January 27, 2020


Scholars like Henry Ansgar kelly and a host of others believed otherwisethat Chaucer was refering to May 3 instead.And it was a day when a bishop,the Valentine of Genoa died and was commemorated in A.D.307.Writing about the summer in the 'Parliament of fowls',with the lines," St Valentine,that art full high aloft,thus singen,smalle fowles for thy sake".The poem deals with the arrival of summer and early May seems to be ideal day for the best valentine day instead of mid february and it explains again vividly differences in the celebrating periods worldwide.The last evidence that was deduced that adds credence to May 3 theory is that;it was in 1381 that Richard 11 was engaged to Anne of Bohemia and Chaucer possibly wrote the poem the following year to celebrate and mark the anniversary of that great betrothal.We are certainly as mankind great students of history and great custodian of freedom thathistory bestows which we made possible as tireless watchers standing on great walls of freedom to defend freedom.

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