Carpet and memoirs of the Papaya,Pomengrate and Eucalyptus trees butted by blackbirds,bluebirds,crows,wind's enfanterible juvenile swifts,hebrons and the nightingales,jostling in the coefficient of expansion,pedicured on their coattails,hereditary peers of the wilds,sometimes as the notorious woodpecker woodpecks,the redflamingos,catbirds,some gliders and the pheasants alight on brusselsprouts,papyruses,capgrasses,pampas grasses and heart'seases to collywobble at the elflike peeptom of the peepers,the cougars,wolfs,vultures,hyenas and leonine peculators,cawing and cranking off to palladium,eurythmically cricketing the waves.And lo,ere the cockcrows,the piggy forester's otherworldly,a wildlife pigeonhole,a paleface papoose of the new world,a pigheaded pigiron,a palladin wore his paisley as the wild pigment struck memoirs,not gourmet his parmesan cheese,pappadum and paella,crossing the palisade,from the pedestrian precinct,a pedestrian pedant rose to the woods,to quench opalescent navy
blue thirst.Still piggy..

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