with melifluous silent glen,Robinlike jerky and adamant mimes and rhapsodizes vireo's song,street ryhymy-like Sparrow and fluty.Did he moeking doughty ehewink to flint the jay's call and match crazy bobolink like medowlark's frisky roundelay?Sad as woodpewees yet sparkles as the Oriole's sweet tone.The Catbird not hue like his peevish mew.How does he feels the forester thinks at that little blackcap chickadee chirping at the palisade?A hearty welcome to the heart,mistrelsy of the woods,snowbird songs merrysinging Chickadee.In Walden wood,runs round the pine and mapletree slaughtering insects.Rakish eye on plenished crop,naked ashtree top.Now the revue picketed and spectated brawls betwixt the tweedledum and tweedledee at daggers drawn,And tar barreled monstrous ebony crow,yonder flies on treetop venting maligned caw at shore.The Raven will not be cowed in the dark yen tree tombahut wherein the autumn burn,Yewberries and morose lamps nocturnal dreary cocks with silverhorn twi
g and dew round whispering,glooming

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