.Copperbottomed by the blue sky,these wonders of contrite days and nights,withdraws mortals and martyrs through the sturdy but cranky eclipse and narcissism.Is thine own kismet to thine own crackpot not insulated?Being man enough frolic to woo thyself an esteem'd curlique,not in fibrillated curls which in curvaceous cutthroat,cannot be quenched by stormy nights.Deprive thyself of wanton heart as lightnings made to light a diversity.Narcisus,a deign which sinew must not deny to bankroll thyself with prevision.Over this cyclone,so thyself forsook today to earnestly steal thine own freedom.Damned with fumes of illbreddalliances,flung over dappled custom,daredevilish and daylight theftof thy solicitude to get the tied to direful nuptial knot.Why shouldest thou,o armschair critics in thy trigger,burning eyes in midday heat?This dishevelled esteem,deathbedridden anddeafmute,illustrious adorn.Windy ferns cannot withstand that celestial


What seest though thou in the basin?To feedon thy civvy chin,not bedimmed but bedewed,whereupon self esteem in its choleric coddling,flies into dingy space.Then wink,they wink and to wink,hardly do they crumpleto wink.Tenderest coccoon,robed with cock and bull,blue veined violets cockahoopedas cohorts of the unabashed plow.Colloquial web,patience a sand of time's monument,his collateral,coltish untimelydenies.Fair flowers as unfair roses prior prime rot and the lilies the sand of sahara cannot wade.Thou canst not stare time to eyeballs to wrinkle its compendious composure not the leanest or the intemperate,with composmentis fired at assymetrical bars.Fervidity,compound ferocities andconcatenate,quick in turning beautitudesas the heavenly moisture,dothfugacious grows,splashed onlandmines,concilliatory,eternal and concupiscence sovereign,to greedily burn bonemarrow.Not to condone its enchantment with fiery moist handthat palms hardly dissuade.Dancing on the fairy sands,naivetya windy fact and above teleological


What a gracious pneaumatic not poofed burning clocks not in vain adrift,a garden repertoire of unfair roses,which in its hoots,bred in tangled knot.Still they thumb and greedily thumb,for a golden thumb,thumbing their ethos.Hung over obscene hours,sullen lours and ill mannered frets.Twixt crimson deified,backward violet,where shypale sworn to swear by its immortal moist,And lo,a sleeky tease so sneeky a hoick shall pay earnest to carry over this burden of burning coals and currying coals to Newscastle.over which offers from unfair tongue did crave.The autumn's vapour bathes in gravy train,being wooed as supplicated from direful goddess of war.Twains at loggerheads still bud-crumpling,than this frenzy of sepuchral birds,whose sinewy neck in every jar,mammon did crotchety assuage.When acrimonious steel,fiendish lyrics obeyed,what prisoner of conscience.Prisoner in red but primrose chain doth to their coy disdains.Grumpysm so fair and white,yet to cling to alabaster,starrying night day,o brother what seest...


These famished clues burn his bashful shame and seizeth duds on a sweltering palm.His trembling passion flicked his precedence of pith to do a damndest good and damndest evil,dry rot ired as coals for his furnace fire,with duly steed backward in the blue sky.This receptacle,him his selfgoverned lust,stalled the rider bent over his leaning elbows and arms akimbo.To chide her rumbling lips not to titivate and quench burning slingshots and saucy cheeks.The prince of passion with flighty decorum hardly blows them dry,with immodest amiss and bombastic rebut whose elusive perks murder intently.Camaraderie not drawn embrace to hatred the sword and the dagger,assault and battery where slothful mensrea touches with a barge pole.Then with murky sighs and golden trenchwarfare cast over her empty eagle,shaking wings that preyed perked brow.And discontent doth a new begins its crutch,wherein in this muddy orgy forced to content the varicose veins of the integers and then feedeth its heavenly moisture on this adorn.


Quids the goddess of love,are made to love a lover's charm and a gracious fireproof upon which it is planted are the damsels'earth.Tis the nuptial knot,they hardly fizzle out.A seed sown is the lover's charm and hardly skunk over love sovereign goddess of muse it is sown.And now she weeps at his feet and calls him lord and he calls him bitch.Now was she servile to his wanton lewd,to seize love where it is bought to gazeth she on him with fondness and ecstasy of the gods.She feedeth on the humus of his filthy lucre,like a parasite,a flea to flippancy parade.Narcisus so he himself fathom someday surety slander vamoosed,would in thy palm not hardly melts.Slanderest sports waylaid where the gnomes of zurich wanderlust runaway.And not misty vapours,blot from the drowning the sky,where machismo substerfuged with obloque.Charles DickenCharles Dickens photograph.


The lovesick poppinjay;for where they could stroll,banters had usurped the funsport's funfare.What a skyjack of haymaker in gliding seasons! His feet ofnot all beers and skittles and paces of oaks dropped a stone and the distance betwixt ranting birds widened."In its wanton jest poked sheyou a pathos lover's verdict,for a contempt."A buzz volleyed from the rear,reticence a stone up,andracketeered with reiterated pat."Though your lips be fair,famishedof lucre the goddess of lover's charm.To get the dough on her petite charm and juicy sport,squander it for the atonement."And lo,taciturn obstreperous him,copiously raced after his steely passion."O strumpet,we've got quid too"saith he"come and merry for the love of a woman and thebottle of wine".Heypresto,her fanatical,heretical,hypocritical bent moon away,roistered over the moon.And the dingdong meritocratic heartily swung and doughs flung over her face,to salute atonement.Alehouse was smitten with arse wagging,bumfondling,roving eyes and salacious rumbles.

June 12, 2019


In their nip and tuck,blazes the two trojan horses,eyeballs to eyeballs,still adamantine,hardly his nibble content her nitty gritty.At crispy fugacity,she stamps on ground her noveletish feet like a novella to stump her dithering posture.Still in the numb of primrose,those nuances overflow their bank and sallow prevision knoweth he that quids goddess of love numbs her reciprocate.His oblique perversion wanton to toy obstinately boor him with obloquy." Touch but not with a barge pole or a tenthfootpole my distance and i will strike who dare grant you lever to make entreaties to love?Is thine own eyes hazy and defiled whereon obstinacy as choking recalcitrant heels choke the pleading tongue?Where i'll be far away in the summer thou shalt therein be strangulated with dementia"she holds her breath to pace away in a huff.Ogreish offstreet lurks in his ogle,thus the promenade not set offstage mongering her gait that barely the goddess of brawn and brawl.By this perspiration,as if like a genetic durress harrangued,


not drool like she,a duchess of dudgeon.In his dottylike pretense as if repressed by dotage to dote upon her pantomimes of obliges bathes in ramrod where her dobbin's dock fondled with dithering doggone,O prevision,how a lover's uncharms a virago as it does the coquette!And when her freak of nature was burnt to a frazzle from being worn to a frazzle.'Eureka'gan he jubilate bold hearted twain,still tis but a lucre she dithers why art she gadfly?Over her customised garb,she did blow the gaff in her contending gaffes.To ensnare him not ovation of gallery players to protest theft of freedom for a gala of hedonistic modus viviendi.Dances she dances on her resolve makes him melt to see her dressed in borrowed plumes but the luxuriating vogue ofwomensfolk.Two poppycock flexing brawns over the windy passion;a poppinjay of porky poof whose deigns hardly eludes him.And a popsy whose poohpooh popped him at the plummet.What a lucid staying power!Drumbeat now did him portly nestled for the love of a damsel and a bottle


of a lover's charm,resplendently skulking in the flight of its devouring vulture.Rosy,beautiful sky cannot contend when the skywriting eagles,emitting vapours and the falconers'falcons fly,in this all devouring hassle and infernal ramshackle,on briddlepaths with horrendous beaks.To hack them in tangled knots wherein vilous torch be so infecund,to rebuff and refrain stroke of lightnings in their wings.Nor even their mumbojumbo dialects,the winds barely speak,in their devious charms of devise and bequeath.Deviant flights,a dingdong devoutly adorns their heels,not for one notch,did diminuendo,crystal balls,in crescendo.To scold dexterity and despatch romance where buying impulses romance the streets.Lover's charm esteems the golden charm's espousal.Do not refrain.Then she drowns him drudgery and over her drools,he cannot contend,when she drops her clanger.Neither was she a mastery of a drooping like hotpotato nor will she fathom to gale him dead.And whe she contends,he doth anewfilips to contend.But not to drool


The jungle of sight cannot see,what the mind does and what profussion of this beguiling sport loathed with sated satiety? What a notoriety of a chess?What cross purposes? What cross purposes? Strictly they impound,strictly they impound.What cross examination's curfew,time and space glide on your curio to curl you from the darts of the bluemoon's dappled colours.What famished dartboard dashed for from its sweatening pores?Trembling beatnik from impaired carcass,deadbeatened crows,deadbeatened in quirky passion.Not being deadend so engulfed deface doth deface her deign.Nimbly time descried her couch of charming orbit,overaching yards,slung over earth's sovereign muse.Desirously so desirously so plunge she desirously this patina of civility,Over pruned detrop,this arcane of angst lusty dice deuced.To be pouted in a leadened sprite,verily,verily toyed.Drat it she shred in her plume a dream boat,dripping wet for her lover's charm.And skunk seduction being sloshed from sunrise to sunset they turn on the goddess of


in 1900.There,he also showed dreams are not only random but are also wish fulfilments.The process of converting latent dream thoughts into manifest dream aspect Freud called Dream Work.His psychoanalysis was extremely influential in the 1920s,including theory of unconscious had massive in art and literature.He influenced the surrealism of the 1920s when 1924, Andre Breton published the " surrealistic manifesto",he concluded that art should come from the unconscious.This implies that artist should strives toward superrealism when they derive the most liberal inspiration from his dreams and latent images.Given that a dream is a little work of art,requires a comprehension of its denselanguage of symbols,to interpret them.Freud can be very difficult to grasp,leading to further evolution of the field of psychology.We treated sofar a basic premise and a criticalcompendium of the western evolution of philosophical thoughts though we have not included the critiques whatsoever.We come to the end of marathon treatise.NICOLO MACHIAVELLINiccolo Machiavelli.


In the descriptive evaluation of the human mind,he concluded the conscious constitutes a miniature of the human mind like iceberg's tip above the sea level.What about the ocean itself below threshold or the sea level the unconscious and the subconscious.Our experience stayed below the sea level almost all the time.We recall them when we need them and he calls them preconscious.Things repressed because they were improper,bad or nasty were regarded unconscious.Freud operates with several mechanisms and one of them parapraxis or slips of the tongue.That is we say or accidentally do those things we try to repress.People suffer neurosis and a neurotic person is the one that tries to keep unpleasant out of his consciousness.He used free association to aid patient free themselves from neurosis.He also said the royal road to the unconscious is the dream.That our unconscious tries to communicate and interact with our conscious through dreams.He shows this axiom in the main work The Interpretation Of Dreams,published


of sexual drive is one sample.In describing the human mind,he drives home his concept of pleasure principle or id being regulated in relation to reality principle.We grew up with moral burden concerning repression of desire.Sometimes,harsh parental judgements that once declared us naughty could have a lasting impression on later years.When we are grown up,it still reechoes and the expectation of such moral burden or demand.This part of us Freud called Superego and is a component part of the human conscience.It tells us when our desires are good or bad,proper or improper.He said,improper desires especially such as eroticism started at childhood and any chastisement turns to a later guilt and a child grew up with the guilt feeling of such sexual desire.Since this guilt feelings remain in the superego,people feel guilty all their lives.They battled lifelong conflict between guilt and crave.Freud's patients suffered this challenge and such acute affliction led them to develop a condition he called neurosis.


during his practice of psychotherapy.He had empirical evidences for the diverse forms of neurosis or psychological disorders traced back to childhood problems.He developed a therapy what he called archaelogy of the soul through which an archaelogist searches for distant past traces through cultury history layers.In the same way psychoanalyst with patients' help can dig into that patient mind and unearth or bring to light experiences buried in patient mind that caused psychological disorder.He believe we store all experiences inside us,good or bad.Hence,the analyst can discover bad experience affecting the patient but suppressed for many years.By discoverying it and bring it to the consciousness of the patient mind will get him or her well or whole again.In the exposition of human drives,he says our our actions are often not driven by reason.That man is not a rational creature as the 18th century rationalists loved to think.The irrational impulses drive our action without webeing aware of them.The human factor


to say that nothing mattered,because he says there was no innate meaning to life.A nihilist is a person who think nothing means anything.That if life must have meaning an imperative,then it is the individual who must interpret that real meaning into his or her life,because he or she exist to create that life.His patner Simone de Beauvoir published in 1949 her main work The Second Sex and she applied feminism to existentialism.Sigmund Freud born in 1856 studied medicine at the university of Vienna.He lived in Vienna for the larger part of his life especially when the city was culturally blossoming.He started early with neurology and later moved onto his patent discovery indeph psychology or parapsychology.Psychoanalysis is a description of the human mind,a therapy for nervous and mental disorders.He says there is a constant tension between man and his environs.There is tension or conflict particularly between human drives,Maslowian needs and the societal demands.He discovered infants'sexual drive during his

June 11, 2019


he brought Atheism into existentialism and met his patner Simone de Beauvoir in a cafe.Hence his allegiance was atheistic existentialism and did make a merciless analysis of human situation which Nietzsche call God Is Dead'.He believed man's existence is much more important than anything else and no man has such innate nature.That man must therefore be the creator of himself and the essence that is not fixed in advance.Man has no such eternal nature to fall upon and a useless thing to search for life meaning in general.We are doomed like artists to improvise,with no lines,no scripts to act upon.When we realise tha one day we will die there is no meaning to life to cling to.Man he says feels alien in this world without meaning and he says man's freedom is a curse.Man is condemned to be freed and nevertheless free,given that he has not created himself.There are no eternal values to ascribe,which makes our choices critical and man must disclaim responsibility for his actions.He was not a nihilist even though


within same species,in addittion to a large number of progeny.The Origin Of Species caused bitter controversies reverberated the continent and sharply divided the scientific community and the church.When in I871 he published The Descent Of Man in he drew attention to the significant similarities between man and animals that both evolved from same progenitor,not much protests were made compared to 1859.He covered a lot of ground that we might not be able to cover here due to time and space.Before rounding up with Freud,let me briefly touch German Friedrich Nietzsche ( 1844-1900) who had a great influence on twentieth century.He too took Hegel as point of departure and the German historicism.He popularised the term" God is dead"and a member of existentialist school of thought alongside Schlegel,Schiller and Jean Paul Sartre.Others include Irishman Samuel Becket,Eugene Ionesco, Albert Camus,Simone de Beauvoir.They had great influence beginning from forties till date especially on drama.Jean Paul brought into


grand father had suggested plants and animal species had descended from some few primitive species.This suggestion he captured as the first thesis and then the second thesis that evolution was the natural consequence of natural selection.In the book,he wrote."The elephant is reckoned the slowest breeder of all known animals'but if it had six young and survived to a hundred after a period of from 740 to 750 years there would be nineteen million elephants alive descended from the first pair " of that animal specie.That even among animal of same species,the struggle is the hardest and very little slightest changes or minute variations will lead to intense transformations over the long haul.The bitter the struggle the bitter the survival leading to quicker evolution of the new species.The consequence of continual selection will be that the best adapted to an environment will continue to perpetuate that race in that environment.So,the raw material of evolution will be the continual variation of individuals within


Benjamin Franklin,inventor of light conductor and another American polymath like Alexander Hamilton,had made a strong point that if they were no limiting factor in nature,one single species of plant or animal would spread over the entire planet.But because there are diverse species,they keep each other in balance." Obviously this influenced Malthus to propound the malthusian theory of world population.He propounded that mankind's capability is excessively great to procreate that opportunity avails that there more children born than can survive.Given the fact that the production of food can never keep pace with population increase,he believed huge proportion were doomed to die in the existential struggle.This categorical appraisal became the icing on the cake and the universal mechanism,he was looking for and it explains how natural selection in the struggle for life happens.We examined that in the first book The Origin Of Species,two theories were proposed such as suggested by Erasmus Darwin,Darwin's grand


The comparison of embryo development in mammals such as dogs,rabbits,rats,bats,goats and humans at early stage is clear proof and hard to deny that we are distant relatives.From the study of Lyell,to the study of French Zoologist,Jean De Lamarck,who had claimed,it was theory of heredity of acquired characteristic that was responsible for species' environmental adaption.For instance Giraffe had evolved long necks for generations,because they had stretched up necks for leaves for years inthe trees.Still rejected his claims and had no proof of how evolution occur.So he had the formula,by the time he had coined the words:"Natural Selection"meaning survival of the fittest.He had pointed out no speciesare exactly the same so that nature produces magnitude and enormous variations.He could not imagined how natural selection takes place.Not until 1838 october two years after his return on the beagle,he came across a book An Essay On The Principle Of Population by Thomas Malthus,the father of mordern population study.BARUCH SPINOZABaruch Spinoza


Let me go back to the voyage,before Darwin set to sail on the Beagle,he was armed with the first volume of Charles Lyell's Principles Of Geology.In that great book Lyell postulated the present earth's geology with massive mountains and valleys was natural consequence of endless,long and tardy evolution.That even small changes could cause big geological upheavals,if we consider the considerable period of time that has elapsed.This also apply to the same forces prevalent with weather,wind,melting ice,volcano,earthquakes,ground level elevations and many more today.He believed a similar tiny changes and gradual changes over the course of time could alter the form or face of nature entirely.Then on galapagos island,he made the same conclusion and there he became the darwinist.His conviction was also strengthened by the fact that fauna there bore robust semblance to many species he witnessed in South America.Then he withdrew his support from hagiological in favour of evolution.But as to how evolution had occurred,


Darwin's scientific voyage contributed new and elaborate data in the area of biological evolutionary argument specifically fosrils'stratified deposits in rock layers.It also touches the geographic locality and distribution of living species.Galapagos Island West of Ecuador produced the most interesting discoveries.There,there are a diverse group of volcanic islands and therefore not a great differences between plants and animal life there.Still,he observed the tiny different,in measure must be measured to reach maximum ratio.He met giant tortoises slightly different from one Island to the other island.Bird life also took his attention on the Galapagoswhose finches varied from place to place,in terms of beak's paved way to the discovery of how they pick their different food ondiffered islands.With steeply profiled beaks the ground finches lived on pine cone seeds,little warbler finches feed on insects,and ontermites live the tree finches extracted from stalks,branches and bark.Each species'beak perfectly made confucius in chinaConfucius


He said the journey no doubt was the most significant event of his life.They crossed the entire coast of south america back and forth.This gave many opportunities to gain territorial insight into the region and the trips to Galapagos Islands,in the South America's Pacific West out of many exciting forays was particularly interesting,a special kind with a decisive importance.He collects vast amount of fossils and materials sent back to England.He returned home at the age of twenty seven,kept his reflection on the theory of evolution and life still to himself.He later found himself renowned in this uncharted terrain and as a cautious man,fitting of a good scientist,waited for many years before the publication of the revolutionary ideas.In 1859,when he published "The Origin Of Species",erupted the most heated debate ever mused in England.Its full title(that depicts the complete resume of the theory)On The Origin Of Species By Means Of Natural Selection Or The Preservation Of Races In The Struggle For L
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Image result for photos of charles darwin
Image result for photos of charles darwin
Image result for photos of charles darwin


Fitzroy,who has been commissioned by the government to survey the southern coasts of South America.I have that i consider you to be the best qualified person i know of who is likely to undertake such a situation.As far as the financial side of it is concerned,I have no notion."He concluded that the voyage will last two years and the rest for Darwin as they say is history.We couldnt recall often gloriously the ignorant teacher,a bagatelle but history barely rebuke the most illustrious son of geology that England and the world ever had.Darwin's father after giving his consent was he who financed the voyage.By December 27,1831,the ship the naval vessel H.M.S Beagle sailed from Plymouth bound to south america and not until I836 October before it returned.It was wonderful and surprising how a two years trip to South America turned out to be voyage around the world.It extended from South America to sails across the Pacific to New Zealand, Australia and South Africa.Then sailed back to South America and later home.


He was accused of messing around with stuffs,not doing the slightest bits useful for himself,fooling himself and wasting precious time.That is not cramming latin verbs and Greek as was the norm during the day and flying around collecting bees of all kinds.Why wouldnt the ignorant teacher regret it later?Even when he was studying theology,where he later got poor grade,he was far more interested in bird watching and collecting insects of all various types for research.When he was at college,he earned the reputation as natural scientist in the field of geology which was the most expansive science of the period.And as soon as he graduated from Cambridge in April 1831,went to North Wales to do research on fossils and study rock formations.When he was barely twenty three years old,in the August of that year,he received a letter from a friend John Steven Henslow that later transformed the direction of his life.John wrote his friend:"I have been requested.......to recommend a naturalist to go as companion to CaptainDavid Hume

June 10, 2019


.He was buried at Westminister Abbey.So,their paths crossed in time and space and infact Marx wanted to dedicate the English version of his magnum opus'Das Kapital"to him but what a great honour that Darwin declined.Shortly after Marx death, Friedrich Engels said"As Darwin discovered the theory of organic evolution,so Marx discovered the theory of mankind's historical evolution.In the same way,the presocratic looked for natural analysis of the natural processes and distanced themselves from the illogicity of ancient mythologies and hagiological view of creation, Darwin through Darwinism also sought extensively to distinguish himself.He was able to distinguish himself from church or biblical view of creation,beast and man.He was a natural scientist and biology,and challenged biblical view of creation.He was born in Shrewsbury a little town in 1809 to a father Dr.Robert Darwin a renowned local physician.He was rebuked despite the strict upbringing,by unknown teacher his headmaster at a local grammar school .


We shall soon be rounding up the synopsis of the longest running marathon treatise ever written by an African or Blogger boy on philosophy.It is also the longest running series of any historical treatise and marathon treatise respectively worldwide.This should earn the blogger the most erudite philosopher blogger in the black continent.To round off this metaedition and whose ebook will soon be available the last three greatest philosophers we shall be treating includes mainly Marx, Darwin and Freud.But for the special treat,Marx's article or those on Marxism will be ommittedand treated specially under Marx,Hegel,Marxism and Neomarxism and could be a tenthousand words thrillerunlike this more than 130,000 words philosophers stone.This remains only Darwin and Freud respectively to close the curtain.Charles Darwin died inLondon in 1882 a yearafter Marx died where he lived the last 34 years of his life and he moved there in 1849.When Darwin died,he was buried with pomp and pageantry of a renowned English son .


ethical stage requires a moral push to the third stage the religious stage,there are others interested in making a leap because they are not satisfied with ethic stage,then they made the new leap into religious stage that is christianity as kierkegaard put it as "the only path to redemption.When people are tired with the same sort of everyday routine or due to fatigue reaction even to dutiful person,they made the leap while others relapse back into the reflective life of the aesthete,not let go retentive memory.Existential stage transition appeals to critical choices that mankind makes in life.Unlike Kant's ethic of duty and abidance by the law of morals,man must make decision whether wrong or right.Both drew attention to the importance of human temperament,the main concern of the aesthete is whether the stage is boring or not.The Danish philosopher flourished widely in the twentieth century and with the birth of existentialism meaning philosophy of action,the cultural epoch took on another mode entirely.


he was often brutal with his verdict and could remark the superficial approach and illbred nature of the crowd as the untruth or that truth is in the minority.He postulated also the three different stages of life.He lives for the moment he who lives at the aesthetic stage and grasp every momentarily enjoyment and opportunity.The person is bound by senses and desires and at this stage you can experience sense of dread and feelings of emptiness.A person who has an aesthetic or reflective approach to even sorrow and suffering is living at the aesthetic stage.Henrik Ibsen's Peer Gynt portrays a typical aesthete.This shows there is hope for the existential condition of the man-artist andposibility of transiting to higher stage.It may happens or maynot.The choice that causes a person to leap into ethical or religiousstage from aesthetic stage must come from within.If you have read Dostoevsky's great novel Crime And Punishment,it mirrors how existential choice arises from determination or need.While the second stage

June 9, 2019


of existentialism.This means a thinker that through his own philosophical reflections mirror his entire existence.Kierkeegard in 1841 went to Berlin to attend Schelling lectures,sat alongside Marx under the same roof.He never met Hegel who had died a decade before Kierkeegard rose to prominence.He battled the sort of Hegelian objective truths and argued it was totally irrelevant to individual private life.He advises meaningful kind of truths that can transform a person's life.He made mockery of Hegel,when he quotes him on his analysis for the entire mystory of life.That Hegel has in distraction,forgotten his own name and his nature as mere mortal.He was not interested in the tiring analysis of human nature but most important thing was human existence.Both Budha and Kieerkeegard share the existentialist mode of thinking.He was fond of the belief only personal truths were important and that truth is subjective.Things we can know through reason and knowledge are temporarily not important.With sharp pen andtongue


The climax of philosophy and then turn around of philosophical reflections took place after Hegel.Kierkeegard and Marx took their point of departure from him.We shall focus first on kierkeegard.Soren Kierkeegard born in 1813 endured strict upbringing as a kid under his father.Kierkeegard was absolutely irritated by the Hegelian approach that focus too much on the broad scope of history.He saw Hegel and the Romanticists as birds of the same feathers flock together.He thought that the obscurity of the of the individual's responsibility for his own was caused by the idealistic philosophy of Romanticism and the Hegel's historicism.He began his theological study at age 17 but was later absorbed by the philosophical reflection of the latter years.His dissertation"On The Concept Of Irony,"for his master's degree was written at age twenty seven.He posited Socratic irony instead and challenged Romantic Irony and their noncommited play with illusion.Kierkegaard called Socrates Existential thinker and became the founder


He says it is not the individuals that find it but the world spirit itself and becomes conscious of itself in the individual.It passes through three stages to become conscious of itself and this include the first stage when it becomes conscious of itself in the individual.He calls this stage of world spirit subjective spirit and later reaches a higher mode of consciousness ranging from family,civil society and state.He classifies that as objective spirit,given that it shares interaction with people.Then the third stage being absolute spirit where the world soul attains the highest point of self realisation.The tripod of art,religion and philosophy composes the absolute spirit and through the world soul philosophy is able to mirror the world.Of course Hegel was critical of the individual and individual institution and saw every existence as the sum total of only world spirit.There is no doubt that philosophy after Hegel took another mode entirely.The end of great philosophical systems also started under him.


this process he called dialectical process.When the Eleatics had proposed a claim,Hegel regarded the standpoint a thesis and then the rise of contradictory thought to oppose that claim,he called it negation.Herarclitus for instance and he wasthe negation of eleatic philosophy.Now the tension between these contradictory thoughts with the emergence of empedocles who argued both were partly right and partly wrong.The standpoint of the Empedocles was what he called negation of the negation.Thenhe called the three stages of dialectical process mainly thesis,antithesis and synthesis.For instance,Descartes'rationalism was contradicted by Hume's empirical antithesis and eventually resolved by the synthesis of kant.Dont forget that new synthesis would also be contradicted by new antithesis and this suggests that the growth of world spirit is fundamentallynurtured by the interactive forces of dialectical process.With this formula,he believed he had uncovered basic law for the development of human reason or world soul.


falsehood.It maybe antihistorical way of thinking to declare Aritotelian,platonic as well as any philosophy of the antiquity falsehood.Neither can one fault Descartes thought or Hume or brand Kant's false and Schelling right.Something new is often being added,as reason progresses and human knowledge expand exponentially.That world spirit has evolved from Socrates to Descartes,from Plato to Kant.In the same in Platonic and Neoplatonic had been critiqued,kant too also get critiqued.Those reason by agregate and collectively become the subject of future criticism.So,Hegel claimed that history deals with the growth of world spirit that comes into consciousness of itself.That world spirit being conscious of its intrinsic value was driven by prime forces of human culture and human development.Then world spirit is developing into ever explosive knowledge of itself.To graphically treats the rise and fall of human thoughts and how a thought previously proposed is opposed by latter thought in the opposing tensions,


Given its all encompassing and diversified,we shall be content with the main aspects of Hegel's work and the basic method he expoused for the understanding of historical progress.Every philosophical system before him has attempted to set eternal criteria for the limit of human knowledge and research basis of human cognition.Consequently they share opinion and made declarations about timeless factor of human knowledge about the world.However he believed differently that the basis of human cognition changes from generation to generation and therefore no timeless reason and no eternal truths.That the only fixed point philosophy of mankind ordinarily holds onto is nothing but history.And to Hegel,history was likened to a river whose running tiny movement in the water body at a given point rises and falls.That in terms of philosophical reflection,reason is a process and also dynamic.Truth follows the same process,given that there are no eternal benchmark beyond historical process for the determination of truth and

June 7, 2019


He became a don in Heidelberg,the Center of national Romanticism,but first became an asistant professor in Jena.It was in 1818 when he was appointed a Professor in Berlin when the city was spiritual center of the movement and Europe.Prior to his death in 1831 by cholera, Hegelianism had become a household name in almost all German Universities.Though he united almost every idea of the movement but he was sharply critical of them too.This including Schelling,like other Romanticists who enthused that life deepest meaning lay in 'world spirit'.When he uses the term,he uses it differently and he defines it to mean the sum total of human utterances due to the fact only man has a spirit.Then he speaks of world spirit progress throughout history,refering to human life,human thought,human culture.He barely believed man could attain clear cognition of nature's deepest secrets and admitted existence of unattainable truths.He reasoned sharply truth is subjective and no truth exist beyond human reason and all knowledge.


they see world soul in popular culture but that world spirit was viewed as an ego operative in a dreamless state that created everything.While Philosopher Fichte says nature stems from bigger unconscious imagination Schelling concludes that the world is in God.God is aware of some of it and could fathom to even think some aspects of nature is unknown in God,including the dark side of deity.The artist and his work could be embelished in the same light.Using moral vehicle like fairy tales,gave Romantic writer a freerole to hone their universe creating imaginative bias either by innate force or by hypnotic trance during penmanship or versification.Then he destroys illusion as he writes to intervene in the story and address to the reader the burdensome comments momentarily.This would make the writer to realise the mystic power of the pen,and be who he was in the manipulation of fictional universe.This disillusion form they call it Romantic Irony.In Peer Gynt,letting out one of the character Herik Ibsen says


They also saw language as an organism.Infact,the entire material world like a poetic work was a living organism.Hence,no sharp contrast exist in between them and they bear testimony to the vivid presence of world spirit in people,culture not just popular culture as nature and art.They collected folksongs from distant lands,captioned as the ebulient voices of the people,of which Herder was their preeminent forerunner.He said folktales was the mothertongue of the people.For instance,Brother's Grimm and a host of others collected folk songs and fairy tales in Heidelberg.We refer in this case to Grimm's fairy tales and in Norway,evidences that Asbjornsen and Moe collected folktales were foolproof nationwide.This enabled more intense scientific study of local language.It also led to rediscovery of old Norwegian myths and sagas from heathen times.This influenced composers all over Europe to begin to infuse their songs and incorporate folk melodies into them,improving their compositions.It bridged gap between both, THOMAS AQUINAS BELOWThomas Aquinas