January 31, 2020
Leverage yourself to make money and here your time through other efforts make multiple sources of income yourself and maximise the quality use of your time.It can also be called Use Other peoples time(OPT) as opposed to other peoples money(OPM).The capitalists,captains of industry make most of their money through this OPT mechanism and every smart worker does the same.When you offer valuable service the reward is money and the more valuable the service the greater the reward you receive.Given the rise in the competition to make money and your determination to be rich,it is proventhat the total figure will not be realised until your visionary desire has given youthe audacity to adopt the OPT-OPM mechanism.When you perpetually think on this framework how you can do better whatever you do much more effectively and improving their quality and quantity one is bound to reach downright impossible target,receiving greater reward for greater service rendered.Then earn money that is often in your mental consciousness.
Now,it shows this 97 percent learn how to make money the stressful way and that is their only form of entrepreneurship.It is unhealthy and outdated.Thereare four proven money making strategies:trading time for money;investing to make money;use other peoples money and create leverage to earn yourself money.The first and most commonly used begins with ordinary desire andlater visionladen trade time to make money.They compromise on the quality of their human capital and often run out of time.They with the struggling life never get what they want.Investing to make money,use other peoples money and leverage for personal money making based on visionary desire is used by approximately 3percent of the informed population.Those who use these method especially investing to make money follow the advice of trusted and knowledgeable advisers.Using other peoples money follow similar approach without having a dime create framework for visionary desire and can now be trusted with invested capital.The last leveraging yourself
With informed stance,guided by learnt skills,mentorship,innovation,written plans and standard framework,you would begin to maximise the quality of time usage and begin to deliver optimal impact.Hence,it is advisable to embrace that form of desire.Now when you start entrepreneurship you create products to sell and offer services with the same motive.We know abit about how to make money in this context.The funniest part of it is that most brilliant people hardly make money and broke and there are functional,miseducated illiterates,that have become multimillionaires.Studies show 97 out of 100 live their entire lives and later die without learning how to makemoney.Yet they pass ignorance to their generation and they too generation after them.The rest of this behemoth figure if ever any knowledge learn how to make money stressfully.Therefore,there are two methods of making money the stressful method and nonstressful method and i preffer latter to accelerate money making process yet delivering even better result.
The best way we know today about how to make money is to be an entrepreneur.This common knowledge however in practice must begin with a desire having identified your direction and the nature of business involved.Little wonder Napoleon Hill says"Desire is the starting point of all achievement".But it fails to categorise and differentiate the quality and quantitative effect power of the desire.We noticed the two forms and both can be effective but if we take informed verdict we will very well and choose wisely so as not to waste time and maximise time investment.This kind of desire is quite different from ordinary desire and that is why i call it visionary desire and that is the true entrepreneurial desire the kind that creates lasting wealth and the true wealth creator.Ordinary desire undertakes a lengthy approach a triar and error approach and it rely on luck to succeed.A resultant failure will ignite starting point all over again and will beforced to embrace vision laden desire,for a new round but informed.
drone dirge,pleading glowworm,with petty flickering bats'picnics and terse whistling cut like a dash through distant sky.Lonesome daisy at the lone little brooklet,glittering at the sea.Sunbeam sets,prodigal of blue sunset till sunrise,sparsely nature,beclouded hut or barn's traveling snowflakes where swampy glebeland grows blackash and dry glebe the whiteash,to the thrush at the woods and hawk bound the open sky.In sand,sun and meadow blinks old mothertoad,with little toad wink and wink as she winked.Stooping bough spring blow beneath glossy yellow primrose,making overture at wandering bees,gusto around elm-tree where moss and fern creep,jubilating couple coloured sky.A brinded cow,for stippling rose moles that swim the wings of the finches,of the fall,windy and ploughed landscape,of fresh firecoat chestnut falls and the eloquent radiance of the warm,sunshine and the greenfields.The forester's truehearted oddysey at this truss,trundling and trundling,with tryst at a recess,too
k a truncheon beatforestpathhome

with melifluous silent glen,Robinlike jerky and adamant mimes and rhapsodizes vireo's song,street ryhymy-like Sparrow and fluty.Did he moeking doughty ehewink to flint the jay's call and match crazy bobolink like medowlark's frisky roundelay?Sad as woodpewees yet sparkles as the Oriole's sweet tone.The Catbird not hue like his peevish mew.How does he feels the forester thinks at that little blackcap chickadee chirping at the palisade?A hearty welcome to the heart,mistrelsy of the woods,snowbird songs merrysinging Chickadee.In Walden wood,runs round the pine and mapletree slaughtering insects.Rakish eye on plenished crop,naked ashtree top.Now the revue picketed and spectated brawls betwixt the tweedledum and tweedledee at daggers drawn,And tar barreled monstrous ebony crow,yonder flies on treetop venting maligned caw at shore.The Raven will not be cowed in the dark yen tree tombahut wherein the autumn burn,Yewberries and morose lamps nocturnal dreary cocks with silverhorn twi
g and dew round whispering,glooming

in gilded roses.Sundyed dewy crop grown wings,swinging'neath Salvia's Coral cup,an reincarnated gemstone sojourner,golden darts to and fro,with ruby crust emerald plumes.Syphlike winces,a dew becoated humid Sun,on maple prong,jewelled sprite burnished by headwagging cheeping inglorious songs across wild broods,a spring of summer sun,nesting on morphean bough,dripping bill in bignonia's bloom.Woodpecker,a wizard of the woods,drill his cells in the oaken trees,where he buries his acorns.Now tweedy walking shoes shifted to bluebird.A skyey heralded,blue tabarded bugged bluebird heavensward,triggered with azured tremolo,the wildcat saphired cloud.The bird rose close to the lily bloom lay slain at long carol of the blustering gales.Blue jay,burnished steel,swift defiant cry,harsh hinge grating squeal,coward and sneaky dart,the forest's chaplain mouth agape,the Crowland's birds.The Cardinal bird too is a minstrel trampling minstrels,a gliding treehoppers whereon his scarlet grows and flutes th
e autumn woods........

January 30, 2020
like wildfire his wilderness wiggle.The hunting expedition of the wildebeests,wildboars,wildfowls and freshwater acute widgeons,periwinkles as wildcat wiggings kept his wicket gone wild.And a wrinkling wrinkle out that long jettisoned woods-thither his winepresses and the wineskins,for winebibing,nor memoir of his vixenish scolding and wire-haired terrier adorned his wiggle.How come hazel piped catbirds bold sailor sunlit skydeep tell the seedtime with unseen drifting,in the hazy cry,circling the no thoroughfare of the tidewater.From the south,it flew withered and parched land,sky gleaming burning prairie soil blown in dankgrass saphirebed alone,redflamingos deep horde dark morass.From an evanescence tigerish tilt and a revolving wheel,to tinder emerald's glistening Cochineal's rush,tumbling head through treetop,a monster bee and midget birds that yon stirred marigold on voluble thicket.A flowerfed hummingbird,at golden morn's bleest sun,sheen dewy hot woodbines,chirping in furnace glow of the c
rimson drest.

gallivant.A splurge of spit and polish of split personality,spleened his brownstudy and splendiferous stagestruck.The leaves poked with resplendent shoots of spruces and bright lightning splashed over a glade of dancing ferns and timbrous logs.Wandering when the pine trees condescend to listen to muttering autumn winds,to nuance black poplars with comedy.The clustered tombstones,forlorn reeds and jagged cliffs beneath valley,clouded dimness of the wild violets with the mist's burried cerements.The syrupy standoffish,deadwood's riverie,the speaking waves,skirmishing feet,meadow and woods'hungry roving eyes,rain filled furrows mused as the wolverine wandered off jostling stalks.Soft petals mingled with smoothbean and wrinkled pea,fallen from the appletrees,waterless desert barking hot,coldfreezing antarctic polar bears hibernating,in the hardest winter,'neath snow,drifted long distance on snow,ferrying staples,the earth crumbs to feeding quarters.The Sun's glimmering willows,breeze trembling aspens,ru

at noon,till the perhellion cawed over his boodle.O,wild is the only pebble on his beach!Sobbing seas,nearest and dearest,in the lines of sights,black cormorant on bare branches as if like pleading birds,a wild chaplain beseechs liniments to excrete his excrescence,yea dilletante!Unbowed,he did suffocate his finicky palsy walsy fingerprints to be burnt,let alone a gauchy laze at the exhaustive nature's oddysey.A pedestrian's wondrous chargrin alight in amplitude infinity.How the obese Sun slaps and slides its yolk on the ocean's floor and the trees'cleverly woven sticks sport with divertissimento,birds with melanoma foaming rays.To those who bathed in Euphrates at the sparklest dawn and those nile apologists that built great pyramids,not miserable like the mise-enscenes of the shortsighted longshot,hath grown deep like the rivers,in immortal sun.When the nocturnal rains in the wood,sensual fragrance felt like a melange of leaves and musk where morels evanesced and raptured presence of those chanterelles.....

Carpet and memoirs of the Papaya,Pomengrate and Eucalyptus trees butted by blackbirds,bluebirds,crows,wind's enfanterible juvenile swifts,hebrons and the nightingales,jostling in the coefficient of expansion,pedicured on their coattails,hereditary peers of the wilds,sometimes as the notorious woodpecker woodpecks,the redflamingos,catbirds,some gliders and the pheasants alight on brusselsprouts,papyruses,capgrasses,pampas grasses and heart'seases to collywobble at the elflike peeptom of the peepers,the cougars,wolfs,vultures,hyenas and leonine peculators,cawing and cranking off to palladium,eurythmically cricketing the waves.And lo,ere the cockcrows,the piggy forester's otherworldly,a wildlife pigeonhole,a paleface papoose of the new world,a pigheaded pigiron,a palladin wore his paisley as the wild pigment struck memoirs,not gourmet his parmesan cheese,pappadum and paella,crossing the palisade,from the pedestrian precinct,a pedestrian pedant rose to the woods,to quench opalescent navy
blue thirst.Still piggy..

January 29, 2020
A divisive wall in the bard's vicinage,comme-ilfaut-less cockleshells,across dualcompound,colleens at fisticuff,eavesdroping mellow,earfulglued at simulated dingdong.Dissonances on the distaff side,eardrum modulated frequency coagulated.His tremolo yells,as they divvy up with velocity at dizzyingheight.Let them part like delta!Will they part,to sequestrate pulchritude and celibate?O really!.Hilarious corpus,a comic strip ducked with commissaries of sloths and bunny girls prostituting company manners and composmentis aboard titanic wreckages.Deflowered golden brownies,decommissioned sailors in the saturnalia boat,dyhydrated corpus golden bliss,and defiled it with guttersnipes and street urchins.Delirious dejavu and deleterious delusion,at that deluged farhrenheit,gangsters on corpus mellow.What diaphanous dewdrop of misery bungled by diddling devil-may-care archipelagos whosedibble will not be remorsed even when its dice is cast at diatribes and censure.Let motherhood and genealogy,dinkum childhood dinky dins.
Is n't it quirky,a Siroco blowing from the north to southpoles,a sizzler,a scorcher,sinewy,a sinedie sinecure,and behold,the ubiquity of the skinflick's sinuos blanket,a skulduggery,slaky inferno of the slags and the ilks.At noontide,windowpane slanting,bard on the sofa,ducked in brownstudy,scribbling a doggerel and then a slattern,bumptious virago,she spoke in the second person singular,a dissipated bunghole,somehow slangy and a slap and tickle,slapdashed with volleys of slapsticks,sledging the bard's slice of life.And then the first person singular the sleeky damsel gulled in the cosseted duplex,sometimes as tutelary tut-tuts the turncoat treadle,her oak subsided,at last in the duologue,bunged and fallen on the treadmill's landmine. smothered.Alas,acrobatic bunny girls on the sprout like brusselsprouts,bunkering licentious bunsen burner.Teased by machismos to Burgundy wine,dunced with bibliophiliac frolics,a golden nest of clam and clambake.Clangerdroppers as the cockcrows,cockcrows as the clangerdroppers.
January 27, 2020
Scholars like Henry Ansgar kelly and a host of others believed otherwisethat Chaucer was refering to May 3 instead.And it was a day when a bishop,the Valentine of Genoa died and was commemorated in A.D.307.Writing about the summer in the 'Parliament of fowls',with the lines," St Valentine,that art full high aloft,thus singen,smalle fowles for thy sake".The poem deals with the arrival of summer and early May seems to be ideal day for the best valentine day instead of mid february and it explains again vividly differences in the celebrating periods worldwide.The last evidence that was deduced that adds credence to May 3 theory is that;it was in 1381 that Richard 11 was engaged to Anne of Bohemia and Chaucer possibly wrote the poem the following year to celebrate and mark the anniversary of that great betrothal.We are certainly as mankind great students of history and great custodian of freedom thathistory bestows which we made possible as tireless watchers standing on great walls of freedom to defend freedom.
the first days of May trailingbehind them,their ducklings.Birds'instinct for gathering nesting materials can be noticed even January and depending on how wild the winter is,so they start mating by late February.Nevertheless,February 14,is a probability and May too is right but far too late for the first mating of the year.If Chaucer did write,he did so or was writing under the influence of the Julian calendar and his February 14 was closer to the end of February by the standard of mordern Gregorian calendar.Ordinarily we imbibed valentine from ornithological studies and certainly the ancient or pagans fired the first salvo,from which almost allwestern norms emanated from.They begin courtship and mating quite early in February which is why valentine begins during theperiod in some parts of the world.Some critics have pointed to midfebruary as an unlike time of theyears for birds to mate especially in England.Unlike the general norm in which feb 14 was established as a christian feast day of the saint valentine
However,the differences in the festival dates worldwide can be linked to the birds'mating and courtship period which falls through similar Valentine period.You know the birds courtship takes weeks and startling evidences abound.For instance in New England,USA,when they first gather in the area after migration,depending on the type of birds of both gender,perhaps do not arrive together.Take for instance red winged blackbirds.Besides the Mallards(ducks) that come in pairs having selected patner in the prior fall,they arrive together in February.Mating plummage takes time in some birds to fully reflect,when some feathers colour change to drive attraction.Plummage is in full colour when both sexes are present.They tend to show off their prowess at nestprotection to the females that is when they go through a process of male sparing.This is particularly common with redwinged blackbird and it leads to selection of patners and nest building begins.It begins for Mallards in February when they move in pairs and by the
Did Chaucer popularised by his book 'Canterbury Tales'in the Parliament Of Fowls'ever invent the Valentine day of love and Romance?If not who did and gave the inspiration to mankind?Why did variation to the festival still differs worldwide till date?The Blogger Ibikunle Laniyan explores historical sources and punditry about the literary origin of Valentine to unveil the answers.We strictly borrowed clues from the tapestry of nature's incredible insigts.Enjoy the reading. It is not too unorthodox to be enthused that most of the western values had pagan origin.Certainly,it has an iota of truth and not only the Valentine days of love and romance,but also earlier pagan festivals share similarities in values and contexts with Christmas,Easter and Halloween.According to a thoughtful comments in a blogpost though valentine days all over the world,are not often been celebrated on February 14 as widely acclaimed but there are also startling evidences that it coincided and imbibed values from the bird mating days.
January 25, 2020
glides starry heavens and outwits moonlight to bellyaches darkest hours of the milky way,rippling aside saphired skywater and nebulous cloud,bursting into hysteric laughter when galaxies yelled hypnotised by its confidence game.A pearly peal that lingers on its crooked shrouds of the crouched moon,baked sunlight and revisited coyote's fiasco trips.Nor the salmon's silked skins,a dreamyard prisoner of conscience hardly unzipped.Across the mulberry fields,marker rocks and stones,piled into barns,where the semantics themselves,at the forester's homilectics could not fathom the metalanguages of the wild.'A nature's trip to the laity is hard to discern where the trees tell the posterity unbroken and hallowed,if you listen to the leaves.Who will tell the story when mortals are long gone?It is the leaves,wither or alive'.With one foot on brick tenement and another bannister,the semantics thought him obscene that the trees will tell the fortune and leaves a clairvoyant.Now back to the abode crouching
on burgundy.....
on burgundy.....
melange of the winding ritual passage,riverie of quizzical glandeur,stones'clogged shoes,flies'pricked flaming faces and congested eardrums,earful of the blackest dye,blackberries drawn across blood vein lines,weeds bending paths and cross stick basting slopping thorns to weep with mastery of earthshaking homily,grating voices,slipping tongues and plaintive wail submerged by silence,stale roads,cringing for waiting cities.Behold,the swine nosy parker rivers,tugging banks,cloudy with thunder's rattapallax,somnolent troughs,bland belly sound rocketing and freshet bellyaching.Turgid summer and greenish autumn,cracking indolent hours,with gadabout's oddysey unlike the forester's plough cackling fuzzily borrowed time.With the tambourines,pipes and drums of a minstrel,time will signal rainbow and speak for itself not grovel skeletoned riverbeds and drudgery heaven shore.Still it glides above the grey sky,blue stars and yonder galaxies unknown to the hazy of the imponderables.A gold green gadget of nature's trips...
They with deadend butterball and washrag,debris of graveyard grassland,a drained pipe of eggshell watercolour,washblooded washbowl,nocturnal dreary seahorse,dogwood timepieces,gambol fruitcup earache,the burst seed codgers,featherweed crack and jimson,robed in black anddecker,butterflies,singing birds bramble over ripples wimpled on the rills,sunlight's sparkling lasses and machismos,autumn's splendourous times with sparsely rays to grow zenith slant and slender.Backwoods as greenlight,blooming whitepetals where soft pathways pleats cricket birds,dripping in the nectar,cowdung swooped at defecating abbatoir and cowshed milked and dehorned nigh the suffocating ranch,darting bushpath,and trees'tangles for the giddy walk of speckled grotto,tardier mugginess,of melodic rastamen,bassline for the earth's soft mellow,sniffing alsatian dogs,plying the narrow streams.Clattering of rocky streams,in the tacit embrace of dress down seabed,trees'branches startlin
g with expletives and howls,snotfaced melange of the winding
g with expletives and howls,snotfaced melange of the winding
I wandered as a lonely cloud,when the wolf in darkness howls.Windy birch flagellate with the hilltop's silhouetee.Upon her rabid soul,the sun cast no empathy,in the Darwinian hills and woods,still as the howls junketing at the speed of light,the hunter grit to sword death and swift as the falcon to sword play will not be remorsed by its daisy kicks.Wolves,vultures and foxes too are preys too of higher mammals but not so like lion in the
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