May 16, 2019


movements;first when the solar system was formed,they had rectilinear movements and now through gravitation revolved round the sun.He abolished the notion that one set of laws was applicable to the heavens and another one on earth and contended both segments of the universe applied the same physical laws.During the same Renaisance era,church or theology and science and philosophy broke apart.There was so much attempt to open up the flagship multiplicand of the great charters of liberty basically intellectual freedom.For instance in the medieval Catholic Church,its liturgy was written in latin and church's ritual prayers been backbone of service.Infact the bible itself too was written in latin.It was during the era that it was translated from Greek and Hebrew,into national languages.This intellectual freedom led to the Reformation.During the period there were many reformers from Martin Luther who broke away from the church,because he resisted indulgence to Erasmus of Rotterdam a Roman Catholic quentessential,

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