at noon,till the perhellion cawed over his boodle.O,wild is the only pebble on his beach!Sobbing seas,nearest and dearest,in the lines of sights,black cormorant on bare branches as if like pleading birds,a wild chaplain beseechs liniments to excrete his excrescence,yea dilletante!Unbowed,he did suffocate his finicky palsy walsy fingerprints to be burnt,let alone a gauchy laze at the exhaustive nature's oddysey.A pedestrian's wondrous chargrin alight in amplitude infinity.How the obese Sun slaps and slides its yolk on the ocean's floor and the trees'cleverly woven sticks sport with divertissimento,birds with melanoma foaming rays.To those who bathed in Euphrates at the sparklest dawn and those nile apologists that built great pyramids,not miserable like the mise-enscenes of the shortsighted longshot,hath grown deep like the rivers,in immortal sun.When the nocturnal rains in the wood,sensual fragrance felt like a melange of leaves and musk where morels evanesced and raptured presence of those chanterelles.....

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