January 31, 2020


The best way we know today about how to make money is to be an entrepreneur.This common knowledge however in practice must begin with a desire having identified your direction and the nature of business involved.Little wonder Napoleon Hill says"Desire is the starting point of all achievement".But it fails to categorise and differentiate the quality and quantitative effect power of the desire.We noticed the two forms and both can be effective but if we take informed verdict we will very well and choose wisely so as not to waste time and maximise time investment.This kind of desire is quite different from ordinary desire and that is why i call it visionary desire and that is the true entrepreneurial desire the kind that creates lasting wealth and the true wealth creator.Ordinary desire undertakes a lengthy approach a triar and error approach and it rely on luck to succeed.A resultant failure will ignite starting point all over again and will beforced to embrace vision laden desire,for a new round but informed.

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